Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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Groundhog Day - 5.5/10

The script wasn't very good, everyone was poorly acted except for Ryerson and Phil, played by Bill Murray to underwhelming but acceptable effect.
Zack and Miri Make A Porno - 9/10

Funny stuff. I swear Seth Rogen has the best laugh in hollywood right now.
Groundhog Day - 5.5/10

The script wasn't very good, everyone was poorly acted except for Ryerson and Phil, played by Bill Murray to underwhelming but acceptable effect.


2 Days in Paris - 7.5/10.

A lot better than I expected (not that I was doubting Julie Delpy), funny, witty and well written. A bit sappy in parts, but if your a fan of Before Sunrise and Before Sunset, pick this up. Also great casting with Adam Goldberg.

2 Days in Paris - 7.5/10.

A lot better than I expected (not that I was doubting Julie Delpy), funny, witty and well written. A bit sappy in parts, but if your a fan of Before Sunrise and Before Sunset, pick this up. Also great casting with Adam Goldberg.
Fine, 6.5. Murray was decent-to-good.
Doomsday - 7/10...
Nonsensical, cheesy, insanely gory, action packed good fun.
Also, Rhona Mitra is fiiine.

The Terminal - 8/10...
Wallace and Gromit - A Matter of Loaf and Death - 8/10 - I love these fantastic shorts.
Wallace and Gromit - A Matter of Loaf and Death - 8/10 - I love these fantastic shorts.

I <3 <3 <3 Wallace & Gromit; A Close Shave & The Wrong Trousers have to be my favorite shorts. The Curse of the Were-Rabbit is pretty damn funny too.
The Hangover 7/10

It was okay, for what it was. I guarantee that the majority of this movies laughs have already been spoiled for you through previews and commercials.
Bridget Jones Diary - 4/10
Why oh why did I watch this? It gets a 1/10, +2 for Rene Zellweger's boobs and +1 for Hugh Jackman and Colin Firth scrapping in the street.

Bridget Jones's Diary - 10/10 - A fantastic and hilarious modern movie based on an even wittier book. Truly worth seeing.

Sorry, just couldn't let Bridget's rep be ruined like that.
I <3 <3 <3 Wallace & Gromit; A Close Shave & The Wrong Trousers have to be my favorite shorts. The Curse of the Were-Rabbit is pretty damn funny too.

The Wrong Trousers is my favourite, but they are all wonderful. You should see this one if you haven't yet. I think you'd love it.
Following through on the Ghibli collection with animation's favourite comedy double bill.

My Neighbour Totoro (1988) - 4/5
Was looking forward to watching this one since I'm scoping out a Ghibli film to give to my nephew, and this seems most suitable :P The film joys in the kinds of things the little guy manages to find amazing, but ultimately just get disinterested nods from us jaded adults. There's not very much Totoro in the film, and it's easy to forget that. Some of the 'joy of youth' stuff does wear a little thin in the first ten minutes or so, with the girls running around the house and shouting a lot, saved by the little soot creatures that tease the films more fantastic elements.

The slothly big-Totoro is one of the most hilarious creatures ever created. There's probably something deeply immature about my ability to crease up at little more than his humongous grin, but I love it. The whole sequence where the girls wait for their father's bus is shamefully fun, and the way that Totoro seems to have a reverence for human invention saves the movie from the over-preachy environmental messages of Nausicaa. The final sequence has very little Totoro, and is the reason why I'm still a bit hesitant to gift it to my nephew (it just seems a little bit too like a drama for a more mature child), but though serious, it neatly brings the movie together and provides us with yet more beautiful drawings of the Japanese countryside. Ghibli hit their stride with this movie, and I'm sure there's an optimum age where you can add an extra mark to my score.

Grave of the Fireflies (1988) - 5/5
Well, finally got to watch this a second time, I mean, it's hard to find a reason to revisit such a movie, and it took me several days to feel up to the task even having started on a roll with the collection! What struck me about the film this time around was how emotional it wasn't. I remember bawling at certain lines, and I think with that knowledge, the 'surprise' wasn't there... but I think it's also because it's so understated. There isn't a point in the movie where something absolutely awful happens AND some wrenching audio spike lights up the audience's 'you cry now' sign. It's a film which lays all its cards on the table in its first line yet is as effective to the end without ever being phoney, or horrible for the sake of being horrible. The protagonist isn't particularly likeable, but his dangerous inaction is ultimately forgiveable.

