Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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^Channel 4 too, makes the experience worse. Its like having a pee-break for 5 minutes every 5 minutes.
Jeff Dunham - Arguing with Myself - 8/10...
The lulz were many.
-4 respect points.


Terminator Salvation 6.5/10 This movies embodies the term 'meh'. I really just don't know how I feel about it. The whole plot of it sucks, if not because it's completely cliche and generic, then because it has ridiculously sized plotholes.
Please Skynet, you kept Kyle Reese in prison for hours so you could lure John Connor into it so you could then kill them both? Honestly, are we supposed to believe they wouldn't realize killing Kyle Reese prevents John Connor from ever having existed. And then there is Marcus Wright, the man you've probably seen in the trailers who honestly believes he is human. Well he was, but he was executed in 2003 for doin' something really bad you don't know about and then he is magically awoken 15 years later and is like 60% robot. Anyway, Skynet's whole evil plan hinges on him being the ultimate infiltrator (BECAUSE EVEN HE DOESN'T KNOW HE IS AN INFILTRATOR!) and him accidently turning in Kyle Reese, and then accidently turning in John Connor by enlisting him to help save Kyle. Yeah, right. Except that, virtually every part of that plan happens completely by chance. Marcus Wright appears naked in the desert somewhere and randomly walks the right direction to LA where he happens to shout at just the right Terminator in the distance to also catch the attention of Kyle Reese and Marcus just happens to fix the radio no one else has been able to fix for years just as John Connor says just the right thing over the radio to convice them to leave and they get attacked and Kyle gets abducted but Marcus clings to the ship that takes but falls off at just the right moment to find the girl who parachutes from her crashing plane and then she leads him to John's base and the journey has just the right tramautic events to make her become quite loyal and believe in him and then he steps on a landmine so that every one can see he is sort of a robot and they all flip out and lock him up and shoot at him and stuff because they think he's there to murder John and then she saves him but not before the whole ****ing base goes apeshit and pulls out security measures that I find hard to believe it would have just to keep the fleeing robot they think wants to kill them all inside the base, at the incredible risk of the girl, and then John Connor, being the genuis he is says to himself "SINCE I BELIEVE THIS ROBOT'S ONE GOAL IS TO KILL ME, WHY NOT FLY OUT OVER THE WATER HE MAY BE HIDING IN A HELICOPTER SO IT BECOMES INCREDIBLY LIKELY I AM PUT IN A ONE ON ONE SITUATION WITH HIM" and then he does that, and then they talk it out but John is so desperate to prevent Kyle from dying he is willing to prevent the global attack on Skynet Central and put the rescue mission in the hands of Marcus to pull it off. Yep, that's some impressive foresight Skynet. You might argue that it's all subconscious programming but there is absolutely no way they could have caused John and Kyle to put themselves out like they did time and time again. Also, completely unnecessary to give Marcus the whole "HERE IS WHY AND HOW ALL OF THIS HAPPENED, I SURE HOPE YOU DON'T OVERCOME OUR PROGRAMMING AND UNDO ALL OF THIS!" speech when you could've just kept him unconscious or killed him or something. And inclusion of CGI Arnold face as T800 was absolutely goddamn stupid. Just no.
The world itself is actually pretty convincing and all the effects are great. Acting was decent, nothing awful, nothing memorable. But really the only thing that could've made this move worth viewing was the action, and frankly, there wasn't much I enjoyed and nothing I would look back on and go "That was pretty sweet." I'd just go ahead and forget about this movie if I were you. Watch Terminator 1 and 2 and forget about these unnecessary additions.
Please Skynet, you kept Kyle Reese in prison for hours so you could lure John Connor into it so you could then kill them both? Honestly, are we supposed to believe they wouldn't realize killing Kyle Reese prevents John Connor from ever having existed.

I can't comment on the film because I have not seen it yet, but it stands to reason that the first time Conner was born Reese was not the father for the simple reason he would have had to existed before Skynet sent a Terminator back to kill him, thus the need for a protector to be sent too.
So if they killed Reese so that he was never sent back, surely Johns father would just revert back to who it was before the time line changes ever happened.
Sounds to me like Skynet was not taking any chances.

Although like I said, I have not seen it yet so I could be talking bullshit.
The first time Conner was born? What? When did the timeline ever change?

Not that it matters, they were going to rescue Reese no matter what happened, they had no idea if he still alive or not.
-4 respect points.

I rarely if ever watch comedy acts, this managed to get a few laughs out of me.
My friend brought it over.

Suck it.

Dane Cook - Vicious Circle - 5.5/10...
Somewhat funny, I ****ing hate him though.
He's so full of himself and I think I read somewhere that he stole most of his material.
I can't comment on the film because I have not seen it yet, but it stands to reason that the first time Conner was born Reese was not the father for the simple reason he would have had to existed before Skynet sent a Terminator back to kill him, thus the need for a protector to be sent too.
So if they killed Reese so that he was never sent back, surely Johns father would just revert back to who it was before the time line changes ever happened.
Sounds to me like Skynet was not taking any chances.

