Rate the last game you played

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Guess some people don`t mind only getting half a game :(
I did find that the ending was pretty weird. Guess I was used to the KOtOR 1-styled ending.
Aside from the ending the game is pretty much a full one.

Apart from cutting out the whole droid factory levels which would have explained the ending planned to have HK47 save the day in one of the endings, and if you check out the KOTOR2 restoration page theres more:-

I was wondering whether I shoul give KOTOR a chance, I've only played the sequel which i stopped playing coz I got bored, but I've heard countless times that the original is better.

Kind of off-topic, but if any of you are getting The Force Unleashed, will you get it for Wii or PS3/360?
Superior cool controls versus superior graphics/physics engine. I already have a Wii, but I'm planning to get a Ps3 byt the end of the year so I'm really undecided, although I'm leaning more towards PS3, as I'm sure another game with awesome sword-fighting controls will eventually come out for the Wii.
If you got bored with kotor II you'll most likely do the same with the first.

Also everyone that likes bioware games should buy Jade Empire for the PC.
It's great and it comes in a great case.
I thought Jade Empire was crap, it's pretty but the oriental storyline just didn't do much for me.

Not to mention the incredibly repetitive combat system.

Also, I liked KOTOR a great deal better than the sequel, probably because I managed to get through the entire game whereas in KOTOR2 I stopped after having to fight through 8 million ****ing dark jedi in that old hag's temple.
I perfered the first KOTOR over the second, however both are amazing so play both of em :)
World In Conflict (Single Player) 9.1/10

I know I`m late to this party, but the last time I tried to play this it was like a slideshow due to my 1GB ram, and so had to ditch it for a while.
Now I have 2GB and can run all on high (well, as high as DX9 goes) and it looks amazing, particles, explosions, cut scenes graphics are all breathtaking and the fact you can take it right down to ground level and still have all that detail is amazing.
I also love the fact that there is no resource management, which is usually my failing on RTS games to the point I stop playing (COH, C&C3), it leaves the action to flow.
The only problem I have is that I don`t think I`m too far from the end, which is a shame because I`m really enjoying it, and I don`t play multi much, especially in an RTS.

Then again, the SP is great while it`s lasting.
After almost a full year and a half, (I've been very busy. I know, Oblivion is ancient history now.) I've finally finished Oblivion's main quest. :|

Oblivion without any mods (a.k.a Vanilla Oblivion): 4/10

Oblivion with Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul mod and Bethesda's own plugin(s): 7/10

I rated The final modded version so low solely because of the many bugs throughout the game that I just never can seem to get fixed, even when patched to the latest version. Otherwise I would have given the game at least an 8.5 Note too that I used vanilla's default graphical settings and had them all set on it's highest setting. (Except for soft shadows and grass shadows).

FPS were around 25 outdoors/60 indoors and also note that I didn't use Qarl's High Texture mod solely to save FPS.

Also, since I'm not a Morrowind purist (I've never played Morrowind), the many lore/gameplay differences don't bother me as I know nothing about the Elder Scrolls universe beyond Oblivion.
I had the "honor" of playing condemned 2 bloodshot. It was great, up until the sci-fi twist, which made the whole game suck. It had a bear chase, a cool boss girl with a razor-blade painted like a lollipop, and awesome environmental kills. Then it went straight to hell, not in a good way.

Condemned 2 Bloodshot: 7/10
Condemned: Criminal Origins: 8.9/10
Rising Eagle - 0/10...

Worst free multiplayer game I've ever played.
Sluggish control, horrible netcode, crap combat, and gimmicky powersuits.
Turok (PC) - 4/10

God, where do I start?

Okay, the graphics, which use UE3, look no better than Soldier Of Fortune 2.
Like that game, the Jungle levels where incredibly linear, which for SOF2 wasn't really a problem due to it being a small bit of the game. Turok is all Jungle, with only one path to your goal, albeit a path that sometimes is so poorly mapped, your not sure where you should be going.

The controls feel clunky, with the weapons just feeling poor, and I have yet to find out how to throw a grenade due to the game not telling you and it not being a mappable control.

Got bored of the story very quickly, with the opening being an Aliens rip-off.

It gets the 4 because some of the dinosaurs are beautifully animated, especially the T-Rex, but that's not enough to save this dire game.
Turok (PC) - 4/10

God, where do I start?

Okay, the graphics, which use UE3, look no better than Soldier Of Fortune 2.
Like that game, the Jungle levels where incredibly linear, which for SOF2 wasn't really a problem due to it being a small bit of the game. Turok is all Jungle, with only one path to your goal, albeit a path that sometimes is so poorly mapped, your not sure where you should be going.

The controls feel clunky, with the weapons just feeling poor, and I have yet to find out how to throw a grenade due to the game not telling you and it not being a mappable control.

Got bored of the story very quickly, with the opening being an Aliens rip-off.

It gets the 4 because some of the dinosaurs are beautifully animated, especially the T-Rex, but that's not enough to save this dire game.

