Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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How can John Conner send back Kyle Reese if he wasn't born to another father in the first place?

Because he did send him back. That's time travel. You're the one misunderstanding it.
Because he did send him back. That's time travel. You're the one misunderstanding it.

Yes he sent him back, but to send him back the first time IE the very first time John sent back Kyle through time, someone had to father John before, there is nothing to misunderstand.

The only way the other theory works is a paradox, which is shitty lazy writing and not Camerons style.

I would love for someone who supports the paradox theory to offer an explaination as to how this could come about in the first place and not simply the "well that's time travel" copout.
Stemot, what are you arguing here? What is your disagreement with Eejit and Sheepo? What don't you get about time travel? I don't see what your point is or where the axis of this argument rests. Enlighten me.

For the record, time goes forward and clocks didn't come about in the Big Bang.
He basically just can't grasp the basic concept of time travel as it relates to the Terminator universe, where everything is inevitable and occurs in loops. I'm really trying to phrase it to help him understand.
He basically just can't grasp the basic concept of time travel as it relates to the Terminator universe, where everything is inevitable and occurs in loops. I'm really trying to phrase it to help him understand.

Try drawing him pictures. Use lots of bright colours.
Yes he sent him back, but to send him back the first time IE the very first time John sent back Kyle through time, someone had to father John before, there is nothing to misunderstand.
There is no "very first time". :p
He basically just can't grasp the basic concept of time travel as it relates to the Terminator universe, where everything is inevitable and occurs in loops. I'm really trying to phrase it to help him understand.

Which would be fine, if the whole thing could have been started in loops without it needing a paradox to start. As it stands, it can't work with Reese being the father from the get go. Simple.

As for your theory's, you still haven't explained how yours can be correct when the new film has changed the future when you say it's not possible in time travel.

As for Samon and Yorick, I can't be arsed getting into another discussion that goes nowhere because no one listens to the other side of the argument.

Anyway, I found backup for the way I see it, all I have found for your point of view is a theory rendered invalid by the latest instalment.

Reese being his father is not a problem, but John Conners very first existence had to be the result of someone else. Do some looking up on the net like I did, their are lots of theory's as to who his first dad was before the timeline was changed. You want me to listen to any of yours, provide some backup and not just tell me I "don't get it" without being able to give me any explanation of what I don't understand.

There is no "very first time". :p

Which makes no sense whatsoever.
There is no start. There is no end. If you can't figure it out with the help of five people you aren't going to figure it out.
Which would be fine, if the whole thing could have been started in loops without it needing a paradox to start. As it stands, it can't work with Reese being the father from the get go. Simple.

It didn't start. It's a self-contained loop. No beginning no end. No normal cause and effect.

The future may be able to be changed in the new rebooted franchise but in that case the one thing which cannot is Reese's fate, being sent back.
It didn't start. It's a self-contained loop. No beginning no end. No normal cause and effect.

Ridiculous. For the loop to exist there has to be an origin. A man can't be sent back by his son to father him if the son was never conceived in the first place to send him back, which he wouldn't have been if at some point in one of the timelines, he never had another father.

Ah whatever, the new film backs me up, as do discussions on fan sites etc. I'll lose no sleep over being treating like a gimp again by Samon and his cronies. :p
RAh whatever, the new film backs me up, as do discussions on fan sites etc. I'll lose no sleep over being treating like a gimp again by Samon and his cronies. :p

Yeah, you're backed up by some retarded writers and fanboys. Congratulations.

Go read some actual time travel material on infinite loops for Christ's sake. Your ignorance is giving me a goddamn tumor.
1) For the loop to exist there has to be an origin.

2) Ah whatever, the new film backs me up.

1) That's the funny thing about loops. They don't have one. Try looking at this:


Where does it start and where does it end?

2) No, it really doesn't. And if it did it doesn't matter, the film has almost no merit in the franchise at all, it barely beats out T3.
Can you guys bring the conversation somewhere else?

