Rate the last game you played

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Quake - 8.5/10

Nice dark atmosphere together with good level design and excellent enemy design. Nice weaponry too.
I beat Kingpin (from Xatrix, makers of the Redneck Rampage) few days ago, and it was pretty good. I know Viktor Antonov (HL2's art director) was in the credits, so I didn't get surprise when I see the Radio City. It's not good as SiN, nor Half-Life, but it's still a nice game.

I beat Kingpin (from Xatrix, makers of the Redneck Rampage) few days ago, and it was pretty good. I know Viktor Antonov (HL2's art director) was in the credits, so I didn't get surprise when I see the Radio City. It's not good as SiN, nor Half-Life, but it's still a nice game.


Wow, someone other than me actually knows of this game's existence? :D
Best gang FPS ever, imo.

Boiling Point : Road to Hell - 0/10...
Even with patches this game sucks. :|
I beat Kingpin (from Xatrix, makers of the Redneck Rampage) few days ago, and it was pretty good. I know Viktor Antonov (HL2's art director) was in the credits, so I didn't get surprise when I see the Radio City. It's not good as SiN, nor Half-Life, but it's still a nice game.


i remember that game, more notably the weapon with the burst fire. I used to LOVE this game. Maybe I should try it again.
Wow, someone other man actually knows of this game's existence? :D
Best gang FPS ever, imo.|

I played the demo back in 99, but never managed to get the disc until last week. Radio City is like old-City 17 levels from the leak (not to be confused with the final design). Trust me, there are more than some similarities between two fictional cities. I guess Antonov wanted to have Kingpin style levels when working on Half-Life 2 at one point. So it was like playing scrapped Half-Life 2 levels for me.
Quake 2 - 8.5/10

Kinda miss the dark atmosphere found in the first game and much of the medieval-type levels. Apart from that I enjoyed it a lot - reminded me much of Unreal, very much the same environment and sharing the same type of gameplay, which is only positive in my eyes.
Yeah, never played neither games and always wanted to try them out. Oh and I'm a bit of a old skool nut as well. ;)
Star Wars : Force Unleashed Demo - 9/10

This game has definitely turned out to be fun, and definitely the best Star Wars release to date. Well maybe Tie Fighter was the best..anyway.

It feels like Prince Of Persia mixed with...I dont even know. Ninja Gaiden 2 maybe?
Stringing and figuring out combos is fun, and the force powers are very useful for once. And cool.

The Dark Side has never been this much fun!
Spore - Awesome/10

Seriously, this game is ****ing deep. I run it medium-high with 1gig ram and 7600gt, so most of you should be ok, I haven't tried the creature creator before I played it, so that's really fun to me, but most of you have probably played it to death.. I'm only at the second stage (before having villages), where you get to make one guy overrun other nests, make allies, make packs, etc, etc. Cell form is very fun, reminds me of FL0W alot. I called my first planet Eart. Very imaginative I am.

Definitely a VERY fun game, worth the hype, in my opinion.

Also you can make movies, take screens and all that, but there is an option to record either your creation of your creature (it shows each step you did) and your creature doing an act in an animated gif.

I would post my Spider Monkey in an animated gif (it's funny), but my internet is ****ed up right now..
Balders Gate II: The Collection (Shadows of Amn & Throne of Bhaal)


I just picked this up at Futurestore for $9.99 plus taxes, one of the games that represents the peak of role playing games.
Star Trek Legacy - 4/10...

Confusing interface, bumper car collisions, bland combat... it just sucks overall.
4 points for being somewhat pretty to look at and the premise.
Mercenaries 2 - 8/10

That's so far.
My only real concern is the lack of any 16:10 resolutions, apart from that, this game is dumb fun, running around with massive guns blowing shit up in an open world war torn country.
Mercenaries 2 - 8/10

I don't have an HDTV so I can't comment on that, but the game is pretty much Crackdown (i.e. kill everything with big guns n shit) mixed with GTA (go anywhere and steal/kill shit). Lots of enemies to kill, cars to drive, shit to blow up...

