Rate the last game you played

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Which underlines both the high and low points of the game, as that's what you'll be yelling at either. The fun is huge, but so is the challenge. Infact, the whole game is basically one giant learning curve, but it's an immensely rewarding one at that.

Had it for a night, and just started nailing (5 stars) a few songs on medium. Tried breaking into hard, but I can't quite get into the knack of incorporating the orange fret...
Liero 9/10

I just wish I could play it with the sound. Almost makes me want to 'reget' Windows 98 to have it run in DOS: then I'd certainly give a 10/10

Half-life: Opposing Force 9.5/10

If they only just made the Shock Troopers a bit easier. They're ridiculous, even on easy mode! Perfect aim, hard to dodge, take of 10 health with each shot, rapid fire: not a nice combination.

And not enough ammo for the sniper rifle. Fired it less then a dozen times in the whole game.

Loved the weapons, though. Shock roach was awesome, as was the spore launcher.

Which underlines both the high and low points of the game, as that's what you'll be yelling at either. The fun is huge, but so is the challenge. Infact, the whole game is basically one giant learning curve, but it's an immensely rewarding one at that.

Had it for a night, and just started nailing (5 stars) a few songs on medium. Tried breaking into hard, but I can't quite get into the knack of incorporating the orange fret...

I'll agree with the rating on that game.

C&C3 - 9/10
The game is pretty fun, though it lost that 1 point from a couple aspects. The acting is still as bad as before, though you guys don't complain about that. And another is my C&C3 crashed, and when it did that, all my save games went with it. I think I was about 1/2 way done with GDI when that happened. :(
Eledees (Elebits) 8/10. A lovely edition to the Wii catalogue. It wouldn't work on any other system and oozes charm, Pikmin stylee.

Cooking Mama 5/10. Pretty ropey, but provided an evenings entertainment with a few friends. Rent, drink beer, and laugh. 'Better than mama'!!
Worms Armageddon (LAN) - 10/10
Comedy, laughing and simplicity value are simply UNMATCHED when playing LAN.

A multiplayer game which takes skill!

Especially ninja roping. >_>


Which underlines both the high and low points of the game, as that's what you'll be yelling at either. The fun is huge, but so is the challenge. Infact, the whole game is basically one giant learning curve, but it's an immensely rewarding one at that.

Had it for a night, and just started nailing (5 stars) a few songs on medium. Tried breaking into hard, but I can't quite get into the knack of incorporating the orange fret...

I seriously cannot see the appeal of the Guitar Hero games. Seriously, it is just was fun to play a guitar, and you'd probably be able to find a decent acoustic guitar for the same price of the game as well. Not to mention playnig a guitar always looks cool. Playing Guitar Hero always looks ****ing gay. No matter who you are.

I just don't get it.
I seriously cannot see the appeal of the Guitar Hero games. Seriously, it is just was fun to play a guitar, and you'd probably be able to find a decent acoustic guitar for the same price of the game as well. Not to mention playnig a guitar always looks cool. Playing Guitar Hero always looks ****ing gay. No matter who you are.

I just don't get it.

You had better prepare youself to be slated incredibly.
if only I could upload images.

I would totally put a 'Guitar Hero' guitar in Shift's avatar.

lol thats funny.
Prince of Persia: Sands of Time - 10/10

Prince of Persia: Warrior Within - 8/10

Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones - 9/10

started playing SOT last week, loved it, got all the games now im addicted to em lol.
Rainbow Six: Vegas 9/10

This is the first Rainbow Six game i've played, but its pretty money. The one thing i would change is-- the AI teammates in single player should have the ability to "Heal" you as well. Especially after all the times i've saved their dum asses.
Resistance: Fall of Man - 8/10

Played it co-op with my best bud and had a blast. My only complaint is that it's too short and a bit choppy. Besides that, the weapons are fun and the combat's really good. Sure it's not some great innovation on the FPS genre, but it does a good job.
Super Smash Bros. Melee - 8.8/10...

Awesome! Just got through playing with 4 friends while blazed out of our skulls, fun shit.

Resident Evil 4 - 9.1/10... so far.
Great great great great fun stuff, creepy as hell too.
Must get back to finishing Resi 4. I'm on the island and those creepy regenerating zombies bastards just showed up. Plus I can't find the damn key...
Need for Speed: Carbon: no need to brake/10

oh racing games where you can just hold down the gas and dont need to think. i could go for some N64 Rush... great game/10.
Zombie Master

**** YEAH / 10

Half-Life 2

Still good.
Metal Gear solid 2-8.5/10, this...this could've been amazing. UP until the Bomber boss this game is a 11/10 and right up until Raiden loses his cloththing it's a 10/10....then the game just falls into absurdity. I was willing to follow this storyline into the depth of hell but i wasn't prepared ( or thought it could go as low) for 90 ridiculous plot twists in 20 min and an end battle in newyork somehow. Im hoping snake eater is better

Still great though.
Supreme Commander- 9/10
:D Still a pwnage game. Just got it. I was wary about the massiveness.. but it works great!
I seriously cannot see the appeal of the Guitar Hero games. Seriously, it is just was fun to play a guitar, and you'd probably be able to find a decent acoustic guitar for the same price of the game as well. Not to mention playnig a guitar always looks cool. Playing Guitar Hero always looks ****ing gay. No matter who you are.

