Rate the last game you played

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Bioshock 9/10-Awesome but repetitive and kind of got me bored quickly
Fear: Extraction point 6/10

Just completed this....what a shit ending! and a bit boring in parts. Was anyone else really confused by the storyline?
Halo 3 (multiplayer only)

6/10.... only because I just can't get into halo anymore, the first game was a gem, the second ruined it, then I played half life 2 and no other FPS has been the same since.
Halo 3 (multiplayer only)

6/10.... only because I just can't get into halo anymore, the first game was a gem, the second ruined it, then I played half life 2 and no other FPS has been the same since.

This is what I like to hear. :cheers:
Deus Ex: Invisible War

I keep saying its not bad AND NOBODY BELIEVES ME!
Medal of Honor: Allied Assault - 9/10

Still a genre classic, play it on hard mode and you are greeted with some of the most fiercest and intense gunfights encountered on a game. The D-Day landing level is one of the great set-piece scenerios ever created for an FPS, and the Sniper Town level is out of this world. Graphics are now pretty dated though.
Halo 3

SP - 7/10

MP - 9/10

This game has it's share of lols and woah wtf awesomes. Also some gays.
Melty Blood: REACT (Final Tuned)


Awesomness. This is one fighting game where button mashing doesn't work, and you need skill to win, especially against other players. <3 Len.
Quake 4 - 8/10
Quake Wars - 9/10
Sega Rally - 7/10
Hitman Blood Money 9/10
Bioshock 9/10
TF2 - 9.5/10

Every time the Heavy smiles and starts laughing, I can't help but smile. Not only is the art direction incredible, but all the details are amazing too. A very finely crafted game. Oh, and it doesn't hurt that it's fun as hell to play. I just wish I had more time to do so.
This repost but I just want to give the rating:

I played a split screen 1 vs. 1 with my cousin yesterday and to be quite honest, I wasn't impressed at all. The graphics are good but nothing to drool about.

Gameplay wise, I got bored within' the first hour. All in all, fairly boring experience.
This was just a minor 1 vs. 1 mind you, not single player.

Halo 3 - 6/10 = mediocrity
You like it Sulk. I got da pwoof.
It's true, damn you.
Halo 3 (multiplayer only)

6/10.... only because I just can't get into halo anymore, the first game was a gem, the second ruined it, then I played half life 2 and no other FPS has been the same since.

I aggree in spades...

Played a bit of Halo 3 MP on the weekend - 7/10
Just saw no skill in it at all, the kinda stuff you did in Quake Multi, but with a console and shiny graphics.

On the other hand.

TF2 - 9/10
Great Scot! No that I've played each class for a while, I have to say its amazing... Even to the point that it handles ping very well - 300 no lagging or glitches.
The opposite happened to me. Completely addicted to TF2, then Halo 3 came out and I haven't been back.

Other than some visual similarities, Halo 3 shares vary little in common with Quake. I love the huge emphasis on melee and grenades, the slower pace and focus on teamplay, the new equipment, the radar and the vehicles. The number of gametypes stops things getting dull and being able to tweak everything in the Forge only adds to the variety. One round we'll be playing ctf, the next rocket race, or rocket baseball with hammers, or VIP, or ..... Slayer Duel, which is just like 2 vs 2 Golden Eye :)

The multiplayer portion of Halo 3 deserves a solid 9/10 all on its own.
Crysis: 7/10

From what I've played, it's not really much to write home about, but it's not bad; maybe the retail version will be better.
Counter-Strike Source- 9/10
Very awesome, but i feel that there is something missing, but i dont know what.

Man, I know what's missing. Death Matches more often built into the game and large maps with Vehicles. Shit, you can run fast with a knife. But you can go faster in an SUV packed with Terrorists WITH knifes out!

Halo [email protected]/10

Multiplayer=pure winsauce.

Single Player=story that compels you and brutes like prunes.

Forge=kinda like a cheap Gmod!

Rainbow Six Vegas=9.8/10

It was just great to take cover and feel immersed in the action along with some of the most realistic weapon models I have EVER seen in my life (besides Doom 1)

And finally...


No DX11?!?!? SHAME ON YOU.
TF2 = 9/10
HL2 = 9/10
Crysis = 6/10 (seemed like graphics were the only "awesome" part about it, shame I could only run it on medium which looked worse than what I can run HL2 at and no physics for DX9 servers? That's BS)
Wii Mortal Kombat = 8/10 (fuuuuuuuuun multiplayer)
Worms World Party = 9/10
Making History = 8/10
Halo 3 - 7/10

Finished the campaign this morning in an attempt to purge last night from memory. Halo 3 started off solid with great action and good pacing.

Somewhere along the way it declined. I didn't care much for the mission where you had to retrieve Cortana, or for the almost exact same last section from the original Halo. It all just kind of fell apart towards the end. I think I'll always like the campaign, at least up until the Ark.

