Rate the last game you played

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Metroid Prime 3: 9/10

Really well done, fantastic level design, perfect controls, and great graphics. Definitely in the top 5 best Wii games.
Rainbow 6: leaving Las Vegas (or something or other)

hey look it's Ghost recon but in da city


replaying Marvel Ultimate Alliance on the first xbox: 9/10 ..addictive fun
Sam & Max: Season 1

8.5/10 - Not perfect, but funny, well written, the graphical style fits the game perfectly and brings back oh so many nostalgic memories. I will definetly be getting season 2 and highly recommend Season 1 to any adventure game fan.
skate.: 8/10

Fun. And that's what games are about.
Two Worlds:

After an hour of team killing, get team killed, and blatantly exploiting the game,
I nearly punched myself in the chest for being such a dolt and getting this game
because I thought the MP would be like Oblivion, but with real people.

However this games single player turned out to be pretty decent,
the world is enormous, possibly larger than Oblivions,
it looks fantastic (despite the animations and voice acting) and overall is pretty entertaining.

I was going to give this a 4/10 but they released the 1.6 patch,
that fixed a lot of problems with the game, including the MP, which still sucks.

Bioshock - 9/10

Played through again, hard mode. Brilliant. I sank into it and let it absorb me again, and with the added difficulty (granted not that much added difficulty) it was more of a tactical game in the earlier areas.

Awesome round up - Fort Frolic and the Enrage plasmid.
Eternal Sonata - 8/10

Basically its Final Fantasy with better graphics and a better combat system, but for the 360.

Its quite cheesy and a bit girly and 'heart warming', but its core is just like FF so its fun, just not as 'macho'.

Graphically i think its stunning. Looks alot like the style used in TF2, that drawn style they used.
Call of Duty 4 - 9.5/10

Just finished the SP campaign, it was pretty good. You have to take breaks in playng, because you'll get bored after 2 or more hours (same can be said for any military based shooter). I've only played alittle bit of the multiplayer part, so I'll give a go on that expect for the fact I've been addictied to TF2. Also D: for Captain Price. :(
Hmmm I don't why, for what reason but I only finished ep2 once, frankly I had no interest in replaying it again.

HL3 can't come quick enough for me i guess
You played it on hard and cleared all Achievements I assume? :p
I have been playing Zelda: Phantom Hourglass lately, as I am going along i'm trying to gather/complete everything.

10/10 gameplay is addicting and rewarding, it also uses the DS touch and mic the best i've seen personally.
deus ex 10/10 my second fav game of all time. It's so good :D

deus ex invisible war 6/10 not bad in itself but a travesty compared to the first
Call of Duty 4 - 9/10

The friendly AI lost this game a point; utterly useless, except for when they die and you can pick up some extra ammo, other than that, they never covered me, never moved up on their own, and I didn't see a single one of them kill an enemy soldier except for Captain Irish Guy in the flashback sequence.
I didn't know Captain Price was a TF2 character? "I am Captain Irish Guy, and my mustache is my weapon!"

Seriously though Captain Price I believe is British, not Irish.
I think he was talking about McMillan, who I believe was actually scottish.
Aliens versus Predator 2 - 9/10

Aliens and Predators are brutally fun when you can literally tear limbs off. Loses one point because I can't see a God damned thing in the dark unless I have the Marine (flares ftw). Game is rightly freaky and gory. I can not believe I missed it on release, have yet to give MP a try though.
I didn't know Captain Price was a TF2 character? "I am Captain Irish Guy, and my mustache is my weapon!"

Seriously though Captain Price I believe is British, not Irish.

I thought it was funny how he has the same face as Captain Price in call of duty 2, but there's no mention of how silly and outdated his choice of facial hair is in modern times.
Doom 3


How can people say that? Doom 3 is not a horror game it uses incredibly cheap tactics to make you jump every now and then that's it. Cheap scare tactics alone does not make a good horror game. Go back to Silent Hill.
Mass effect.

9/10, misses out on ten because the UNC missions are boring and you can't go to Earth.
Multiplayer is the best i've played in one hell of a long time, but the story was just too short. Made up for it with the amazing graphics considering its on the 360, and has a great frame rate. No online lag, great sniping and recon missions, great levelling system (if a bit flawed, prestige is pointless) but yes.
Can you guess what it is yet?

Call Of Duty 4
Doom 3


How is it scary? It's full of cheap, crappy BOO moments. It's dumb, unsophisticated horror. I lol'd hard when a body is thrown at you in a vent, and the mad scientist starts cackling. Seriously, who made this shit.
HL2: Episode One (Lowlife)

This is a fantastic level, granted you play it between intervals of weeks or months. It feels quite short compared to say, Ravenholm, but I still love if only for it's setting. The town of Ravenholm was nice but cliche for a horror aspect, whereas the dank underside of the city felt perfect.

The lift scene at the end of the level will always be a pretty freightening area of the game if only for how quiet and empty the place is... until you're flashlight goes out for the first time. I leapt out of my seat when I turned it back on to find a zombie with it's arms raised for attack standing right in front of me.
Doom 3


Call of Duty 4-10/10

All around good gameplay,and the ending is just as epic as Half Life 2 Ep. 2
Plus,the multiplayer is pure win,unlike Halo where you play for no reason,CoD4 has a ranking system,where,kills earn points,which help your rank,certain ranks mean new guns,and,each gun comes with a set of challenges which earn many points
About the Doom 3 - Cheap boo moments still make you scared.. You don't want any more to happen, so you creep around corners slowly, same as if you were normally scared.. It's not a crap game, it's actually a good mindless shooter.. I liked it better then shitty F.E.A.R...

As for the thread:

Rock Band - 9.5/10

I know before I said it was an expensive waste of money, but I went over to a friends today, and it is FUN. The guitar strum thing doesn't make an obnoxious clicking noise, it's quiet as can be, but that's countered by the people singing, and the people beating on the drums.. Drums are GOD DAMN fun, by the way.. It takes a while to get used to them, though.. Especially the kicker.

The only reason I gave 9.5 because of the songs.. I realize it's hard to pick a song good for guitar, bass, drums, and singing, but they should've picked some more well known ones.. That said, Tom Sawyer and Run to the Hills - FAN-FREAKING-TASTIC.
Kane and Lynch - xbox360 7/10

it's actually pretty good ..at least in co-op it's a lot of fun ..they kind of ramped up the difficulty level to make it seem like the game isnt terribly short but besides that and a few design decisions it's pretty enjoyable ..more cinematic than the majority of these types of games

also Justice League Heroes - xbox 6/10 ..but playing with my son (his first real video game) = 12/10

"look daddy Superman is lying down"

"he's just resting""
C & C 3 - Very good game, good story, graphics, even if the acting is a bit tacky


Best strat game played since W3, AOE 2, C&C original
Turok (XBL demo) - Halo with dinosaurs/10

Add in horrible control, horrible lag, and horrible "characters" (I'm being charitable even calling them that) and this is looking like one remake to avoid like hot meteor death.
Dont you ****ing diss Turok. That game kicks more ass than jesus.
Crysis - 7/10

Now that i finally have a high framerate, i can enjoy it.

AI is awful though, and it feels like they spent too much time making it look like the best game ever (which it probably is, especially during a sunset, OMG). Shame really.

End battle is pretty damn epic i must admit.

Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne - 100/10

STILL the best strategy game ever i think, just awesome in every way.
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