Rate the last game you played

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Echochrome - 8/10

Just started but the MC-Escher style puzzles are really neat. The actual 'gameplay' I have to say is very very clever.
Gears of War - Repetative
Far Cry - Retarded

Edit: Echochrome strikes me as an odd name for a game that (from what I've seen) is entirely black and white.
UEFA Euro 2008 PC Demo - 4/10

Lame. Just get a PES2008 update and do a Euro cup.

I really recommend you try the PS3/360 demo if you can. I'd be pretty suprised if you didn't like it. All of EA's PC stuff is dire.

Fallout - 9/10

Well colour me suprised, it's a pretty awesome game once you adjust to it's...erm...charms?

Fallout 2 - Well, so far I'm not really digging it. I've only just started, but my stuff sucks and trying to stab geckos while only hitting them once every bazillion tries isn't fun. I'm guessing I've ballsed up my character, so I'm probably going to start over and tinker with all the stats.
Dark Messiah Multiplayer - 0/10...

Crap netcode, combat has been completely simplified to just slamming the left mouse button and it's been overrun by whiney kids screaming over the microphone.
F.E.A.R. - Extraction Point 7.5/10

A good experience for an expansion pack, with many of the scares being better than the original F.E.A.R., as well as the environments being alot more varied.
The only thing which which stops this getting an 8 is the confusion with Alma`s intentions, as well as Monoliths stance that according to Project Origin, none of it happened.
The combat was great as usual for fear though.

Starting Perseus Mandate now.
Clive Barkers Jericho-6/10
It's alright but c'mon Clive Barker You can Do Better

American Mcgee's Alice 7/10

Painkiller 7/10
I Like this game But it didn't get the respect it earned when it first came out
It is a six year old game. What was unique and interesting six years ago is tired and generic today. But it does actually get better as you play on.

No I mean generic as in it's the typical Lord of the Rings orcs vs humans stuff that's been around for a hundred years. Oh and what would the most fun to play "class" be?
Need for Speed: Most Wanted - 7/10

The graphics are nice, but... the dialogue is cheesy, the customization - though simplified - is a step backwards from Underground 2, and the actual racing feels bland and uninspired most of the time...

...but the police chases are supremely good. Seriously, look at this. The chases in this game are practically the videogame equivalent of Bad Boys II or the freeway chase in The Matrix Reloaded.
What I liked about Most Wanted is that it returned NFS to its roots(fast cars and police chases), kept the good parts of Underground's customization, and got rid of all the crappy econoboxes and bling.
What I liked about Most Wanted is that it returned NFS to its roots(fast cars and police chases), kept the good parts of Underground's customization, and got rid of all the crappy econoboxes and bling.
Pretty much. Best cop chases evar, tbh. That video wasn't even a scratch on some of the crazy chases I got myself into. Not that I actually got out of them, but that's hardly the point. :D
Hot Pursuit 2 is still my favourite HFS game. The look ahead for a hundred metres thing was a bit odd, but very useful for seeing the layout of a police barrier without being too close to react.
kept the good parts of Underground's customization, and got rid of all the crappy econoboxes and bling.
Oh, I don't miss all the neon and hydraulics and crap, but I do miss the ability to layer vinyls (you could come up with some really creative combinations if you wanted to) and the ability to purchase parts like spoilers, bumpers and the like separately and then combine them however you like, rather than simply being given a choice of half a dozen kits, most of which are ridiculous looking wide body kits that make a car look like a bloated whale.
Rainbow Six Vegas 2 8.5/10

again, the close quarters combat is amazing. the graphics need work though.
When Miguel goes to pull out a second handgun and you shoot him is most epic

Army Of 2 4/10
Its fun at first, but the objectives get repetitive. The AI is ok, but becomes retarded at critical moments
When you go to prevent the 2nd missile launch, the AI wouldn't cover my flank

CoD4 on 360 2/10

Fun with friends, not so much alone. The 5 year olds are getting me pissed off a lot too.

