Rate the last game you played

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Sorry no take backs.

Willie officially doesn't hate AinD, in fact, HE LOVES IT.

Age of Conan- 8/10
A brilliant game with great combat, quest, and PvP. Unfortunately, bugs and nerfing issues have kept this game from really shining...
Sorry no take backs.

Willie officially doesn't hate AinD, in fact, HE LOVES IT.

Age of Conan- 8/10
A brilliant game with great combat, quest, and PvP. Unfortunately, bugs and nerfing issues have kept this game from really shining...
This takeback is totally justified babe. It's a buggy, boring piece of unholy mother shit.

S.TA.L.K.E.R. (without mods) - 8/10

I love the setting.
I call pedo on willie for calling me 'babe'.
Prepare for pedobear.

S.TA.L.K.E.R. (without mods) - 8/10
I agree.
Everything after the major twist.
Even though the twist was incredibly awesome, the game went downhill from there.

I guess the game does end on a week note, but after the twist there's only, what, one or two hours of gameplay? And at least the first 30 minutes of that when you still don't have a full idea of what the hell is going on was one of my favorite parts in the game.
Frontlines : Fuel of War MP Demo - 8.5/10...
It'd be a perfect 10 out of 10 if it wasn't on the horrendous UE3 engine. :|
Looks gorgeous, performs poorly.
Bioshock - 5/10
-5 for playing as a Big Daddy

Rainbow Six Vegas 2 - 9/10
Lone Wolf single player terrorist hunt ftw

Call Of Duty 4 - 3/10
Not in the best mood to begin with, playing against/with jackasses makes it worse.
Rainbow Six Vegas 2 - 9/10
Lone Wolf single player terrorist hunt ftw

Call Of Duty 4 - 3/10
Not in the best mood to begin with, playing against/with jackasses makes it worse.

Even if I ignore the superior gameplay that COD4 has over R6V2, R6 could never hope to be as good as a game that has Captain Price in it. ;D
Even if I ignore the superior gameplay that COD4 has over R6V2, R6 could never hope to be as good as a game that has Captain Price in it. ;D
imho, Cod hardly has gameplay, it just looks pretty. R6V2 has a very good cover system that Cod lacked. Cod was really just run and gun while moving very fast while R6 gave you choices. You COULD run around and shoot everyone, or you could plan out your attack and take your time. Also, R6V2 gives you the choice for stealth or general guerrilla warfare, while Cod really depended on the mission.
Battlefield : Bad Company - 6/10

Not enough on the multiplayer, and the singleplayer is too short.

However, HUGE marks for sound effects and the ability to finally blow buildings to pieces realistically and in any way you wish. Within reason, even if its blatantly obvious that the buildings are designed to blow up in certain areas. Engine playing tricks on your mind.

However, its Battlefield through and through, so it wins your heart. And its a console version to give the Halo fan freaks busy when theyre not playing Halo...all 5 minutes of it.

GRID - 7/10

Again, a game lacking in depth. Not enough cars, and in a car game, that sucks compared to the likes of Forza 2 etc.

However, the game's engine is unbelievably good looking and runs with that motion blur effect that just makes it awesome to watch. Its like a mix of everything that made Forza 2 and Burnout great. Simulation whilst packing that hard arcade punch. Shame about the lacking depth.

Very recommended.
imho, Cod hardly has gameplay, it just looks pretty. R6V2 has a very good cover system that Cod lacked. Cod was really just run and gun while moving very fast while R6 gave you choices. You COULD run around and shoot everyone, or you could plan out your attack and take your time. Also, R6V2 gives you the choice for stealth or general guerrilla warfare, while Cod really depended on the mission.

Too bad RS6V2 is the worst console port I've ever played.

Mythos - meh/10...
Really feels too much like WoW just from an overhead view. :|
Frontlines: Fuel Of War - 9/10.
Great fun, this. I adore the way that you can approach a mission from so many ways, and how all the awesome explosion sequences feel cinematic even though they're caused by you firing a rocket at just the right time to cause the helicopter to explode, drop from the sky and crash into a bridge and land on about three enemy soldiers. None of that's scripted. Haven't yet played the multiplayer but hopefully it'll be even better.

