Rate the last game you played

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Oh my god, what the hell is wrong with you guys, Warhead is awesome :p
Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay - 8.5/10

Awesome game, gun combat is generic, but melee is way too much fun. It's like condemned, but better. Me like dis game.

EDIT: Oh yea - It's badly optimized too.. I'm running 1GB RAM and a 7600GT and a P4 2.6GHz, should run this no problem.. I can run everything max at 1024x768, but I get a bit of lag, I have to turn it down to 800x600 to get everything smooth. I'm pretty sure it was originally a console game, no?
Warhammer Online Waaagh!/10

I have been playing for three nights now, so I have hardly cracked the surface, but I like it a lot so far. Being a able to level through pvp scenarios is a great idea. And so is public questing. The game also seems a lot less economy driven than WoW. Not sure if that's a good or a bad thing. I might continue playing this after my free month is up.
Crysis Warhead - 8/10

don't listen to the naysayers
it's fast, it's furious, it's fun and best of all, it's better optimized than the original
and i haven't even touched MP
Haha, no need to be sorry. I'm in the same boat as you. I made it quite a bit farther in the game, and I do like it, but I need to get into this place called Nordmar. The path I need to go through has Orcs, Ripperbeasts, and these druid type creatures and I simply get my ass kicked every time I try to get through them. I havent played the game in over a month now because of it.

Oh i am an expert at the ways of navigating Gothic my friend, like luring single ones away from the pack and clearing paths behind me to retreat and lure stronger enemies, but this game didnt make me want to bother. Its all about the knockdown attacks, if those could be avoided well i would go after this game like i did the other two, in spite of its flaws.

BTW, do you also absolutely hate the new look for the orcs? In the first two they looked bestial but somewhat cunning, in this they just look mongoloid and dumb. Im now able to run the graphics full tilt and there is a definite high end quality to that part but not a whole lot improvement in any other part
Oh my god, what the hell is wrong with you guys, Warhead is awesome :p

I prefer the island levels where you can sneak around and stuff. Though you can do that in the ice levels I didnt enjoy it as much.

Still a kickass game though with purty graphics. MP on the other hand is awesome if the team your on works together.
Lego Batman (360) - 9/10

havent played all that much but so far that game is a step in the right direction for lego games ..the puzzles are better, the enviroment is far more interactive and batman and robin actually have a few fighting moves which the pervious games lacked
Mercs 2 Demo: 4/10
First one is so much better.
There's just something missing in #2
Gang Garrison II - 6/10

Cool idea, and executed decently well, but it's severely lacking in features and servers.
Rock Band (1):

**** you, Harmonix. **** YOU. GO TO HELL for not releasing this game in Europe earlier.

It's great apart from a few things:
- Most songs before the second-to-last tier in SP guitar are shitty generic american chord fest songs AKA Weezer.
- The animations look great until you realize there are like eight different animations that repeat again and again and again etc.

I can't come up with more negatives at the moment, crap, I had like ten more in my head when I started writing them.
Crysis Warhead - 7/10

Much better than the original game which just plain sucked towards the second half. Good variety fighting North Koreans and aliens, who also engages each other so you can easily sneak by or join the fun. Some levels were quite awesome, especially one that takes place on a train.
Seems a bit more optimized as well compared to Crysis which was just completely unplayable at a few areas.
I didn't think it was too short either.
The Witcher: Enhanced Edition - 9/10

I gave up playing the original version shortly into the first village you come across (outside the city) because I knew this version was on it's way.

I'm quite a way into the first city now, and it's turning out to be far more enjoyable than even Mass Effect was. It's a shame so many people will judge this off the first level/location which is the castle and is truly shitty and unreflective of the actual rest of the game.
Mercenaries 2 - 8/10

All of you are ****ing picky assholes with standards beyond the ****ing edge of the universe. Go play your faggy Deus Ex.

Rock Band 2 - 9/10

World in Conflict
"Holy shit why didn't you noobs tell me this was so awesome?".

Plot: Its 1980 something, maybe 1990, I dunno, but the soviets are being fags and blackmailing the west, give them aid to save their inferior and rightfully failing economic and political bastardization of a system, or they'll invade.

NATO figures the jerks are bluffing and attempt negotiations, the Reds, being the morons they are invade western Europe, and NATO responds, with heavy fighting in Germany, the reds still advance but at a snails pace, America sends the cream of its crop to fight Stalin's boys with some of Uncle Sam's best.

The commie wankers are smarter then they are ussually (rightfully) given credit for and they manage to sneak an invasion force into Seattle, this is where you jump in, as a lieutenant in the US army who's unit is on leave, you and the rest of your whatever size of forces there attempt desperately to deal with the situation, you got the units on leave and the Washington national guard and even police officers with their naff little revolvers trying to deal with something so alien to America its barely imaginable, that yes, it is part of the world and yes it is capable of being royally ****ed by another state.

Online: In multi player you can play on a team of 8 vs 8, choosing a doctrine or whatever, air, armour, infantry or support, no base building, no huge swarms, you choose a manageable amount of units and with your team mates attempt to win the day, losses are replaced by the slow trickle of points, you also earn support points for special abilities like a wide variety of artillery strikes, the most expensive and awesome being a tactical nuke.

Gameplay: Refreshing, something different, and really great, a perfect fit for the setting and circumstances of warfare, plays less like a big swarm of units until someone dies type RTS and more like a Real Time Tactics.

