Rate the last game you played

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I gave up on the one where you protect that V.I.P. in that parking garage complex. Whatever the Hell it is. D:
WoW. seemed pretty average, approx 75% of gametime seems to be spent running from point A to point B. Its good in that it makes me enjoy other games much more.
Okay.. Since I got a new CPU, heres a bunch of games.

Ace Combat 5: Got it for PS2. 9/10, a awesome combat sim, fun storyline, and interesting missions.

ThrillVille: 7/10, Wow, Its better than I thought. The great minigames make this game interesting, and the go-karts and FPS mini-games are awesome. Not as much customness as Rollercoaster Tycoon.. but I mean, It's a CONSOLE game.

BattleField 2/2142: 4/10: Eh, Basic battlefield style. You should all know what I'm talkin bout.

1701 A.D.: Oh, my, god, What a AWESHOME game! Any civilization fan will love this game.. It's almost like a board game!
Starship Troopers - 6.8/10...
It wasn't as horrible as I thought it'd be, ran fairly well... it was fun killing all those bugs.
Guns all sounded weak as shit, AI was pretty stupid(they get caught in walls and the like.), multiplayer... can't say as it's dead, graphics are mediocre but get the job done.
But in the end, it wouldn't have been worth it if I bought it at full price... managed to get it for $5.

I've only played the demo. Wasn't that great, and I was expecting the game to be terrible. But $5 doesn't sound bad at all. :p
I've only played the demo. Wasn't that great, and I was expecting the game to be terrible. But $5 doesn't sound bad at all. :p

Yeah, it's really average.

But if you ignore the shitty voice acting and sound effects for the weapons... it's pretty fun blowing up the bugs.
Red Steel- 8.4/10 Awsome destructible environments, good physics, good controls (once you get used to them) and decent graphics make this game at least a rental. Short single player, and lack of online multiplayer are the major drawbacks.
Condemned: 6.8/10.

I don't know about this one. The visuals are nice, and I'm loving the melee combat. The only problem is is that I'm having a hard time actually playing it. There's really no draw for me.
Unreal - 9.5/10 - It's just so good. Some of the levels can be confusing and you do get lost easily, but other than that I don't have anything to complain about. The online multiplayer co-op is great fun, people still play the game online (mostly co-op) which is awesome.

Unreal: Return to Na Pali - 7/10 - Continues were Unreal ended. More of the good but doesn't really offer anything new, and the levels themselves lack the atmosphere of the original. They're very basic and straightforward, and unlike Unreal, you can't get lost unless you're totally clueless. Three new weapons but unfortunately they look like crap, doesn't seem to fit into the Unreal universe either.
However I liked the story, which kept me going until the end, and the monologues at the end of each level. One of the worst endings ever though.
Condemned: 6.8/10.

I don't know about this one. The visuals are nice, and I'm loving the melee combat. The only problem is is that I'm having a hard time actually playing it. There's really no draw for me.
I had serious panic attacks and nausea from playing that game. And only when playing it.

Rainbow Six: Vegas - 5/10

Gets boring fast.
Exite Truck - 8/19

'Tis fun. It's really hard, but its sure a laugh at parties when you and your buddies are piss drunk.
"Barbie Horse Adventures: Mystery Ride" - 8.5/10

It's pretty difficult...

That is all i can say at this point in time. I am sorry.

*goes 2 cry in corner*
Defcon 8/10

Very underated i think. So simple yet very addictive.

Warhammer 40k: Dark Crusade 9/10

Call of Duty 2 - 6.3/10...

It was fun, looked great... but it's not a proper sequel at all.
The health regeneration thing, grenade indicator, and the very much dumbed down multiplayer all killed it for me.
Call of Duty 2 - 6.3/10...

It was fun, looked great... but it's not a proper sequel at all.
The health regeneration thing, grenade indicator, and the very much dumbed down multiplayer all killed it for me.

Ithought it was way better than the first one, some of those levels where you just have to dig in and hold are brilliant.

Last game I finished was Prey - 9/10

Tried playing this when I had my old system, and did finish it, I thought it was crap then. Now I`ve finished it on my new PC, it makes it so much better. The portals are gimmicks, but some of the environments look amazing.
Call of Duty 3 - 5/10

Just more of them same thing really, just lacked any type of immersion or substance that the last two had, the tank missions were shocking, and the allies would not shut up screaming out random comments. Still, played a lot worse

Gears of War - 9/10

One of the best action and most violent action games I have ever played, the bosses (apart from the Berserker) were a let down though, basically, find weak spot, shoot it...ZZZZZZZzzzzZZZZZZ. Great Multiplayer.

