Rate the last game you played

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Dont you ****ing diss Turok. That game kicks more ass than jesus.

The N64 Turok games = the shit.

Audiosurf - 8/10

Terribly fun and addictive, but I also feel like it could be better.
Lost Planet-8/10

I enjoy fighting Akrids, and the machines are awesome, but the soldiers need some work.
Call of duty 4 - 9/10
single player short but very intense and immersive. multiplayer is awesome.

Counter strike: source - 8/10
very fun but also very repetitive. needs something new after all these years.

Half-life 2 - 9.5/10
Awesome story line and great AI. Loved it.

I`d heard really bad things about this, about how it was glitchy to the point of being unplayable and how crap the story etc was.

I have to say, those people were full of shit, ran smooth as silk on my PC, no crashes, some nice graphics and some old school gameplay.

The atmosphere at some points reminded me of HL2

Great game.
Crap game.

Thief Deadly Shadows 9/10

I know i'm late for this but I just got it for ?2 at my local gamestation and I am loving it :D
Thanks :D

I'm also looking to get thief 1 and 2 as I found a double pack on ebay for about ?4 :)
LOTR Online: 9/10

I really dont care what people think about this game, but I loved every bit of the 7days I played. Everything from the awesome environments to the chilling soundtrack. The only thing thats stoping me from getting it is the monthly fee. If it used the same payment system as guildwars, i'd pick it up in an instant.
Dead Rising-7/10
good game, but hard, takes way to long, loved the you don't need to do anything but take pictures and live gameplay.
also, save points are hard to find.
Dead Rising-7/10
good game, but hard, takes way to long, loved the you don't need to do anything but take pictures and live gameplay.
also, save points are hard to find.

I gave up on that game. After the initial zombie killing novelty wore off it got stupidly hard too quick.

I may get it for the PC if that rumoured version ever see`s release.
funny thing is, I still haven't beaten it, I always have to restart from the beginning, and yes, the zombie killing has worn off, I now treat it like Resident Evil, if I have a gun, I shoot zombies, if not I run away.

btw, do they change/get more powerful (I noticed that at 7:00 game time, their eyes were glowing red.)
They become more aggressive at night.

Rainbow Six: Vegas - 8/10

Battlefield 2142: 11/10

Quite simply, European Union, walkers and a science fiction setting topped off with deep tactical combat make me a very, very happy cat.
finished Halo3 last night ..the last level was fun but didnt quite make up for the preceding levels ..it was alright despite some seriously boring beginning and middle sections

The beginning was awful. I'd give the game an 8 too though. I enjoyed it.
the traveling through the anal cavity of some world/alien/whatever the **** while being attacked by endless hordes of crab like things, jumping tentecle dudes and those annoying pod things became really tedious after the first few minutes
I thought the High Charity/Gravemind level thing was better than the first few levels; those were totally mundane. Last level was great though, as was pretty much everything from the flood attack on the city through to the end. I played most of the game on coop and my cousin felt the need to turn the final vehicle section into a vicious and brutal competition to reach the ship. So that was fun.
the traveling through the anal cavity of some world/alien/whatever the **** while being attacked by endless hordes of crab like things, jumping tentecle dudes and those annoying pod things became really tedious after the first few minutes
Try replaying it and listening to the grave mind every single time. Not cool.

But yeah, I'd 8 it. Mostly for the multi.
got tired of getting lost in the corridors/alien anus ..I liked the outdoor levels the best

didnt listen much to the gravemind guy or cortina (curtain in spanish) ..cortana? ..little floating blue girl either ..in fact if given the opportunity I'd mash the skip cutscene button
The first level is awesome :p Especially fighting along the bridge against brute packs and taking the guy out with the hammer. All the levels are pretty great other than the new 'not quite as bad as library' level. On foot fighting and vehicle combat have yet to be integrated aswell as Halo 3 manages :)

Now go find a few skulls and do it again - it only gets better and better.
what do the skulls do and where are they? scattered throughout the game?
The skulls, when activated before a mission, change how you play the game somewhat. For example, one of the skulls makes it so that if you die, the level loads from the start. Another skull makes it so that if you lose sheild, the only way you are going to get it back is to melee an enemy. They are pretty interesting. I have 6 or 7 I think. I usually turn 3 of them on when I play for points with mates.

Speak of the devil though, last game I played was the last level of Halo 3 on Legendary. Me and my mates couldn't do it on 3 player co op - and the one time we nearly did someones internet crashed and the game ended - so I went at it alone. It's ****ing solid, but I did it. Seriously though, Flood with assault rifles are bastards.

Got myself a new helmet for online play though, snarf snarf snarf. :dork:
so where are the skulls? I dont have a single one .. and that "start from the beginning skull things I'll avoid at all costs, cant stand replaying a level from the beginning if I get killed

edit: thanks Polaris
Yeh - there's 9 gold skulls and 4 silver dotted throughout the game and each has an affect on gameplay (double sized explosions, more aggressive and levelled up enemies, grenades flying everywhere, can only take down shields with plasma etc). You have to play a level on normal or above to find them and only if you play the level through in one go - you can't start half way through from a save point. The main point for them - other than just making things more exciting - is for the meta game, which is what Halo 3 co-op is all about. They act like multipliers and help improve the final score. You can also stack them.

