Rate the last game you played

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I played the first one, and it was really good until my 12 year old self was too afraid to keep playing after the first zombie encounter. I played the third one for a good while too, until it started getting into the supernatural stuff again, then I just lost interest.

Zombies and... supernatural stuff?
Whoooa I thought this game was not about that kind of thing.
I may download the first one again and give it another shot now that I wont shit myself. I remember it being really ****ing creepy with that religious cult or whatever with the Hammer symbol. And smelting stuff. That was fun too.
GTAIV - 9.8/10 (I dont know why it's not a 10 but I dont like perfect scores ..but it's as close to perfect that I've played)

I really cant say what hasnt already been said ..this is the first game I've played where I remember the names of all of the principle characters AND I never skip cut scenes ..a first for me
GTA IV 10/10.

Best ****ing game I have ever played. And the best in the GTA series as well.

The game isn't perfect, there's lots of little things that can be picked about it, but the game overall? It's a ****ing masterpiece!
Rockstar Table Tennis - 10/10
Achieves it's purpose well.
Fun shit, too.
GTA IV - 9.9/10
My only insult to it is that the trees look crappy. They could do better.
Condemned 2 - 8/10
scary shit. D:
Rainbow Six - Vegas 2 - 8/10
Fun. I liked GRAW2 better, but still. For some reason it's super hard for me. :|
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - 9.5/10 Finally got to play this game after getting a new computer, it lives up to my expectations. Seriously scary at times also, great atmosphere.

Bioshock - 9.5/10 Probably the most amazing level design I've ever seen in a game, each level just blows my mind. Interesting story as well.

Call of Duty 4 - 0/10 ****ing compatibility issues, can't even load the ****ing tutorial. **** this.

I'm probably gonna give Crysis a go tomorrow, I hear the gameplay's not exactly amazing, but I think it deserves a try.
Call of Duty 4 - 0/10 ****ing compatibility issues, can't even load the ****ing tutorial. **** this.

The game is awesome. What exactly are the compatibility issues? We might be able to fix it.
What I can say is don't give up yet.
GTA IV- Good/10

Meh, I give up on scores. It's awesome but not perfect. Simply put, it's the most immersive and involving and just plain fun game I've played in years. I can't wait to see how the story turns out, I'm at 50 hours played, about 75% complete, and it still doesn't look like it's ramping up to a definite finish. Maybe if I could stop getting sidetracked every five minutes I'd be able to find out, but there's just so much to do. Oh well. :D

Complaints: The racing is boring as the enemy driver AI poses absolutely no threat, even if you're racing against sports cars on a ****ing dirtbike, which is disappointing as it would've been fun with the improved driving physics. Drinking is retarded and loses it's appeal after the first try (some cause for controversy that was). The shooting/cover system could have been better, but as is it's good enough. Money is kind of useless as usual, which isn't really an issue but I just can't help but feel awkward about sitting on upwards of $500,000 and not having anything to blow it on besides ammo, which is cheap anyway. Must be the MMO bug, I'm too used to being constantly broke...
Complaints: The racing is boring as the enemy driver AI poses absolutely no threat, even if you're racing against sports cars on a ****ing dirtbike, which is disappointing as it would've been fun with the improved driving physics. Drinking is retarded and loses it's appeal after the first try (some cause for controversy that was). The shooting/cover system could have been better, but as is it's good enough. Money is kind of useless as usual, which isn't really an issue but I just can't help but feel awkward about sitting on upwards of $500,000 and not having anything to blow it on besides ammo, which is cheap anyway. Must be the MMO bug, I'm too used to being constantly broke...

Astropop-10/10 amazingly simple,addicting,difficult game

Yeah, it's not too bad because I'm familiar with how Civ games play. Time flies in this game though (just like other civs), my roommate and I played a match for like 9 hours and we weren't even close to finished.
Heh yeah, I once had one sp game go on for two weeks, it was the first match I ever managed to finish without having to resort to cheats or hacks of some sort in that game. I was pretty damn proud :D
The game is awesome. What exactly are the compatibility issues? We might be able to fix it.
What I can say is don't give up yet.

Well whenever i try and play New Game the SAS satellite video plays fine, but as soon as they show the training center or whatever, the game crashes and I get some Direct X error which i can't even read because COD 4 doesn't want to close.
After checking online I found out that many people have this problem, and that supposedly it only occurs at the beginning, with the first video, and if I download someone's profile I can just choose to play from the second level and that should work fine. So i download a profile, replace mine with it, and go into the menu. I see that the resolution is set to 800x600 so I change it to 1280x1024 (I normally play 1400x1050, but I tried a lower resolution just in case that was problem). As soon as i change the resolution, the game crashes again (before I was at least able to change the settings without the game crashing) which led to me uninstalling the game. IMO, the more advanced games get the more issues they have, even Bioshock crashes sometimes for me, and I've heard that's quite common as well.
Company Of Heroes: Opposing Fronts (LAN) - 9/10

So much more fun in MP, especially over LAN.
Well whenever i try and play New Game the SAS satellite video plays fine, but as soon as they show the training center or whatever, the game crashes and I get some Direct X error which i can't even read because COD 4 doesn't want to close.
After checking online I found out that many people have this problem, and that supposedly it only occurs at the beginning, with the first video, and if I download someone's profile I can just choose to play from the second level and that should work fine. So i download a profile, replace mine with it, and go into the menu. I see that the resolution is set to 800x600 so I change it to 1280x1024 (I normally play 1400x1050, but I tried a lower resolution just in case that was problem). As soon as i change the resolution, the game crashes again (before I was at least able to change the settings without the game crashing) which led to me uninstalling the game. IMO, the more advanced games get the more issues they have, even Bioshock crashes sometimes for me, and I've heard that's quite common as well.