So beautifully directed and drawn too. The use of almost static cutaway shots underlines key moments in the drama and whilst it probably was ultimately a cheapskate method of saving resources for the few 'action' sequences, you never get tired of looking at anything in the movie, with its uniquely natural and earthy colour palette. Well worth the rewatch, I just wonder if I'll ever truly be up for it again. (Oh, and I watched it in Japanese. English just didn't feel appropriate).

--- Bonus Round! ---

Paprika (2006) - 3/5
Didn't really fancy going to bed off the back of Fireflies, so watched a non-ghibli anime that shifted the mood about 360,000 degrees. I generally like the movie, but you can't help but feel its being obtuse for the sake of being obtuse. The central mystery doesn't bare repeat watching, and it wasn't very exciting before anyway. Very interesting for its animated content, vibrant dream sequences merging into the greys and blues of the city and plenty of transformation and surreal touches, but the whole conflict of dreams, science, 'reality' doesn't seem either especially coherent or original. It doesn't help that 'film' pops up as part of this conflict, because it's only really retreading footsteps taken by the Director's earlier film, Millenium Actress (and arguably in everything else he's done), and in clumsy oversized clogs at that.
Grave of the Fireflies (1988) - 5/5
Well, finally got to watch this a second time, I mean, it's hard to find a reason to revisit such a movie, and it took me several days to feel up to the task even having started on a roll with the collection! What struck me about the film this time around was how emotional it wasn't. I remember bawling at certain lines, and I think with that knowledge, the 'surprise' wasn't there... but I think it's also because it's so understated. There isn't a point in the movie where something absolutely awful happens AND some wrenching audio spike lights up the audience's 'you cry now' sign. It's a film which lays all its cards on the table in its first line yet is as effective to the end without ever being phoney, or horrible for the sake of being horrible. The protagonist isn't particularly likeable, but his dangerous inaction is ultimately forgiveable.

So beautifully directed and drawn too. The use of almost static cutaway shots underlines key moments in the drama and whilst it probably was ultimately a cheapskate method of saving resources for the few 'action' sequences, you never get tired of looking at anything in the movie, with its uniquely natural and earthy colour palette. Well worth the rewatch, I just wonder if I'll ever truly be up for it again. (Oh, and I watched it in Japanese. English just didn't feel appropriate).

I want to watch this again now :)

;(;(;(;(;(;(;(;( only movie i've ever watched where I needed some tissues afterwards
The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford - 8/10

Very stylish Western, goddamn amazing performances by Brad Pitt and Casey Affleck as James and Ford respectively. From what I hear it's by far the most accurate cinematic adaptation of the story of Jesse James and I enjoyed it a lot. Not much action or gunslinging but good drama and beautiful cinematography. I also liked the film score a lot. My only complaint was how long and slow the movie was, but this is justified because it allowed Pitt and Affleck to really flex their acting muscles to the fullest. Definitely recommend it although it is far from your typical Western.
The Hangover 7/10

It was okay, for what it was. I guarantee that the majority of this movies laughs have already been spoiled for you through previews and commercials.

Yeah, some of the good ones were spoiled, but I was very satisfied with the entertainment I got and expected very few of the jokes.
Threads - 8/10

Wow... this movie is ****ing DEPRESSING. It's about before, during and after nuclear war erupts in the world. Kind of an old movie, but still very powerful.

I've been playing Fallout 3, really enjoying the shit out of the game, and wanted a good nuclear holocaust type film to watch.

Well, I got more than I bargained for. This one was incredibly bleak and in my opinion quite realistic of what things would be like.
Angels and Demons - 7/10

Pretty good movie, I'm not a fan of Dan Brown but movie with evil Catholics and CERN, anti-matter and awesome Ewan McGreggor is something for me.
the hangover - 8.5/10

very funny movie with plenty of laughs and crazy moments. some parts didn't make sense but the overall feel of the movie was great

the land of the lost - 8/10

for pg-13 this was kinda a shocker. it was pretty raunchy for its type but i laughed a lot during the the movie. i'm just soo glad my friend works at the theater and we can watch free movies here and there
The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford - 8/10

Very stylish Western, goddamn amazing performances by Brad Pitt and Casey Affleck as James and Ford respectively. From what I hear it's by far the most accurate cinematic adaptation of the story of Jesse James and I enjoyed it a lot. Not much action or gunslinging but good drama and beautiful cinematography. I also liked the film score a lot. My only complaint was how long and slow the movie was, but this is justified because it allowed Pitt and Affleck to really flex their acting muscles to the fullest. Definitely recommend it although it is far from your typical Western.

