Rate the last game you played

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This is the game to convince me that it's almost meaningless to give games a score these days. Do you give it an 7 or 8 due to some of the obvious flaws and never ending cutscenes, or a 10 because it's one of the most memorable, exciting and fun pieces of gaming around? My mate said he felt gay after watching it for a few minutes and would give it gay/10. It can't be rated.

Therefore I give MGS4 a 'getting a headshot while wearing latex trousers with a frog in them'/10

This. I am not sure in my head now what is my favorite mgs game. I believe the first was the best game but the 4th had the best story and I largely play mgs for the story as do alot of people, so i'm confused :p

Rainbow six vegas 2 8/10 - very similiar to the first to the point of this should have been an expansion but still enjoyable. I mentioned about the first vegas they didn't care about the plot that is even clearer here considering there are plot holes a tank could drive through when you connect this to the first. Also i played it on pc but I can't complain about it really like some of you did but I supoose i haven't tried the console version to compare.

Also I really want to play swat 4 now after hearing you guys talk about it :D
Battlefield 2 - 8/10

Fun as hell game, even though it is OH SO very annoying, and has some bugs. When you play with some people you know, though, the whole game is awesome and epic as shit.
Tribes Vengeance: 8/10

How the hell can you hate every other game out there and actually like the last nail in Tribes' coffin?
Aside from an alright singleplayer campaign it has no other redeeming qualities.

It's a 5/10 for me, considering Tribes is all about multiplayer.
psychonauts 7.5/10

haven't finished this yet but I am enjoying it and it is certainly a unique game but there are a few little flaws that stop me from giving this a higher score.

- at the point i am at the theatre level and repetition does seem to be setting in
- the game has literally became one giant scavenger hunt at this point
- the fact that the game will warn me before going into a level if i don't have a nescessary item but won't warn me if i don't have a nescessary psychic power. This really annoyed me when found out i needed invisibility in the milkman conspiracy but I din't have it and no warning was given :flame: It now feels like an rpg where I need to upgrade my level constantly in order to get anywhere :|

EDIT: make it 8/10 i just done some more levels that were quite good :)
tribes:Vengeance 10/10
I got a pirated version of this game...there was no saves.So I had to play all day and night to discovr the plot.Awesome game.
How the hell can you hate every other game out there and actually like the last nail in Tribes' coffin?
Aside from an alright singleplayer campaign it has no other redeeming qualities.

It's a 5/10 for me, considering Tribes is all about multiplayer.

I was rating the game based purely on the singleplayer. I have never played Tribes 1 or 2 and I didn't care for the multiplayer in Vengeance either. I played for the singleplayer. The storyline was written by Levine, and despite some cheesy dialogue and a few contrivances it is actually quite good. You can find much worse gameplay elsewhere too. This game is underrated simply because people went in expecting a multiplayer experience. Which, you know, doesn't surprise me - the singleplayer is barely advertised.

It's still hugely unfair to rate the game on the multiplayer though; the idea that it's “all about” the multiplayer component is nonsense if that isn't all the game has to offer.
Psychonauts (final assessment) 8/10

really good game but at the end the game has got serious balance issues and the last level especially requires the patience of a saint in order to not get frustrated.

Portal 10/10

nuff said. One of my fav games ever and I am still playing it :)
Supreme Commander. I only just started this game but it isn't doing anything for me.
Supreme Commander. I only just started this game but it isn't doing anything for me.

I found it appeals to a pretty specific crowd, almost everyone I know does not like it.

Spore Creature Creator - 9/10

It is an awesome little program in itself that only hypes me for the game even more. Probably the best bit was that it was so accessible, a few of my friends who dont play video games so much could sit down and figure it out in mere minutes.
I'm rather disappointed as one of my friends said it was excellent. Maybe I'm just too used to the Command & Conquer scale to get used to this.
Call of Duty 4 Singleplayer on Veteran - 2/10

Its either incredibly easy or extremely frustrating. (ACT I and II (Up to the ghillie missions) were very easy, but ACT III is a frustration and makes it no fun)
Spore Creature Creator - 9/10

It is an awesome little program in itself that only hypes me for the game even more. Probably the best bit was that it was so accessible, a few of my friends who dont play video games so much could sit down and figure it out in mere minutes.


