Rate the last game you played

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How the hell would Quake Wars show that PC gaming's dying?

Aside from performance issues, it's a great 'sequel' to Wolf : ET, I'd go and buy it right now if I didn't have so much other shit to do... all from the awesome demo.

wtf at PC gaming dying? Also performance issues? I have Quake Wars and I admit it's not my type of game, but at least I didn't experience any performance issues.


Delta Force: Land Warrior 8/10 - I'm surprised I haven't played this sooner, since it's so old. GReat fun, the campaign' a bit too short, AI sometimes runs around randomly, killing me with one shot from 500m away, other times I'm standing right next to an enemy and he can't hit me for shit. I also had som issues with sound, gunshots sounded the same whether the shooter was righ in front of me or 300m away, to my left or to my right. Although it has it's own problems I had lots of fun and will surely be venturing into this previously unexplored by me genre.
wtf at PC gaming dying? Also performance issues? I have Quake Wars and I admit it's not my type of game, but at least I didn't experience any performance issues.


Delta Force: Land Warrior 8/10 - I'm surprised I haven't played this sooner, since it's so old. GReat fun, the campaign' a bit too short, AI sometimes runs around randomly, killing me with one shot from 500m away, other times I'm standing right next to an enemy and he can't hit me for shit. I also had som issues with sound, gunshots sounded the same whether the shooter was righ in front of me or 300m away, to my left or to my right. Although it has it's own problems I had lots of fun and will surely be venturing into this previously unexplored by me genre.

Playing online... when there's alot of action, it tends to bog down my computer.
But it's not completely unplayable.

Knights of the Old Republic - 9/10...
Best Star Wars RPG ever, wish they'd make one out of the Battle of Yavin Era.
God, I just replayed KOTOR 1, great game. I love you Bastila ;( It's a shame I had to KILL YOU
God, I just replayed KOTOR 1, great game. I love you Bastila ;( It's a shame I had to KILL YOU
How do you mean had to, I played good the whole game and not only did I not have to kill her, I also managed to get a relationship with her.
God, I just replayed KOTOR 1, great game. I love you Bastila ;( It's a shame I had to KILL YOU
Man i love KOTOR, one of my all time favourite.

While i'm waiting for Mass Effect, i'm playing (again) Europa Universalis 3. It's a great game, very immersive, and i love all the different strategies we can take, but overall i still prefere EU2. I don't like the new 3d engine and the lack of historical events.

How do you mean had to, I played good the whole game and not only did I not have to kill her, I also managed to get a relationship with her.
Damn right, I also sechsed up Bastila big time \:D/
Tried GRID on 360 and found it to suck badly

May i ask why you found it to suck? I got it on the PC and i love it. It takes a lot of getting used to.Each car acts realistically and it's the first racing game that actually challenges me.And the crash effect are really nice.
May i ask why you found it to suck? I got it on the PC and i love it. It takes a lot of getting used to.Each car acts realistically and it's the first racing game that actually challenges me.And the crash effect are really nice.
A)The drift sucked, like, worse then Juiced 2.
B)that YOUR GOING A GAZILLION MILES PER HOUR thing kills racing games to me.
C)Have you played Pro Race Driver? In comparison, this was a disappointment.
D)My BMW was ON FIRE and the pit crew is all, "Your cars just a little banged up, you'll be fine"
I'm a simulator enthusiast (GTR2, GPL, rFactor), so Grid its not for me. I was expecting a semi-arcade game and thats what we got, i don't think its thats bad. It's a fun game to pass the time, it's very simple, the learning curve is very low, the touring cars have monster performance (those starts, braking and cornering are almost F1:D) but who cares, its fun! Thats the main goal of these kind of games.
However its a shame the road that the TOCA games went (Grid its the spiritual successor). The first two games were awesome, unfortunatly now they are non-stop, high adrenaline racing games.
Knights Of The Old Republic 2: 9/10

Finished this last night. I'd argue it was better than the first game simply because it strayed from the bog standard good/evil formula of Star Wars. The final act was a letdown but the rest of the game was great. Lack of polish and refinement in some areas, but other than that, I loved it.
Knights Of The Old Republic 2: 9/10

Finished this last night. I'd argue it was better than the first game simply because it strayed from the bog standard good/evil formula of Star Wars. The final act was a letdown but the rest of the game was great. Lack of polish and refinement in some areas, but other than that, I loved it.

The fact that the first game followed the Star Wars formula is why I liked it.
Kept the feeling that it was still a Star Wars game, KOTOR2 had that same feeling but I couldn't bring myself to even beat the game because of the ridiculous difficulty of fighting 3000 dark jedi.
I'd honestly have to replay it again to fairly judge it, I played it like a year or so ago so my memory's a bit hazy on it.
I thought it was kind of easy – I just used the force storm power on them in large groups. A couple of clicks and they were down. It was more cheap than hard.