I just don't get it.

How much have you actually played Guitar Hero? I've never met someone who didn't love it.

Ennui loves it:
How much have you actually played Guitar Hero? I've never met someone who didn't love it.

Awesome picture by the way.

Admittedly i haven't played that much of Guitar Hero, only about a half hours worth at a mates place. I was not impressed, nor did it make me feel like a guitar hero. Nor is it anywhere near as fun as playing an actual guitar or instrument.
I concur, i played guitar hero last night whilst stopping over at a mates place with a few others, i felt it was a waste of time and it has nothing on playing the actual guitar.

Sorry, just my honest opinion.
Barby Horse Ride Adventure


She kept hitting trees.


Not enough trees.
Burnout Revenge - 8/10

Mother ****ing cars and exploshens and shiny graphics. Yes.
Halo 2 PC - I Don't Know/10...

If there was only one good reason to use Vista... hm...
Medieval 2: Total War - 10/10

For the first time ever I've actually started pressing Quick Battle. God it's fun.

Medal of Honor: Allied Assault - 9/10
Epic win.

Medal of Honor: Allied Assault: Spearhead - Expansion pack - 7/10
Still pretty fun with what the original lacked. Great new weapons.

Medal of Honor: Allied Assault: Breakthrough - Expansion pack - 8.5/10
The first mission is ****ing epic. Too hard at times, though still epicly fun.
Metal Gear Solid 3 - 10/10 (I'm biased on MGS games, and rate them all 10/10 'cept for Portable Ops. I get slightly motion sick from the PSP and its not as comfortable to play on a portable gaming device.)
Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops - 9/10
Nor is it anywhere near as fun as playing an actual guitar or instrument.
Let me tell you what is fun.

Having your guitarist friend look on in awe as you nail a song on hard he couldn't even COMPLETE on easy.

Comparing Guitar Hero to a real instrument is ridiculous. Its fun as hell for what it is. Why moan about how its not something else?
Forza 2 - 9.5/10

Looses .5 of a mark for too much graphics attention to the cars and not on the scenery on some tracks, and for a noticeable lack of tracks (each track is used differently 4 or 5 times though, for shorter races and longer ones).
Fallout 2 - 9/10

Loses half a point for crashes, loses another half a point for being very frustrating at times, especially the time constraints within some quests.

Receives nine points for being virtually the best post-apocalyptic RPG in existance.
Replayed HL2 and Episode One again.

Half Life 2- best FPS ever, perhaps best overall computer game ever. Need I say more? 10/10

Episode One- improved graphics, better AI for Alyx, more character development for her, and underground fight sequences in pitch dark were all major pluses. But it was way too short and easy. Lack of new weapons and enemies, except zombine, which really wasn't that revolutionary. 9/10

World of Warcraft- after seeing my brother playing it for hours, days, weeks, and months on end, I finally decided to see what the hype was about. I was thoroughly disappointed in this regard, although I'm sure it's just a matter of personal preference. I'm not too much into the fantasy genre, and the game seems incredibly repetitive and just too damned big for me. I don't like how you just keep pushing a button to fight something, or let the computer do it for you. I'm not going to rate it, because it's just not my type of game to begin with.

Guitar Heroes One and Two- great, simple game that somehow manages to be more difficult than the actual guitar parts (granted, I've played for ten years now). But lack of new songs leads to game being phased out, as do the fragile guitar controllers, which inevitably wear out or break. 8/10
Episode One- improved graphics, better AI for Alyx, more character development for her, and underground fight sequences in pitch dark were all major pluses. But it was way too short and easy. Lack of new weapons and enemies, except zombine, which really wasn't that revolutionary. 9/10

I agree with the shortness of it, but i didn't find it that easy. I died more times playing Episode 1 than i did the whole of Half-Life 2.
The end was so anticlimatic. One freakin' Strider? I mean, yeah, the scripted sequences were cool and the Strider shooting its warp cannon at your cover and systematically destroying it was stressful, but in the end it was just one Strider that wasn't tougher than any of the ones you faced in HL2, where you had to face several at a time. In that regard, Episode One was a bit of a failure. Even HL2's final chapter, Dark Energy, was ridiculously easy thanks to your supercharged suit and gravity gun.

HL2 had a lot more tough spots than Episode One. About the only thing that was hard was when you were in that garage and you had to plug three burrows with cars.
The end was so anticlimatic. One freakin' Strider? I mean, yeah, the scripted sequences were cool and the Strider shooting its warp cannon at your cover and systematically destroying it was stressful, but in the end it was just one Strider that wasn't tougher than any of the ones you faced in HL2, where you had to face several at a time. In that regard, Episode One was a bit of a failure.

It wasn't even a full length game, what were you supposed to expect? I thought it was just fine the way it was considering that it is ONE episode of three (I think it's 3).
I didn't expect anything epic like HL1 or HL2 because, as you said, it's just an episode. They could've done something a bit more challenging for the final battle, though.
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