Glad to see devs don't really take their time for console FPS ports anymore.
Recently beat or stopped playing.

Peggle - 7.0 Great little time waster.

Heavenly Sword - 8.0 Presentation was like i was watching a movie. Gameplay was meh for the most part. But the cut scenes were just epic.

Lair - Played 2 levels then stopped with the analog controls have you. Game is so ****ing terrible. - 3.0

Now playing:

Metal Gear Online - 8.5 for the beta need more MAPS!!!!! Game is amazing.

Mega Man Legends - ?/10 still playing it about 10 hours in.

Indigo Prophecy - ?/10 controls on keyboard are so ****ing terrible i had to take a break from this game. Thinking about picking up a joystick to finish it.

Folklore - ?/10 got to the six-ed chapter with the dude and was happy i was almost done with the game. Then it tells me i have to play with the girl to play the 6th chapter with the game. Its basically the same game with different creatures and cut scenes. Im so pissed!
Trackmania Nations - 10/10 I mean, wow, this game is so fun, addicting, and the custom maps out there are GREAT. Plus, it's free to play with retail versions of the game!

Starcraft - 10/10 ...Obvious reasons.
Iron Man (Demo): 7/10

It is better than most movie based games, but the controls are kinda hard to learn (flying is very awkward, so I spent most of the time hovering and taking damage). Also, it seemed to get very repetitive, especially for a demo that doesnt even show an entire level. Iron mans voice and his robot butler thingy are annoying too. However, the graphics are nice, and the suit customization seems very promising, so I'm interested to hear a full review when it comes out.
The Witcher: 9.5/10

**** yeah! Best RPG Ive played in years.
Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (360): 9/10

I love this game on XBL but it does seem to get boring after a while.
Portal: 10/10

It's like Mary Poppins: practically perfect in every way.
Red Orchestra - 9/10...

Once you actually get into it, it's damn fun.

I just wish it had spawn points that you could select on a map, cause it can take way too long to get to the fighting.
Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri / Alien Crossfire - 9/10
Never played it before (although I played my fair share of Civ 2) and I love it.
Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri / Alien Crossfire - 9/10
Never played it before (although I played my fair share of Civ 2) and I love it.

Heroine in video game form.

Seriously, you don't need to know what you're doing really, cause either way... you'll just be constantly doing so many things that time just flies right by.
Dawn of War (Demo): 8.5/10

Some of the great gameplay we have gotten to know and love from Relic, and some truly badass units and animations (melee kills are awesome). However, the graphics look quite dated right now, and the Dreadnaughts seem very unbalanced.

Extra points for one of the greatest opening cinematics of recent memory.

Can't wait for DoW 2!!! :D
Thief - Deadly Shadows

It was a real mistake to install this on my laptop during term-time. And a cruel twist of fate that it ran perfectly even on the lappy's puny system. But that decision, and destiny, have conspired to keep me up 'til 2am playing what remains the second-best stealth game ever. And I'm only on Day One. I'm going to enjoy this.

100% loot on all missions so far. Get in there!
Believe me or not, I never played a Thief game. :|
I heard they are all excellent though.
Believe me or not, I never played a Thief game. :|
I heard they are all excellent though.

They're great if you really like stealth games.

If not, you'll probably get bored.
God of War: Chains of Olympus Demo


+ Nice game, fun gameplay and stunning graphics. Killing is so funny.

- "Button push minigames" are very, very hard.
Heroine in video game form.

Seriously, you don't need to know what you're doing really, cause either way... you'll just be constantly doing so many things that time just flies right by.

Yeah, it's not too bad because I'm familiar with how Civ games play. Time flies in this game though (just like other civs), my roommate and I played a match for like 9 hours and we weren't even close to finished.
Believe me or not, I never played a Thief game. :|
I heard they are all excellent though.

You really should I've only played thief 3 (I can't get thief 1 or 2 to work on my comp for some reason) but it's a fantastic game with great gameplay, atmosphere and a gripping story :)
GTA IV was the last game I played, does that even need a rating?
Believe me or not, I never played a Thief game. :|
I heard they are all excellent though.

I played the first one, and it was really good until my 12 year old self was too afraid to keep playing after the first zombie encounter. I played the third one for a good while too, until it started getting into the supernatural stuff again, then I just lost interest.
Iron Man - 5/10

You can not shake his hand because he is made of IRON! Seriously though, it's like they spent all their time working on the character model (which I think thy used the CGI model from the movie) and making it all shiny and nice, while everything else looks ps2/xbox grade. Nothing more than fly around, blow up mindless, annoying enemies and repeat. Still, I enjoyed the thrill of screaming "IROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!".

Also, the voice acting is absolutely horrible. It's hilarious. Robert Downey Jr. sounds like he has a wooden plank in his ass while a gorilla squeezes his nipples.
Aw so it's the same as the demo :(

I thought it was just a bad level but if the whole game is like that, oh well that sucks. At least the movie kicked ass :)
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