Rate the last game you played

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Mega Man Anniversary Collection - 9.5/10

Loved the series as a kid and had several MM titles for the NES back then including MM 1-5. Nostaliga always gets the best of me fs.

Just finally completed the very first Megaman. Something I could never accomplish at that age because Ice Man's stage sucked major ass as far as the annoying factor goes. (the disappearing block sections and the flying platforms)

For those of you who've played the MegaMan series: Is it just me or does the original MegaMan games seem much easier than I remember them being? :upstare:
GTA4 10/10

Despite a few minor flaws with the cover/combat, this is probably the best game ever created.

how can you give it a perfect score if it's flawed?
don't get me wrong, i love the game :p
Serious Sam 2 - 4/10...

It looks a little prettier than the first two, other than that it's boring.
Battlefield 2 - 3/10...

Worst multiplayer game that I've ever paid for, the UT3 beta demo is more stable and playable than this shit.
Conquest:Frontier Wars- A really great game, just incredibly sad that only about a hundred people bought it.*sigh*
Conquest:Frontier Wars- A really great game, just incredibly sad that only about a hundred people bought it.*sigh*

Plenty of of people bought it, it's called Sins of a Solar Empire. :p
Project Eden


A solid 7.

The game has decent graphics and a powerful engine (although the low resolution textures are a pain sometimes), the quickloads are INSTANTENOUS. Yes, you heard me right, quickloads happen in an instant. You press the button and wham, immediate reload. No delays.

The game's setting is awesome, there aren't many games that allow you to take control of a four man police squad of a futuristic metropolis and descend to the forgotten depths of the city. Same for the art direction, as it really shows that you're deep underground and as you progress, the areas become more and more dilapitaded and run down.

It's more of an adventure game than a TPS, with lot's of environmental puzzles. Kind of like Half-Life, except with teamplay and three squadmates.
Enemy Territory : Quake Wars Demo 2 - 8.7/10...

It's actually very much playable now, I'm highly considering buying this in the very near future... I might even get it over Mass Effect.
Half-Life 2 - 10/10

My dad loves HL2. He helped me with the chopper in Water Hazard :p
Diablo 2 - 9/10

Good lord, took me a while to get around to this gem, but I was no dissapointed. The gameplay need not be commented on, as the innumerable amount of clones should speak for themselves. The graphics however surprised me. In my opinion it has aged very well all the way back from 2000.
Clive barker's undying 7/10

I'm about a good couple of hours in but repition is setting in quite fast. It seems this game is a bit like how yahtzee described bioshock where you have to endless fetch quests and then do more so that you can unlock a door or find a key or whatever. Quite scary at first and I genuinely did jump at times but that has set off now although i do like the character designs quite creative :)

Bourne Conspiracy (demo) 6/10

seems fair, quite good to immerse yourself and pretend to be bourne or at least it would be if more than half of the cool moves are either QTEs or cutscenes. Just like watching a bourne movie I suppose but if i wanted to watch the movie i'd watch the movie not play the game where you can "BE BOURNE - THE PERFECT WEAPON" or more realistically "BE BOURNE - THE MASTER OF QTE" :|
Gears of War (PC) - 6/10
Its repetitive, story is appauling, characters look like talking gorilas...combat and graphics are nice. Some of the new PC version levels have serious bugs.

Assassins Creed (PC) - 7/10
I didn't finish it but i was a bit disapointed. I like the free roaming, the cities are very good, unfortunatly the controls are a bit... strange, the combate is meh, and the maps that connect the cities have A LOT of stuttering.
Gears of War (PC) - 6/10
Its repetitive, story is appauling, characters look like talking gorilas...combat and graphics are nice. Some of the new PC version levels have serious bugs.

Assassins Creed (PC) - 7/10
I didn't finish it but i was a bit disapointed. I like the free roaming, the cities are very good, unfortunatly the controls are a bit... strange, the combate is meh, and the maps that connect the cities have A LOT of stuttering.

AC rated higher than Gears. Must I say more?
Death Worm - 8/10

Tremors: The Game. And it's free. What more can you ask?

I've had this game sitting in a folder on my desktop for the past year, it's so much fun for when you're bored and have a few minutes to kill.
Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 demo-7/10

Good for a demo, don't see myself sitting there for hours trying to beat the full game though.
Lost Winds, 9/10. I am so impressed with Lost Winds. It stands up there with Ico and reminds me why I got into gaming in the first place. Certainly a highlight of this generation for me - I haven't been this engrossed since Mario Galaxy - and a superb beginning. Bring on part 2!

If you have a Wii, buy this. It's only ?7!

