Rate the last game you played

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City of Heroes - 9/10

Pretty entertaining game. I'm playing the free trial right now, until it runs out on March 3rd. I'll decide then if I'll pay to play it, and so far, I'd have to say yes. But in the end, the game is madly fun, a lot of people are extremely fun. They constantly come out with little updates to the game depending on what's going on, and sometimes it's just completely random what they do. It lost a point for the pay to play part :p
Universal Combat - 0/10...

Wow, it really is as bad as they say it is.
Shit graphics, shit interface, shit control, shit!
Portal - 9/10

It was fantastic, ran amazingly on my machine, too. My machine is from 2003! Loads very fast, too. Pretty short, though. I beat it yesterday in about 3 hours, and I beat it again today (in commentary mode) in about 2 hours.. Atleast they got advanced and challenge maps in it. The actual game was pretty easy, too. Good game, though. Loved the end little jingle, it was funny.

Episode Two
- 10/10

Best so far, the only thing I didn't like was the atmosphere of HL2 was pretty much gone.. Y'know how sometimes you'd find cool things, like hidden areas with some supply crates, or maybe a dead body with a single weapon (died fighting), and you'd just find all these little cool atmospheric things like that in HL2, I found pretty much nothing like that in EP2, and there was PLENTY of places to put these things, it's a forest, they've got hiding places up the ass! Mostly all the buildings were completely empty besides a few crates/supply crates.. Kind of sucked in that regard.. Still a 10/10 and must play, though.
Team Fortress 2 - 10/10

I swear to god, this game only gets BETTER as you play it more.
Chrono Trigger (again) - 8/10

Finally got up to the last 'chapter' after giving up about half-way through about 3 times, and loving it. This game sorely needs a remake.

Really need to track down Chrono Cross, for that matter. Anyone played it?
Assassins Creed Pc - 8/10

I1m sure most of you are aware of the leak of the beta, and even with this unfinished version, the port job is fantastic.

Good game as well, have ordered it now, and there is no way I would have done that without this leak happening.
Wait Ubi made a good PC port?


also audiosurf 9/10
Civilization IV - Nomnomnomnomnom/10

I can't stop playing. Must... research more... D:
conflict denied ops on xbox360 ..generic. co-op is fun(ish) 7/10
Super Smash Bros. Brawl - 7.5/10

Pretty good game. Nice beat 'em up, you can just go bananas (DK) or use strategy, I also liked that the nunchuk didn't have to be used, I like using just the Wiimote alot better. Good game, if you own a Wii, you should get it.

I should also mention that I've only played Classic mode as of yet (beat it with 3 different characters, too) on SOLO, and it still gets this score.. I hope I get fast internet soon so I can play online.. I also have a few friends coming over tomorrow to play it in GROUP mode.
Super Smash Bros. Brawl - 7.5/10

Pretty good game. Nice beat 'em up, you can just go bananas (DK) or use strategy, I also liked that the nunchuk didn't have to be used, I like using just the Wiimote alot better. Good game, if you own a Wii, you should get it.

I should also mention that I've only played Classic mode as of yet (beat it with 3 different characters, too) on SOLO, and it still gets this score.. I hope I get fast internet soon so I can play online.. I also have a few friends coming over tomorrow to play it in GROUP mode.

You can't review Smash Bros before playing it multiplayer. Even then it's best reserved till after a few big sessions with a group of guys who all know how to play the game.
Dawn Of War: Soulstorm - 9/10

It kind of feels like its JUST 2 new races, but if you scratch a little deeper, theres not much else...

But you just dont care. Its 100% pure, perfect RTS gameplay. Theyve done it again.
I told you to get condemned 2 :|

Quake III 8/10
I didn't have any extra money to change it, my mom pre-ordered it and payed for it, then gave the receipt to me, and I was about to change it when I went, but I would've had to pay an extra like $30, SSBB was only like $45 and a new 360 game would've ran me like $75.. I just stuck with SSBB, it's alright, I'll buy Condemned 2 for my next game (or maybe GTA4).

You can't review Smash Bros before playing it multiplayer. Even then it's best reserved till after a few big sessions with a group of guys who all know how to play the game.

Maybe I'll re-review when I play GROUP tomorrow, then. :)
star wars trilogy (xbox360) 9.5/10 ..such a great game made that much more awesome when playing with my 4 yr old son

"he's a jedi"

"who? the one with the light stick daddy?"

/wipes tear from eye
star wars trilogy (xbox360) 9.5/10 ..such a great game made that much more awesome when playing with my 4 yr old son

"he's a jedi"

"who? the one with the light stick daddy?"