Test Drive Unlimited - 9.7/10
Wow. Now this has managed to surpass Trackmania as my favourite racing game of all time. I thought it was only for 360 (which I don't have), so when I unexpectedly saw it for PC I couldn't not buy it. This is a brilliant game. It's an entirely new genre. You have one whopping huge island, lots of money, expensive car dealers, and a variety of dream homes, the rest is yours to make up. The car lineup is the best I've ever seen (except for its lack of Porsche). The graphics actually vary in detail. Focused areas like your house and your guy have decent graphics, while driving around somewhere you aren't actually supposed to go is bland. The cars are absolutely brilliantly modeled. The only reason it's not a straight ten from me is shoddy characters.

Vegeta had mentioned this... and I downloaded it and am trying it. This game is fun fun fun! I am just the type of person who has the mentality for these games.
My friend just loves Clonk,he plays it since childhood - now he's one of developers.
I don't like this game,though.

Vegeta had mentioned this... and I downloaded it and am trying it. This game is fun fun fun! I am just the type of person who has the mentality for these games.

Awesome fairly unknown game.
It's like Settlers/Lemmings/Sim City/Civilization/Any RTS/etc. all rolled into one.
So good, wouldn't quite dish out money for Clonk Rage though.
Penumbra Black Plague - 10/10

This is one of those under the radar games, it is absolutely fantastic. Get it and play it, you mooks. You can like barricade doors and it's all physics based (I know, physics does not equal fun, but actually in this case - good fiziks = good phun, all the puzzles are physics based, like HL2 but more in depth), and it's an adventure game like Myst kind of. Believe me, really really fun. There are a few monsters, but the catch is you can't kill them - no weapons! But you can sneak and hide, and like I said, sometimes the only way is to barricade a door to buy yourself time to think. You can throw random shit at them to stun them while you run past, and that's really all you can do do them. It's a horror game, pretty darn scary if you play alone in the dark. Watch some videos of it on youtube (make sure you don't get Penumbra: Black Plague and Penumbra: Overture confused, in Overture you can get a weapon, but it sucks. Plus Black Plague is the newer one and is alot better, more intense)

Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
- 10/10

Still one of my favorite online games, it's so damn good.

Knights of the Old Republic 2
- 6/10

I don't know why everyone says these games are so good.. I get the story and everything, that's not it, the story is actually pretty cool, but the gameplay is just.. I dunno. There's something holding it back, maybe the combat, too slow or something, I'm not sure. The combat is fun, I don't even know if that's it..

The Movies - 7/10

I haven't made my own movie yet, but if you just play the campaign this game is really shallow compared to alot of other games like the Sims 2. Fun, like I said I've yet to make my own movie, I've made a few movie stars which was fun, making your own studio is also fun, but like I said, if you're looking for something deeper look elsewhere. Really the only deep thing is taking care of your stars which is sometimes a pain in the ass.

And as for Clonk - I've *cough* 'obtained' the full version of Clonk Endeavour, and I also have the mindset for these games, I've got all the 'expansion' packs, they are really fun. Digging for flint to kill monsters = good fun!

My favorite would be the arctic expansion pack levels, it's really challenging, plus fun to go seal hunting and stuff.

I've made like 2 threads in the past for Clonk and got only like 2 replies in each of people saying it looks shitty.. Search for my threads!
Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine - 8/10

A bit ridiculous at times, yet alot of fun with the plot.
Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence. 4/10

I really haven't liked it that much from the beginning. The camera + dense jungle is pretty bad. I very much preferred MGS1 and 2. This one just feels very lackluster. I've just beaten the Sorrow, and I'm really not sure if I want to keep going.
imho, Cod hardly has gameplay, it just looks pretty. R6V2 has a very good cover system that Cod lacked. Cod was really just run and gun while moving very fast while R6 gave you choices. You COULD run around and shoot everyone, or you could plan out your attack and take your time. Also, R6V2 gives you the choice for stealth or general guerrilla warfare, while Cod really depended on the mission.

