Rate the last game you played

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See, my problem with WA was the choices you could undertake in the storyline. They didn't really go anywhere, I think, and it hurt the narrative as a whole. DOW was better.
I didn't like WA simply because I don't particularly enjoy playing as Imperial Guard (even though I played them in tabletop once upon a time). DC was amazing though.
I like vanilla DOW the best as well, although I play MP almost exclusively (RTS campaigns generally fail to hold my attention).
I like vanilla DOW the best as well, although I play MP almost exclusively (RTS campaigns generally fail to hold my attention).

Same, but the CoH one was very good.
Episode 2 - 10/10...

Awesome, cock-tease of a cliff hanger though.
Orange Box (overall): 10/10

One of the highest quality peices of gaming I own.
I've done nothing but gaming today...

Portal 9/10 (loses a point for not having more maps or more colourful varied maps)
HL2 Ep2 10/10 (just completed this, took me 5:35 and I did it all in one go)
PGR4 10/10 (can't fault it ... stunning graphics, adrenaline-pumping gameplay)
Portal: 11/10
Left me with wanting more. The narrative was stunning, and the mapping was centered closely on having clean evronments... the eerie silence started to get to me near the end.
Ep.2 12/10
The ending left me in tears, to say that much.
Hunters are a bitch to fight, but fun, nonetheless.
Final Strider Fight = made me cheat.
Super Smash Brothers - 9/10
Goldeneye 007 - 10/10
Mario Kart 64 - 8/10
I haven't really played a game in weeks. You guys are making me jealous.

I want to play Portal!
Planescape: Torment - 9/10

I felt really sad after completing this game. I don't know if this is akin to the feeling of finishing a good book and knowing it's over or if it has to do with the ending itself with...

...your character being left to atone for his sins for the better part of eternity. This also entailed that I wouldn't be able to get it on with the tiefling girl. :p
Portal 10/10
The ultimate test of cerebral fitness. Awesome!
TF2 - 8/10

Really fun to play, exellent to play if bored. I LOOOOVE the sniper, pulled of some insane shots xD
The Orange Box - 9/10 (so far)

Episode One: Wasn't too much of a fan of the Citadel - lots of the same corridor repeated over and over but with some fantastic effects and commentary from Alyx. I was hoping I'd enjoy Lowlife a bit more but it just felt a bit run n' gun, but overall it's awesome to be finally getting my hands on the next step in the plot and I look forward to continuing. The graphics, facial animations and voice acting in general is just suburb, and that's saying something considering I thought it was brilliant in HL2.

Portal: Only played for 15 minutes but overall quite fun. Love the drop/flying puzzles, but I dislike the getting in an elevator and having to wait to get to a new room.

Team Fortress 2: Only played for about 10 but I was grinning throughout. Only did a small 3 v 3 game but it was class! Loving the Pyro - all you gotta do is circle around the enemy then fall back when they ignite. Quite enjoyed played as the Demoman too and I can see him being used a lot. Scout speed + baseball bat = satisfaction.
you didnt get ep1 when it was released antipop?

i'm currently replaying hl2 atm.
TF2 10/10

With about half of this website I might add :D
you didnt get ep1 when it was released antipop?

i'm currently replaying hl2 atm.

Nope, not got the PC to do it. Kind of glad really because it means the Orange Box is that extra bit worth it, although it's worth it completly anyway. I'm utterly shocked by the price - 45 quid for 5 top quality games is really impressive. I'd be willing to throw in more money if I had it, just because so far it's all totally worth it.
Hellgate: London 2/10

This is the worst piece of trash I have played in some time (and I played CoD4 yesterday); I can't believe it's made by the same people responsable for Diablo.
Doom 3 Resurrection of Evil - 8.5\10
Really fun compared to the original doom 3, the new weapons add a bit and also that artifact.
Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts - 0/10

Well after a long service of exellent gameplay, they have finally ****ed me over. I go to install the latest 1000mb patch, takes ages, failure in the patching process. So I find out that if Company of Heroes is installed, Opposing Front will let you play as those armies, as well as the new ones. Brought it for 30 quid, installed, a patch for that, another failure in the patching process. So I think sod it, ill just play the single player games then, but no you have to log in to do that, and to log in you need to download the patch that doesn't work.