Oh and the Sith triumvirate- Darth Nihilus, Darth Sion and Darth Traya – was so much cooler than Malak. Too bad they were underused.

I've been wanting this ever since I saw the first video, and finally today I downloaded it. I was greeted with far, far more than I expected from a Wiiware game. Everything from how it's presented to how it sounds is simply astounding. The graphics are highly stylized and soft looking, with a pleasing amount of bloom and cute character models. The sound consists of fluid Far Eastern flute and primal percussion, complementing fantastic effects; move your cursor over any object in the game and you'll hear the wind interact with it. These models also move appropriately, with variables such as the power and direction of the gusts. It's full of tiny touches that you may never notice, but change this from a pretty game to a beautiful game. It's short, but it never gets old, and is my favourite videogame surprise since Portal.

To put it short, this game makes me happy when I play it. Very rarely does any game, let alone many things at all, achieve that for me. I challenge even the most serious of cynics to play this and not find themselves smiling.

I thought it was kind of easy ? I just used the force storm power on them in large groups. A couple of clicks and they were down. It was more cheap than hard.

Oh and the Sith triumvirate- Darth Nihilus, Darth Sion and Darth Traya ? was so much cooler than Malak. Too bad they were underused.

Nihilus pissed me off, so god damn badass... yet so weak.
He went down damn easy.
Knights Of The Old Republic 2: 9/10

Finished this last night. I'd argue it was better than the first game simply because it strayed from the bog standard good/evil formula of Star Wars. The final act was a letdown but the rest of the game was great. Lack of polish and refinement in some areas, but other than that, I loved it.

I really hated that I had to the entire sith citadel by myself with none of my cool buddies that I leveled up and got gear for and everything.

I've been wanting this ever since I saw the first video, and finally today I downloaded it. I was greeted with far, far more than I expected from a Wiiware game. Everything from how it's presented to how it sounds is simply astounding. The graphics are highly stylized and soft looking, with a pleasing amount of bloom and cute character models. The sound consists of fluid Far Eastern flute and primal percussion, complementing fantastic effects; move your cursor over any object in the game and you'll hear the wind interact with it. These models also move appropriately, with variables such as the power and direction of the gusts. It's full of tiny touches that you may never notice, but change this from a pretty game to a beautiful game. It's short, but it never gets old, and is my favourite videogame surprise since Portal.

To put it short, this game makes me happy when I play it. Very rarely does any game, let alone many things at all, achieve that for me. If challenge even the most serious of cynics to play this and not find themselves smiling.


KOTOR2 could have been better than the first one if it was completed. Like Samon said the final act was a shame with a lot of missing content. However i prefere Revan to the Exile, as a matter of fact i prefere all the characters from the first one, excluding Kreia, she is a fantastic character

For me the second one was easier, The Exile is much more powerfull than Revan if well developed, and the last levels are pretty easy with force lightning.
Call of Duty 2 Multiplayer - 0/10...
What the ****, it's a bunny hop fest.

CoD1 UO + CoD4 > CoD2 in the MP department.
Day Of Defeat (the old one).
Such a brilliant multiplayer game. It's got great maps with good structure, that's how map design should be. It's technical and skillful. Brilliantly balanced with each weapon being awesome in the right hands.
Assassin's Creed 5/10.

I've held off reviewing Assassin's Creed as, despite numerous visits, I couldn't get motivated enough to complete the game. This weekend I decided to give it a final try and have now given up for good. The thing about Assassin's Creed is, Assassin's Creed is ****ing boring. A really ****ing boring poster child for style over substance. It may look stunning - Assassin's Creed is polished to a shine and production values are through the roof - but the gameplay couldn't be more underwhelming. There is simply nothing asked of the player here, and nothing given back by the game - it's like bowling with the safety barriers up in a 1 ft wide lane with no pins at the end.

I tried AC at a friends and I couldn't get the appeal. It was just boring and for someone like altair who is supposed to be incredibly fluid in movement he seemed really rigid to control :|

Resistance fall of man 4/10

I don't get the appeal of this game either. I think it is just done to no other game being out at the time on the ps3 but the game seemed really average, derivative and there was nothing new. It was really just boring. Now although I am sick of how almost every FPS game nowadays copies halo's recharging health system this seemed to be one game that really would have suited it as there doesn't seem to be any health packs most of the time and I had my ass handed to me alot cos of that.

Other things that did tick me off were the plot (which really did seem to take a back seat when the only plot points are told from someone else's perspective describing what you have just done and failed to provide any real immersion) and the graphics which aren't anything special at all. After the fourth level I was tired of it and just gave up.
Call of Duty 2 Multiplayer - 0/10...
What the ****, it's a bunny hop fest.

CoD1 UO + CoD4 > CoD2 in the MP department.

You're too late in playing it, its just full of hackers and dickhead 12 years olds now, as CoD was when CoD 2 first came out, whenever the next big CoD game comes out, CoD 4 will suffer the same fate. CoD 4 is far better though anyway.

