Rate the last game you played

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The combat on the PC is excellent with mouse and keyboard, don`t know if it`s any different than the console version, but I can`t take the opinion of a console gamer seriously when they wank over games like Halo3, and then say the combat in AC was shite.

Amazing game from what I`ve played.
The combat in ****ing Tetris is bounds ahead of what Halo 3 has, so that leaves absolutely no room for AC, then.
The combat on the PC is excellent with mouse and keyboard, don`t know if it`s any different than the console version, but I can`t take the opinion of a console gamer seriously when they wank over games like Halo3, and then say the combat in AC was shite.

Amazing game from what I`ve played.
I've never even said I've played Halo 3. Don't make assumptions just because I prefer consoles. And no I've never played Halo 3 and don't really plan to. If there's nothing at the rental store except that perhaps but I have better games to play right now.
Assassins Creed was very good the first time through, but there wasnt enough drive for me to play it a second time.
The combat in AC is pretty fun and nice to look at, really don't know why you hate the game so much.
It's not like it raped your mother and killed your father.
Devil May Cry 4 - 4/10

I was really disappointed. Although my first DMC game, I'd heard nought but great things, so I was eager to play when my mate rented it and we sat and played through it with a few beers.

Graphics/style/controls all fine, above adequate actually, it plays nice, runs nice when there's many an enemy crowded round you, but the gameplay is severely lacking. My most notable point is the "secret missions" which are annoying, pointless and shit. One that sticks out in my mind is when you have to use Sonic style springs to get to the top of a well withing the minute time-limit. All good in theory, but the game seems to be incapable of staying within its own system. Using Nero's arm as a makeshift grapplehook, you almost always overshoot platforms, controlling your character in mid air is infuriatingly limited and the game punishes you for taking far too long to complete levels.

Combat of course is really good, exciting even! It is intensely good fun to get combos strung together until you get that "Atomic" rating, and most of the boss battles are fairly good, even if a little bland (particularly because Nero's arm can deal massive damage at the right time).

I only reccomend this title if you play it as I did, rent it and take turns with a mate or two bashing through the game. Otherwise, it's not really worth bothering with, unlesss you're already a devoted DMC fan.
Army of Poo, xbox 360 - 8/10

it's gears of war with more co-op elelments and hi-fiving

over the top violence (in cut scenes) with an idiotic story (it has a plot?) about two gys in goalie masks slaughtering lots and lots of people

found some of the co-op elements to be well done; you actually have to use teamwork

it tries to take itself seriously which is kinda laughable because the subject matter doesnt lend itself well to seriousness ..what military would pay 2 guys to take on hundreds of terrorists?

it's fun, over the top violence with some really silly co-op interaction ..shooting from behind a car door as you move turtle like into a group of terrorists

the game really punishes you for run and gun tactics so as a co-op game it's good, as a single player FPS not so good- most of the fun derives from the fact your teamate is sitting right next to you
Deus ex (too be fair i'm only like 30 minutes in)

It was boring at first, but now it's getting really intense. 7/10
Justice League Heroes for the DS - 4/10

picked up Justice League Heroes for the DS for my son ..man what a crappy game ..it's buggy, it's menu system is retarded and it's hard to play without wanting to throw the DS out the window ..but my son loves the Justice league
X-COM: UFO Defense - 9.5/10

Seriously, why hasnt this been made into a current gen game yet??? The premise is awesome, though without the original devs I dunno whether they could live up to this beauty. The learning curve and crap music is what it loses half a point for, but graphics are overrated for this game so they dont matter as much.

Seriously, I encourage everyone to try it out. The Gold Edition is avaliable for free, and some packaged files will have all the patches ready for its XP adaptation.
I've never even said I've played Halo 3. Don't make assumptions just because I prefer consoles. And no I've never played Halo 3 and don't really plan to. If there's nothing at the rental store except that perhaps but I have better games to play right now.

I knew you`d take that as a generalization, what I meant was, a lot of people that do have a pop at AC over it being repetitive etc then go on to play the Halo games and trundle through the same rooms copied and pasted into the map and proclaim it to be the greatest thing since the invention of the wheel.

AC dumps on Halo from a great height.

Then again, Halo`s not the only game console think is amazing and yet PC owners have so much better, I mean, as much fun Gears Of War is on PC, it`s hardly Half-Life 2 and it`s episodes, yet console owners treat it as the second coming of christ.
Now who's generalising?

Prey - 4/10

Not so good. Pretty standard fare as FPS games go. Some OK weapons, though very limited. I don't have too much to say on it really, it wasn't captavating. Cheap though. I'll be trying it on hard mode soon I suppose. It might be a wee bit better.
Condemned 2 - 8/10

Gave it a two night hire and beat it already, but it was pretty awesome while it lasted. Didn't find it all that creepy except for a few occasions.

I knew you`d take that as a generalization, what I meant was, a lot of people that do have a pop at AC over it being repetitive etc then go on to play the Halo games and trundle through the same rooms copied and pasted into the map and proclaim it to be the greatest thing since the invention of the wheel.

AC dumps on Halo from a great height.

Then again, Halo`s not the only game console think is amazing and yet PC owners have so much better, I mean, as much fun Gears Of War is on PC, it`s hardly Half-Life 2 and it`s episodes, yet console owners treat it as the second coming of christ.

Not long ago I would have bashed out a huge tirade about just how wrong you are, but really can't be arsed any more.
Condemned 2 - 8/10

Gave it a two night hire and beat it already, but it was pretty awesome while it lasted. Didn't find it all that creepy except for a few occasions.