I think you find that most FPSs of CoDs perspective are run and gun, its not meant to give you cover systems or tactical choices to attack because its not a tactical shooter, its a fast-paced arcade shooter, so its futile to compare the gameplay of both games when they are on two different spectrums of FPS.
Team Fortress 2 (PS3) 6/10

Meh, was over at my friends house. It looks nice, but dustbowl and 2fort are the only played maps and there's still not a lot of servers for them. The controls are kinda awkward (partly my fault though) and the only real plus is that most everyone is shitty. I got 10 back stabs and took down 4 buildings as spy, a new personal record.
imho, Cod hardly has gameplay, it just looks pretty. R6V2 has a very good cover system that Cod lacked. Cod was really just run and gun while moving very fast while R6 gave you choices. You COULD run around and shoot everyone, or you could plan out your attack and take your time. Also, R6V2 gives you the choice for stealth or general guerrilla warfare, while Cod really depended on the mission.

Yeah, it's just once you breached a door with your team, you'd pretty much seen all the gameplay elements that you'd be using for the rest of the game.

At least with COD's single player, you had a little variety in the locations you fought in as well as the type of levels, the death from above mission for example.
Not to mention the brilliant story in COD and that shock ending.
Yeah, it's just once you breached a door with your team, you'd pretty much seen all the gameplay elements that you'd be using for the rest of the game.

At least with COD's single player, you had a little variety in the locations you fought in as well as the type of levels, the death from above mission for example.
Not to mention the brilliant story in COD and that shock ending.
Thats why I rated the Lone Wolf Terrorist Hunt, going up against 30 terrorists on realistic difficulty alone is much more tense then running around with M249's in Cod. I mean, its only my opinion, but Cods singleplayer is kinda pointless, its like rungunrungunrungun WOAH AIRPLANE rungunrungunrungun SNIPE HOLY CRAP rungun. It felt more like the missions that were run and gun were thrown in so a player didn't get bored. I guess I just prefer Rainbow Six's tactical style of gameplay over Cods run and gun arcadey style.

Lost Planet - Extreme Condition - 7/10
-2 for robots
-1 for 3rd person (would've been better in 1st and yes, I know you can adjust it, but the 1st person was lacking)

Need For Speed Pro Street - 8/10
would be 7, but a +1 for atmosphere
-1 for graphics
-1 for expensive parts
Tf2 on a console. Sounds horrible D:
It is. I have Orange Box on 360 and PC (my PC wouldn't run it on release and I couldn't be bothered waiting) and TF2 is horrible with a controller. Some FPS games are good with a controller - CoD 4 for example - some just aren't.
Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines - 10/10

WHY THE HELL HAVEN'T I EVER HEARD OF THIS GAME? Well, I've heard of it, but never heard much about it, so I didn't think it was anything special. I WAS WRONG.

I just got it, and this game is stupidly good! It's like an RPG in modern times, and YOU'RE A VAMPIRE. You choose outfits, lockpick, all the Elder Scrolls bullshit, it's even got free-roam, although not as big, kind of like The Darkness's free-roam, but a bit bigger. And you feed on people! You can use guns and go first or third person.. Honestly, this game is exactly like Morrowind or Oblivion, except centers around Vampires and is in modern times. Similar to Morrowind, the graphics will probably draw some of you away, but keep playing and I guarantee you won't even care about the graphics. There are some things that look bad and some things that look good.


God dammit, it's so good.. I have to go to sleep now, but I'm going to play the HELL out of it tomorrow!

For anyone else who has played it - I decided to answer the questions (like Elder Scrolls, except these are better and funnier questions, this game has alot of dark humor), and I turned out to be a melee, stealthy Nosferatu. I don't mind looking like a really demon-y demon, but it sucks that I can't seduce people, and I can't blend in in public.. People don't like me cause I look messed up :(


P.S. damn @ 145MB patch. I dled it, and it changes ALOT, but wow.

EDIT: And it was built with the same tech (Source) that made HL2.
Download the community patches (read up on some of the descriptions, though, some change gameplay a bit too much instead of fix bugs).

