Rate the last game you played

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That's alot of bad points for a 7 :O

But yeah hardcore isn't available till you finish it. I liked mass effect but I didn't think it was as good as everyone said it was.
The storyline I thought was exellent, character interaction and development was top notch and some of the gunfights were really fun, but the story itself was short and the side missions were a joke.
The story and character interaction rescued the score. The core gameplay was excellent especially the ending. But it's way overrated when compared to games like The Witcher.
Finished crysis now and it really is nothing but an average fps with horrible balancing issues, incredibly frustrating moments that increase as the game goes on (especailly when the aliens appear and the last boss especially :|) and pretty visuals.

Speaking of the last boss. I just got a new computer as some of you know and I am really impressed with it and it can run crysis on full and at a comfortable framerate BUT what stability there was in crysis before was smashed to pieces and thrown from the roof cos in that boss my framerate slowed down to a crawl and believe me i wasn't a happy bunny :flame:

It just seem to show that they didn't try to optimise this game and I know i probably had a better experience of the visuals and stability than others (such as pitz when the game broke his directx o_O)
Team Fortress 2 on my new comp 10/10 Words... cannot... describe... the... beauty
Flatout: Ultimate Carnage - Meh/10

just meh
very meh
if you played Flatout 2, theres not much difference.
World in Conflict Multiplayer - 6/10

Only just gave it a try out of bordem. Very easy, and quick process to join a game, but since there are usually 6 on each team or something, then there is usually little teamwork and the entire battle goes to shit, since winning relies primarily on working as a team, support aspects staying near tank players for AA support, tanks protecting the AA guns from other enemy tanks, chopper players staying in close proximty to provide essential air cover.

But frankly out of the 4 games I played, only one of those games had the team working together, the other 3, everyone was pretty much doing there own thing, and the bigger picture of the map was pretty much none existant. If you work as a team then it can be very rewarding, but with the amount of players, this makes it harder than on games like Dawn of War or Company of Heroes. If there is no teamwork then its really just a mass melee which is kinda crap really.

Not to mention there are some seriously dodgey players on it, like instantly know where all your units are and seem to have an infinite supply of tactical aid, and the teams are usually stupidly unbalanced and just dominate every map. The concept works brilliantly in single player, but its just not balanced enough in mutliplayer, and even when you win a battle its not really that satisfying because there are so many of a team and its hard to make a massive impact, say like when you are on your own in one of the Relic's game, or in a 2v2 or 4v4.
Final Fantasy Tactics A2 - 7 or 8 or something idunno.

Pretty fun. Graphics are great for a DS game, combat's okay, and micro-managing the job system is pretty darn addictive. Judge rules can get ****ing annoying though, and I still don't see how using a hi-potion breaks the "No MP usage" rule.
Call of Duty 4 (PC) 9/10 Pretty great, although it seems the multiplayer isn't working right now.

Spent far too much time playing it today.
Rainbow Six Vegas 2: 9/10

Unlocked the M40A1, Raging Bull and MP7 last night, Terrorist Hunt just got a shit load more fun.
STALKER - Oblivion Lost Mod - 9/10

THIS is what the game was meant to be like. ****in epic mod, but still a few glitches.
Navy Field - 0/10...

People just sit in battlerooms(waiting rooms) and chat, there's virtually NO fighting going on.
SSB Brawl 8/10

After playing it for roughly 14 hours over the last two days with three other people I can say that it's better than I expected. I never liked playing Melee much, but having a good time with Brawl. Not sure why, but I think the controls are more responsive, I'm pretty sure the game is a little slower (less hectic than Melee) and less useless characters like in Brawl (Kirby is great now) and in general feels more like the 64 SSB. Kind of a laughingstock that it's played better on a Gamecube controller though, although to be fair: I didn't actually try that but everything points to it.
Wii Play & Wii Sports with two controllers 9/10

I finally got round to getting the Wii Play package, mainly due to the second controller. Many people complain that they got bored with their Wii a few weeks after they purchased it, which was true for me also (altough it was more like a few months). However, getting a second controller brought the Wii to a whole new level for me and now I have much more respect for the little console. Even with these simple mini-games, it's SO damn fun playing with friends. I'm hoping to get Guitar Hero 3 next.
Day Of Defeat Source (free weekend) - 3/10

Nothing special about this game. Everything it does is done better in other games. Achievements haven't had alot a thought put in to them, the kill cam is messed up, it eithers zooms into the head, out the map, or misses most of the body. Nemesis and domination don't show above the head so i can't see the player who has dominated me. A really annoying fact is that a WW2 game has only US and Germans, where are the Brits and Russains. Figures that Valve would like to make it seem like the US fought the Germans single handed and won the war and saved Europe, the typical American attitude. This game is not even worth paying the low price of ?3.
^ Someone is thinking way to hard into the game I think.