Although like I said, I have not seen it yet so I could be talking bullshit.

I watched T1 and T2 last night but

T1 implies that it was always kyle reese or at least someone from the future as john was always brought up by his mother to fight this war no one knew about.
Dane Cook - Vicious Circle - 5.5/10...
Somewhat funny, I ****ing hate him though.
He's so full of himself and I think I read somewhere that he stole most of his material.

Not to the degree that ****ing Carlos Mencia does, but yeah it has been noted a few times. He has a few things that are funny, but yeah, so much of his material is just garbage. And being full of himself to that degree is really obnoxious. I saw him live a few years ago (girl I was dating really liked him) and it was better than I thought, but still rather meh. Check out Jim Gaffigan and Eddie Izzard if you haven't. Their stand up is fantastic.
That's what I mean. If you were going to rip it it, you'd just use your usual software that works around the protection scheme, this one wouldn't stop it, the only thing DT does it let you mount a DVD Image. Why would you need to do that to watch a film you've bought when your using straight off the DVD. Like I said, Idiots.
I wasn't disagreeing with you, just trying to comprehend the idiotic logic behind it.

'Idiotic logic' - that's kind of an oxy moron. And speaking of morons, I think that term better describes them.
I wasn't disagreeing with you, just trying to comprehend the idiotic logic behind it.

'Idiotic logic' - that's kind of an oxy moron. And speaking of morons, I think that term better describes them.

I know you weren't, just thought I hadn't explained myself very well :)

I watched T1 and T2 last night but

T1 implies that it was always kyle reese or at least someone from the future as john was always brought up by his mother to fight this war no one knew about.

He had to be fathered by someone from Sarah`s time first in order to exist at all and have Skynet consider him a threat. Otherwise a soldier wouldn't have been needed to go back in time in the first place if he had never had have existed. There had to be a starting point.
I rarely if ever watch comedy acts, this managed to get a few laughs out of me.
My friend brought it over.

Suck it.
Well there are much better comedians to watch if, y'know, you want to hear funny jokes rather than the most cliche and predictable shit from a puppet's mouth.
He had to be fathered by someone from Sarah`s time first in order to exist at all and have Skynet consider him a threat. Otherwise a soldier wouldn't have been needed to go back in time in the first place if he had never had have existed. There had to be a starting point.

You clearly do not understand how time travel works in The Terminator series (or in general).
Well there are much better comedians to watch if, y'know, you want to hear funny jokes rather than the most cliche and predictable shit from a puppet's mouth.

Is that you Samon? Is this me?

The last film I watched was actually Full Metal Jacket. What great timing. :laugh:

10/10. Too good. Always too good.
I realized the other day that Samon says "y'know" midsentence like I always do, and I figured I'd try to put into my posts to prove that THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE.
black hole- I dunno what to rate this. It was pretty good, I guess.
You clearly do not understand how time travel works in The Terminator series (or in general).

Well unless the time travel in the Terminator series is built upon an impossible paradox I think I do, how about you explain it to me if I'm missing so much.

From the terminator timeline wikia :-


If there was no original John Connor, then there would have NEVER been a Future John Connor to send Kyle Reese back!

I've already explained the picture. The first time the original John Connor sends Kyle Reese back, he does so because he trusts him and believes he is the BEST man for the job. Original John does not send Kyle back the first time knowing that he is his father. When Kyle is sent back it creates an alternate timeline, Kyle becomes the NEW father of a NEW John Connor. This John Connor is raised by his mom with the foreknowledge of who his father is, and what is to come in the future and what he has to be prepared for as the Resistance leader. This John Connor lives past J-Day, becomes the Resistance leader as usual, and this time sends Kyle Reese back with the picture and the memorized quotes knowing that he is his father. Kyle does not know this but John does.

Or a Terminator timeline wiki which also states John must have an unkown father the first time:-

Sounds like you need to put alot of us right seeing as how many of us seem to misunderstand time travel in general :rolleyes:

You cannot start time with a paradox, there has to be a fist event in time for the paradox to change.
Harsh Times - 9/10

Was a good film overall but I wish it would've ended differently.
Angels & Demons - 8/10

I am a Tom Hanks fan. There I said it. The movie was good though, I didn't know Robert Langdon was non-religious, and I ****ing read all the Dan Brown books!
I didn't know Robert Langdon was non-religious, and I ****ing read all the Dan Brown books!

Oh wow really?! You totally wasted unbelievable amounts of your own time that you'll never get back!
Unbelieveable amounts? Dan Brown's turds don't exactly take long to read. It's not War and Peace or anything.
ITT: We find out people dislike Dan Brown's works and rub it in our faces, even though the world pretty much disagrees with them.
But, I digress.

Eragon - 4/10...
Wow, this ripped off so many things it isn't even funny.
The effects were nice but everything else was awful.
ITT: We find out people dislike Dan Brown's works and rub it in our faces, even though the world pretty much disagrees with them.
But, I digress.