Translates to a good game, imo. Not a MUST PLAY, but it's a 'worth buying'.
Mercenaries 2 - 7/10

Good dumb fun with tons of "WOO-HOO!" moments for the most part, but a lot of little annoyances bring the whole thing down. Dialogue is pretty painful, even if that's obviously not the game's focus (Peter Stormare's awesomeness is completely wasted on it). On the plus side, best explosion sound effects ever. <3 my sub-woofer right now.

All in all, a damn fine rental, but that's about it.
Mass Effect (pc) - 9/10

great presentation, falls a little flat in repetativeness and open world feeling. glad I waited for the pc port as the controls for the vehicle and the problems with squad control would have driven me insane in the xbox version
Age of Empires II: Conquerors Expansion


1.) RTS that provides pretty decent replay value
2.) Simple
3.) Trebuchets and bombard towers

1.) Despite the big number of civilizations you can play as, only about 4 or 5 are top tier.
2.) Difficulty settings are not noticeable between Moderate, Hard, and Hardest. Easiest and Standard are way too easy, and Moderate is a little harder than what I would consider to be moderate difficulty.

I know, I still live in the 90s.
Chess. 7.5/10

Hard to find someone else to play with. I also get gayed a lot in that game.
Warcraft III Reign of Chaos + Frozen Throne 9/10

Diablo II + Lord of Destruction 9/10

The end of LOD annoyed me though because when I killed the last boss his body laid at the end of the bridge and so the end portal was spawned over mid air and I couldn't go through :flame:

I just saved and exited and it showed me the ending anyway but it still annoyed me.
Do you guys normally play on Windows, PS3 or 360?

Currently playing through the original Half-life again. Great game. 9/10
Unreal Tournament 2004 - 8/10

Instant Action + Bloody Hell + Ragdoll Mutilation + Max Difficulty =

Unreal Tournament - 10/10
Unreal Tournament 2003 - 6/10
Unreal Tournament 2004 - 8/10
Unreal Tournament 3 - 7/10
There are so many games I wish I could go back in time and play online with my current connection, since it was dial-up all the way back then. Unreal Tourney would be top of that list.
There are so many games I wish I could go back in time and play online with my current connection, since it was dial-up all the way back then. Unreal Tourney would be top of that list.

It's never too late, there are still people playing UT GOTY online. It probably cost about $10 now too. I still play UT from time to time (mostly LANs though).
GRID: 8.5/10

Pros: Beautiful graphics and physics. Extensive single player campaign. Fun multiplayer

Cons: You spin out way to easily. If you go on grass on anything over 50 mph it is instant 180. The server browser sucks. It is extremely difficult to find and play with friends from other countries due to ping restrictions you can't turn off. I may be wrong on that but i wanted to play with a friend in Paris and we had the exact same filters on but could not see the same servers.
Stalker - Clear Sky - 8.75/10

Reviewed my previous verdict. Good game. Wholesome. The type of game i want to spend the rest of my life with; even with it's horrible, horrible bugs.
Crysis - 7/10

Sexy engine, no-brainer same-old shooter gameplay. It's fun but definitely not noteworthy other than the technology it uses.
Ennui said:
Crysis - 7/10

Sexy engine, no-brainer same-old shooter gameplay. It's fun but definitely not noteworthy other than the technology it uses.
Crysis' storyline was like "wtf??", and also half life has spoiled me in wanting games that are way more realistic in storytelling and gameplay then that of Crysis, so I'd give it 6 or 7 out of 10 as well.
It's never too late, there are still people playing UT GOTY online. It probably cost about $10 now too. I still play UT from time to time (mostly LANs though).
Not around here there isn't. :)

Warhammer Online - 8/10

Still some kinks to iron out, but it's so much fun with a guild, or even just pugging a PQ or scenario. It's not going to change anyone's mind if they didn't like MMOs before, but as for me I love it.
Bionic Commando Rearmed: 9/10

And here is the proof that old-school platform games are still funny as hell. There's no archaic. There's no old. There is only fun.
Metal Gear Solid for PlayStation. 9.5/10
I started playing this game thinking it would be a boring sneaky game. I could never understand where to go in the first part of the game. I've finally sat down and played this game through and I can easily say it is one of the best games I have ever played. Loved the story line. As soon as I get my PS3 MGS4 is at the top of my list.
Call of Duty 3 - 9.5/10

Halo 3 - 7.5/10
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