I agree with PimpinPenguin - this game is not worth its price.
I got it as a bonus to HL2:Dm and CS:Source...played it a while and deleted from a computer.
Playing US or German...really bad choice.
Graphics...absolutely nothing special.
I give it 1/10...maybe I missed something,than it would be 2/10.
Max Payne 2 - 9/10

I Loved it! Never did play the first two games when they first game out. Decided to give them both a try over the past week. The graphics have hardly aged at all and the effects in the 2nd game still hold up to some of the effects you see in todays games. Bullet time never gets old. Neither does seeing bodies flying across the screen.
Max Payne 2 - 9/10

I Loved it! Never did play the first two games when they first game out. Decided to give them both a try over the past week. The graphics have hardly aged at all and the effects in the 2nd game still hold up to some of the effects you see in todays games. Bullet time never gets old. Neither does seeing bodies flying across the screen.

Very true, Max Payne 2 still looks great.
I was rating the game based purely on the singleplayer. I have never played Tribes 1 or 2 and I didn't care for the multiplayer in Vengeance either. I played for the singleplayer. The storyline was written by Levine, and despite some cheesy dialogue and a few contrivances it is actually quite good. You can find much worse gameplay elsewhere too. This game is underrated simply because people went in expecting a multiplayer experience. Which, you know, doesn't surprise me - the singleplayer is barely advertised.

It's still hugely unfair to rate the game on the multiplayer though; the idea that it's “all about” the multiplayer component is nonsense if that isn't all the game has to offer.

Tribes without multiplayer is like Team Fortress 2 without multiplayer. I think people still play Tribes 2 multiplayer you should go grab it and play it.
Day Of Defeat Source (free weekend) - 3/10

Nothing special about this game. Everything it does is done better in other games. Achievements haven't had alot a thought put in to them, the kill cam is messed up, it eithers zooms into the head, out the map, or misses most of the body. Nemesis and domination don't show above the head so i can't see the player who has dominated me. A really annoying fact is that a WW2 game has only US and Germans, where are the Brits and Russains. Figures that Valve would like to make it seem like the US fought the Germans single handed and won the war and saved Europe, the typical American attitude. This game is not even worth paying the low price of ?3.

Your arguments are rather silly. Achievements, kill cam, nemesis and domination... they're all superficial anyways. No game, in my opinion, has come close to the same quality of gameplay that there is in DOD. And take that "Americans think they won the war alone" attitude elsewhere. Its got no bearing on the game whatsoever.
Your arguments are rather silly. Achievements, kill cam, nemesis and domination... they're all superficial anyways. No game, in my opinion, has come close to the same quality of gameplay that there is in DOD. And take that "Americans think they won the war alone" attitude elsewhere. Its got no bearing on the game whatsoever.

DoD:S is still absolutely terrible.
All of the guns have recoil through the roof that force you to wrestle with the mouse to even get a kill.
Grenades have a stupid smoke thing on them, the iron sights are useless, weapon damage is weird, the maps are shit... honestly, DoD1.3 is 100x better.
Eschalon Book I Demo - 7/10

Seems pretty fun. Darkness shouldn't be pitch black though. Kind of annoying that your eyes can't adjust or anything. Maybe it didn't help playing in windowed mode.
System Shock 2- 10/10

Having to backtrack to Engineering and Operations was annoying, as they are my least favorite parts in the game, but overall, it was great.
Your arguments are rather silly. Achievements, kill cam, nemesis and domination... they're all superficial anyways. No game, in my opinion, has come close to the same quality of gameplay that there is in DOD. And take that "Americans think they won the war alone" attitude elsewhere. Its got no bearing on the game whatsoever.

