Rate the last game you played

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TimeShift - 7.5/10

Excellent graphics running on a really well optimised engine, loved the way when you froze time, the indivdual rain drops would freeze too and you could move in and out of them or if you froze time and you could walk on water.
With some nice meaty weapons and fun quad bike sections there is a little variety in the game but the real star is the time powers (I love stealing peoples weapons when they are frozen, then them realising they have lost it and giving up).

The things which stops it getting an 8/10 is the rather poor final level,
which is just the first level again in a slightly different way, even the enemy placement is the same
and the lack of a decent finish to the game, which ends without a real resolution. Also, no real boss fight, which was a little sucky.

Good game overall though and extremely underrated.
Call of Duty 4 - 10/10

This has just been the most awesome single player I have ever played!
Texas Hold 'Em with a 9 year old - 2/10...

My girl forced me to play with her little brother... dear God.

I spent 2+ hours trying to explain a card game to a kid with ADHD. :|
Texas Hold 'Em with a 9 year old - 2/10...

My girl forced me to play with her little brother... dear God.

I spent 2+ hours trying to explain a card game to a kid with ADHD. :|

LOOL *huggles.
Crysis - 7/10

Very good until the Core level. After that it just goes downhill. But I'm raising the score because the snow is so ****ing beautiful. I'm being very nice too, I'm not counting the countless bugs I found in the disappointing final battle. I had this very serious bug too.
Tac cannon would NOT lock on target no matter what I did, but after playing through it several times it worked -.-
Rez HD - 11/10

If you have a 360, buy it. If you don't, buy a 360 and then buy it. If you have a beefy av setup, this will show it off like no other game. Rez will wrap you up in coton wool untill you melt into a puddle of joy :)
Burnout Paradise - 6.5/10

Anyone else notice what I did? The open map. The repetitive objectives. The at-first exhilarating gameplay which soon runs it's course. The over-reliance on free-roaming and exploration. The map system which - while handy - becomes a major crutch. Even right down to the needless collectables...

It's Assassin's Creed with cars. Seriously. :|

This from someone who greatly enjoyed Burnout Revenge before it, and still considers Burnout 3 their favourite racer ever, and I didn't even play it for the full 2 day rental. Mark me dissapointed.

Rez HD - ?/10

I really can't decide what I think of this game yet. I think I need to play it when it's not 2am and I don't need to worry about waking the neighbours. :D
Unreal Gold

A game that was littered with brilliant moments, but ultimately let down by it's strict adherence to FPS conventions of the day. I'll still keep it on my HD just to play around with UnrealEd. The game engine is beautiful!
Burnout Paradise - 6.5/10

Anyone else notice what I did? The open map. The repetitive objectives. The at-first exhilarating gameplay which soon runs it's course. The over-reliance on free-roaming and exploration. The map system which - while handy - becomes a major crutch. Even right down to the needless collectables...

It's Assassin's Creed with cars. Seriously. :|

This from someone who greatly enjoyed Burnout Revenge before it, and still considers Burnout 3 their favourite racer ever, and I didn't even play it for the full 2 day rental. Mark me dissapointed.

Same. It's a fun game, but dear God, what happened to old Burnout, my favorite racer of all time?
Carnivores - 8.6/10...

Probably the best dinosaur game ever.
Super Paper Mario
I only played about an hour of this but I want ****ing more! Awesome in so many ways. I love the dialogue, especially when the guardian of the second pure heart started malfunctioning.

Resident Evil 4
A very good game overall but the ending came about quite suddenly and rather sucked. The dialogue is also complete crap. It's a good action game though and I highly recomend it.
Super Mario Galaxy 242 stars/10

Pretty awesome, but I felt like there was a potential for a lot more cool levels
Same. It's a fun game, but dear God, what happened to old Burnout, my favorite racer of all time?
Yeah, I couldn't help feel that way somehow. The classic Burnout gameplay is still more-or-less intact, expanded in some areas and simplified in others, but it just has so much less impact now. They were obviously trying to give the game a great sense of flow, but there's so many things that break that up. The map, the incessant crash-cam, the lack of restarting (seriously, why?). The city itself wasn't all that streamlined either, kind of awkward to manoeuvre in parts, and the grid-based approach is a great way to familiarise yourself with Mr. Wall. I really don't think this was a game that was ready to go open world. Or if it did, it should've done it more like NFS: Most Wanted and actually made some tracks out of the city - that was a perfect way of doing it for that series as you could take or leave the open world stuff (which was also great for cop chases, something Burnout really should've picked up by now :D).