****ing kudos to Nick Cave and Warren Ellis for a fantastic score, beautiful.

Song for Bob - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vz0FSG9h-GI&feature=channel_page
The Legend of Jesse James (not on album) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cB9_9_TpdPo&feature=PlayList&p=3536EC446D0870C2&index=15
The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford - 8/10

Very stylish Western, goddamn amazing performances by Brad Pitt and Casey Affleck as James and Ford respectively. From what I hear it's by far the most accurate cinematic adaptation of the story of Jesse James and I enjoyed it a lot. Not much action or gunslinging but good drama and beautiful cinematography. I also liked the film score a lot. My only complaint was how long and slow the movie was, but this is justified because it allowed Pitt and Affleck to really flex their acting muscles to the fullest. Definitely recommend it although it is far from your typical Western.

Hm, I was planning on checking this out but was a bit hesitant.
I think I'll definitely give it a rental, I've got a soft spot for anything pertaining to the Old West.
Frost/Nixon 9/10 This was fantastic. How have I not heard good things about this? Completely interesting and entertaining all the way through.
Terminator: Salvation - 4/10 - Sub-par entertaining dog shit.
Terminator Salvation - ?/10

I'm really conflicted on just how to mark this. On the one hand, fairly entertaining, on the other hand it was pretty rubbish. More so the latter, but nothing too offensive and certainly a step up from T3.

However, right down the middle of great big explosions and stern faces and frowns and Bale doing nothing but shout and grunt is one of the best comedies I have seen in a long while.

I was in tears - tears - when Kyle went skimming over the water after the fall from the carrier ship. My friend shouted out ''DO A FLIP!'' to the entire cinema and that was it, I was uncontrollable for ten solid minutes. I think people were pretty annoyed but I couldn't help it. Then there's a whole bunch of things that make you wonder how humanity lost, such as motorbikes that are thawted once again by the old 'rope across the road' trick. Had McG taken his inspiration from Road Runner? That said, it's also quite easy to see how humanity did get it's ass whooped when they have the technology to make machines go into some sort of stealth mode when they want to go creepin' around, but can make as much noise as they want when discovered. I had the vision of the large harvesting terminator creeping up to the gas station on tip-toes and again, lols were had. Many.

It was a pretty rubbish film, but it was also awesome for all the wrong reasons. Not sure where to place it, really.
I don't remember anything particularly awesome or cool or mindlessly entertaining about T4. It was a summer action movie without action.
hard boiled 7/10

good movie but considering all the hype I've heard of this movie it wasn't that good.
The Addams Family - 7/10...
A bit slow but fairly humorous.
I guess I don't know what you meant by "awesome for all the wrong reasons". Though I wasn't directly responding to your post, just recalling my opinion.
I guess I don't know what you meant by "awesome for all the wrong reasons". Though I wasn't directly responding to your post, just recalling my opinion.

Awesome for spinning skimming Kyle Reese. Too awesome.
True, I thought that was pretty amusing, especially given that it's not meant to be too obvious he's a robot at the time. I was also amused by the fact that the people seemed completely unaware of a massive Skynet robot or ship until it was right on top of them.
Angels & Demons - 6/10

Kind of average all around. It was a step up from the first movie, but it still has a lot of the same problems. So much talking and reviewing of Church history that bogs it down. A bomb's going to go off in a matter of hours and people are taking their time to deliver speeches on theology and ancient figures. My guess is that this is just material better suited to a novel format. It can't be condensed into a two-hour flick. But I haven't cared to read either of Dan Brown's books, so I can't judge.

I'll admit I didn't see the twist at the end coming, and I thought it was done well. But, of course, it's triggered by some sudden unexpected machination.

The conveniently revealed Laptop Of Revelations (tm) that exposes all.
Thumbsucker: 6/10

I just found it really lackluster. Nothing really stood out to me.
Angels and Demons 7/10

I agree with Absinthe, the movie didn't build up the tension very well, it felt like I was just watching shit happen. I couldn't get into it. Though, I found the first movie better, because it didn't suffer that much from this.
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