If your going to implement those features at least do it properly. With TF2, Valve took time to think of these ideas that would work well for it. DOD just copied and pasted these features with no additional thought put into it. Compare the Pyros achievements to DODs, Dod's are all pretty much the same, get 5000 kills with each weapon,get 100000 kills with the allies then with the Axis, they are boring. The death cam is pathetic, it doesn't work properly and has no use. In TF2 there are plenty of ways to die in a humerus fashion. In Dod there is not. Also it's not great for the sniper who finally found a great spot to hide, just to be given away by the kill cam.

Gameplay wise it's absolutely poor, i found nothing in it that really stood out, and i stand by what i said that their are plenty of other similar type games that do a better job.
Also i do think that not having the British,Russian,French etc is a valid complain it's a WW2 game for gods sake, not USA VS Germany. It's like a racing game game leaving out most of the major car manufacturers.
DOD just has the feeling of a neglected game, it's had minimal thought and work put into it when compared to CS:S and TF2. It feels abandons like HL2:Deathmatch and gets the occasional update to help it's sorry ass.
Day of Defeat: Source - 10/10

fsck all you haters, try DOD 1.3 (the HL mod) and get back to me
Day of Defeat: Source - 10/10

fsck all you haters, try DOD 1.3 (the HL mod) and get back to me

However, I miss my bayonet. :(

Fvck the iron sights. Give me back my stabbing. :(
i concur, the switch from melee to ironsights was the #1 problem I had with the change from 1.3 to source. although it's not the only one. no real big deal though, i still play 1.3 a fair bit and get my stabbing urges out through that
Day of Defeat: Source - 10/10

fsck all you haters, try DOD 1.3 (the HL mod) and get back to me


DoD1.3 is far superior, I mean I don't know if you meant to give DoD:S a low score or not but.
DOD:S is utter shit.

Anyone who played the original mod for a decent while and enjoyed it will prefer it to Dod:S.

In 1.3 the weapons are more unique and take skill to use individually, they have their own pro's and cons. In source they all feel like water pistols, the skill level has been reduced and there's shit everywhere making it just a big deathmatch.

Shit game.
This is the same damned arguement people have with CS.

Seriously, it's on opinion, welcome to the world.
CS:S is shitter than 1.6 too.

Same goes for TF2, I far prefer TFC.

They are all just better games, with higher learning curves, more skills, classes that are different from each other with more polarised advantages and disadvantages.

Also I'd even say I prefer the graphics, all the physics shit gets in the way and clutter makes it a less proffesional game. Give me straight edges to buildings anyway.
Making a game hard to play is easy, just make it really fast with all kinds of frustrating gameplay elements, there's really nothing to it. Making it fun to play is a lot harder, making it accessible but still deep enough to keep playing it, to give every kind of player something they like and give everyone a meaningful role in the game (hi TFC, grenade spam much?).

The only "old" game I prefer, sort of, is DoD 1.3 and only because of the maps and the atmosphere of maps like caen and donner.
Also I'd even say I prefer the graphics, all the physics shit gets in the way and clutter makes it a less proffesional game.

dod 1.3 was definitely better than dod:s, but by no means is dod:s a bad game. You're all acting like it just came out and should be better than all the other new games. Its 3 years old ffs.

Anyways, back to rating games.

Mount & Blade (Newest version) 9.5/10

****ing love this game. Combat is fantastic as it always has been, maintaining lands is much improved over the last version, henchmen are much more interesting, has more interesting quests, can capture and ransom enemy lords. Its win all around. Cant wait for the 1.0 release, and thankfully I wont have to wait long. This is the last beta version before it goes retail.

DoD1.3 is far superior, I mean I don't know if you meant to give DoD:S a low score or not but.

Nope. Both of them are 10/10 as far as I'm concerned. I do like DOD 1.3 better, but each of them is a stellar game in its own right. I was responding to all the people saying DOD:S is a terrible game, they're either unable to see past their own bias or they just didn't give it enough of a chance.

Frontlines - Fuel of War - 6.5/10

Relatively crappy Battlefield clone but has some potential for enjoyment. The whole time I've played it I just wanted to reinstall BF2 though. Not worth buying.
TF2- 3/10

The achievments have no thought put into them, the kill cam is a stupid addition, the graphics are stupid looking and cartoony. This isn't WOW, ffs. The weapons are either total crap, or overpowered. And EVERYBODY hacks- I fired a whole clip of rockets at a soldier and he doesn't die, and then I get sniped across the map by a shotgun. ffs.

Totally inferior to 1.6
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