GTA IV: 9.9/10
No game is perfect, but this is damn close. The only complaint I can think of is the awkwardness of close quarters combat.

I found it to be perfect in every way except the number of guns
GTA4 is indeed awesome, but I agree about the combat - it's a little clunky. Crackdown & Saint's Row did it better. Everything else is godly.




Shit, Spies sappin' mai points.
Shellshock : 'Nam 67 - 2/10...

2 points for having decent music and voice acting in the cutscenes... and it was actually presented in a pretty cool fashion, but after the intro and the first cutscenes, when you actually get into the game, it's a pile of shit rolling down hill into a big ball of shit.

For one, I don't have any sound when I'm in the menus are actually playing the game and the control in this is incredibly awkward.
For a game that says it tries to be so realistic, the gun play is incredibly crap... for one, crouching and aiming down your sights doesn't even make you more accurate even if it says it should in the tutorial.
And trying to throw a grenade is an exercise in futility.

Bottomline, I couldn't even get past the first mission because of the errors and shit control.
Shellshock : 'Nam 67 - 2/10...

2 points for having decent music and voice acting in the cutscenes... and it was actually presented in a pretty cool fashion, but after the intro and the first cutscenes, when you actually get into the game, it's a pile of shit rolling down hill into a big ball of shit.

For one, I don't have any sound when I'm in the menus are actually playing the game and the control in this is incredibly awkward.
For a game that says it tries to be so realistic, the gun play is incredibly crap... for one, crouching and aiming down your sights doesn't even make you more accurate even if it says it should in the tutorial.
And trying to throw a grenade is an exercise in futility.

Bottomline, I couldn't even get past the first mission because of the errors and shit control.

Aren't the devs who made that the same guys who made Killzone?
Evil Genius - 9.3/10

Oh god, this game is awesome! Its a few years old, but the sound is top notch and the graphics are still stylish despite being low-poly.

The game is a strategy game that places you as an Evil Genius (surprise!) that moves to a secluded island in order to build a lair, wreak havoc all over the world, and eventually build the dreaded Doomsday Device. The base building is fun enough as it is, as you get to do things that Evil Geniuses get to do, like build traps, innterogate super-agents and shoot your own minions for giggles. On top of making a base from which to sprout an army of minions to send across the world to steal, plot, or perform Infamous Jobs to increase your infamy. The sole problem with the gameplay is that it can be slow at times (in order to build rooms and objects, workers must grab gold from your stash, run to the depot to buy supplies

What really sets this game apart for me, is just that it is a HUGE breath of fresh air from the standard fair of strategy games right now. If you are looking for something new in this genre, I strongly recommend this.
Evil Genius - 9.3/10

Oh god, this game is awesome! Its a few years old, but the sound is top notch and the graphics are still stylish despite being low-poly.

The game is a strategy game that places you as an Evil Genius (surprise!) that moves to a secluded island in order to build a lair, wreak havoc all over the world, and eventually build the dreaded Doomsday Device. The base building is fun enough as it is, as you get to do things that Evil Geniuses get to do, like build traps, innterogate super-agents and shoot your own minions for giggles. On top of making a base from which to sprout an army of minions to send across the world to steal, plot, or perform Infamous Jobs to increase your infamy. The sole problem with the gameplay is that it can be slow at times (in order to build rooms and objects, workers must grab gold from your stash, run to the depot to buy supplies

What really sets this game apart for me, is just that it is a HUGE breath of fresh air from the standard fair of strategy games right now. If you are looking for something new in this genre, I strongly recommend this.
I forgot all about this game holy shit.
Battlefield : Vietnam - 6/10...

God damn, why did they leave the game so broken?

It had potential to be fantastic... but the random crashes and glitched sound system and unbalancedness of it all just weighs down on it.
GTA4 10/10

Despite a few minor flaws with the cover/combat, this is probably the best game ever created.
Doom 3, actually gonna go through it without resorting to noclip.
far cry demo 6/10

never tried it before and after liking crysis I thought i'd give this a try. Well I wasn't very impressed. Graphics do look quite good even for today but the core gameplay is kinda generic (even crysis mixed it up abit with the nanosuit) and the AI is ridiculously cheap. They always know where I am, have telescopic vision and it doesn't help that I always seem to be surrounded. Somethings wrong when you have to back yourself up into a corner with a P90 in order to kill enemies who run in one after the other.

Jesus this game is hard (I've only heard it gets worse when mutants get thrown in). I tried medium and didn't get very far - literally, after the first few enemies I found myself to be low on health and ammo (this is a game that suits regen health IMO)- then tried easy and admitedly nearly got to the end but was clinging to bullets and health. When I found I needed some sort of explosive that I didn't have and must have missed to blow up some generator I thought **** it and uninstalled it.
Get A Life-4/10

Might be better if my PC would, ya know, not crash while loading chapter 3
Death Worm - 8/10

Tremors: The Game. And it's free. What more can you ask?
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