Halo 3 is by far the easiest Halo - vanilla Legendary is like old Heroic - but once you start adding skulls things go ****ing mental :)
I have 3 days left on the rental maybe I'll play through a level or two
Crysis - SP Demo

Gameplay: 8/10
Reminds me alot of Splinter Cell. But, of course, there's the touch of SciFi added into it. It gives me tingles. Also allows for lots of replayability. Many ways to actually accomplish the current goal, etc. Not quite as good as Half-Life, of course, and while I definitely enjoyed the experience, I wasn't fully immersed. Wasn't perfectly intuitive, and there are way to many keys assigned to different things. It gave me plenty of time to get the hang of them, though. Some things I only find out by experience. As a demo, it definitely gave me a good taster, and I'd definitely consider (psht, understatement) getting the full game.

Graphics: 10/10
Clearly, the best I've ever seen. Sure, I only had it on 1280 x 1024 with Settings at High, but the quality was just outstanding. It reminded me alot of Far Cry (surprise, surprise), and the views it gives were astonishing. The water effects were brilliant, and the plant-life/fauna were excellent. Sure, it wasn't perfect, but then nothing is. There was a tad bit of texture popping, but that's evident in any game. Still the best I've ever seen.
The skins were great, and the lip sync was excellent. No problem at all. Nice touch of blur, etc. Good cinematic effects. Shame I couldn't run it at full :p.

Replayability: 9/10
Lots of landscape to explore, many different ways to kill people, lots of barrels to explode, different tactics to employ. Played it a good several times already. Some problems with loading. Alot to offer, with many different features.

There were way too many bugs in the game itself, generally interaction with the enemy, and as my flatmate pointed out, there wasn't any refraction (or at least, any evidence of it). As mentioned, there was some texture popping, but I didn't notice half the time from the awesome landscapes. Definitely give the game a high 9.
Half-Life 9/10
Half-Life 2- 10/10
Dead Rising 8/10
Dragonball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2 7/10
BioShock 8/10
Call of Duty 4 9/10
Replayability: 9/10
Lots of landscape to explore, many different ways to kill people, lots of barrels to explode, different tactics to employ.

I kinda disagree on that, as i found that i completely cannot be bothered playing Crysis again. As even though the suit promoted replayability, and the open terrain allows for different approaches, there is really only one or two levels that allow for truly different routes, and the chances are you'll use all the suit powers throughout the game and kill koreans using every possible combination of suit powers, multiple times. So by the end of the game, i didn't care for replaying it for the suit powers or open-terrain.
I kinda disagree on that, as i found that i completely cannot be bothered playing Crysis again. As even though the suit promoted replayability, and the open terrain allows for different approaches, there is really only one or two levels that allow for truly different routes, and the chances are you'll use all the suit powers throughout the game and kill koreans using every possible combination of suit powers, multiple times. So by the end of the game, i didn't care for replaying it for the suit powers or open-terrain.

As I said, it was just a demo, so it's quite short anyway. Apparently the ending is awful (no spoilers), and I can't stand replaying a full game if the ending isn't worth it.
Crysis - 9/10

Nice. Didn't reach the ending yet though. That means score may lower.

Bioshock - 10/10


Stalker 8.7/10

Damn scary atmosphere, and It's very good. But too many bugs and I'm having this damn problem that pressing "Esc" quits the game instead of going to the menu so I can only quicksave. Anyone know how to fix that?
I kinda disagree on that, as i found that i completely cannot be bothered playing Crysis again. As even though the suit promoted replayability, and the open terrain allows for different approaches, there is really only one or two levels that allow for truly different routes, and the chances are you'll use all the suit powers throughout the game and kill koreans using every possible combination of suit powers, multiple times. So by the end of the game, i didn't care for replaying it for the suit powers or open-terrain.

Funny you should say that, I replayed the second level of Crysis last night, and found a whole large outpost area i`d not found on my other playthroughs, which not only gave me a secondary objective bonus but also cut out the bit of searching the town hall for the hostage location.

This is my fourth time through the game now, and to be still finding things like this is certainly the meaning of replayability to me.

Only the last levels in the ice and on the carrier do not have this open approach, which is what, 3 levels?

Simply awesome game.
Do you have the latest patch?

I have 1.00004. I'm too lazy to install 1.00005 because some people had problems.

But then again, everyone had some kind of problem with Stalker. I will try.

Edit: Hey, it worked! Thank you! I was too lazy to install the latest patch but it was worth it! YAY! I CAN PLAY PROPERLY AGAIN!

Edit 2: No it didn't work, I can't even quicksave anymore just after the moment I get to the camp Nimble is in. If I press Esc it quits the game, even if I quicksave now.

Last levels in the ice

Does the ice lower the fps too much? I have a 8800gt btw. I have everything on very high DX10 because... frankly, I don't care about the fact that it runs at 20-30 fps at all times. It's totally playable.
Does the ice lower the fps too much? I have a 8800gt btw. I have everything on very high DX10 because... frankly, I don't care about the fact that it runs at 20-30 fps at all times. It's totally playable.

It does for me yes, still playable though, but a massive difference from the first levels in FPS.
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