Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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No you're dumb.

Iron Eagle - 6.5/10...
**** yeah, jets explosions and jets and explosions arghahaf.

The Terminator - 8.5/10...
I love how gritty the first one was compared to the second, the old age of it adds to the film's overall atmosphere.
Also, the intro song is so much better than T2's.
star trek 8/10

I hate star trek and I hate JJ Abrams so I am surprised I really enjoyed this :D

Basically it's a good old fashioned sci fi action movie and should please anyone but star trek die hards who hate the new look :)
star trek die hards who hate the new look :)

Yeah, I've heard alot of die hard fans who really hate that the new film is so popular and say that if it was anuthing other than a Star Trek film it would be good, but it simply isn't Star Trek. I think these guys need to put it into perspective. Before this film came out, Star Trek was dying on it's arse after cancelled shows and flopping movies. Now it has been re-vitalised and who knows what else will come from this.
What you need to do is take some serious grammar lessons.
Star Trek - 8/10

Waaaaay overshot my expectations. I hope they make a TV series with the new Original Gangsta Enterprise crew.
Star Trek - 5/10

Great eye candy and characters, but the plot had way too many inconsistencies that bugged the hell outta me - I know that things were different mainly because of Nero's existence, which is fine. It's the little things here and there that bothered me (and time travel as a way to drag the plot along is really getting old).
Terminator 2: Judgement Day - 8.5/10...
One of the best sci-fi action movies ever made, easily in my top 10.

Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines - 7/10...
It was a highly entertaining return to the series, had some great scenes towards the end.
I don't really see why it gets so much hate? I mean, aside from how god damn ridiculous most of the shit that happens is.
Angels and Demons - 4/10

Editing? What's that? Pacing? I'm sorry I don't understand. A cool explosion? I got ya.

Some movies don't translate well at all from book to film, and this one is a prime example of it.
Gran Torino 8/10

No what I expected at all! very different movie for my tastes but I'm glad i had a night off I could enjoy a nice movie. Clint is still the cold hard bastard I remember him as. Also if you liked this one you should watch Heartbreak Ridge which is one of my favorite Clint Eastwood movies.
cube 2 hypercube - one of the worst movies ever/10

serious contendor for worst movie I have ever seen in my life for reasons to stupid to explain and it will just make me angry if I do D:
Star Trek - 8/10

Waaaaay overshot my expectations. I hope they make a TV series with the new Original Gangsta Enterprise crew.

Me three. The entire plot seemed geared towards making a new series possible. Add the (intentional?) lack of big names and it seems even more obvious - they wanted a cast who would also be willing to do the show! Fingers crossed!
Stemots and Samons -- 6/10

A few good battle scenes but they got quite repetitive. Plus there seemed to be a couple characters suddenly thrown into the mix that really didn't seem like they should be there. At the current state, there really has been no climax. It seems as if the writers published the scripts without ever throwing in some sort of conclusion or epic battle. To be continued?
Stemots and Samons -- 6/10

A few good battle scenes but they got quite repetitive. Plus there seemed to be a couple characters suddenly thrown into the mix that really didn't seem like they should be there. At the current state, there really has been no climax. It seems as if the writers published the scripts without ever throwing in some sort of conclusion or epic battle. To be continued?

Favourite character?
The mysterious Sulking Man, who only appears in a few scenes but steals all of them.
Serenity- 8.9/10

Different than Firefly, but still great.
Star Trek - 8/10

Pleasantly surprised. Some of it was a bit 'huh? that doesnt make sense...' in terms of the plot, but it gets kudos for doing a pretty good job of returning us to the ST universe.

Pretty good acting and light comedy. Lots of GOOD action. Yeah, pretty good film.
Valkyrie - 9/10

Amazing movie and a different perspective on Nazi Germany. Based on a true story as well, and very original, haven't seen a movie like it in years!

Defiance - 8/10

Very interesting story about a bunch of Jewish people who hid in the woods during the first years of WW2. Its a true story and reminded me of Red Dawn, Schindler's List, and Hart's War. very good watch
Alexander - 6/10...
More slow motion please. :x
Also, worst casting decisions in the history of film right here.
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button - 9/10

A truly magical movie, it reminded me of Forest Gump and was an amazing spectacle. Kinda sad in the end but it makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside.
terminator salvation - **** YEA/10

the crowd reactions at the

CGI Arnold Governator cameo

were priceless
There Will Be Blood - 9/10 - Basically, a really good character study. Anderson could've shaved off some sub-plots though, the whole long lost brother thing was rather unnecessary padding. The music was especially noteworthy, <3 Jonny Greenwood.

Seeing Synecdoche, New York tomorrow. I rate it a prententiousness/10 already, but I'm really looking forward to it regardless.
Terminator Salvation - 7/10

Was expecting way more, felt a little disappointed. Still worth seeing.
There Will Be Blood - 9/10 - Basically, a really good character study. Anderson could've shaved off some sub-plots though, the whole long lost brother thing was rather unnecessary padding. The music was especially noteworthy, <3 Jonny Greenwood.

I hated that movie. It was like, "Hey, let's watch Daniel Day-Lewis be a cock for two hours."
I can see why people would hate it, but you gotta admit Daniel Day Lewis is awesome in it and the score kicks ass.
Forest Gump

Awesome movie, full of good humor and a perfect story.
Time after time (1979) - 9/10

Great time travel movie
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