Rate the last game you played

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The House of the Dead 4

10/10 Total pwnage! A great arcade zombie and mutants game since the classics.
Heroes Of Might And Magic 4

9/10. Played the 2nd one when I was young and always got absolutely raped by the AI. I saw this one at the library and thought "why not"? Oh man, it is AWESOME. There's loads of campaigns, and they're all equally fascinating. The dialogue inbetween is incredibly well-written and moving. Too bad I have to sleep sometimes :(

(Check my xfire profile to see how much hours I've been playing these five days :p)
Starcraft: Brood War: 10/10

Going into the 9th year of playing Starcraft - that's half my lifetime - and it's still my favorite game of all time.

What can I say? The sound is still amazing (best soundtrack to any RTS ever, great sound design), the graphics have aged remarkably well (though I'm so used to them at this point that I barely notice them at all), the gameplay is the reason I'm still playing it after all this time, the atmosphere is wonderful, and it's just generally awesome.
GTA: Vice City- I'm so sick of doing these trial-and-error esque missions. The "smash everything up in the mall in five minutes!" mission is one of the stupidest things ever. It's too bad too, for a while the missions were actually a lot of fun, but this one is driving me bonkers.
Amped 3 4/10

Looks like SSX, plays like shat.

Halo 2 7/10

Fun for a mindless shooter. Pretty good multiplayer too.

This game can be so much fun, yet be so ****ing annoying at the same time.
F.E.A.R-Extraction Point: 8/10- it was cool, but too short. but it was an expansion pack, so... yeah.

Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Gamecube): 10/10- it's a Zelda game. nothing beats Zelda!!!

Your mom: 1/10- sorry, i couldn't resist that one...
L.O.T.R. Online (Beta): 4/10
It's just a pretty shitty WoW rip-off. Maybe it will be better by the time it goes retail.

Condemned: Criminal Origins: 6/10
Combat is sometimes fun, but the graphics are blurry and the voice-acting is easily the worst I have ever heard (and the poor writing doesn't help either).
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time 8/10 awesome sounds and graphics are not as well as expected but story and game play make a huge difference in this game.
Rise Of Nations - 9/10

Basically AoE2 but with some different buildings and resource gathering techniques. Great, FAST fun.

Worms Armageddon - 10/10

Played this over the LAN here at Uni with my next door neighbour and a mate from another block. I dont think there is a funnier game out there for LAN. Constant laughter when you make mistakes etc.
Simple controls, fun fun fun fun fun fun.
Duke It Out In D.C. - 9/10

Great add-on, probably one of the best for the original game (okay, not as good as Caribbean but close). Very detailed levels, like "Smithsonian Terror", "Dread October" (amazingly detailed sub interior) and "Hell to the Chief" which easily is comparable to the official levels for the original too, which contains one of the largest level I've ever seen.

However it doesn't offer anything new except a few new textures and sprites. No new music, sound or weapons nor enemies.
The story is also pretty cheesy but that's to be expected from a game such as this. ;)

Despite that it doesn't offer new stuff it's a fun experience. Very fun experience in fact.
Okami - 8/10
Groovy as. Not hugely fulfilling on a gameplay level (although the novelty of the celestial brush still hasn't worn off :)), but the art direction and pure creativity of it really carry the game and make it a joy to play. Really cleverly hidden secrets aswell, which I haven't seen in a platform-type game in a while. Still finding new items every time I do another sweep of the starting village. ^_^
Max Payne - 9.5/10

Great game, dunno why I never got round to getting it before. Loved every minute of it. Loved the way the story was told, loved the story.

On to Max Payne 2 :)
Max Payne - 9.5/10

Great game, dunno why I never got round to getting it before. Loved every minute of it. Loved the way the story was told, loved the story.

On to Max Payne 2 :)

Once you are done max payne 2 you can also download a max payne 2 version of max payne 1. I really enjoyed it as well. You get a lot more slow-mo that way. There are also some pretty cool custom maps made as well. It's been a while for me but I remember that there was a mission impossible map that was really well done.
Stubbs the Zombie - 9/10

Just so much fun. Who doesn't like brain eating? :D
Once you are done max payne 2 you can also download a max payne 2 version of max payne 1. I really enjoyed it as well. You get a lot more slow-mo that way. There are also some pretty cool custom maps made as well. It's been a while for me but I remember that there was a mission impossible map that was really well done.

ooh, think I'll check those out :) thanks!

