Rate the last game you played

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It is for Episode One. ;)

From the sounds of it, I think we're in store for a lot more in Episode Two.
I'd say in the scope of Episode 1 the final battle with the Strider was fine, and despite how easy the reactor thing in HL2 was, I found it really quite fun. I think they want more for the 'cinematic experience' than difficulty with that. Difficulty doesn't define what is climatic, and what isn't.

Actually, scratch that, I got owned by that Strider when I played. I must really suck.
Don't worry, so did I a couple of times. One was when I got behind that shipping crate and the Strider kept hitting it with the warp cannon and I was too stupid to get out of the way before it crushed me. :)

And I agree 100% with the Dark Energy level. It wasn't hard, but it was definite eye-candy, and had a very theatrically climatic feeling to it.
Marvel: Ultimate Alliance - 6/10

Beat the shit out of everything you see!

Pirates: At World's End - 0 Bottles of rum/10

Where's the rum? It was crammed up the developer's ass!
Just played the Beta version of Goldeneye: Source. Still way full of bugs (maybe even more than the Alpha version), although it shows promise if they ever get around to fixing them.
Episode One - 6/10...

Meh, the pitchblack garage sequence was incredibly irritating to play through... I had to force myself to keep going.
The game just felt really repetitive to me.

I appreciate the story expansion,the scripted sequences, voice acting, music, and some of the environments(caverns mainly)... but it was just very arduous to play through.

Episode 2 looks like it'll be alot more fun with the diversity in environments.
The Matrix: Path of Neo - 6.5/10
The only good thing about this game is the fighting (Which is damn good) and it's really, really repetative.
Lucid, don't you mean Lowlife? That was the freakin best chapter!

Call of Duty 3(Wii): 4/10
Meh... The controls are just too messed up. I could barely hit the freaking helmets, and in the 360 version of 2 I hit them all.

Wii Sports!: 9/10
Pff, tennis rocks. Its so addictive. The other games are fune too..
And I get a workout!
Lucid, don't you mean Lowlife? That was the freakin best chapter!

Yeah, running around in the dark with a shit flashlight while being swarmed with iraqi zombies qualifies as fun, yep.

Meh, if you found it fun then that's great.
Lowlife was good, but nothing amazing. The coop gameplay was excellent, and it was far from repetitive, but like I said, nothing 'out there'. Urban Flight was standard HL2: very good, but again, nothing special. Exit 17 wasn't good at all. Fortunately the first two chapters were absolutely amazing. Definitely the best Valve have ever produced, and up there with the best FPS levels ever. Excellent gameplay, great storytelling/NPC interaction and very atmospheric.

Mind, I'd never call Episode 1 repetitive. The gameplay, as a whole, changes constantly, and the game itself is definitely one of my favourite shooters.

8.5/10 sounds about right.
Agreed, the Citadel level was one of the best in gaming. It captured the essence of the disintegrating Citadel perfectly, bringing together visuals, sound, and atmosphere to a perfect combination that Valve seems to be especially adept at.

Urban Flight was kinda meh, but still fun to play. It wasn't that it was bad, but we had been there, done that in HL2. I can remember fighting in the ruins in "Follow Freeman!" and I felt like I was transported to Stalingrad, circa 1942/43. I thought Lowlife was neat only because of the pitch-black fight scenes and the flares, which were a nice addition and added eerie red lighting to the combat.
Yeah, running around in the dark with a shit flashlight while being swarmed with iraqi zombies qualifies as fun, yep.
Weird. I know that you're being sarcastic but that does sound fun to me.

Anyway, I thought Undue Alarm was an incredible experience from an immersion standpoint but lacked in the combat and gameplay department. It was like hey watch these incredible scenes with great voice acting and set the mood of the game, hey go on a great ride via Dog, forshadow some future events and get the Grav. gun, here do a few puzzles, hey check out this rollermine! Quite an experience but gameplay wise nothing to gawk at. On the other hand Direct Intervention was a great little box of action. I don't understand why Lowlife and Urban Flight are so underreated, they seemed really fun to me. Exit 17 was nothing special but the Strider battle was nice.
Anyway, I thought Undue Alarm was an incredible experience from an immersion standpoint but lacked in the combat and gameplay department. It was like hey watch these incredible scenes with great voice acting and set the mood of the game, hey go on a great ride via Dog, forshadow some future events and get the Grav. gun, here do a few puzzles, hey check out this rollermine! Quite an experience but gameplay wise nothing to gawk at.

The fact that it was lacking in combat is what made it so great. The rollermine/Alyx scenario was the high point in terms of gameplay, as was deflecting the rubble falling from the Citadel whilst on the lift. This is gameplay from the point of the FP perspective, rather than aiming a gun and shooting at the bad guys. That's what made it so good.
World Of Warcraft - The Burning Crusade : 4/10

Thats just for content. more of the same. Theyve added gear in the form of greens and blues that are doubly as powerful as the epics people literally spent months and months grinding for in the hardest instances pre-theBC. Its a piss take, but you can see why they did it - to close the gap between hardcore and casual gamers in terms of gear, but it makes someone like me who dedicated so much time before TBC pissed off as its all gone to waste basically. I was covered in epics from BWL, MC, AhnQiraj etc (all the hardest instances) and now im wearing GREENS! DAMN YOU BLIZZARD!

Thank god i used the free trial first.
They should release more player-controlled features to wow, because most of the core game is NPCs etc. Like on Eve, providing the effort is put in, it can never effectively end or get boring, because everything in controller by the players. They start putting some of those elements into the game.
The fact that it was lacking in combat is what made it so great. The rollermine/Alyx scenario was the high point in terms of gameplay, as was deflecting the rubble falling from the Citadel whilst on the lift. This is gameplay from the point of the FP perspective, rather than aiming a gun and shooting at the bad guys. That's what made it so good.