Thanks a sodding bunch THQ :/
Team Fortress 2 11/10

Best online fun I had since ... BF2 probably. I can see myself playing this game for a very loooong time. It's funny how maps always play out differently. All the classes are fun to play, as are all (well, all .... it is only 6) the maps. That's basically my only gripe: there should have been more maps.
Tony Hawk's Proving Grounds - 6/10

Lol ragdolls. The same retread as THP8. Series has been sucking something fierce since they rolled out THUG.

Tony Hawk's Proving Grounds - 6/10

Lol ragdolls. The same retread as THP8. Series has been sucking something fierce since they rolled out THUG.


Skate is the wave of the future.
Portal - 9/10 - GLaDOS.


Team Fortress 2 - 9/10 -
Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts (patch) - 5/10

Pros: New sides are great.

Cons: I can't play them.

How ****ing imbalanced can you goddamn get?
Orange Box - 10/10 Shit how is it not perfect!
COD - 6.8/10 Cant get anymore MEH then this
Condemned: Criminal Origins - 8.5/10

I honestly do not see why people think this game is scary, I just beat it today, and the only time I was scared (was a cheap scare, btw), was when one of those fast guys jumped out of a book-shelf in the library basement.. The combat is too much fun to be scared, in most games you hear a guy knock a paint-can off of a shelf from behind you and think 'oh shit, someone is near me! Help' but since I love the combat so much I think 'YES! ASS KICKING TIME!'. It's so much fun, and not scary if you like the combat scheme. I can't wait for Condemned 2: Bloodshot.

Favorite weapon for me is the Rebar with Concrete. It's like a f*cking mace! Guns suck, btw. Only used each gun once, when I first saw them. I don't like them for this game.. I'd honestly rather beat a guy down with a gun then shoot them.

I still don't understand the story, though.
What's with the demons and stuff? Is he a demon now, according to the ending?
Guess it'll be explained in #2
portal 9/10 ..havent finished

tf2 ..8.5/10 - havent played enough
upgrade my initial TF2 score from 8.5 to 9 .it's fun, a little repetative and at the same time sorta frustrating as you spend an inordinate amount of time waiting to respawn ..it's just that fast gameplay wise ..or I just suck
last 5 games:
HL2: 9.5
HL1: 9
Portal: 10000000/10
Ratchet and Clank: 9.7
Ratchet and Clank 2: 9.999
Half Life 2 EP2 - 9/10 Valve knows how to entertain people.

Bioshock - 8/10 A really good shooter, that however got a bit too advanced with controls and functions from time to time. Bugged ragdoll-movements and other minor things removed 1/10 points.

The Fall of Man: Resistance (PS3)- 6/10 I really want to like these games because they are new in certain ways, but I just can't and never will be able to enjoy a FPS on console. It takes the fun out of everything when you have to spend 20+ seconds aiming at something far away that hasn't seen you yet, standing very still. Joysticks are for girls or non-FPS games. Period.

Motorstorm (PS3) 7/10 - Really entertaining from time to time, with splendid graphics and audio. Although, after finishing the game, it felt like something was missing. I was constantly waiting for something to happen, perhaps being able to make your own car, drive these stunt-races like they actually show in the videos during the game sometimes. I had fun playing it, but after about 4x15 races in different weatherconditions, same 4-5 maps randomizing, I can't help but wish for something new.
Clive Barker's Jericho - 4/10
What in the **** did I just play?

TimeShift - 6/10
Very pretty meh yes, but decent enough to give a quick shot.
Well, not exactly. It's not that it sucks. It's just hard for me to really enjoy it, and the story is very simplistic and sometimes downright wtf, along with no real character interaction or development, which to me really hurts a game's enjoyability.

Of course it IS a bloody-gory shooter so hey bump it up to a 7?
Tony Hawk's Proving Grounds - 6/10

Lol ragdolls. The same retread as THP8. Series has been sucking something fierce since they rolled out THUG.


Series started going downhill after the first two games IMO, but 3 and 4 were good. Everything after that = total shit.
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