Eragon - 4/10...
Wow, this ripped off so many things it isn't even funny.
The effects were nice but everything else was awful.

Yeah because if something is popular it's good. Like Meet the Spartans.
If something that has pages upon pages of good reviews then I'd classify it as good.
Never even heard anything about Meet the Spartans after it was released.
Actually his books are generally panned by critics.
It doesn't matter how exciting it is if I don't care about the people or events. I've read far better exciting books.
Well unless the time travel in the Terminator series is built upon an impossible paradox I think I do, how about you explain it to me if I'm missing so much.

From the terminator timeline wikia :-


If there was no original John Connor, then there would have NEVER been a Future John Connor to send Kyle Reese back!

I've already explained the picture. The first time the original John Connor sends Kyle Reese back, he does so because he trusts him and believes he is the BEST man for the job. Original John does not send Kyle back the first time knowing that he is his father. When Kyle is sent back it creates an alternate timeline, Kyle becomes the NEW father of a NEW John Connor. This John Connor is raised by his mom with the foreknowledge of who his father is, and what is to come in the future and what he has to be prepared for as the Resistance leader. This John Connor lives past J-Day, becomes the Resistance leader as usual, and this time sends Kyle Reese back with the picture and the memorized quotes knowing that he is his father. Kyle does not know this but John does.

Or a Terminator timeline wiki which also states John must have an unkown father the first time:-

Sounds like you need to put alot of us right seeing as how many of us seem to misunderstand time travel in general :rolleyes:

You cannot start time with a paradox, there has to be a fist event in time for the paradox to change.

Your main problem is you're using a source that uses Sarah Connor Chronicles as canon. It contradicts much of the movies and is pretty bad in general.

Time Travel: Everything is constant, no events can be changed. John Connor sends Kyle Reese back in time to save his mother and to become his father. This was always the cause and that has always been the effect. The timeline is unchangeable, that is always what happened.

Sorry for the double post.
Whatever, I haven't actually read any books at all in what seems like years since I've always been busy working all the time.
I'm just now finally getting around to reading some of the books I've been given to read over the past few years.
I see no reason to hate a book that was very enjoyable and managed to keep me turning the pages.

Also, funny how I have yet to see a single bad review of his books.
Not like it'd change my mind anyways.
Wow, that must make us wrong. The majority, apparently, are a decisive means of telling us what is good and what is bad.

Pretty much.
Glad you've finally come to your senses. :thumbs:
Wow, that must make us wrong. The majority, apparently, are a decisive means of telling us what is good and what is bad.

Really not at all.

Big Brother, Tabloids, reality TV in general, Friedberg and Seltzer movies to name a few examples of the herd having no taste.
Really not at all.

Big Brother, Tabloids, reality TV in general, Friedberg and Seltzer movies to name a few examples of the herd having no taste.

Indeed. Of course, it's no secret that the vast majority of people are colossal morons.
Unbelieveable amounts? Dan Brown's turds don't exactly take long to read. It's not War and Peace or anything.

I figured Tuguy was probably a slow reader due to almost certainly being a moron.

If something that has pages upon pages of good reviews then I'd classify it as good.

I don't trust reviews ever. So many of them are straight-up purchased.

I was going to cite examples of how lots of popular things still suck, but a bunch of people already beat me to it.
Really not at all.

Big Brother, Tabloids, reality TV in general, Friedberg and Seltzer movies to name a few examples of the herd having no taste.

from Slate:

"Friedberg and Seltzer do not practice the same craft as P.T. Anderson, David Cronenberg, Michael Bay, Kevin Costner, Zucker, Abrahams, and Zucker, the Wayans Brothers, Uwe Boll, any dad who takes shaky home movies on a camping trip, or a bear who turns on a video camera by accident while trying to eat it. They are not filmmakers. They are evildoers, charlatans, symbols of Western civilization's decline

he loses credibility when he mentions Bay with P.T Anderson and Cronenberg
He mentions Boll.

But I still agree. postal had some funny bits. Friedberg and Seltzer never even try to be funny. They don't spoof movies, they spoof trailers.
Your main problem is you're using a source that uses Sarah Connor Chronicles as canon. It contradicts much of the movies and is pretty bad in general.

Time Travel: Everything is constant, no events can be changed. John Connor sends Kyle Reese back in time to save his mother and to become his father. This was always the cause and that has always been the effect. The timeline is unchangeable, that is always what happened.

Sorry for the double post.

Well considering that the whole subject matter of the new movie is that this is not the same future that the original Kyle Reese is from, or the same future his mother warned him about your theory is already flawed and incorrect. The constant changes made by time travel have changed the future. That is Canon.
As for the site, Sarah Conner Chronicles doesn't even factor into the start of the timeline so taking that as Canon in no way effects the origins of John Conner.

You seem to be the one completely mis-understanding this. How can John Conner send back Kyle Reese if he wasn't born to another father in the first place? He would not exist to send Kyle back in the future. Your theory is, no offence, turd. As well as being one openly contradicted in canon.
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