Rate the last game you played

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Mass Effect: 8.5

Good game, but none of the characters felt real. They didnt have enough development for me to give two shits about them. The ending was pretty epic looking, but playing it was just like every other boss fight in any other game. Not to mention I had to beat him by using warp and bashing him with my weapon because my guns bugged and got stuck in overheated state, and on top of that my partners never shot a single round at him, so it was all up to me. Took Foreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeever.

Which goes to show you how easy the game was. I beat the hardest enemy in the game without using any weapons or dying once. In fact the handful of times I did die at any point in the game was either because of A: I get hit by a rocket I didnt see coming, or B: I intentionally drive my Mako into lava/bottomless water just to spice things up.

Funny that the pirates have fixed this bug, when the developers have not even announced a patch.

The Witcher 8/10 (so far)

I'm up to the first village after you leave the castle at the start of the game, and have started a few quests, enjoying it at the minute alot, not as much as I enjoyed mass effect though.
Spore Creature Creator Trial: 10/10
Amazing what the possibilities are. I can't WAIT until Spore comes out in September.
Funny that the pirates have fixed this bug, when the developers have not even announced a patch.

The Witcher 8/10 (so far)

I'm up to the first village after you leave the castle at the start of the game, and have started a few quests, enjoying it at the minute alot, not as much as I enjoyed mass effect though.

It gets a lot better from there.
Rainbow Six Vegas 2 9.6/10

I know this game hasn't recieved the best reviews, and everyone says the original Vegas is much better, but having not played the previous Vegas, my view isn't "biased" by comparing it to the original. Thus, I can say that when not compared to Vegas 1, this is one of the best games I've ever played. The huge customization offers a lot of depth and even more replayability, the gameplay is incredibly intense, there's lots of tactical freedom, and personally I can't see why everyone's bitching about the cover system, for this game I think it works excellently.
Spore Creature Creator Trial - 10/10.

Spore is already the greatest game ever made.
Rainbow Six Vegas 2 9.6/10

I know this game hasn't recieved the best reviews, and everyone says the original Vegas is much better, but having not played the previous Vegas, my view isn't "biased" by comparing it to the original. Thus, I can say that when not compared to Vegas 1, this is one of the best games I've ever played. The huge customization offers a lot of depth and even more replayability, the gameplay is incredibly intense, there's lots of tactical freedom, and personally I can't see why everyone's bitching about the cover system, for this game I think it works excellently.

If you played it on the console, I would understand the high rating.

But if you played it on the PC, that should be much much lower.
Terrible squad command system killed the game for me, maybe it works better on consoles idk.
I'm just used to the awesome command system in SWAT 4.
Yeh there is a substantial difference between the console and PC version, PC version is just a terrible, terrible port.
MGS 4 10/10 - Seriously this is going up there in my head as one of my favourite games i've ever played. The story was so good and filled with great twists. Gameplay still great and refines upon alot of the faults of mgs 3. A bit more action oriented than the previous but still an astounding game :D

Rainbow Six vegas 1 9/10 - I've never played rainbow six before so it took a while to get used to the way of playing it and as such some sections were incredibly frustrating but it became easier when i got used to it. Fun and addictive gameplay really made this game :)

Although that was a crap ending as bad as halo 2's ending but heck i didn't care about the plot that much in this anyway. I'm going to play the second one next but I'm now a bit apprehensive after hearing complains on the pc version as i'm going to play that :(
If you played it on the console, I would understand the high rating.

But if you played it on the PC, that should be much much lower.
Terrible squad command system killed the game for me, maybe it works better on consoles idk.
I'm just used to the awesome command system in SWAT 4.

Is SWAT 4 any good?
I played SWAT on the original Xbox and enjoyed it, but the SWAT 4 demo didn't work on my old PC, still interested, but is it worth the money?
Is SWAT 4 any good?
I played SWAT on the original Xbox and enjoyed it, but the SWAT 4 demo didn't work on my old PC, still interested, but is it worth the money?

Very much so.
Random mission generator, countless mods, fairly active multiplayer WITH co-op! :D

I've been meaning to reinstall it, buy the Gold edition.
Comes with both the original game and the expansion both fully patched.

Also, 2 words - Nonlethal weaponary.
Nothing quite like blasting pepper balls into everybody's face.
Or constantly tasing your suspects and civvies.

Get itttt, I got the gold pack a couple of years ago for $20.

Here's a post by Sulkdodds which basically sold me on the game.
Warfighter is good, but ultimately can't contend with the sheer awesome of running into people's houses screaming 'GIT DOWN ON THE FLORE!' then shooting them in the face with rubber bullets.

Then shooting them in the face with rubber bullets.
Then shooting the criminals in the face with rubber bullets.
Then shooting the hostages in the face with rubber bullets.

Seriously, the beanbag shotgun is the most wonderful thing ever. When armed with it, you needn't worry who is friend, who is enemy and who is innocent civilian - no, just shoot them in the face and handcuff them. If they don't submit the first shot, shoot them in the face again, and again, and again, and again. The sadistic pleasure of being able to shotgun people repeatedly in the face and still maintaining yourself as a stirling example of safe and effective policing cannot be matched by anything in Advanced Warfighter.

Plus, it's most refreshing to play a game in which killing people is actively discouraged, while responsible behaviour rewarded.
Dungeon Keeper 2- 7.5/10

fun, but some of the controls are mysterious, and moving guys around is a pain.
Dungeon Keeper 2- 7.5/10

fun, but some of the controls are mysterious, and moving guys around is a pain.
You obviously just suck.

Oh wait, Dungeon Keeper 2.... Yeah that game wasn't as good.
I'm confused at which parts of your posts are supposed to be sarcastic.