I haven't really played MP to be honest, but it's pretty pointless to add it to the rating anyway.
Marc Ecko's Getting Up (PC) - 6.8/10...
Interesting concept, god AWFUL controls and a ****ing annoying camera.
This is probably better played on consoles, but they could've did just as good on the PC if they actually put effort into it.
Mario Kart 64 - 10/10

That game is eleven years old now. And I still love it.
Half-Life 2: 7/10
Half-Life 2 Ep 1: 8/10

Hehehe and yes, I just got around to completely both games :p
Ninja Gaiden (PS3): 11/10

What a phenomenal game. This is by far and wide the best title on the PS3 thus far. Challenging, beautiful, and the gameplay is some of the best I've ever experienced.
Halo 3 - 7/10

Finished the campaign this morning in an attempt to purge last night from memory. Halo 3 started off solid with great action and good pacing.

Somewhere along the way it declined. I didn't care much for the mission where you had to retrieve Cortana, or for the almost exact same last section from the original Halo. It all just kind of fell apart towards the end. I think I'll always like the campaign, at least up until the Ark.

I haven't really played MP to be honest, but it's pretty pointless to add it to the rating anyway.

I've played the MP and i finished the game today on Heroic and i agree with you.

In the end i felt Halo 3 was just an incredibly average FPS by today's standards. The game didn't do anything new, it still had quite a few of the pitfalls that the original Halo had and worst of all, the story simply sucked. I wanted to care about what was going on after finishing the first game for the umpteenth time a few weeks ago, and being surprisingly immersed by that. But Halo 3 simply couldn't hold my attention at all. It was the same gameplay formula that they used for since Halo and its shine has dulled and the story told was mediocre and poorly done.

The MP is fun, but its pretty much Halo 2.5 when it comes to the multiplayer. Nothing new, more of the same, not a bad thing at all. Still doesn't excuse the single-player though.

Also, i felt the game was easier than Halo 2 for some reason.

Halo 3 is quite alot easier than Halo and Halo 2 on Legendary. Heroic is closer to the oringals normal setting. As always, things get alot more interesting the harder you make it.

Not that anyone here will be suprised, but I love the Halo 3 campaign. The new equipment opens up a whole host of tactical options and the brutes, while far easier to kill than elites, make for a nice change of pace. Most importantly, there's a huge scope for trying new things and most encounters can vary greatly if you're prepared to experiement (something you will have to do if you want to get far in the 'meta-game' - which is ****ing awesome, more on that later). My only gripes being that weapon balance, while better than Halo 2, isn't as refined as the original - it's possible to run through the game with a battle rifle - and that the second to last level was a bit of a chore.

After the disappointment that was the Halo 2 campaign I really couldn't be more surprised or pleased with Halo 3. It doesn't herd you through the game or discourage experimenting, infact there's more variety than ever before. I love the voice work - the Brutes announcing when they've found or lost you is a nice, gameplay improving touch - and was continuously impressed by the vehicle sections - which really make up for how awful they were in no. 2. Initially I was annoyed by how much easier the game was, untill I discovered the campaign scoring 'meta-game'.

I hate to think about all the posts i've written about Halo and what sets it aside from other fps. It's never been about simply beating the game - what makes Halo great is the huge learning curve it offers (something I don't find in other single player shooters) and how with practise you can own in situations that before seemed impossible. Now with the meta-game we get recognition for making the game our bitch. The harder the setting, the quicker you complete a level, not dying, the better you play and the more skulls you use to make the game harder (and it can be made very hard) all increase your final score. At the very least I can now point my finger at something and say that if the prospect of the meta-game doesn't make you giddy with excitement, you've missed virtually everything I love about Halo in single player.

Online co-op is great fun and also improved greatly by campaign scoring (no longer simply an easy and fun throw away experience), the theatre mode is very cool and, thanks largely to the forge mode, multiplayer is better than ever. Last night I played a variation on Infection with a bunch of friends that was hands down the most laugh out loud and enjoyable gaming experience i've had online.

I honestly haven't enjoyed a fps as much as this in years. Each element of the game would have got a solid 9/10 for me, but combined and with campaign scoring, forge and theatre modes, it's elivated it to a 10 :cheers:
lol, prepare for shitstorm of angry Halo 3 fans :)

Conan demo 7/10 ..repetative but brutal combat was pretty satisfying ..cutting someone in half or body slamming someone is tons of fun

Crackdown demo: tons of fun, hoping the super powers will be more than just jump high, pick up really heavy stuff ..will be buying it when get a chance

Gears of War: fun intense but a little too ..uncomplicated ..I mean mashing button a to pull off a series of complex moves seems a little too much like the developers think we're stupid and wouldnt want to do those moves manually ..this context sensitive action thingy is getting way too overused
I'm kinda in between two games at the moment.

Forza 2 - 9/10. This game is such an awesome racing game, better than all previous GT's tbh, though GT5 will force me to buy a PS3.

Bioshock (360) - 9.5/10. The last time a FPS made me just want to keep on playing and playing was 98/99 ish when half life came out. Heard many bugs with this game on PC, and my PC would simply run it shit anyway so i got it on my 360 and it runs a charm, also looks pretty darn good in HD.
Space Rangers 2: 9/10

Very, very good game. Its difficult to classify it as a space sim due to all the genre variant added to it (RTS, Text Adventure, Arcade Shooter). There is just so much stuff to do that I doubt ill ever finish it. My one gripe is it takes a long time to become powerful.
CS:S - 7/10
Fun as hell, lacking a bit though.

Tekken Tag - 8/10
It might just be Rock Paper Scissors, but it's still fun as shit.
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