Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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We're going to go in circles forever. As an action flick it failed for me. Fullstop. I certainly wasn't expecting anything other than a throwaway vs. movie, yet it still didn't deliver. You seem to be suggesting tthat there's no place for tension in an action movie btw, which is odd. Terminator, Predator, Robocop, you name it - all these movies keep you on the edge of your seat. That's what makes them good action movies as opposed to crap ones.

It should have been exciting when the Predator and Aliens clashed. There should have been some build up, perhaps even a few charatcers that were remotely interesting. I mean come on, the original Predator is hardly high brow stuff - it's just a alien shooting movie - but it was made well. AvP 2 wasn't.

Not to mention that I had to turn the brightness on my TV way the hell up to even see any of the action. :|

meh, the gun fight at the end was cool, but I really don't see what all of the hype is about
Fight Club while high wouldn't do anything for me.
Anyways, after reading the S. Darko thread...

Donnie Darko - 9.5/10...

Awesomely trippy.
Transformers 3/10

This is one of the rare gems that I cannot stomach to sit and watch through the whole thing. Boy this movie was retarded beyond belief.

.... D :

I loved Transformers. Why did you find it bad?
Fight Club while high wouldn't do anything for me.
Lies! Vicious lies!

Harold and Kumar Escape From Guantanamo Bay - 7/10
Watching this movie high did something for me. If you liked the first one chances are you'll like this one too, it's more of the same stupidly hilarious shit. Worth a watch IMO but maybe not at a movie ticket price... although the Dark Knight trailer beforehand might make it worth it.
Chinatown - 8/10. Pretty good but nothing to write home about.
The Lives of Others - 9/10. I didn't know German movies were this good.
Lies! Vicious lies!

Harold and Kumar Escape From Guantanamo Bay - 7/10
Watching this movie high did something for me. If you liked the first one chances are you'll like this one too, it's more of the same stupidly hilarious shit. Worth a watch IMO but maybe not at a movie ticket price... although the Dark Knight trailer beforehand might make it worth it.

Not saying it isn't a great movie, just saying it wouldn't do jack for me while high.
Although I've never watched it while high and probably won't since I'm done smoking, it started becoming another bill for me to pay. :|

Garden State - 8.5/10...
Great, quirky, and somewhat surreal.
We're going to go in circles forever. As an action flick it failed for me. Fullstop. I certainly wasn't expecting anything other than a throwaway vs. movie, yet it still didn't deliver. You seem to be suggesting tthat there's no place for tension in an action movie btw, which is odd. Terminator, Predator, Robocop, you name it - all these movies keep you on the edge of your seat. That's what makes them good action movies as opposed to crap ones.

It should have been exciting when the Predator and Aliens clashed. There should have been some build up, perhaps even a few charatcers that were remotely interesting. I mean come on, the original Predator is hardly high brow stuff - it's just a alien shooting movie - but it was made well. AvP 2 wasn't.

Guess I'm just gonna have to put it down to opinions then, I found the film, while not packed with tension, certainly enjoyable and when the fights between Wolf and the Aliens were on screen, thought that they were nice action scenes.

Also, for the record, Predator wouldn't have been the classic it is today if not for the Pred design from Stan Winston, he saved the movie from hell (check out the footage of the previous Van Damme creature), otherwise, I would say The Predator was your typical 80's action flick, which is how I think of Avp2 as well, though the inclusion of the Preds and Aliens takes it above that for me, as did the original Pred in the original film, which in my opinion, is no bad thing
Perfume: The Story of a Murderer - 8/10

Beautiful, lavish production. The most expensive German film ever made apparently(English actors btw, its not German with subtitles or anything). The last half hour or so were quite something, the scene in the town square :o Was interested in reading the book for awhile. The actress who played Laura was fine as hell too. The lead was quite interesting I found aswell.
Casino Royale... I only watched a part of it, so I can't really rate the whole movie even though it looks mediocre.

Anyways... the worst, least exciting poker tournament hand I have ever seen in a movie.

It was terrible, and I know how to appreciate texas hold'em.
Tin Man Part 1 - 6/10
Supposed to be a retelling of the Wizard of Oz but it's so losely based on the film that there doesn't seem to be any real point to it. They also seem to have used up everything they could from the film in part 1. To top it off the acting is rather crap and the script isn't much better.
Tin Man Part 1 - 6/10
Supposed to be a retelling of the Wizard of Oz but it's so losely based on the film that there doesn't seem to be any real point to it. They also seem to have used up everything they could from the film in part 1. To top it off the acting is rather crap and the script isn't much better.

I thought Tin Man was pretty enjoyable, it was incredibly surreal.
But then again, I'm a sucker for Zooey Deschanel.
She's not a very good actress. Or at least she wasn't in that.
She's not a very good actress. Or at least she wasn't in that.

Yeah it was one of her weaker performances, but she was decent in Elf and Hitchhiker's Guide.
When I said I'm a sucker for her, it's mainly for her voice and looks.
Her sister(plays Bones on the show... Bones.) is a babe too, fantastic actress.
Femme Fatale - 5/10

Brian de Palma - wtf? What a boring movie. The lesbian make out scene was good though. :naughty:
Tin Man Part 1 - 6/10
Supposed to be a retelling of the Wizard of Oz but it's so loosely based on the film that there doesn't seem to be any real point to it. They also seem to have used up everything they could from the film in part 1. To top it off the acting is rather crap and the script isn't much better.

Try watching it while thinking about what the original The Wonderful Wizard of Oz represented. (Yes, The WWoO did have a much bigger plot if you really look into it.)

Rent - 7/10

I don't enjoy musicals, but Rent isn't too bad
2 Fast 2 Furious - 7/10

Just caught it randomly on tv, nice cars, nice women, not as good as the first though.
2 Fast 2 Furious - 7/10

Just caught it randomly on tv, nice cars, nice women, not as good as the first though.
They're making a fourth now too.

btw, Tokyo Drift-8/10

Drfiting made the Fast and the Furious a million times better
Aw man, Aladdin was a classic I thought. Haven't seen it in a while though.
Alladin kicked ass :(

I would call pretty much every other disney film overrated but not alladin
Indiana Jones and the Kindgom of the Crystal Skull: 10/10

Gentlemen! Hear me! Being the son of a Los Angeles entertainment reporter, I had the glorious honor of seeing an advance screening of Indy 4.

It is glorious. It is the best film I have seen all year. I will go so far as to declare it the equal of Raiders of the Last Ark. Yes, gentlemen, you heard me right! 'Heresy' you cry, but nay, I say! It is its equal!

Truly, every single frame of film is utterly magnificent. See it Thursday.
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