Super Smash Bros. Brawl 8.5/10

Very fun, me and mah friends always have a good time.
Crysis - 4/10

Game is very pretty, and playing around with the Nano Suit is fun as hell. The game is incredibly boring story wise, and the gameplay gets VERY redundant. By the time I got to the Harbor Mission, I was only continuing to play so I can say I beat it. In that level, the game crashed, and then at that same time, it 'broke' Direct X. I had to reinstall it, as Warcraft 3 *DX 8.1* was giving DX errors. *ok?* So I got it reinstalled, tried to play again, and I was getting such crap performance. I was getting 32-40 fps AVG, but after the crash, I got 20 avg, while turning and zooming in were giving me stutters for 2 seconds. I deleted the game, and am not looking back.
Team Fortress 2 - 10/10 this will never change

I just spent an hour or two raping Willeh's face off
Everytime some one mentions Team Fortress 2 a part of my soul dies.
Mah TF2! She died! See sig/help-desk thread for details.
Max Payne 2 8/10
A bit short, but great story, characters and action.
I played Max Payne 2 once for twenty minutes, got incredibly bored and didn't play any Max Payne game again.
If you give any game only 20 minutes then they'd all be boring.
I like both Max Paynes. The first has a lot more action (and good one), the story is more simple, straightforward and cliche, but it was so refreshing in 2001, so different and new from all other TPS.

The second is more focused on the story, i like the non linearity of the story, full of flashbacks and forwards, and the characters and their relations are deeper more complex than the first one. But its too easy, the bullet-timeeffect is a bit too much, and the game is too short.

But both are fantastic.
Crysis 6.5/10

Not finished it yet I on;ly just got it today but I have to say this game looks outstanding. When you see this game with everything on high running at 60 fps it blows you away :)

With that out of the way this game is quite, well...annoying. It has the same problems far cry had except to a lesser extent (at least this time there is a quick save). It isn't as hard as far cry as you have the nano suit but again you still seem to have a legion of enemies on your ass at the slightest opportune moment the game gets and alot of them seem to have far cry's infamous sniper vision. I don't know if that's to do with the fact that you are a big hulking grey monstrosity amongst green bushes but that's not the point.

So far I have just found it easier to try and run from enemies as I am sick of dying and/or running out of ammo. Looking at my map with all the enemies on it gets kinda scary. Oh and one other thing, the driving is awful :|
I started actually playing crysis with everything on low with a bit of lag in a few action-intensive parts... I'm at the tank part. My only real dislike is how it takes 20 shots to down a korean if you don't get him in the head.

Oh, and the damn
KOREAN NANOSUITS. Took my 4 tries the first time they appeared.
Like Stalker, Crysis really rewards you for headshots, by the end of the game you'll be headshooting all Koreans. Unfortunatly the aliens don't have a.... head :|

I'm playing Company of Heroes 9/10

I love RTS but i have never played CoH before, its incredible, how didn't i played it sooner!? I didn't finished yet, but i can say its one of my favourite combat RTS ever, with the Total War games.
Okay but then that means i have to be in strength mode to steady my gun enough for headshots and then I die quicker cos i don't have armor mode on :flame:

I just killed the general now and I am getting peeved. Cloak has been my best friend so far but that just aggravates me how I need to sneak about to get anywhere. Oh and the area before the mine where my objective is to clear the area must have taken me hours :|
Morrowind: Tribunal 7/10
A slightly challenging yet enjoyable expansion to the original Morrowind, could have been larger and added more extra stuff tho.
It gets really hard to headshot when I'm getting hit from all sides by everything and they're aliens swooping from above shooting EVERYONE.

I think I'm supposed to get into the mine quick, but ooooh, nooo, EVERYONE'S behind me, mofo.
GRID - 8/10

Pretty fun little arcady racing game. I enjoy it.
Mercenaries - 10/10

excited for Mercs 2? **** YEAH
If you have the latest Crysis patch, the Koreans go down much easier at close to mid range.
Mass Effect PC- 7/10
Too short. And has to many little and obvious bugs, like certain important characters having low rez faces. Side quest are awful, go to a generic rocky planet drive around and find a droid and a rock then go into the same underground bunker used on all planets and kill everything. Combat is fun, if not too easy.
Put the difficulty on hardcore if you think it's too easy.
Side quests are bad.
Tried but it would only let me have normal, i think you need to complete it before you get hardcore. I can't be bothered replaying it, as well it's not worth it.
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