9/10 really fun and very addicting. Wish their was some are more little side missions.
The Lord of the Rings : The Battle for Middle Earth - 8.2/10...

Solid RTS, great campaign ripped straight from the movies... it's nice how you can change what happens in certain events in the movies.
Online play's pretty much dead due to BFME2 being out.
POKE 646 2. A bit unfair to rate a free download but I'd give it 8/10. I miss the nail guns
Once you are done max payne 2 you can also download a max payne 2 version of max payne 1. I really enjoyed it as well. You get a lot more slow-mo that way. There are also some pretty cool custom maps made as well. It's been a while for me but I remember that there was a mission impossible map that was really well done.

Could you give me a link to the Max Payne 2 version of Max Payne please? Had a search and I couldn't find it. Thanks :)
Could you give me a link to the Max Payne 2 version of Max Payne please? Had a search and I couldn't find it. Thanks :)

I would say about 95% of the levels I download for both max payne and max payne 2 were from a site called levels4you.com (there are a few relly good total conversions and a handful of good maps too.)


I can't guarantee that's where it is but start there anyway. If you still can't find it PM me and I'll do some more bookmark surfing.
Crimson Skies: High Road To Revenge 8/10

Fun games, fun characters, but God damn those Rajin' Cajuns. Crawl back into the swamps ya bastards.

Splinter Cell: Double Agent 7/10

Not a big fan of the stealth genre, but it's pretty enjoyable. Grabbing dudes, knocking 'em out and watching them tumble down the stairs is fun.
Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 8/10

Never could get into the first one, but this one is much fun. Looks better and a most of the effects look awesome, especially some of the weather effects like rain.

Def Jam: Icon 7/10

Decent brawler. Looks great.
Rainbow Six Vegas - 8.5/10...

Damn fun and immersive, runs great with full settings.
NFS: Carbon 8/10

Some changes I liked, others I hated. Drag was the finest test of a gamer's reflex till this game ruined it. One thing I liked was that this game isn't ORANGE, like NFS:MW.
Gears of War
Innovative, stylish and fun. Love co-op online and 4v4 battles are a blast especially with a mic.
Guitar Hero 2 - 8/10


Painkiller: Hell Wars - 7/10

Mindless gib fest. I sure do love my gibs.
Black and White (Not the second one) 10/10

It's unique in nearly everything- the villager management, the creature learning from you, the resource collection and the alignment. The interface itself is cool and the graphics are impressive for 2001. I am kind of glad I only started playing now , I wouldn't want to have been disappointed by the second one.

Oh yeah and the interaction well... Lol, most games nowadays don't have that sort of level of interacton. It's a gem of a game.
Carmageddon 10/10

It's been years since the last time I played this classic.
Guitar Hero 2 - oh yeahh.
Titan Quest - 8/10 - lots of fun, and is GORGEOUS with my new 7900GS.
Crackdown (360) - 7/10 - hella fun, kind of boring though
Rainbow Six: Vegas (360) - 8/10 - love it
Hitman: Blood Money - 7/10

Bought it on a whim over Steam, and I only then realised that I've actually been following the whole Hitman series without really noticing :O
Cool game, sorted out some of the flaws with the earlier games (while ignoring some others). It's a shame the ragdolls haven't evolved over time, but same old classic gameplay other than that.
F.E.A.R. 360 - 8/10

Same thing as the pc version. The dual machine pistols and the Instant Action mode (no more having to play through chapters or walk through endless areas to get in firefights) were nice additions.
Guild Wars (All Expansions): SO... ****ING... ADDICTIVE/10
Resistance: Fall of Man - 9/10

Yeah, that's a high score but I found the game really really impressive.
The co-op is awesome.
Metal Gear Solid 2 - 10/10
Metal Gear Solid 3 - 10/10


3 made me cry!
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