Saving Private Ryan - 8.5/10...
Awesome, always hated the entire idea behind their mission though.
You two watch films together? Who's the big spoon when you curl up on the couch together?
Jealousy ain't a colour fool, it's a scent.

No that smell is obviously your arousal at the idea of Samon and myself sitting on the couch in front of the fireplace, sipping wine and critiquing movies.
Corpse Bride - 8.5/10

Very enjoyable; a little short (77 mins), but I'd rather it be good and short than have a bunch of filler to make the 2hr time limit. The music is phenomenal - I especially love the variety of colors used by Elfman in this one with the orchestra (<3 <3 harpsichord + organ + low brass/winds!) and with the singers.
Corpse Bride - 8.5/10

Very enjoyable; a little short (77 mins), but I'd rather it be good and short than have a bunch of filler to make the 2hr time limit. The music is phenomenal - I especially love the variety of colors used by Elfman in this one with the orchestra (<3 <3 harpsichord + organ + low brass/winds!) and with the singers.

I have to confess that I absolutely hated that movie, as much as I tried to love it.
Did you enjoy The Nightmare Before Christmas at all? I personally enjoy Tim Burton's style, but not everyone gets down with his stuff.

I don't think Corpse Bride is as tight as Nightmare, but there were some good moments for me.
Oh, God, I grew up on The Nightmare Before Christmas. It's one of my favourite movies ever. I enjoyed Corpse Bride's art style, and I liked a fair amount of the music (Piano songs were especially lovely), but so much of the movie itself seemed to borderline plagarise NBC in order to capitalise on its success. The story was all over the place, Victor was a very unlikable protagonist (Though the Corpse Bride herself managed to melt my heart on numerous occasions). And it was, I don't know, so predictable and bland.
I will agree with you on the plot's predictability - I guess the characters won me over a great deal. That and the music (the piano solos were great, and I loved the jazz-ish stuff), bu then again Elfman's a phenomenal composer - I'd love to see the full score for this film, just to see what he was doing with the musical colors.
I will agree with you on the plot's predictability - I guess the characters won me over a great deal. That and the music (the piano solos were great, and I loved the jazz-ish stuff), bu then again Elfman's a phenomenal composer - I'd love to see the full score for this film, just to see what he was doing with the musical colors.

Yeah, I really just hated how wimpy and indecisive Victor was. Now Jack Skellington was a protagonist. Assertive, passionate, intelligent, determined.

And yes Elfman is a pretty amazing composer. I studied some of his work when I took Music Theory. I was given the choice between him and that hack John Williams - which wasn't much of a choice at all.
Yeah - John Williams isn't quite a James Horner, but he's definitely recycling a lot of old stuff. It's funny - he's got a tuba concerto (one of my friends played this on bass trombone last semester) - he barely mentions this work on his website (which is rare for a tuba concerto since there are so few of them) because it's really not that great. It's really technical & difficult just for being difficult's sake (it's balls hard to play on tuba or bass trombone, though bass trombone has an easier time with the upper range).
I've got a bunch of Elfman songs on my computer, and they're all pretty weird sounding.
The Truman Show: 9/10

Still, after 10 or so viewings, really damn good.
2) No, it really doesn't. And if it did it doesn't matter, the film has almost no merit in the franchise at all, it barely beats out T3.

Funny thing is that's your opinion others have different ones. Yours is not the definitive opinion.

As for the whole you can't change time argument, you do realise Camerons intention was for them to actually have prevented the war at the end of T2 don't you? So if even the original writer had this intention of time can be changed (remember, no fate) what's the problem with the later films using it?
Funny thing is that's your opinion others have different ones. Yours is not the definitive opinion.

As for the whole you can't change time argument, you do realise Camerons intention was for them to actually have prevented the war at the end of T2 don't you? So if even the original writer had this intention of time can be changed (remember, no fate) what's the problem with the later films using it?

You notice how they never actually change time and everything turns out the way they tried to avoid it turning out? That's how time travel works.
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