CoD4 demo on PC 6/10
Great mission for the demo (War Pig) but was too short and no MP

IOS 0/10

Worst football game ever
Worse than FIFA
You heard me.
StarCraft 10/10 - One of the most balanced games I've ever played. Playing with some dotnetters is fun as hell, too.
StarCraft 10/10 - One of the most balanced games I've ever played. Playing with some dotnetters is fun as hell, too.

Seconded, but I cannot play online because I have yet to obtain a legal copy.
Gears Of War [PC] - 8.5/10. Stunning visuals, good gameplay, but even on Hardcore the enemy grunts just take way too many hits, while they can kill you with half the bullets. This occassionally puts you in virtually unwinnable situations. It also lost half a point for not having saves, but checkpoints (which is REALLY annoying if the last enemy gets a lucky shot off or suddenly flanks your ass with a shotgun).
They go down just as quick with headshots and the reload boost.
The last game I played was a rented copy of Destroy All Humans! Big Willy Unleashed. Now since I had DAH! 1 and 2 bought with the second I bought within the first week of it's release I had to atleast rent this. Though at first I wasn't happy that they kicked Pandemic out from developing it and the original voice actors for Pox and Crypto were not in it as I played it still felt like a Destroy All Humans! game. Which really pleased me. The humor, gameplay, destruction and progressive story are all still there.

It is odd to see a few thing's I've wanted since the start of the series only be fulfilled when a new developer is doing it. Like a Mech suit and the ability to bodysnatch animals. There are several new weapons my favorite would be the zombie gun. Fire it at a human and poof there a zombie. And they can turn others into zombies as well. But they have taken away something I really miss and hope to see the return of in Path of the Furon, the B movie theater. It's were you can watch cutsceens and listen to music in the game. The graphics are a return to the first game which I don't like but I dealed with it. Yes, I can take bad graphics weird huh? I still play Zelda: OoT and enjoy it too. okay now I'm starting too sound like a freak to the PS3 guy's...oh well no one cares about PS3.

If your a fan of Destroy All Humans! Like I am I strongly suggest you rent this and if you like it buy it like I will.

Destroy All Humans! Big Willy Unleashed for the Wii I give it a 3 out of 5.
Hellgate: London


Story... horrible, sometimes laughably so, which may be intentional or may not be... I dunno.

Graphics... not optimized that great, odd looking, odd animations, lackluster spell effects.

Subscription... seems pretty unnecessary.

Gameplay... ****load of item choices and customizing options makes it a bit overwhelming. Skills don't really have a lot of wow factor and don't really distinguish your guy from any other guy of the same class all that much. Stat point allocation is used mainly just to use the items you want, so it's easy to **** up if you choose an obscure setup at first... guaranteed to **** it up if you didn't know that in the first place. Not a huge playerbase, but very newbie friendly because of it (everyone wants more players!). There's still game-crashing bugs around too. Areas are repetitive. The random maps end up accomplishing the opposite of their goal. Instead of one really interesting area to do more than once (say TF2 style) you get lots of really bland things with the same tiles to explore in different spots on the map.

Sound... tinny, very tinny. Music is good. Overall atmosphere is... odd (like the graphics).

Looking at that you'd expect me to say something like 2/10 or something, but... I finished it on normal last night, but I've already started a new guy, this time on "elite" difficulty. I could have continued with my engineer in nightmare mode, but I chose to start a new summoner on elite and then continue with him into elite nightmare. It's hard to put my finger on why I like it, but I do... gotta be the old Diablo II mentality of gotta get the best stuff combined with the customization of your guy. Also, they're adding in PvP content soon, and I'm a huge sucker for PvP. So I can't really rate it, but I can say it's worth checking out of you're pretty bored. The sucker's a loooong game even if you just want to play singleplayer. It's gotten better since I last played it back in November, for sure.
eve on-line trial. 7/10

Would be higher if the game didnt make even the most simplest of things incredibly over complex with an interface that makes you do about 5-6 things that other games of its ilk would only require one step to do.
Warhammer 40k; Squad Command
Fun, bit bland single-player unless you're really bored, but it has epic multiplayer potential. Semi-equal teams fighting, where a single tactical choice can make all the difference.. I haven't played a Turn-based game like this in... forever.
Assassins Creed - Ubisoft - Xbox360/PS3/PC

This had the potential to be a great game. Good story, good setting and the base of a good combat system. It's only mistake? To be made by Ubisoft. Yes, chalk one more up on the Ubisoft failed games board. Sometimes the combat is wonderful. I'll be attacking one guy another will come up and in movie fashion I counter and dispatch him with great dispatch. But most of the time, about 93% of the time it is the most broken system in the history of Earth, ever.

