Rate the last game you played

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The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay - *snaps neck*/10

I ****ing loved every second of this game, I even went out and bought the trilogy on DVD yesterday and just watched it all today.
Riddick is the most badass mother****er in gaming/movies evar.
Sneaking up behind guards and snapping their necks is so satisfying.
Would I like Riddick if I hated the movies? I keep hearing everyone saying that the game is amazing but I hated the riddick movies so just wondering.
It's a solid action/stealth/adventure game with a great story.
Get it.
Crysis Warhead - 8/10

Not as good as the first game, but well optimized with a decent stab at story.
The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay - *snaps neck*/10

I ****ing loved every second of this game, I even went out and bought the trilogy on DVD yesterday and just watched it all today.
Riddick is the most badass mother****er in gaming/movies evar.
Sneaking up behind guards and snapping their necks is so satisfying.

lol, I just did the exact same thing.
Would I like Riddick if I hated the movies? I keep hearing everyone saying that the game is amazing but I hated the riddick movies so just wondering.

I thought the game was good, very good in some parts, and also thought the movies were utter shite. Give it a go.
Gunman Chronicles, I think.

it was pretty good for a mod. the weapons were innovative.
I played it too long ago to remember anything else except it was more shooting and less puzzles than Half-Life.
Actually Gunman Chronicles was a stand-alone game, just used the Half-Life engine. They didn't mess with the engine much though, so it comes off looking alot like a mod.
All I can remember about Gunman Chronicles is a cowboy hat and a big flying thing (helicopter?). Oh, there was lots of the pink rock textures HL and TFC used so much. Were there dinosaurs? I know I finished the game a few times, but can recall very little.
All I can remember about Gunman Chronicles is a cowboy hat and a big flying thing (helicopter?). Oh, there was lots of the pink rock textures HL and TFC used so much. Were there dinosaurs? I know I finished the game a few times, but can recall very little.
Yes. Sheeit, that game was cool.
Yeah, it's one of my favourite games, beat it 5-6 (or more) times.
Yes, there were dinosaurs, but only on the first planet I think.
I really liked the feature where a headshot would actually blow an enemy's head off.

It's a bit of a shame it was never that popular, though.
Neverwinter Nights 2.


Alright graphics, nothing too different from what I would expect.

- 1 point because of having to juggle several characters feelings who don't get along with each other.

- 1 because I got WTF pwned by a swarm of wizardry students outside an inn and as a sorc PC that burns me up.
Gothic 6/10- a very simple rpg that is buggy as hell but amazingly addictive. I actually had more fun playing this than the sequel.

Combat was painful and sluggish. Fighting more than one of anything was frustrating like nothing trying to be fun should be. Final battle was annoying and not difficult
Burnout: Paradise City - 7/10

Never really been into these games, but I decided to rent it out of boredom and actually had plenty of fun playing it. Seems like it is well put together and plenty of things to do in it. The freedom seems a bit much to me though as I usually play games where they direct which way to go. Also, the minimap is just awful. It is so cluttered and the streets are so undefined that using it to direct yourself is simply horrid. In a game where speed/crashes/watching the road matters, you can't sit there staring at the map wondering if that is a road or just a fat woman on the map. It really is shit. That's my only gripe about the game. The addition of bikes seems completely and utterly half assed. They don't give you good crash results, and basically feel rather useless.

TNA: IMPACT! - 5/10

There isn't much content in the game. It's just what you'd expect from an incredibly new franchise. There are barely any modes. The loading times are a drag. The entrances are awful and short. There are loading times betwix each entrance as well.

Wrestling matches usually involve various weapons and such, and apparently, the TNA league only uses chairs as their weapons. There's no backstage mode as I've come to love in wrestling games.

The animations are solid as shit. I haven't seen better animations in a game ever. Everything is so fluid. There are a few times when the reversal system implemented ****s you over because the computer seems to reverse EVERYTHING and you can reverse a total of 7 out of 10439 moves. There are probably about 500 or less moves in the game. To be honest, if anywhere close to 100. The Create a Wrestler mode is awful as well.

It's story mode is an actual story. It's basically an RPG kind of deal where you start out a low ranked wrestler in Tijuana after a crash that left you mangled and deformed. You then fight your way to wrestle on TNA. I haven't completed the story yet, but I'll get around to it. Also, as you play, you earn style points in matches based upon the power moves and such which go towards unlocking more moves for your character.

Hm... That's about all I have at this point in time! :D
Call of Cthulhu DCOTE-8/10 Great fun and a definite game i had never heard of.

