Rate the last game you played

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Alone In The Dark (2008) - 8/10

So far anyway, I'm on ep4 driving to the museum and I have to say it's not as bad as everyone makes out.
The graphics on the characters and enviroments are amazing sometimes, as for the controls which everyone hates, I have no problems with them, they are fine once you stick with them and get used to them. Also, while some of the driving physics seem a little broken sometimes, they are no where near the level of criticism that has come it's way.
Most important, when I play it I'm having fun, and that's what matters.
Can anyone tell me if Darwinia is worth buying? And what is Multiwinia?
Darwinia gets boring fast, it's basically an RTS/Shooter... but it bored me after playing for like an hour or so.
Multiwinia's a multiplayer version of it, could be better than the first game.

Stemot, PC version or console version? I was looking forward to the game a bit but immediately got turned off when I saw the horrid reviews.
Also, how are the mini-game things when you hotwire cars and other stuff?
Everyone freaks out about darwinia but I just didn't get it and thought it was a very simplified RTS
Alone In The Dark (2008) - 8/10

So far anyway, I'm on ep4 driving to the museum and I have to say it's not as bad as everyone makes out.
The graphics on the characters and enviroments are amazing sometimes, as for the controls which everyone hates, I have no problems with them, they are fine once you stick with them and get used to them. Also, while some of the driving physics seem a little broken sometimes, they are no where near the level of criticism that has come it's way.
Most important, when I play it I'm having fun, and that's what matters.
An 8? Holy mother ****ing shit. D:
Penumbra: Requiem - 9/10

This is the expansion pack to Black Plague, it was released like last week. The reason it's not perfect and gets a 9 is because it lags and is poorly optimized. I would normally not even take this into the equation for a PC game (as everyone's systems are different), but even people on the forums for the game complain that it runs badly.

I'm running everything max @ 1024x768 pixels and it actually doesn't lag much, I was going to go on the forums for the game and say that it doesn't lag at all, but I'm on level 6-8 (didn't keep track), and only like 2 places have lagged for me so far, and the level I'm on now is just too big with too much going on, and it lags, (1GB RAM, 7600GT, P4 2.6GHz) It really only lags when there is alot of shit on screen.

Other than that - awesome addition (so far), like I said I'm on level 6-8 and haven't encountered any enemies yet, and I know I'm about due, so I'm super paranoid now :p

I say the devs of this game should make a whole bunch of 'escape the room' games, this expansion pack so far is actually like a sequence of escape the room games and portal, sort of. You have to find a set number of "keys", and when you got all of them you go to the portal to the end of the level, and move on to the next level with new puzzles to solve and a new sequence of keys to get. It's basically an arcade platformer with physics. So far no enemies, until the enemies come, that's what it remains.
Darwinia gets boring fast, it's basically an RTS/Shooter... but it bored me after playing for like an hour or so.
Multiwinia's a multiplayer version of it, could be better than the first game.

Stemot, PC version or console version? I was looking forward to the game a bit but immediately got turned off when I saw the horrid reviews.
Also, how are the mini-game things when you hotwire cars and other stuff?

PC version, incredibly stable and runs silky smooth.
The mini-games I've come across so far are not really difficult at all, for example, wiring junction boxes etc. Ive yet to hotwire a car due to the keys always being in them so no need :).
Don't get me wrong, the game has it's faults, combat is a little unsatisfying, though not really bad enough to stop your enjoyment and some people really have issue with the controls (think RE4 and your pretty much there).

I'm enjoying it for the story and the diversity of the gameplay, you always seem to be doing something different, which is nice.

An 8? Holy mother ****ing shit. D:

Yes, based on how much I'm enjoying it.
Well, an expansion pack to Black Plague, but it is the final game meant to tie up the loose ends.
Sins of a Solar Empire - 8/10

been having a blast doing LAN games of this with friends
That's terrible, so you actually need a gamepad to play or you're stuck with aiming with a keyboard?
That's terrible, so you actually need a gamepad to play or you're stuck with aiming with a keyboard?

To be honest, I've not tried the keyboard, you may be able to use mouse as well, but I went straight in with the 360 controller, there's that many button combo's anyway that I think keyboard would be difficult.
There's a 3rd?
edit: wow, reviews say its complete crap.

It's actually not bad, despite a few areas having to much shit in them resulting in lag, it's exactly like the others, except it's alot more arcade-y in it's level design (need to find x keys to open portal to next level, literally. Although I think it's a trial sort of thing they put Phillip through). The atmosphere is a little more humorous as well, like this one puzzle when you need to find a battery to operate a switch, you examine it and it says 'Let me guess! It needs a BATTERY?' (or something like that). There are actually quite a few with funny responses like that. I like it better then way, not so scary as Black Plague. Also not as good as Black Plague, but definitely worth a buy.