Yep. You were able to become a lot more immersed in the environment thanks to not having to fight anything. And it was a beautifully done environment. :)

I kinda liked the final Strider battle, although it was easy once you figured out the right strategy. It was probably one of the battles were you have the biggest disadvantage. You have to make your way across the Strider's area of fire, dodging between cover that only lasts for a while before the Strider destroys it, and therefore not allowing you much time to plan your next move. There's not a huge abundance of health and ammo pickups. Finally, having survived the trip across the train station, you're able to vent your frustration on the Strider by destroying it. The more I played it, the more I kinda grew fond of it.
In chronological order of last played:

Half Life 2: 100/10 (No typo)
Star Wars Battlefront 2: 9.9/10
Hitman Bloodmoney: 9/10
Deus Ex : Invisible War - 5/10...

Found it in the bargain bin at Target for $5...
I can't believe that I used to think that this game had gorgeous graphics, ew... the bloom is barely used for any noticeable effect.
The gameplay sucks, you could say that the combat is SHITTIER than the first game.
Mediocre voice work.
The story and music is great though.
Four-player Anaconda (Timesplitters 2)

Clearly the best game ever.
Are you forgetting Half Life 2? Star Wars: Battlefront 2? Halo? (Just Kidding about the last one)
Man, I hate my friend's taste in games. I got Timesplitters but noone wants to play it with me...
Finally found a copy of Rogue Spear. Brought back lots of memories. It's crude in graphics by today's standards, but it's still fun to play (mainly because it can get pretty damned hard). 9/10
Amplitude: 9/10.

God I love this game. Think Guitar Hero with a PS2 controller to uber fast dance, techno, drum and bass, trance etc.
Transformers : The Game - 4/10...

My friend rented it for his 360 and I played through a little.
Gorgeous graphics, terrible camera control, incredibly shallow combat... hell the entire game is shallow.
You'd think that the ability to cause mass destruction would be fun? Not really, just walking by a building a scraping it causes the entire city block to be leveled down ffs... sure it sounds cool, but it's really annoying and kills any immersion the game could be asking for.

It's just another half-assed movie game, tbh.
Ocarina of Time - 10/10

I haven't actually played this since it first came out. Even today, it's still damn good I reckon. Imagine if they made faithful remake of it today...I would cream myself. :p

Armed Assault: 8/10
Great gameplay, realism, awesome graphics to match the gameplay. Story wasn`t as good as Ofp but still solid, some minor bugs.

System Shock 2: 9(10)/10
Best story and gameplay ever. The game is just pure Epic, it has so much for a game that old.
I would have given it a 10 if I had played it back then, but I give it a 9 cause the graphics are below medicore for the games we have today.

Rainbow Six: Las Vegas: 5/10
Satisfying firefights, good graphics (way too much blur); a solid shooter but that`s it. Has got nothing to do woth R6 but the name.

GRAW: 7.5/10
A good military shooter with lots of guns and realistic gameplay. Fall short on the tactical part though. Not something you would expect from a Ghost Recon game. Good graphics, too much brown.
Star wars: battlefront 2- 9/10
half-life 2: episode 1- 8/10
heroes of might and magic 5- 8/10 (I still like 3 better)
diablo 2- 8/10

and blah blah.
Battlefield 2142 - 1/10...

I had fun with it when it was actually working.

I uninstalled it before, as it wasn't loading maps past 60% for some reason.
So I decided to reinstall today, installation went fine, I went to the official BF2142 website, downloaded the latest patch... which for some reason is a BETA patch.
Installed, went ingame only to see that there's only 5 servers.
Exited, couldn't install the older patch, then I tried to uninstall the game and it gave me some ****ed up error... and yeah I can't even reinstall it without getting said error.

Great, wasted $50. GG EA.
Resident evil remake: 8/10

A point knocked off for the horrendous story and voice acting. The gameplay itself was top notch, and despite the fact that I may have been playing as a Panzer in disguise I had a blast.
Making History - 7/10

Can get this on Steam, it's like a more in-depth Risk (the board game), loads of re-playability, has some nice depth. For $20-30 though, it's way overpriced considering it's pretty much a more complex Risk.
EVE Online - 8/10
Love it. Travelling is handled awesomly, you can actually look at that and think it's beutiful, and that's better than WoW's generic loading screen.

Rollcage (PS1) - 9/10
Holy shit that rocks! D: Good renderer for the PS1.

Hydro Thunder (PS1) - 7/10
Feels like an arcade conversion and has a crappy 3D renderer, but delivers good action.

Wip3out (PS1) - 8/10
Good 3D. Abstract. Has no clear goals.
Mercury Meltdown (wii) 8/10

Anyone who's played Mercury Meltdown knows what to expect, just this time it controls much better than before. One part ball rolling one part puzzle game.
ROLLCAGE! I loved the destructable buildings! :D
The Longest Journey 8/10 really long, good story, good atmosphere, but frustrating, and has some annoying bugs.

Sam & Max: 9/10 I expected this to be good, but not this good. Alas some frustrating puzzles

Tombraider: Anniversary 9/10: It doesn't really stand out from the crowd in term of originality or graphics, but it has some incredibly fine SoT like gameplay, with anything thats boring or frustrating or otherwise a cheap way of lengthening the game removed, has a shitload of cool secrets, nice puzzles. Has gorgeous but technically outdated graphics. Beautiful heroine, with some of the best animations I have ever seen. And in the end I enjoyed it a shitload more then a lot of other more special or original titles.
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