Graphics: pure smexyness, it looks and feels like a cold war went hot.




World in Conflict
"Holy shit why didn't you noobs tell me this was so awesome?".

Plot: Its 1980 something, maybe 1990, I dunno, but the soviets are being fags and blackmailing the west, give them aid to save their inferior and rightfully failing economic and political bastardization of a system, or they'll invade.

NATO figures the jerks are bluffing and attempt negotiations, the Reds, being the morons they are invade western Europe, and NATO responds, with heavy fighting in Germany, the reds still advance but at a snails pace, America sends the cream of its crop to fight Stalin's boys with some of Uncle Sam's best.

The commie wankers are smarter then they are ussually (rightfully) given credit for and they manage to sneak an invasion force into Seattle, this is where you jump in, as a lieutenant in the US army who's unit is on leave, you and the rest of your whatever size of forces there attempt desperately to deal with the situation, you got the units on leave and the Washington national guard and even police officers with their naff little revolvers trying to deal with something so alien to America its barely imaginable, that yes, it is part of the world and yes it is capable of being royally ****ed by another state.

Online: In multi player you can play on a team of 8 vs 8, choosing a doctrine or whatever, air, armour, infantry or support, no base building, no huge swarms, you choose a manageable amount of units and with your team mates attempt to win the day, losses are replaced by the slow trickle of points, you also earn support points for special abilities like a wide variety of artillery strikes, the most expensive and awesome being a tactical nuke.

Gameplay: Refreshing, something different, and really great, a perfect fit for the setting and circumstances of warfare, plays less like a big swarm of units until someone dies type RTS and more like a Real Time Tactics.

Graphics: pure smexyness, it looks and feels like a cold war went hot.





YES, Your opinion IS FACT!
YES, Your opinion IS FACT!
nuri's word is law end of

Delta Force BHD 4/10 when it was first reliesed it was one of the best fps around but after many years of no support from novaworld the game is over run with cheats
Quake Wars


Its an alright good looking game, but online lag is horrid even on good servers and its not quite grasped the insane fast paced awesomeness that was Wolf: ET.

Also theres no Commies to nuke.
Take it to Politics, you...politician. :|

No, I see you thought I was taking the piss, I agree with you wholeheartedly, the game ****ing rocks and is the only RTS I've ever actually played played past 2 missions, let alone finished it.

So yes, you speak the truth.
No, I see you thought I was taking the piss, I agree with you wholeheartedly, the game ****ing rocks and is the only RTS I've ever actually played played past 2 missions, let alone finished it.

So yes, you speak the truth.

Oh, sorry, so many sarcy trolls on parts of this forum it becomes instinct to see it that way. :imu:

WiC is quite the dogs swollen with manhood bollocks.

just give em a blast with that
Star Trek: Elite Force II - 7.5/10...

Meh weapons, too many god damn xenomorphs and some of the cutscenes were a little too drawn out.
But aside from those little things the game was immensely fun and told a pretty good story.
World Of Warcraft - 9.5/10
Great game and awesome story, overly time consuming!
God Of War II - 10/10
Gory, very very gory, loved it
Star Wars: Force Unleashed - 9/10
Hard core gameplay and blow your mind graphics, much too short
Mega Man 9 - Hard/10

I couldn't even pass the ****ing trial. What the balls, serrizleh.
Marvel Ultimate Alliance - 5/10...
I was having fun up until the impossibly hard to control boss battle on the starting ship against that dragon. :|
Seriously, they have you use RPG controls with a ****ing turret., you can't use your mouse to aim it, you have to basically guess where you're firing the the gun.
The lock-on is ****ing useless as it makes the turret veer to the left and stay there.

Completely killed the game for me.
Bioshock - 9/10

Pretty much as soon as I had my new PC plugged into the wall, I knew I was going to get this at the earliest opportunity. I feel it lives up to the hype and to the resulting backlash that hype called for. From the beginning as it establishes its world and its characters, it keeps raising that bar, promising to leap over it... and sometime at the end it simply decides 'actually, no screw you, i'm going to limbo under it instead'.

A significant game, but disappointing in the way that only a significant game can be.
the force unleashed 6/10

its fun but i've encountered so many showstopping bugs that it's ridiculous.
Sin & Punishment (VC) - OWWWW ****ing christ my fingers/10

This game was not meant to be played on a gamecube controller, jesusdamn I hate those shoulder buttons. :frown:

Besides that it's fairly awesome. The second should be even better, seems like it was almost designed with the wiimote in mind.
Siren Blood Curse 8/10- I played very little of Siren, mostly due to the intro sequences not drawing me in. But even though this has the same damn intro sequence (about) this game actually got me playing.

It seemed less dark than the first one and i could see some actual ground and environs but still was very difficult to tell where the enemies were when looking through their eyes. This game has bad combat but that is somewhat the point.

The hospital scene with the girl were the best parts and most of the other large stealth areas were somewhat well designed but many were hard to find paths through
swat 4(demo) 8/10

just the demo, but I've been playing it a lot, this just goes to show how much replayability you get from random placement of suspects/civilians(roll on left4dead).

the game itself is awesome, I like how you're supposed to arrest suspects, rather than simply gunning them down, it creates a whole other level of tention when you're not allowed to open fire before they do/or point their weapon at you.

I've ordered the gold pack which should arrive some time next week, and I'm looking forward to it, hope I can find some coop-games online.
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