/wipes tear from eye

my 19 month old daughter also insists on playing as well ..she'll grab one of the controllers (upside down, and not plugged in) and sit in her chair and watch the tv screen while pushing buttons ..I'm starting my own guild/clan
Just finished Peggle. The later levels are a bitch, but I did it dammit :D - 7.5/10
Which, Peggle Deluxe or Extreme? Extreme was MUCH easier to beat.
my 19 month old daughter also insists on playing as well ..she'll grab one of the controllers (upside down, and not plugged in) and sit in her chair and watch the tv screen while pushing buttons ..I'm starting my own guild/clan

Haha, my sister always used to want to play Nintendo 64 with us, so we'd just hand her a original Nintendo controller, and stick it in the dresser's drawer that held the console. Then we would close the drawer and she wouldnt be able to see that it wasnt plugged in. Kept her entertained for hours.
Whenever I was playing a single player game and my little brother/sister wanted to play, I'd hand them the spare controller and tell them they were playing the monsters.

"Oooooh, nearly got me that time!"
Diablo 2

still a killer after all these years. this game is near perfect. all characters are different, most of them are hybrids with a ton of variation so the gameplay doesn't get monotonous. that's what i like the most about this game: you're not limited to just one or two viable builds. there's a shitload of skill variations that work equally well, but just require a different approach.

and the amount of equipment you can get in this game is practically infinite. you can craft items, you can use runes to create magic items, you can gamble.
Resistance: Fall of Man (five levels in)

It's like a full game based of the urban combat parts of HL2, only set in the 50s. If you liked those parts, you'll like this, otherwise it'll be average for you.

Myself? I loved those parts of HL2! 9/10.
Super Smash Bros. Brawl - 8/10

I'll re-rate this, as now I've played group for a while, played solo classic, beat the campaign with my brother playing as Player 2, so I unlocked all characters (Snake kicks ASS! Sonic sucks balls.. Atleast for the last boss..).

Good game, play it if you own Wii.
Hmm...I might have to pick ssbb up to justify turning my wii on.

Damn eu release dates!!!

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (single player)
- 7.5/10 - Apart from the odd wtfawesome levels (Ghilis, defense of the farm, the assault on the capital city) many of the levels were bland, linear terrorist shooting galleries. Story was shite, but at least Infinity Ward were trying this time. I guess the multi-player makes up for it.
F.E.A.R. - 9/10

When this was originally released, I had to run it in DX8 mode, with all the soft shadows off, particles low, graphics medium etc etc, which is why I think at the time I thought it was pretty awful.

Now I have the system to play it, I have not been really bothered about playing it again, but I loaded it up the other night to see how it runs on this system, and with everything maxed it`s an excellent game.

The extra effects really help make the combat alot more satisfying and now the game is silky smooth.

I`ve yet to finish it, but I have both expansions waiting now for when I finish it.
Bioshock - 10/10 - The ending was shit. The last third did indeed turn into a run and gun, repetitive shooter. There were technical issues up the arse.

But I'm still going to give it a 10. There are moments in this game that make you think for days on end about. There are points where you just sit in awe at what is unfolding. There are also moments where you think "This is what a videogame is all about", one of those where the story could not be told through any other medium with the same impact.
Bioshock - 10/10 - The ending was shit. The last third did indeed turn into a run and gun, repetitive shooter. There were technical issues up the arse.

But I'm still going to give it a 10. There are moments in this game that make you think for days on end about. There are points where you just sit in awe at what is unfolding. There are also moments where you think "This is what a videogame is all about", one of those where the story could not be told through any other medium with the same impact.

Though I did enjoy, towards the middle I did find it hard to continue due to being quite repetitve, then, although the game mechanics didn`t really change, I think it picked up some pace.
That`s the only reason I wouldn`t give it a perfect score but the atmosphere and story were excellent.
Don`t know if Ive put a score up for it here before, but I`d give it

Bioshock 9/10
Earth Defense Force 2017, xbox360 2/10

my friend rented it last weekend cuz he's an idiot

where to start? the game's graphics are at best first gen xbox graphics..the player models are very badly done with disporportionate head to leg to torso ratios ..very very amateurish modeling and to top it off everyone looks the same ..every human looks exactly like you do even your co-op partner. there's also no indicator to let you know which one of the clones is your co-op partner so there's no use in trying to play co-operatively ..the animation is rudimentary at best, the gameplay is pretty much survive wave after wave of insect attacks; it's repetative pretty much from the point you first fire your gun, anything but a rocket launcher is useless, the pic ups (health packs, ammo etc) are ridiculously oversized (the size of the player) ..I realise this is a japanese game made for a japanese audience but goddam the game is bad, probably the worst console game I've played in over a decade

the one redeeming feature was destructible enviroments similiar to Mech Assualt (xbox) ..blowing up buildings is always fun but cant sustain long term interest
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