Rate the last game you played

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Assassin's Creed PC 8.7/10

Ideal mix between sandbox and scripted gameplay. It's no GTA in the Middle Ages by a long shot, but as an adventure game with a good story it succeeds brilliantly. It's basically freeform Prince of Persia set during the Crusades. Really enjoying it.
Didn't give it a full nine, because it's a bit too repetitive at times, some game elements are too rudimentary, and Jimbo otherwise prolly would nag me even more about the fact that I like it.

Agreed. I'm really enjoying it. Hopefully the series improves from here. The engine needs some tuning but I can't see why not they can't get the next games out soon tbh.

THE SETTLERS - Rise of an Empire 6.5/10

Firstly, brilliant engine tbh. I mean it looks fantastic, it runs well and I love the art direction of the medieval period. However the story of the campaign is simple and poor but I like the CGI however there isn't much of it. Plus missions are very similar. The game play is simple now. I mean putting somewhere doesn't seem to matter much and a lot of effort has been removed from the game compared to number 2/3/4. I mean building are missing and game play is much easier. However what to me remains awful is the combat. It is pointless, there is no strategy or tactics involved just mass an army and attack. Plus diplomacy is non existent in the game.
Lost Planet - Capcom - Xbox360/PC/PS3 5/5
The dialog is a bit "anime" sometimes and pokemon anime not Cowboy bebop anime. And even though I really like third person shooters this kind of feels weird. I like it but still it's different then I'm use to. I like the graphics (worried about screen burn though) the atmosphere especially the blown out city's I really like. And I enjoy the Achrid enemy design aswell as the design and feel of the VU's. All in all great gameplay, story and graphics I highly recommend this.

Gears of War - Epic Games - Xbox360/PC 2/5
The graphics are wonderful. The blown out city really looks great (you can see I have a thing for blown out cites) but every thing else...meh.

I can see why people like this. The combat's good and gun's are alright (chainsaw Bennett FTW!) but it didn't suck me in. Neither did the story. If your seriously hyped for it and want it don't listen to this, If your still iffy keep this in mind and if your a console hater here is some fuel for your crappy little hate tank which is obviously compensating for something. :O
Gears of War was so horribly boring and repetitive that I couldn't bring myself to finish it.
Gears of War was so horribly boring and repetitive that I couldn't bring myself to finish it.

Thank god, I didn't buy it.

Hopefully soon I will be playing Anno 1701 and Avencast: Rise of the Mage. Get something brief out about them soonish.
If you don't take GoW online you're missing the point.
Gears of War was so horribly boring and repetitive that I couldn't bring myself to finish it.

Get out. No scratch that, get online.

Company Of Heroes - Opposing Fronts 8/10

I know it has 2 new factions to play but it doesnt really add anything new, just an awesome singleplayer campaign, new MP maps and the expected top quality finish from Relic.

Still fun as hell, and thats all that matters.
Same here. I thought GoW was quite overrated, SP was meh and I didn't like the MP really but again I didn't get it for that and I am not a big MP guy really.

All MP consisted of was 2 teams running to the centre of a map and shooting the **** out of each other with shotties occasionally mixing it up with more powerful weapons like the rocket launcher or hammer.
Sam And Max Season 2 Episode 5 - What's New Beelzabub? 8.5/10

Telltale follow up the excellent Chariots Of The Dogs with an excellent season closer.

Funny to the point of belly laughing, challenging and with the most satisfying end to a season in history, not to mention the animation of the characters which I think is leagues beyond the first season.

Sam And Max Season 2 As A Whole - 9/10
COD4 on the 360 - 9/10

First time playing on LIVE with this game since the beta. I rented it last night, and I fell in love with it. It is amazingly fun online.
Mario Kart Wii - 8/10 (9/10 with the wheel :thumbs:)

It loses points for destroying Battle Mode, but the wheel is awesome (really, it gives the series a whole new lease of life) and playing online with mates is the most fun i've had gaming in months - great stuff :)
Gears of War was so horribly boring and repetitive that I couldn't bring myself to finish it.
Same here. Thank god I didn't pay for it (a friend gave me a copy, I didn't ask questions as to how he got it). And I didn't play it online and I will not play it online.
Echochrome (PSP demo) - 9/10

The ultimate test of cerebral fitness.
Awesome game, ingenious pure design, fantastic gameplay mechanics and best soundtrack EVER.
Shame. GoW online is actually a uniquely tactical experience - moving as a team, covering each others backs, flushing out opponents and guarding weapon spots - combined with some wonderful brutality :)
Gears of War was so horribly boring and repetitive that I couldn't bring myself to finish it.

This. And I have Xbox Live, too. After a week or two, the multiplayer was just as boring and repetitive as the singleplayer.

COD4 on the 360 - 9/10

First time playing on LIVE with this game since the beta. I rented it last night, and I fell in love with it. It is amazingly fun online.

:D COD4 is tons of fun. We need to play again today or tomorrow.
Same here. Thank god I didn't pay for it (a friend gave me a copy, I didn't ask questions as to how he got it). And I didn't play it online and I will not play it online.