If you're interested, we're porting over the game to the latest EP2 engine. http://forums.thedaedalus.net/
Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines - 10/10

WHY THE HELL HAVEN'T I EVER HEARD OF THIS GAME? Well, I've heard of it, but never heard much about it, so I didn't think it was anything special. I WAS WRONG.

I just got it, and this game is stupidly good! It's like an RPG in modern times, and YOU'RE A VAMPIRE. You choose outfits, lockpick, all the Elder Scrolls bullshit, it's even got free-roam, although not as big, kind of like The Darkness's free-roam, but a bit bigger. And you feed on people! You can use guns and go first or third person.. Honestly, this game is exactly like Morrowind or Oblivion, except centers around Vampires and is in modern times. Similar to Morrowind, the graphics will probably draw some of you away, but keep playing and I guarantee you won't even care about the graphics. There are some things that look bad and some things that look good.


God dammit, it's so good.. I have to go to sleep now, but I'm going to play the HELL out of it tomorrow!

For anyone else who has played it - I decided to answer the questions (like Elder Scrolls, except these are better and funnier questions, this game has alot of dark humor), and I turned out to be a melee, stealthy Nosferatu. I don't mind looking like a really demon-y demon, but it sucks that I can't seduce people, and I can't blend in in public.. People don't like me cause I look messed up :(


P.S. damn @ 145MB patch. I dled it, and it changes ALOT, but wow.

EDIT: And it was built with the same tech (Source) that made HL2.

Loved what little I played of this game.

I basically played up until the end of the scary as shit haunted Oceanside Hotel after you beat it and then life intervened and I ended up getting too wrapped up in things to continue.
I've gone through 2 hard drives since then, I'm thinking of getting it over Steam if it supports the community patches.
Thats like, the second mission lol. You didnt even get to the second area.

Funilly enough, I just started playing it again. For the first time ever, im not playing a Malkavian.
I scrapped my Nosferatu guy, I couldn't go anywhere without people freaking out..

I'm playing as the loner clan, forget what they are called, it's like the second or third one.. I know Brujah is first and Nosferatu is 4th, I'm the loner clan in between..

I think now that I know the area a bit better and know the game better I'll start a Nosferatu next, I like playing as stealth.. My current guy is lockpick/stealth/computer/melee guy. Next guy will be a Nosferatu Firearm/Stealth/Finance kind of guy, like a sneaky gun-wielder. See how that one works out.
Gangrel? YOURE PLAYING HIM WRONG. Gangrel are supposed to be bad ass shapeshifting claw your face off melee types.

You should play a Malkavian. They're sneaky, and get some sweet powers. I never liked the Nosferatu, they're annoying to play since you cant walk about in the streets.
I dunno! I made him from scratch, gave him no background, none of the ones appealed to my guy.

By the time I finish the game I'll probably understand the clans a bit more, anyways. I'm playing a somewhat sneaky guy now, but the next guy will be almost all sneak, I might not make him use guns at all, my current guy has 0 in firearms, and is geared towards sneaky/melee (I actually kind of do use him as claw your face off, I like the claw power that he has). I actually don't know what my next guy will be...


I like stealth/security/hacking kind of guy, but my current guy is that, so I don't know what I want next. What kind of guy is Jack? (tutorial man)

Oh yea, I just got downtown, and I also want to ask - Can I do the Australian surfer guy's quest anymore? I did all quests for the psycho bitch, and there was a shootout in the diner, now no one is ever in there anymore, and that's where I have to find Lily..
Try playing a malk... those guys are maaad awesome. You'll have a bit of trouble with their zen like convo options, but max out invisibility, security, hacking and a bit of charm or intimidation and you'll be set!
Diablo 8/10

Great fun game admittedly got tough towards the end and decided to use hacks to help and it did make it quite fun. But yeah really good game :thumbs:
Roller Coaster Tycoon 2 - 10/10. Took over my mum's game. I think I imoroved the park a bit!
HL2 Ep2 - So far 7/10. This is the first time I've played it! Got to the point where you get chased by the Antlion Gaurdian but now I'm stuck; I don't know where to go. i might ask my brother to help me on that bit.
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