This game was a bit bland but had some genuinely scary moments with some decent stealth action. Reminded me of Siren at times with more of an action bend, a LOT more. Was very appropriate use of the license and all around good game.

There was a moment where, in the refinery, i just could not backtrack to where the Shoggoth was last "seen" to be, thats a big achievement. I love to test games guaranteed death sequences for fun and i just did not go for this.

Decent and somewhat original healing method and dedication to story made this a definite worth a look and shows effort.
Dark Corners of the Earth is a great game (maybe legendary). I should replay it on my new PC.
Gothic 6/10- a very simple rpg that is buggy as hell but amazingly addictive. I actually had more fun playing this than the sequel.

Combat was painful and sluggish. Fighting more than one of anything was frustrating like nothing trying to be fun should be. Final battle was annoying and not difficult

Have you played the Third? Its pretty much more of the same. Hopefully the new developers can fix the gameplay issues while keeping the Gothic world and all the characters intact.
Have you played the Third? Its pretty much more of the same. Hopefully the new developers can fix the gameplay issues while keeping the Gothic world and all the characters intact.

Yeah but i got my ass handed to me by a boar and the game did not draw me in but i will now have another run at it. Getting killed 5 times by a low level animal was just aggravating.

Played the second one also and it really cleaned it up and showed the same fun elements.

EDIT I see Decay is now ported, so im going to play that soon
Yeah but i got my ass handed to me by a boar and the game did not draw me in but i will now have another run at it. Getting killed 5 times by a low level animal was just aggravating.

The key to not dying is to never fight any creature/animal in melee. At least until you're several levels higher than you need to be, and have the hitpoints to spare. Only fight humans and orcs in melee, and use magic/bows for creatures.
The key to not dying is to never fight any creature/animal in melee. At least until you're several levels higher than you need to be, and have the hitpoints to spare. Only fight humans and orcs in melee, and use magic/bows for creatures.

The real problem was i kept getting knocked down but there were other problems like how the the village just transformed into a rebel camp and my friends abandoned me with no clue as to the next place to go.

BTW anyone know if i can get a Decay mod that can install onto a non Steam version like the one ive had for a long long time or do i need to finally get a new copy of this? Would like to just use the old one
Crysis Warhead - 7/10

About the same as the first.
Really? KK i was gonna buy this.

Where'd it go wrong?

Buy it! Dammit, just because I give a rating less than 8 doesn't mean the graphics kick ass, the gameplay kicks ass, and the AI just blows you away as usual (<positive comment here<. The story was bleh so I gave it less than 8. Thumbs up for the epic AI battles, awesome vehicular combat and the cave level.

On the serious side though, what kind of trashy writers do the guys at Crytek have, they should be fired lol.
Guys, you could be more helpful in indicating what made it better or worse. A mark for a game is useless if it has no basis, and useless posts make a useless thread.
Gothic 2-7/10 Didnt enjoy this as much as the first but this was waaay more bug free, still had some bugs that caused an actual crash on my sparkling pc, which really annoy me.

The seekers were profound annoyances and groups of them were very frustrating, but all other combat was much improved. It is actually enjoyable to combat more than one foe who isnt profoundly weaker and still not get juggled to death.

Story was decent and i liked seeing the rest of the "island" but seriously where the fu<< do all these monsters keep coming from? Are they all just great swimmers or is there more to the island? I would go into the Valley, kill tons of them, then return to find yet more crowding the area.

By far my favorite part of the whole series was the initial re-entry to the Valley where you had to swim past the lines of orcs, it was absolutely Gothic at its best.
Gothic 3 4/10- Yeah sorry Krynn, this sucks. cant get anywhere and dont want to go for it at all. Got killed by the same boar and really tried to get going this playthrough.

I did try to avoid all such animals, who were crowded all over, but it is not even fun this way. Not about to go after orc squads yet. Probably will take a few more swings at this soon if only to see the different camps but so far not as quality as it should be really
Gothic 3 4/10- Yeah sorry Krynn, this sucks. cant get anywhere and dont want to go for it at all. Got killed by the same boar and really tried to get going this playthrough.

I did try to avoid all such animals but it is not even fun this attempt. Not about to go after orc squads yet. Probably will take a few more swings at this soon if only to see the different camps but so far not as quality as it should be really

Haha, no need to be sorry. I'm in the same boat as you. I made it quite a bit farther in the game, and I do like it, but I need to get into this place called Nordmar. The path I need to go through has Orcs, Ripperbeasts, and these druid type creatures and I simply get my ass kicked every time I try to get through them. I havent played the game in over a month now because of it.
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