Also -

Rez HD (again) - 8/10

Just passed the fifth area. Loved it, but still didn't have as great an impact on me as I thought it would. Maybe I'm just a bit too jaded to really enjoy it to the fullest, but I still thought it was great, and a totally unique experience. At the very least it was well worth my buck, even considering the length.
Ricochet: Infinity 8/10

The game is a great little breakout clone. So for it is my favorite clone,
it has the most variation and content. And it provided my with hours of
quality gameplay. It works well is not bugged, has forgiving save features,
light on the machine. It's not anything groundbreaking or really unique so
it doesn't deserve anything above 8/10 imo. But I suggest you check it out
for some unadulterated fun.

Another good breakout clone is break quest.
I have actually no idea what "unadulterated" means, but it sounded fancy
and I thought it would elevate my review above the average prolet scribble.
Wild9 - 0/10...

Was looking through bins of old PS1 games at Gamestop and found this.
It sounded promising enough... torturing enemies with a gravgun-esque device...

But good God the controls suck beyond belief and the character gets stuck in walls so damn easily it's impossible to play.
Crysis - 10/10. This game was epic beyond belief. The graphics were second to none and the gunplay was awesome.
Conflict: Denied Ops - FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK/10

Words cannot describe how ****ing horrible this game is. It took a decent series and turned it into a storm of horse vaginas. A stereotypical hardcore black guy and a middle aged "redneck". F*ck me.

Lost Odyssey - 7/10

Meh. Very much overhyped.
Stalker - 5/10

Meh, played for an hour and had to do something else, I just dont have that staying power anymore, it must pull in from the start if there is anychance of me playing through it fully.
Raibow Six Vegas 7.5/10

Solid game with some good squad dynamics with some pretty enviroments.

The end came like a kick in the teeth though.
Penumbra Overture: 7.5/10

Great gameplay, very scary atmosphere and puzzles that made sense. However, the combat blew hard and any difficulty above easy involved me getting destroyed by multiple dogs. Also, graphics sucked.

Penumbra Black Plague: 9/10

Great gameplay, atmosphere and puzzles as before, but thankfully they left out the combat, which makes it seem far more survival-horror. Also, the story was way better than the first one, its a shame they had to cram two games worth of content into one. Graphics still sucked.

Overture is still the only game in which there is a scene where I actually was so gripped by fear that I literally could not move for five minutes.
How you can say the graphics in Penumbra suck is beyond me.

They're identical to Doom 3/Quake 4/Prey! And all 3 of those have fantastic graphics.

Call of Duty 4 Multiplayer - 9/10...

Minus one point for those ****ing helicopters and tiny maps.
COD4 - Muliplayer - 9/10

Just one of the best FPS MP experiences, and the challenges and unlockable weapons make it so much more addictive.

Minus a point for too many small maps, i mean that map with the containers, wtf were they thinking. 30-40 people on that map is just carnage.
COD4 SP - 9/10

-1 for ending too quickly. otherwise its seriously amazing. I don't know why people are complaining about the ending though (ZP for instance)...for me its really good. Hit me as hard as the EP2 ending. The epilogue, while fun ended up looking a bit pointless. Come on at least they could have shown whether

Gaz, Price or even Soap survived. Would have been seriously awesome if after rescuing the VIP, the team would unmask... and one turns out to be Price... sigh
The only thing I dont like about CoD 4 is the the choppers and to a lesser extent, the airstrikes. However, its so funny when you can use them, everytime I play bog, I know the perfect sniping spots, take out rows of men, airstrike a condensed area, get another and so on. Im usually just sitting back in spawn airstriking the **** out of the other team, its so amusing. But then it happens to you and its really isn't.
I don't have mamy problems with airstrikes. In fact, playing regular Team Deathmatch after many games of Hardcore Team Deathmatch makes them seem puny. They're something to be afraid of in Hardcore but they never bother me much in regular.
COD4 Multiplayer - 9/10