Splinter Cell: Double Agent - 9/10

Love all the Splinter Cells but this is definately the best, highly recommended if you a fan of the series, or wanna break away from all out action games to go for a smooth, cool stealth game.

Medieval 2: Total War - 10/10

Although not really completed, I have just completed my first run through with the Spaniards. Absulute cracker of a game, so much to do, so many ways to play the game. Plan awsome strategies on the tactical map for ages, then climax it with epic battles on the field, nothing like beating a 2000 strong french army with 900 of your best men to turn the tide of the war with the french.
CS:S 10/10
its too damn addictive,

Gears Of War 9.9/10
i found it a TINY bit short, but i completed it on insane in two days. dident stop playing it. i dident sleep!

F.irst E.ncounter A.ssault R.econ 8.7/10
it was awsome is some ways, as the firefights were awsome, but not truly scary, just a bit.... i dont know, chilling. but the models for the weapons and arms were almost verging on silly. the pistol was tiny, but the hands were huge, and they changed sizes with the gun. it's just... bugging me.
Darwinia 10/10

Highly recommended RTS. It can be quite challenging initially and you'll need to think laterally often to achieve your goals and defeat some of the more powerful enemies, but its a very engaging game once you get to grips with it.
TimeSplitters: Future Perfect 9/10

I don't know why I love this game so much, but I do.

Operation Flashpoint: GOTY edition: 6/10

It's a little bit boring.

The Battle for Wesnoth: 7.5/10

Sure, it's turn based, and could use some more things, but it's very well made, and extra points for being free.
Shadow of the Colossus - Whoa/10
Just beat the 3rd one, and wow. First game in awhile that's actually made me go "whoa", out loud, several times, and there wasn't even anyone around. Epic in every sense of the word. Also has a very Princess Mononoke feel to it, which can't be considered a bad thing.
Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door 9.5/10
I love this game! Definitely worth getting if your waiting for a Wii game to come out. Only small problem I find is all the reading at the beginning of the game.

Only up to Chapter 3 (About 11 hours in) and I just got a baby Yoshi!
Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door 9.5/10
I love this game! Definitely worth getting if your waiting for a Wii game to come out. Only small problem I find is all the reading at the beginning of the game.

Only up to Chapter 3 (About 11 hours in) and I just got a baby Yoshi!

I agree, amazingly awesome game. I love it.
Wario Ware Smooth Moves - 8/10, great party game. The only downside being you have to play single player to unlock the multiplayer options (crazy :rolling: )

Otherwise it's superb fun with a few mates. Add Wii Sports and Wii Play and that's as good as part gaming gets :)
Tribes: Vengeance: 7/10

I love jump jets + exploding disk thingies.

Story is OK as well...though the game was somewhat poor anyway.
Operation Flashpoint: GOTY edition: 6/10

It's a little bit boring.

Its hard to play it nowadays (well actually it isn't), you just gotta learn to appreciate it, when you strip it down its probably the most inteligent game i have ever played.
Its hard to play it nowadays (well actually it isn't), you just gotta learn to appreciate it, when you strip it down its probably the most inteligent game i have ever played.

Yeah, I'm trying. It has kinda crappy voice acting, although, the tactics radio is a very nice touch, as well as the general strategy in itself. However, I have a hard time, especially with no iron sights, and the omfg long times to reach one destination.

I mean, 7000 meters on foot? The hell?
Yeah, I'm trying. It has kinda crappy voice acting, although, the tactics radio is a very nice touch, as well as the general strategy in itself. However, I have a hard time, especially with no iron sights, and the omfg long times to reach one destination.

I mean, 7000 meters on foot? The hell?
I thought there were iron sights. Check the keypad layout thingy in the manual. I think they're just 2D images though from what I remember.
aye lol, press V on the keyboard and iron sights should appear, and usually if you have to travel 7000 meters you would have some over mode of transport, unless you destroyed it in someway. The worse is after Mortigant (or whatever it was called) Must Fall, where your squad gets killed and you are standed, then you find out that the US presence is evacuating, and you have to travel miles dodging Soviet forces to the extraction point to which is overun anyway
Oh. Never read the manual, you see. :p

Gonna try now. :p
God of War - Mashtastic!
Too early to give it a proper rating, but this is easily the best fun I've had button-mashing in... probably ever :D
Final Fantasy XII 9.5/10

Probably half way through out, best FF since... Tactics! I'm a bit biased towards RPG's, but it's been a long time since something this good came out. :)

Oh man, I had no idea. This game's addictive as hell. 8.5/10
Dreamfall, 8/10

Interactivity kind of let it down, I think thats about it. Great Story
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