Also For RE4 there's a mod that lets you mouse aim, I forget who (check the screenshot thread) made it look exactly like the PS2, and it had mouse aim. Seemed pretty sweet.
There is no mouse support for RE4 PC. There are mouse-mods but they suck. The keyboard configuration also sucks.
Adobe Bridge - 2/10. I'm not sure what the point of this game was, but it was really confusing. The graphics were good though.
Photoshop has better graphics generally. Better gameplay too, pretty open ended, you can make it all about porn, or blood, or wierd acid trips.
Yeah is that the expansion? I also tried out Illustrator, it was a bit more fun 4/10.
Stalker - Oblivion Lost Mod 2.2 - Iloveit/10 (9/10)

Fantastic Mod. if the original was anything like this game is it would have been interesting to see how different the fan base would be.
Stalker - i'm really struggling to get on with this. The rpgness and open ended exploration is great, but the combat is stick pencils in your eyes bad.

One day we will get a fps/rpg that does both things well.

I was in your position and I just couldn't get over the combat kind of sucking IMO. PS: Fallout 3?
DE isn't deep enough. Don't get me wrong, I loved every moment of that game, it's just that it's dated at this point and I need something deeper and more complex.
Stalker - i'm really struggling to get on with this. The rpgness and open ended exploration is great, but the combat is stick pencils in your eyes bad.

One day we will get a fps/rpg that does both things well.

the vanilla shames itself. try it with the oblivion lost mod.
We know, we were talking about controls in Alone In The Dark
Oh sorry. I didn't read the convo from the start. According to a review I read there is absolutly no point in playing AitD without a controller. Never played it myself though.

On the subject of combat in FPS/RPGs:
I quite like the combat in STALKER (vanilla). It's not perfect but it just seems kind of right. I did find it terrible up until I got an AR though. Going around at the start with only a pistol and a double barrelled shotfgun was awful.
The combat in Deus Ex is quite crap. The only way it's fun is if you're doing it stealthily. A medium range fight with assault rifles in this game just isn't fun.
The combat in Bioshock is better than that of Deus Ex, but is still more fun when you're sneaking about, which just doesn't happen later in the game. Shotgun is good in this game though.
One day we will get a fps/rpg that does both things well.


Dark Sector - 7.5/10

Despite it's somewhat shoddy reviews, this was a pretty enjoyable game, if repetitive. The combat is fun, gory, and later on somewhat tactical, and the game overall is very pretty. Unfortunately this game could have been so much more. The story was dark and twisted, but the player is only given little tiny snippets about anything. The ending could have been better as well; it's very short and a bit of a boot to the face after all of the trouble you went through.
Huxley is going to be shit, unless it was already released- then it is shit.
last game I played was Halo Trial XD.

In my opinion the multiplayer is way better than the xbox. Controls are way easier than the xbox and pretty much owns the halo xbox version. Campaign does lack a lot in halo trial but so does the full version XD.

Resistance fall of man 9/10

I played this last time and didn't like it but after seeing resistance 2 I got intrigued so I came back to this to try again and after getting through the initial stages again which were still boring and I got to the conversion center, the game improved dramatically. Now all the set pieces came together and weaved quite an intriguing experience that I haven't felt for quite some time in a game.

Yes the initial skirmishes were rubbish and the game waws infuriatingly difficult at parts but I haven't had this much fun with an action game in quite some time.
last game I played was Halo Trial XD.

In my opinion the multiplayer is way better than the xbox. Controls are way easier than the xbox and pretty much owns the halo xbox version. Campaign does lack a lot in halo trial but so does the full version XD.


2 XDs in one post. We shall be mortal enemies.
Stalker - i'm really struggling to get on with this. The rpgness and open ended exploration is great, but the combat is stick pencils in your eyes bad.

One day we will get a fps/rpg that does both things well.
What about Mass Effect? :|

Oh and btw, I give it a 8.7/10.

So far, I think it's got a decent blend of rpg/FPS action.
Plus the dialogue and story is more intuitive than Deus Ex because you get more options on how to react to a conversation based on "sweet talk/intimidate" skills.

The only thing I don't like though is there are some instances where you probably would say something in the dialogue irl, but can't because the avatar's conversation skills aren't high enough.

The action is great, but like Deus Ex, it's few and far in between which would turn many hardcore FPS action junkies off. Also, I'm starting to realize what everone means when they say the cover system has been turning up in almost every action game anymore. Although I do see the advantages, it took some time for me to get used too as I've died quite often before I got the hang of it and leveled up some of my squad's skills.

I fail with futuristic weapons too. It took me a while to realize which gun was what when compared to today's current weapons.

The problem with rpg shooters though is that they tend to be over-reliant on the health system rather than realistic "head shots/limb shots".
Overall though, Mass Effect is what Deus Ex:IW should have been.

Considering the price- 9/10

Well done boys. I Loves me some good maps. I really enjoyed my time without a weapon, which in HL2 just kinda pissed me off.
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