Stupid Air strikes and Chopper
Still playing Grim Fandango at the moment so I can rate that: 10/10. I'm so glad I found the disks again; I've not played the game for about nine months or so.
COD4 SP - 9/10

-1 for ending too quickly. otherwise its seriously amazing. I don't know why people are complaining about the ending though (ZP for instance)...for me its really good. Hit me as hard as the EP2 ending. The epilogue, while fun ended up looking a bit pointless. Come on at least they could have shown whether

Gaz, Price or even Soap survived. Would have been seriously awesome if after rescuing the VIP, the team would unmask... and one turns out to be Price... sigh

I thought the ending of the single player of COD4 was very powerful...especially as....

You`d spent the game building up some idea of the these guys personalities and actually getting rather fond of them.
How you can say the graphics in Penumbra suck is beyond me.

They're identical to Doom 3/Quake 4/Prey! And all 3 of those have fantastic graphics.
Everything in Doom 3 and Quake 4 looks like it's made out of plastic.
Crysis 9/10
great, some bugs,
Half life 2 ep 2 10/10
Portal 7/10
Too short but its okay...
Starwars jedi outcast 9/10
this is my list :)
How you can say the graphics in Penumbra suck is beyond me.

They're identical to Doom 3/Quake 4/Prey! And all 3 of those have fantastic graphics.

To be fair, the games you described are a few years old, especially Doom 3. I should say that some aspects of Penumbras graphics are not bad. The lighting was very good, and the physics of course had to be good in order for the game to succeed. However, compared to games nowadays, the low poly models were not very good (yeah, I am aware the dev team is only 3 people or something, but it does not mean that the graphics cannot be considered sub-par).
Portal - 10/10

I'm pissing through Portal with unbelievable ease these days, just hoovering up a few achievements before I tackle the remaining advanced and challenge maps.

Portal is aw/ /esome!
Cold Fear 4/10- fun but camera angles arent what i would call friendly, plus laser sights suck, crosshairs would clean some of that up, somewhat decent past that, liked the idea of the enemy in this, played about a third of it.

Penumbra Ep 1 8/10- loved the beginning of this so much i started downloading the other chapter about when i entered that store room in the mines, I actually stopped playing after entering the mines due to being spooked, which is a first playing games, this game is amazingly atmospheric.

Music is very good. Setting is at first amazingly creepy, but the new areas took from that. Combat is ridiculous and almost bothered me, the enemies are too fast and to top it off, stupid. Giant spiders and dogs and stuff like that mostly. Good puzzles, fun complexity
Metroid Prime: 8/10

Awesome gameplay, but it is easy to get lost. You really need a map.

Wait, there is a map, it just doesn't work well.

Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast (console enabled): 9/10 Superb game without the console, great with. Bottomless pits are common, and a combination of force grip and push work similar to the organic gravity-gun. Screams and ensuing splats are amusing. Along with saberrealisticcombat, dismemberments heh heh heh.
Wizardry 8


True, it has it's share of bugs. And is unfinished and unpolished, due to the funding being cut before the development finished. Graphics are average (creature textures are awesome, though). You have to walk long distances everywhere. Battles are unbearably long, even for a turn-based game. The journal is pretty much nonexistent. There are also numerous other bugs and flaws.

What wins is the sheer mass of content in the game, beginning with a robust character generator (races alone count some eleven possibilites, with an equal amount of classes), Sir-Tech's trademark "****ing amazing" voiceovers and... general awesome. This game is awesome.


Burnout Paradise - 9/10

Typical burnout 'omfg how im going this fast and maintaining control!?' adrenaline of a game. Neat Sandbox, makes me want GTA4 really badly for some reason. Some awesome tracks to race along to. Original way of starting events, pulling up at traffic lights and wheel spinning is just a cool idea.

Missing a point due to the navigation, youre just going TOO fast in some places to even SEE the turning you need to take, and if you miss it, you have to sit looking at the map, mid-race, thinking 'how the hell do i get from x to y now without turning around??'

Worth the buy though, if you loved revenge, youll love Paradise. Oh and crashing never gets boring.
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