Dark Sector - 8/10

Some parts of the plot are nonexistent. Why didn't they mention Hayden's disease making him numb to any physical pain? Where did the Technocyte virus come from. Why the **** does the ending suck so bad? In a game like his, who cares? It's so violent andd gory you just have to forgive Digital Extremes for leaving some stuff out. The Glaive is fun as hell to control. You can just fly it through a line of soldiers and watch as they scream in pain while blood gushes from their bloody nubs. If done right, ultraviolence can take a game a long way.
I knew you`d take that as a generalization.

yet console owners treat it as the second coming of christ.


I do not treat it as such. I haven't even played it. But I plan to do so at some point. most likly the week before GoW2 comes out. It looks good yeah but generic as well. So I doubt it will wow me like Half-Life or Mass Effect.
Ikaruga (XBLA) - I suck/10

F*ck. I've clearly underestimated this game... the videos made it look so easy. :(
Ikaruga 10/10

****ing amazing!! :D

Now I just need to keep playing the demo over and over until the points I ordered come in :(
Assassins Creed (final retail version) - 9.5/10

Excellent conversion, runs amazingly on my system, with no sound issues or slowdowns as experienced in the beta version.
The game itself meanwhile is brilliant, cutting edge visuals (don`t know of they were this good on X-box) brilliant sword fights, and some fun open city environment sandbox fun.

Finally someone else who agrees with Assassins Creed.

Its like it has its own Halo-fanboy-hater-type fanclub already here.
Bully: Scholarship Edition - 9/10

So far it is a really fun game. The humor in it is actually quite good. The gameplay is on par with a Rockstar game (that is a good thing).

Overall, thus far, I approve of this game.
Its like it has its own Halo-fanboy-hater-type fanclub already here.

I DO NOT LIKE HALO DAMNIT! Not all console owners are the same halo fapping idiots that get itcthy if they don't kill something every 10 sec's. :flame::angry:

But we do all have anger problems.
Call of Duty 4 - 9/10

Finally finished CoD4 last night, after a break due to console repair. \o/

Despite the frustrations I personally had (I started a thread some months back about how shit I am at games) I managed to pull through right to the very end.

The settings, the characters, the gameplay and the weapons all brilliant. The combat can sometimes become a game of dodgeball, where the balls are substituted for grenades placed annoyingly at your feet with deadly precision, but other than that it's a good experience, especially considering nearly every mission is a journey with a handful of friendly NPC's, who aren't a bunch of braindead twats. Yes, you're the one that has to advance and do the majority of the objectives to advance, but the game is encouraging with this factor and I always get a smug sense of self satisfaction when I successfully breach the enemy lines or take out the hardware or whatever.

One of the best aspects of CoD4 is how the story is progressed in-game. ESPECIALLY the very end section. That has to be one of the best videogame moments of all time, no shitting.
Assassin's Creed has poo combat.

*runs away*

Yeah it does doesn't it. One of the first moves you learn is the only one you really need to use. Throwing people from buildings is fun however, but the game is so flawed its a real shame.
Call of Duty 4 - 9/10

Finally finished CoD4 last night, after a break due to console repair. \o/

Despite the frustrations I personally had (I started a thread some months back about how shit I am at games) I managed to pull through right to the very end.

The settings, the characters, the gameplay and the weapons all brilliant. The combat can sometimes become a game of dodgeball, where the balls are substituted for grenades placed annoyingly at your feet with deadly precision, but other than that it's a good experience, especially considering nearly every mission is a journey with a handful of friendly NPC's, who aren't a bunch of braindead twats. Yes, you're the one that has to advance and do the majority of the objectives to advance, but the game is encouraging with this factor and I always get a smug sense of self satisfaction when I successfully breach the enemy lines or take out the hardware or whatever.

One of the best aspects of CoD4 is how the story is progressed in-game. ESPECIALLY the very end section. That has to be one of the best videogame moments of all time, no shitting.

I found most of CoD4's sp to be a load of shite. Gunwank from start to finish. And the last scene was incredibly lame. It's rather fantastic on Live though.
I found most of CoD4's sp to be a load of shite. Gunwank from start to finish. It's rather fantastic on Live though.
Well, that's fair enough, but it just never grabbed you? I thought it was one fine example of how to actually do FPS properly.

Not played on Live yet though! Add me and school me, boy!
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 8.7/10

Trip down memory lane.
I found most of CoD4's sp to be a load of shite. Gunwank from start to finish. And the last scene was incredibly lame. It's rather fantastic on Live though.

I thought COD4 was a bit of a letdown too, at least somewhat overrated.

Didn't grab me like the original did, nor the second. Felt so artificial.
The Curse of Monkey Island.

9/10. I had not played in about 10 years so I couldn't remember all the puzzles. Felt it was time to go through it again, its classic! Bring on Grim Fandango
The Curse of Monkey Island.

9/10. I had not played in about 10 years so I couldn't remember all the puzzles. Felt it was time to go through it again, its classic! Bring on Grim Fandango

I played through that a while ago, was a pretty damn awesome game with some good humor :)
Rainbow Six Vegas 2 - 7.5/10

On the third mission so far I think, not much has changed from the original, only that it is better optimised.
The checkpoints are sometimes infuriatingly far apart with no quicksave function either, which leads to frustration.
Decent gameplay apart from that though, if a little samey.
Assassin's Creed PC 8.7/10

Ideal mix between sandbox and scripted gameplay. It's no GTA in the Middle Ages by a long shot, but as an action-adventure game with a good story it succeeds brilliantly. It's basically freeform Prince of Persia set during the Crusades. Really enjoying it.
Didn't give it a full nine, because it's a bit too repetitive at times, some game elements are too rudimentary, and Jimbo otherwise prolly would nag me even more about the fact that I like it.
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