Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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Laputa: Castle in the Sky (1986) - 3/5
From windy buttcrack to bitching floating castle. I think to do justice to this one, I really ought to rewatch it in Japanese. There's about 30% more script in the dub-version, and it's mostly extremely annoying exposition and ad-libbing from minor characters. Nevertheless, I 'felt' this a lot less than I remember when I first watched it, which is now some time ago. The main antagonist is as generic as possible, and the switch of the pirates from foe to friend is not without its troubles. The animation is mostly uninteresting, and feels cheap in the final sequences. Again, the colour-palette is quite limited, and the characters frankly psychedelic. The background art has improved a lot, and there are some particularly lovely sunny / cloudy images in the open-air, helped along by the (re-scored for this version) soundtrack to give it a serene feel, but overall, it's little more than a diverting action-romp.

Yeah I agree. It feels like an Indiana Jones film set in the sky, but that only makes me love it more. You're right though, it's not without its problems.

Whil I love Miyazaki, the thing that really bugs me about his films is that all of his adventures have their protagonists coming to some realization at the climax that makes them act extremely calm and save the day. Happens in almost every single one of his films.
Eden Lake - .../10

I am at a loss of words, mainly because the shock hasn't worn off yet. What is this? What the ****?

I absolutely hated the ending, possibly because I prefer that justice prevails in the end.

Also, this movie also made me edge a bit closer to approving eugenics.
The Hangover


I had a good time at this movie and was quite entertained. Stay for the ending. Classic.
Quantum of Solace - 7.5/10...
It was a fantastic action movie.
It just... didn't seem like a Bond movie at all.

Also, worst Bond movie intro song... ever?
Worst Bond movie maybe, but then again... I enjoyed it more than Die Another Day.
I was being sarcastic; there are definitely worse Bond films (Moonraker, hello!), but I certainly hated Quantum of Garbage.
Bullshit, there are plenty in the Bond franchise alone which are far, far worse.

yeah like die another day especially

But yeah worst bond theme ever though
Pan's Labyrinth - 9/10

Very well done, the effects are excellent, the whole fairy tale aspect made me feel all warm & fuzzy inside (esp. the end). A rather depressing & dark film; it seemed like to me that at times the characters, when presented with a choice, chose the worst possible course of action, but maybe that's just me. Overall a great film.
No; because they're both incredibly overrated.

Stop blaspheming you whore, G64 owns your damned FACE you hear me?

However, Goldeneye is nowhere close to being the best Bond flick. Best one with Brosnan, sure.
Vicky Christina Barcelona: 7/10

I dunno. It was okay. Would be a six, but it had a scene where Penelope Cruz and Scarlett Johansson getting it on, so +1.
Um, you just spoiled all of his movies, thanks.

Actually i said almost. But if its the case that I can say a broad statement like that and spoil all of his films, then he really needs to start writing differently and I make no apology. :|
Up - 10/10

Everything in this movie was beautiful. I really think that's all I can say about it without repeating myself in some way.
I really need to see that movie.

On another note, I might have the horror of rating Bridget Jones' Diary soon, mostly because it was just on TV and I decided she is plump and sexable enough for me to watch that movie.
Push: 8/10

What the XMen movies should have been like.
Gran Torino - 9/10

After seeing this movie for the second time I can say that it's a really beautiful, well-done movie. Sure, nothing groundbreaking or revolutionary about it, pretty straightforward and somewhat cliche story, but Clint Eastwood absolutely destroyed this performance. I might also be an emotional little bitch but this movie made me seriously consider dropping a tear or two at the end. Touching film, although without Eastwood playing the old guy it probably wouldn't have been nearly as good.
Synecdoche, New York- The most wonderful film I've ever seen. 10/10.
terminator 4 - 4/10

I HATED this movie! It is terminator in name and name only. The reason I hate it isn't necessarily because it was terribly made or anything but that it feels amateurish and conflicts with terminator in general. The script was laughable, characters kept stating the obvious and seemed to have no real motivation or depth to their character.

Because of size and possible story leaks I will spoiler the rest of the rant

1.The ending was crap. They blew up skynet but the war was still not over huh? And john getting marcus's heart was forced and stupid. Marcus's heart should have been ****ed after the "super punch" the t800 did but somehow 2 loose wires fixes that. Plus don't you need heart compatability tests for something like that?

2. The plot twist was stupid and convuluted. Skynet should never talk to a terminator! I know this is just a geeky point but seriously no! Skynet should have had a better method of control over marcus as well and just in general the plan to lure connor and reese was stupid it would have been way easier for marcus to get both in a room and then kill them. Also for the success of this plan wouldn't it help if terminators recognised marcus and didn't deliberately try to shoot him?

3. PHYSICS! the physics of the fights just plain don't work most of the time especially the chase where the bike got caught in the engine of an HK. And that T800 took more **** than the T1000 for god sake

4. General inconsistencies in the film and terminator series.
The sarah connor tapes were different and didn't even sound like her.
Cyberdyne shouldn't be in this film cos as of T3 they didn't exist!
Shots to a terminaotrs face will work sometimes.
In T1 it was said never go out in the day, go out at night but in this movie it's the opposite.
Why didn't they kill kyle when they had a tleast 8 opportunities to do so?
Blair saw a mine stick to marcus's leg but said he stepped on it? o_O
In T1 arnold can't scan someones face and know who they are so why do these terminators?
T800s don't have nuclear fuel cells, T850s do.
Why is marcus so advanced a terminator model when he was one of the earliest? And why didn't they want to use his model anywhere else?
Why do some t600s wear bandanas with no other clothes for no reason?
How did skynet know about kyle and john's importance at this stage in the war?
Lastly (phew) How on earth did kyle know so much about the heirarchy of the resistance but had never heard of the famous john connor before??!?!!?!?!

Seriously I hated this way more than T3, its not at spiderman 3 or Indy 4 levels but it is pushing it :flame:
Up - 9/10

Like Wall-E, it's bookended by brilliance, but the middle part starts to devolve into your typical Disney zany adventure fare. I'd love to see what Pixar could do without having to walk a tightrope between the little kids and adults. But then again, that's part of their charm.
The Terminator 9/10
Still awesome, The police station scene is still one of my all time favourites.

The wind that shakes the barley 8/10
Easy to forget the brits went straight into Ireland after world war one, i though the brit soldiers were vilified a little but it's not like the IRA have ever been put in a good light and they are easy to sympathise with.
Truckers - 10/10

I think this is THE childhood movie of my younger years. Disney and Pixar films were crucial to me, too, but this... good lord, it's ridiciulous just how appealing it is to me now, at 19 years of age, because of how well made it is from the book by Pratchett. I found the VHS last night and I was ecstatic, it's just a shame the tape is ruined about 30 minutes in meaning 10/15 minutes of the middle of the film is jumpy and messd up which just shows how much I use to watch it as a kid.

****ing amazing.
Summer Palace - 6/10

Meh, got boring and it just made me feel miserable throughout.
Quantum of Solace - 7.5/10...
It was a fantastic action movie.
It just... didn't seem like a Bond movie at all.

Also, worst Bond movie intro song... ever?
The intro song was the best part of the movie.

Then again, I'm a bit gay for Jack White.
T4 3/10

It's worse than T3. McG ****ed up entire timeline.
Bridget Jones Diary - 4/10
Why oh why did I watch this? It gets a 1/10, +2 for Rene Zellweger's boobs and +1 for Hugh Jackman and Colin Firth scrapping in the street.
I Love You, Man - 8/10 - one of the best comedies I've seen in a long time.
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