See, GOW was extremely fun... Co-op. I honestly wouldn't be able to play that game singleplayer. We played it twice. One sitting at his house, and then over live. It was extremely fun, but if I had to play that singleplayer, I don't think I'd have got half way.
It's not really a game so I'm not sure if it counts but I've just been on No Limits Coaster simulator (I'd rate it 10/10). You can download the demos from their official website (http://www.nolimitscoaster.com). They've got some pretty intense tracks and I feel a bit dizzy like I've actually just been on a load of coasters!
Resistance: Fall of Man (second opinion)

Man, this game is long. I think I'm on the last map now, but it's not impossible some strange plot twist will send me to somewhere else before it's over.

The graphics went from good to bad to good to extremely good over the course of the game. I want to have sex with the snow, that's how good it looks.

9/10 so far. Will probably change depending on how I like the end.
Need For Speed Pro Street-10/10

incredible, although I miss the free roam option, the 1/4 mile, 1/2 mile and wheelie competitions make up for it.
Unreal Tournament 3 Beta Demo - Release A New Demo/10

Only one server still exists and it's vehicle CTF, it's okay but god damn what's the hold up on a new demo?
I'd like to try out the Warfare mode and see how the game looks with full settings... instead of this overly pixelated and jaggy crap where it's impossible to even see.

From a couple of videos I saw for Warfare it looks insanely fun, just like Onslaught for UT2004.

But I've heard that UT3 has crap for Warfare servers? Warfare and VCTF would probably be my only reasons for getting the game, like Onslaught was the only reason I got UT2004 and the server/player counts for ONS servers are dwindling fast.
rainbow 6 las vegas 2, xbox360 - 8/10

first few levels dont even take place in vegas ..sort of a nice change ..although these games are becoming indistinguishable from each other: ghost recon/rainbow 6 ..fun in co-op although AI is sort of annoying in that they always know where you are..even if you're on the floor above them

Conflict Denied ops, xbox360 - 7/10 ..generic shooter ..fun in co-op but not a whole lot of co-op interaction, weapon models are huge ..in co-op it's distracting as your screen size is already small (splitscreen) ...also the AI is retarded ..they'll often run by you within feet of your position

Burnout Paradise, xbox360 9/10

hell of a lot of fun, simply driving as fast as you could without trashing the car = fun ..the music is hit and miss, mostly miss - Avril Levine? why not just throw in Nysnc or something equally as a annoying?
I`d like to adjust my R6Vegas2 score to 8.3/10

Reason:- I have just switched back to my old mouse, after I had played it before with a new one I bought which was pap, and it makes the gameplay better and more fun.
Also, I just hit an immense scripted sequence (the one with the brother in the alley for those who have played), and that`s improved my opinion on the game a little.
Burnout Paradise, xbox360 9/10

hell of a lot of fun, simply driving as fast as you could without trashing the car = fun ..the music is hit and miss, mostly miss - Avril Levine? why not just throw in Nysnc or something equally as a annoying?

Stupid Burnout Paradise made that song stick with me, its too catchy!!!

I perfered the soundtrack to Revenge, which was totally awesome.

Agree with your review.
Oh trust me, some Maiden would be awesome. It doesnt have Avril, but its got Billy Talent, Yellowcard, Asian Dub Foundation, Animal Alpha, Avenged Sevenfold, The Bravery... and a lot more.

Generally, I really like the music, but if you didnt like it you could either hook your 360 up to the computer or mp3 player and blast your own tunes that way (I was assuming you had a 360, not sure bout PS3).
Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath - 7.2

Didn't even bother with the multiplayer, just played the SP for the classic Command & Conquer fun.

Halo 3 Legendary Edition - 8.0 Last two levels were cool and the game was over all fun COOP. Didn't play multiplayer.
Oh my god, we've lost Ren forever now.

Haha, nooo.
I'll still be playing TF2 and even BF2 in a few weeks when I get home.
HL2.net needs to have a big multiplayer game on either of those games plz :)
Most recent game for me was Super Mario Galaxy.

This game is nearly perfect, so very nearly. Playing it brings a smile to my face, it's ingenious level design at it's very purest. The space setting is prime location for small, bite sized levels of gaming masterpiece.

It would be the first game I ever considered perfect if it didn't include Spring Mario. But it did.

I would really have enjoyed Prey if it was a co-op PS3* game.

*If you are offended by the fact that I own a PS3, replace PS3 with console of choice.
I would really have enjoyed Prey if it was a co-op PS3* game.

*If you are offended by the fact that I own a PS3, replace PS3 with console of choice.

I would be offended if you offended me with an offensive statement.
Halo 3 - Bungie - Xbox360/PC? 3/5
I like the weapons I love the music but as I suspected it's a generic shooter. But I'm all right with that. Every shooter is just a generic clone of another (the Half-Life series being an obvious exception) And for the most part I enjoyed it. A good little shooter to pass the time when your board and want to shoot some aliens. But not the holy grail my console playing counterparts treat it as.

Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - Xbox360/PC/PS3 (first impressions) 5/5
This is a big game. So big I'll probable rent it a few more times. But already I really enjoy it. I like the story so far and I really like the combat system. So much better then Marrowind sp*. If you like Lord of the Rings and D&D you probably have this already but if you don't you should rent it. Awesome game. btw I played this on 360.
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