Next on the things about this game that suck tour. The "social stealth". When I'm on my way to the next city it seems if I go and faster then . 00000001 mph the guard automatically think I'm an assassin. In the city it's still bad. See there are these roof top gardens right. Well, apparently people in ye olden day's who had roof top gardens were s:)*t out of luck because the guards will try and shoot you with an arrow.

Other then those two things this game is great. But unfortunately those are two very big things that make this game unbearable.

Graphics 5/5 I've played several 360 games since I got my 360 which is not long ago and this is the best I've seen yet.

Sound 3/5 The music is so wrong for the game. The only time it's right is when your running from stupid gaurds....which is most of the time. And the voice's have a bad quality

Gameplay -9008/5 This is the reason you don't buy this game.

Assassins Creed 2/5 Don't buy it, don't rent it. Wait for the sequel when they might fix these problems. In the mean time Wiki the story or youtube the cutsceens to get caught up. Like I'm going to do.
Assassins Creed - Ubisoft - Xbox360/PS3/PC

This had the potential to be a great game. Good story, good setting and the base of a good combat system. It's only mistake? To be made by Ubisoft. Yes, chalk one more up on the Ubisoft failed games board. Sometimes the combat is wonderful. I'll be attacking one guy another will come up and in movie fashion I counter and dispatch him with great dispatch. But most of the time, about 93% of the time it is the most broken system in the history of Earth, ever.

Next on the things about this game that suck tour. The "social stealth". When I'm on my way to the next city it seems if I go and faster then . 00000001 mph the guard automatically think I'm an assassin. In the city it's still bad. See there are these roof top gardens right. Well, apparently people in ye olden day's who had roof top gardens were s:)*t out of luck because the guards will try and shoot you with an arrow.

Other then those two things this game is great. But unfortunately those are two very big things that make this game unbearable.

Graphics 5/5 I've played several 360 games since I got my 360 which is not long ago and this is the best I've seen yet.

Sound 3/5 The music is so wrong for the game. The only time it's right is when your running from stupid gaurds....which is most of the time. And the voice's have a bad quality

Gameplay -9008/5 This is the reason you don't buy this game.

Assassins Creed 2/5 Don't buy it, don't rent it. Wait for the sequel when they might fix these problems. In the mean time Wiki the story or youtube the cutsceens to get caught up. Like I'm going to do.

We must've played different games because I thought it was fantastic.
Worms on XBL Arcade: 10/10 for amazingly fun multiplayer with three other people at 5am.
Assassins Creed - Ubisoft - Xbox360/PS3/PC

This had the potential to be a great game. Good story, good setting and the base of a good combat system. It's only mistake? To be made by Ubisoft. Yes, chalk one more up on the Ubisoft failed games board. Sometimes the combat is wonderful. I'll be attacking one guy another will come up and in movie fashion I counter and dispatch him with great dispatch. But most of the time, about 93% of the time it is the most broken system in the history of Earth, ever.

Next on the things about this game that suck tour. The "social stealth". When I'm on my way to the next city it seems if I go and faster then . 00000001 mph the guard automatically think I'm an assassin. In the city it's still bad. See there are these roof top gardens right. Well, apparently people in ye olden day's who had roof top gardens were s:)*t out of luck because the guards will try and shoot you with an arrow.

Other then those two things this game is great. But unfortunately those are two very big things that make this game unbearable.

Graphics 5/5 I've played several 360 games since I got my 360 which is not long ago and this is the best I've seen yet.