And couldnt have but it better warbie, was utter, utter shit. I completed the first city then gave up, never went back.
SOF: Payback- 7/10

Good game just, like most games now, is kinda the same stuff in a different place.
A lot of gore though :)
KOTOR2 could have been better than the first one if it was completed. Like Samon said the final act was a shame with a lot of missing content. However i prefere Revan to the Exile, as a matter of fact i prefere all the characters from the first one, excluding Kreia, she is a fantastic character

For me the second one was easier, The Exile is much more powerfull than Revan if well developed, and the last levels are pretty easy with force lightning.

Pretty much this. I remember I got force crush later on as well, which was rather strong. I heard that they're making a KOTOR3? Or is that just me wanting it badly?
Pretty much this. I remember I got force crush later on as well, which was rather strong. I heard that they're making a KOTOR3? Or is that just me wanting it badly?
In Bioware's site, they have in the "In Development" section, a "New Next Gen Game - LucasArts/BioWare Interactive Product". I'm praying to all the gods for that to be KOTOR3.
Painkiler overdose 2/10

I've only tried the demo of the first one and liked that and will probably pick it up soon but I tried this from a pal and where do I begin?

Combat is pretty uninspired and repetitive whereas the original didn't seem to appear so. Oh and most of the guns seem like reskins of old ones. You can't tell me that the cube is not a rip off of the painkiller.

Worst. One. Liners. EVAR!!

The general performance on my rig is ****ing atrocious (now my rig is pretty outdated but it still meets requirements comfortably enough), the framerate seems to freeze and stutter alot and this isn't helped by alot of enemies being on screen at once. If it's this bad I don't want to see it on my new pc i'm getting soon which has vista and a multi core processor :|

The graphics are quite bad, painkiller i think looked better but that might be done to better design

Load times are ridiculous, the first wasn't this bad!

Level design is pretty uninspired. In the first there was great cathedrals and military bases and graveyards. In this we have a bland town, then a bland, japanese town and a marsh. Oh and a nuclear power plant, how does that fit in here? o_O

Story is crap even by painkiller standards (bad fanfic stuff here)

Lastly and most importantly (if it weren't for this i woud have probably said 5 or 6/10) it's so ****ing buggy! I already mentioned the performance issues, I had to put most things on low to get a consistent framerate for crying out loud. Yet despite this the game still crashed on the second level when i collected enough souls for the brief powered up stage the game then crashed and blue screened my computer :flame:

that's when i said i had enough uninstalled it and i'm giving it back to my friend tomorrow. He said it was okay, I say it was ****
Boxhead The Zombie Wars 7/10 If all you have is the internet, play this. Got me through a day of school.
Wilds Arms XF - 7/10

Game play is solid so far, though the lack of units, other than the stock 4, is kind of annoying...especially when the dog can't do shit. Also, the lack of actual movement in talking sequences, just flashing pictures...bleh.

Either or, so far, it's OK.
Ninja Gaiden 2 - 7/10

I was a huge fan of the first, and aside from the wacky camera this game pretty much delivered for me in everything I wanted in a Ninja Gaiden sequel. Finished Warrior yesterday to hit around 300 on the leaderboards, and starting on mentor difficulty I can tell this game is about to kick my ass every which way. (On mentor, the first level has you face enemies who you don't see until late in the game who have the capability to kill you in 2 or 3 hits)
EVE Online - 1/10...

1 point for being pretty.
Other than that it's overly complex and everything takes too damn long to do.
Battlefield Badcompany Demo - 10/10, Epic


Lego Indiana Jones, The Original Adventures - 8/10, also epic.

Both on 360, and both are a must buy.
A)The drift sucked, like, worse then Juiced 2.
B)that YOUR GOING A GAZILLION MILES PER HOUR thing kills racing games to me.
C)Have you played Pro Race Driver? In comparison, this was a disappointment.
D)My BMW was ON FIRE and the pit crew is all, "Your cars just a little banged up, you'll be fine"

A. Yep drifting sucks.
B. Not a problem I never pay attention to the "speed" I'm going at in any racing game.
C. No comment.
D. Yeah major lack of dialogue in that department.

Nothing too game breaking, it's still fun.
Mass Effect: 8.5

Good game, but none of the characters felt real. They didnt have enough development for me to give two shits about them. The ending was pretty epic looking, but playing it was just like every other boss fight in any other game. Not to mention I had to beat him by using warp and bashing him with my weapon because my guns bugged and got stuck in overheated state, and on top of that my partners never shot a single round at him, so it was all up to me. Took Foreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeever.

Which goes to show you how easy the game was. I beat the hardest enemy in the game without using any weapons or dying once. In fact the handful of times I did die at any point in the game was either because of A: I get hit by a rocket I didnt see coming, or B: I intentionally drive my Mako into lava/bottomless water just to spice things up.
Team Fortress 2: 10/10. I am in love with the Spy and the Scout.

Its a great game, you guys should try it. :frog:
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