GTA 4, 8/10. This game brings out the grinch in me. So much is awesome, but something's been lost. I'm not sure if it's the lack of exciting car chases compared other GTAs, the slow and clunky fighting, or the dreadfully dull babysitting ordeals, but it doesn't quite flow. I got bored half way through and haven't gone back (although this is probably due to Lost Winds). Also, the multiplayer, while fun, is a massively wasted opportunity.

Obviously a very good game, but not what i'd hoped for.
Advance Wars: Dark Conflict; 8.75/10
Definitely up there with the best DS games. Intense strategy, the AI is extremely challenging, and there's loads of options for your own tactics. The map creator is brilliant, and allows you to make maps legitimately as believeable as the maps presented by default. What's more, you can save 50 of them, give them to others over Wi-Fi and wireless DS connection, and battle others over Wi-Fi with optional friend codes. If you have a DS, get this. NOW.
Project Eden: 8/10

A great, solid game, again. Strong art direction coupled with a fantastic last level (those who know what it is can guess why I love it) and general awesome (Amber: "How cute...")

You know you want it. Should be in a bargain bin near you!

Two Worlds: 7/10

Hilarious voice acting, large world, great aesthetics, people looking a bit weird, lots of things to do (and kill)... it's surprisingly addictive too!

Generic as a pile of bricks.
Good art.
Average voice acting.
Lacking Unicode support makes me angry.
diablo 2- 8/10

got bored of my poison necro so I started up a spear barb. ooh-rah-rah.

Generic as a pile of bricks.
Good art.
Average voice acting.
Lacking Unicode support makes me angry.
Well if you're going to post that kind of game.

Yin-Yang! X-Change Alternative


I'm not experienced with these games by any stretch of the imagination, but I'm enjoying this one pretty well... Could be better, not really 'amazing' artwork.
I didn't realise you were into eroge games vegeta ;)

nobody judge me for the fact I recognise that game D:
I'm not experienced with these games by any stretch of the imagination, but I'm enjoying this one pretty well... Could be better, not really 'amazing' artwork.

X-Change is one of the better games/series out there.

Next up;


Another average title, made worse by the creepy music played when anything actually happens.

I'll have a crack at xxな彼女のつくりかた ハプニング プラスディスク soon. For the confused use google.
Jedi knight 2 : Jedi Outcast 7/10

Very fun when you get past the forst 4/5 saberless levels, but the game picks up soon after.

G_saberrealisticcombat 5 is the coolest cheatcode ever
Soldiers - Heroes of WW2 - meh/10...

It's fun to directly control units and blow shit up, but god damn it's huge pain the ass to do ANYTHING.
You have to manually load ammo into the tank with a unit, but the tutorial is so shit that you practically have to figure it out on your own.
I uninstalled after trying to play the first mission.

Games are supposed to fun to play, not a god damn chore.
Doom 3 - 8.5/10

Great-fun-blowing-the-crap-out-of-demons-from-Hell game combined some really suspenseful moments with fantastic atmospheric sound effects in the mix. The story is quite decent but the narration could've used some work. The scare factor completely vanish a few hours into the game with monsters-in-the-closet that'll only annoy and frustrate you the further you play. I feel that some demons were really underused like the Pinky Demons, Cherubs, Mancubus and Ticks while other enemies like the Imps become a real annoyance because of the overuse.
Betruger's laugh is what I hate most of all...
"Making progress marine? HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"
"Your soul shall burn in Hell forever. HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAH!"
*Random demon spawn from Hell* "HAHAHAHAHAAHAHA!"

System Shock 2 - 9/10

A lot of fun and very scary but there's a really frustrating lack of resources for some bosses late in the game. The best they could give me for one of the bosses in the end is 24 Anti personnel bullets, ffs. That just isn't enough against the respawning monsters :|. The same happens for the next boss, except they don't give you any resources at all, except for 2 med hypos I think. Now, how fun is that? I barely managed to beat the last boss, I used my last pistol shot to beat it.

There are also some areas that you can get stuck in, a particular part of the game requires you to be almost fully radiated, I was lucky I had many anti radiation hypos. If I didn't have so many anti rad hypos at the time I would be stuck.

Other than that, I <3 this game.
Funny, since the thing that Bioshock is often criticized for is the abundance of resources and how easy it makes it.
Assassins Creed (PC): 8.5/10

Got repetitive quickly, but it was fun enough for me not to care. I actually managed to get interested in the story which i had no clue about prior to playing. Playing on medium high settings made it run fine (on my 7800gt). Good game, hope they mix up the gameplay some more in the next one, and keep the story interesting without getting too ridiculous.
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