Sound 3/5 The music is so wrong for the game. The only time it's right is when your running from stupid gaurds....which is most of the time. And the voice's have a bad quality

Gameplay -9008/5 This is the reason you don't buy this game.

Assassins Creed 2/5 Don't buy it, don't rent it. Wait for the sequel when they might fix these problems. In the mean time Wiki the story or youtube the cutsceens to get caught up. Like I'm going to do.

I loved it too. The point is that the guards know who you are... especially later on. So if you make any disturbances that draws there attention, they'll notice you. And I mean, come on, jumping around cities is awesome. Purely awesome.
I think it should be more like 3.5/5.
Assassin's Creed was shite.

How they ****ed up such a cool premise I'll never know. Eurogamer's review sums it up well as does Amishslayer's posts in the AC thread.
Assassins Creed - Ubisoft - Xbox360/PS3/PC

This had the potential to be a great game. Good story, good setting and the base of a good combat system. It's only mistake? To be made by Ubisoft. Yes, chalk one more up on the Ubisoft failed games board. Sometimes the combat is wonderful. I'll be attacking one guy another will come up and in movie fashion I counter and dispatch him with great dispatch. But most of the time, about 93% of the time it is the most broken system in the history of Earth, ever.

Next on the things about this game that suck tour. The "social stealth". When I'm on my way to the next city it seems if I go and faster then . 00000001 mph the guard automatically think I'm an assassin. In the city it's still bad. See there are these roof top gardens right. Well, apparently people in ye olden day's who had roof top gardens were s:)*t out of luck because the guards will try and shoot you with an arrow.

Other then those two things this game is great. But unfortunately those are two very big things that make this game unbearable.

Graphics 5/5 I've played several 360 games since I got my 360 which is not long ago and this is the best I've seen yet.

Sound 3/5 The music is so wrong for the game. The only time it's right is when your running from stupid gaurds....which is most of the time. And the voice's have a bad quality

Gameplay -9008/5 This is the reason you don't buy this game.

Assassins Creed 2/5 Don't buy it, don't rent it. Wait for the sequel when they might fix these problems. In the mean time Wiki the story or youtube the cutsceens to get caught up. Like I'm going to do.

Youve clearly not played it either right or already had a bad image of it in your head.

Yeah its with its flaws in the lack of TRUE freedom (you always kill your target in one way), and yeah the system can be a bit weird sometimes, but I thought the game was awesome as it was FUN.

Stunning to look at, and its just a ***king cool idea for a game. If you actually get into the game its awesome. As Gabe said, reviewers just scanned through it and said 'yeah its shite' etc, but if you take your time, its a rewarding game. Personally I never sat through more than 1 assassination at a time, but that was fine with me, as each time i played i played through 1 assassination, and that alone kept me hooked throughout.

If you sit down and play it from start to finish in one sitting like some people play their games, its boring. Take your time and its awesome.
I have played it and I was hyped for it since E3 07. It sucks. I took my time. Absorbed alot of it and did not like it. My score was just. The health system sucks btw. Oh and why does he do exectly what I want him to do in the way of free runnning except when I'm running from guards!? It sucks. 2/5 don't buy it don't rent it. If you like it good for you. You might also like Aquaman: Battle for Atlantis and E.T. the game.

Don't tell me what I should do just beacuse you don't like what I said.
Assassin's Creed was an awesome concept but ultimately a pretty poor game. Hopefully they take the same mechanics and improve it with the sequel.

Oh wait, Ubisoft, nvm.
Rise of Nations 8.5/10 - Finally some satisfying nuclear combat in a strategy game.
So it's not worth buying then? I mean, the title of the game contains "Ass", that says it all.
Of course its worth buying. Dont know what the PC version is like though.

If you rush it its shit as its repetitive. Its the kind of game you have to play over time. If you listen to everyone else, youll hate it.
Play over time? What I do one assassination a month? The combat sucks. pure and simple. Good story, good setting, great graphics but bad combat. And that's what make's this game unbuyable.
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