You need to play the first one naaoooowwww.
Very much so.
Random mission generator, countless mods, fairly active multiplayer WITH co-op! :D

I've been meaning to reinstall it, buy the Gold edition.
Comes with both the original game and the expansion both fully patched.

Also, 2 words - Nonlethal weaponary.
Nothing quite like blasting pepper balls into everybody's face.
Or constantly tasing your suspects and civvies.

Get itttt, I got the gold pack a couple of years ago for $20.

Here's a post by Sulkdodds which basically sold me on the game.

Damnit, now I have to install that game again. Thanks a lot jerkwad.

I remember me and my brother used to play over LAN and our favorite mission was the one with the kidnapper and his old-lady mom. Oh god, how that woman could endure such torture is beyond comprehension.
I used to play it at lans with my 2 cousins, ****ing fun as hell game that is.
Dungeon Keeper 2 was fun too, but it confused the hell out of me when I played it.
That was like 10 years ago I think.

I just remember using little goblins to hack away at walls mining for gold and expanding the play area.

KOTOR2 - 7/10...

Played it on the XBOX, meh.

I still like KOTOR1 better, mainly for the locales and characters.
Pariah: 3/10

Like wading through a sea of horse manure. With pins in your eyes. And a clamp hanging from your dick. If I was running a game design course my students would play this from start to finish, simply because it is a pure and raw testament to the travesties gaming often has to offer.
Half-Life 2 - 10/10

I prefer it since its A) nice and long B) URBAN MUTHA****IN COMBAT BITCHES
Very much so.
Random mission generator, countless mods, fairly active multiplayer WITH co-op! :D

I've been meaning to reinstall it, buy the Gold edition.
Comes with both the original game and the expansion both fully patched.

Also, 2 words - Nonlethal weaponary.
Nothing quite like blasting pepper balls into everybody's face.
Or constantly tasing your suspects and civvies.

Get itttt, I got the gold pack a couple of years ago for $20.

Here's a post by Sulkdodds which basically sold me on the game.

I used to be in a clan for it, I was pretty damn good.

Best round must have been where I completely aced the first wave of SWAT as Terrorist, took the VIP hostage and held him there for two minutes pretty much on my own (the rest of my team was retarded, they didn't know how to use the video feeds in the helmets). Then I got kicked for cheating, lol. This was on that map where the VIP starts in the parking garage and has to work his way out through this office-like complex, it's situated in a computer company I think...

Oh, and I also once managed to pick off 6 people with 6 Python shots. Very proud, I was :D
Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 - 8/10

Very fun game, a lot better than the first, and it's a breeze to control multiple units.

A lot of fun concepts in the game, like scanning out your own areas, or being able to command units via a camera on their person or vehicle, and missions controlling a helicopter chain gun are thrown in here and there to mix up gameplay a bit.

Over all a very good game.

I used to be in a clan for it, I was pretty damn good.

Best round must have been where I completely aced the first wave of SWAT as Terrorist, took the VIP hostage and held him there for two minutes pretty much on my own (the rest of my team was retarded, they didn't know how to use the video feeds in the helmets). Then I got kicked for cheating, lol. This was on that map where the VIP starts in the parking garage and has to work his way out through this office-like complex, it's situated in a computer company I think...

Oh, and I also once managed to pick off 6 people with 6 Python shots. Very proud, I was :D

I have it installed, we all need to get some multiplayer action going
Pariah: 3/10

Like wading through a sea of horse manure. With pins in your eyes. And a clamp hanging from your dick. If I was running a game design course my students would play this from start to finish, simply because it is a pure and raw testament to the travesties gaming often has to offer.

Why do you keep playing this game, cos I know you've mentioned before that it is complete horse**** o_O
I remember seeing Pariah under your name in the steam friends list, less then a week ago.
Lost Planet: Colonies

Seeing as how I picked up a new Vid card, and I always had trouble running this game on my old one, I thought I'd pick it up for ?20.
Five levels in and it's not bad. I've played alot better, and the visuals, though sometimes impressive, are not representative of the sys reqs, but its a fun little shooter and runs nicely for me now.


Gears Of War

Playing this through again now too, and due to the fact that since last time I've got a 22 inch Widescreen monitor, I'm picking up graphics I couldn't see before on my old crappy monitor, it really is a lovely looking game, and although the gameplay is pretty much the same thing all the way through, it is enjoyable enough to last the whole game (except for the shitty car section).
Plus, it's shitloads better than the halo games.

I will, don't worry, just wanna make sure the new compy can handle this bitch.
Last thing I need is to buy a game that wont even run.

EDIT: Holy shit, demo is awesomes, must.....buy...........SWAT......................4
only complaint-walking=way to slow.
Ninja Gaiden II - 7/10

action packed and gory as hell!
some boss fights are a little disappointing (and often frustrating)
combat isn't as deep as DMC4
camera still sucks
good fun though
worth the rental at least
only complaint-walking=way too slow.
It's okay. In multiplayer, with 16 players, there's more than enough action. And in CO-OP in multiplayer even that is far too fast, because you really have to spend five minutes in each room to secure it. (This is on hardest difficulty)
More enemies as the difficulty increases?

Only did it on normal, love the fact that most run away after firing 1 or 2 shots.
If you get the game hit me up, I'll be reinstalling it some time today.

For maps and mods check out 10-David.

This is the game to convince me that it's almost meaningless to give games a score these days. Do you give it an 7 or 8 due to some of the obvious flaws and never ending cutscenes, or a 10 because it's one of the most memorable, exciting and fun pieces of gaming around? My mate said he felt gay after watching it for a few minutes and would give it gay/10. It can't be rated.

Therefore I give MGS4 a 'getting a headshot while wearing latex trousers with a frog in them'/10
SWAT 4 DEMO - 10/10

Full game is currently in the installation process, doing the demo to hold me over.
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