Rate the last game you played

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Brothers in Arms: HH (PC)
fun but a little too repetitive at times
WhatEVA I havent found it repetitive at all really. And the storyline is actually interesting. IN A ****ING WORLD WAR II GAME?!
Krynn you so crazy.

Morrowind (with expansions) - Still 9.5/10.
Soldier of Fortune 2: 7/10

Not very deep or original, but mindless fun nonetheless. Props for the greatest damage models I've ever seen.
I got Brothers in Arms: HH today because I NEEEED something to play to get my anticipation for the onslaught of games coming out starting from next friday. So far, it's pretty cool. The story is a little muddling because I never finished the second game and I can't remember much of the first, and so far I've been going through a lot of pretty basic fire fights that revolve around stone buildings and farmyards so hopefully that will change soon, but overall it's good fun. Alot of great ''shit, that was fockin' GOOD'' moments when a plan comes together or you blow the head off some poor German soldier who popped up for a looksie.

So far, 7/10. I aim to finish it this week (weekend, maybe?) so that I can trade it in to contribute towards Dead Space and Far Cry 2.
PURE - 9/10

Its one of those games you pick up for a race or 2, then put down. Some VERY frustrating moments (like how their ATVs are faster in sprint races when you have the fastest possible engine tweaks).

HOWEVER, extremely entertaining. Its just...well....FUN.
Call of Duty: United Offensive - 8/10

Lovely to go back and play a shooter that hasn't been ruined by regenerating health or a cover system, just good ol iron sights and crouch
Call of Duty: United Offensive - 8/10

Lovely to go back and play a shooter that hasn't been ruined by regenerating health or a cover system, just good ol iron sights and crouch

one of my all time fav MP FPS'
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl

I died in the very first battle. I suck. Going to play it for 5-6 hours tomorrow.
Blitz the league II 9/10

picked up earlier this week been playing consistently everyday...just way more fun than any football sim...
System Shock 1- 9/10

Pretty buggy running under dosbox, but it's great fun.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Clear Sky - 7/10. The first blowout: epic. The remaining infinity: tedious. The atmosphere was there, but it's like something was missing... I don't know what. Maybe very few people/mutants just trundling around randomly? There were a fair number, but they didn't really roam. The broken english sounds too contrived. An unknown point of no return had me on rather intense levels while all my best armor and weapons were in a stash elsewhere = one hit deaths for a level and a half. The mutants, however, were nicely stronger. This is vanilla Clear Sky - I'm replaying the open-ended levels with mods now, and it's much funner.
Chris Sawyer's Locomotion - 7.5/10

Track semaphores... WHAT TEH FOOK?

Rollercoaster Tycoon - 8.75/10

Classic. Needs fast-forward.

Sid Meier's Railroads! - 3/10

Simple dumbed down Meier/Molyneux type stuff.

Emperor: Rise of the Middle Kingdom - 9.5/10

Possibly my favourite game. Addictive.
Far Cry 2 - 8.7/10

Not withut some problems in the AI department, but an amazing game non the less.
I have no re-spawn problem, as the firefights are great, so why wouldn't I want MOAR!!!!?
Also has the best graphics available besides Crysis (which does put Far Cry`s 2 jungles to shame, but also needs 4 times the horsepower of FC2).
Oh, and that ****ing fire....awesome.

Excellent game.
Dead Space - 8.9/10
they really nailed the atmosphere with this game. and on hard, you really do feel like you're fighting for survival.

Saints Row 2 - 7.9/10
there's so much to do and the gameplay is over-the-top fun. plus there's co-op!

NHL 09 - 9/10
the best hockey game i've ever played. the addition of Be A Pro and the EA Sports Hockey League make it worth the price tag alone.
Dead Space 9/10- Great game and the addition of an inventory system makes it one of my favorites. Many novel gameplay mechanics show just how much standard horror devices can be amped up.

Reminded me a lot of RE and its been a while since ive had good boss fights. I enjoyed the setting and vacuum was an experience to say the least but some of the ships technology wasnt sexy enough for me. I loved how isolated everything felt but they should have really just gotten rid of all voice and video interruptions, making him truly alone. I mean he is a technician so all the dialogue could be internal and its just him making the missions.

But a great game that i will probably just play through again, which is something i dont do
UT GOYE 10/10
Good old instagibbing is still there, just a more espanol crowd.
Far Cry 2 - 8/10

Sweeeeeet. Sure, it's repetitive, and the checkpoints can get annoying, but the gameplay is more than good enough to keep it interesting. Has some of the best looking/feeling/sounding guns in any game for a while.

Saint's Row 2 - 7/10

Fun as shit, tons to do, but a little too similar to the first game for my liking.
Fable 2 ..couple of hours in, kinda slow ..production values are great, combat is ok ..needs more openess
I'm not so sure it'll be that good on pc ..the combat seems built for a console.
Well, I have it on PC and while I admit there are some oddities in the controls (mouse movement feels out of place, but I'm used to it by now), I see no major problems with it. The couple of people who are recommending joypads for the PC version are exaggerating in my opinion.
Well, I have it on PC and while I admit there are some oddities in the controls (mouse movement feels out of place, but I'm used to it by now), I see no major problems with it. The couple of people who are recommending joypads for the PC version are exaggerating in my opinion.

there isnt a pc version ..are you saying you're using some kind of emulator?
He is talking about dead Space. In any case I have a 360 controller so it's no biggie.
there isnt a pc version ..are you saying you're using some kind of emulator?

Post time difference 1 minute... and neither of us notice. I love when that happens :cheers:. But yeah, I thought you were responding to me.
Rollercoaster Tycoon 1 - 8/10

Pretty fun game. A little slow with no fast forward feature, along with a not so customizable camera make for building some rollercoasters a pain in my ass
Daggerfall - 0/10...

Can't get used to the archaic control scheme. D:
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