Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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Night at the Museum - 8.5/10

Not as funny as I hoped for (could be because I'm battling allergies and sinus headaches) but was a very pleasant film. It took me about half hour to get into the mood to start enjoying this movie but I really like the characters and setting. I used to love going to any Museum as a kid and I hope next time I'm in a big city I'll give it a whirl.
Awesome for spinning skimming Kyle Reese. Too awesome.

There were so many lol moments. I think I laughed the most at when Connor makes that deal with Wright in the water... and as it goes quiet Connor just screams/grunts/whatever the hell "WHO ARE YOU?!" so abruptly.
You guys have a really strange sense of humor.

Hellboy - 8/10...
Awesome, a bit slow in getting started but not enough to veer me away.
Coffee and Cigarettes - 8/10

An insane amount of famous actors and musicians. Good script, too. Jarmusch is one of my favourite directors.
Hilltop Hoods: City Of Light Documentary - 10/10 - ****ing brilliant

Gran Torino - 9.5/10
Leave your testicles at the door: It's today's round of Ghibli reviews...

Kiki's Delivery Service (1989) - 5/5
Kiki's is one of my big three, but was the most likely to drop down in my estimation... I fear it's too late. I know and love the film too well, it feels too familiar. Even watching the English dub gets my purist's back up (why does Troy Mcjiji get his voice back WHY?!?!?!) to the kind of degree you'd expect from somebody who has clearly put a little too much of themself into their love of something... Because of this film, I will probably spend most of my life living and holidaying in sunny, temperate European coastal towns. It was illuminating enough when I realised that this movie, with its (vague, catchall) theme of finding independence in a new town probably influenced my choice of University a whole lot more than it really should have. Please let Kiki's Delivery Service be the lamest thing I ever fall in love with.

Only Yesterday (1991) - 4/5
So far in my race through the Ghibli collection, Takahata's films have been the hurdles that I take some time to brave up to jumping. A Miyazaki film can be put on and enjoyed whenever, but Fireflies needed to be watched at the right place and time, and the same is certainly true of Only Yesterday, because of its slow pacing and long runtime (it's a good half an hour longer than any previous Ghibli movie). I feel I probably got the 'right place and time' balance better last time I watched the movie, but it has probably slipped a little in my estimation anyway. It just doesn't feel especially tightly directed, though the wonderful switch between the storybook past, the realistic, cold city and typically beautiful painterly countryside is a credit to the artists and to Takahata. The story is interesting enough, but some of Taeko's reminiscing could have been trimmed a little... the ending is worth it though, wonderfully (though perhaps belatedly) combining the past and present. Satisfying and inevitable.

Not enough explosions though.
Taken - 7/10

Really cool with the action/suspense but everything else was terrible and uncreative.
There were so many lol moments. I think I laughed the most at when Connor makes that deal with Wright in the water... and as it goes quiet Connor just screams/grunts/whatever the hell "WHO ARE YOU?!" so abruptly.

:laugh: That was great, too.

I think my favourite part was when Conner was hi-jacking the dropship... thing, then he suddenly hides in the cargo hold and a patrolling terminator steps in from nowhere, stops at the camera and raises it's weapon to what may as well of been an orchestral DUN DUNN DUUUUUNNNNNNN, it was put across as that dramatic. :laugh:
Night at the Museum 2 (Imax) - 8.75/10

Amazing movie because not only was it in Imax, but no one else besides me and my friends were in the theater and it was a very funny movie. I liked it even better than the first and Amy Adams was very cute in the movie. there must have been like 30 mins of just her tight ass in the middle of the screen and it was nice.

UP (3D) 8/10

Not as funny as I hoped for because I think the 3D aspect drew a little of the heart of the movie away. I don't know how to explain it but I'm thinking because the 3D glasses were dim it made me feel a lot sleepier watching this movie and I fell asleep for about 3 minutes. Overall good movie though
Spider-man - 7.5/10...
Still a really fun rollercoaster ride of a movie, Mary Jane and Harry are both really shitty characters though and whenever they're on the screen it's almost unbearable.
Spider-man - 7.5/10...
Still a really fun rollercoaster ride of a movie, Mary Jane and Harry are both really shitty characters though and whenever they're on the screen it's almost unbearable.


I hate that movie with every inch of my being.
Someone told me once that "sarcasm isn't sexy". I disregarded this, because it obviously isn't true, but if you could just adopt that thinking in the framework of your posts, we could be the best of friends.
Someone told me once that "sarcasm isn't sexy". I disregarded this, because it obviously isn't true, but if you could just adopt that thinking in the framework of your posts, we could be the best of friends.
Oh, Samon. You're so unquestionably right about absolutely everything.
Drag me to hell - 8/10

I don't generally watch horror movies but this one was actually mildly entertaining. Granted it's very gross on a few occasions. The movie is more like a grindhouse film than your typical scary movie, which is refreshing.

Long story short, if you like seeing an old woman puke into a young girls mouth at least 3 times, watch this movie.
Band of Brothers - 10/10
I cried several times.

The Big O - Series Two, Episode One
I'm actually rather glad I don't remember much of this show. It's like watching it for the first time again. I'm rather hooked. It's one of only three animes I'd be bother to look up. Great opener. Really makes me want to watch the other episodes right now. Oh well, I'll get a chance some other time.
The Hangover - 4/5
A funny comedy, what else do you want?
Terminator Salvation - 6/10. Entertaining but nonsense. A sophomoric script flips soap-opera cuts between one-note characters who fight with a Resistance that inexplicably operates helicopters and planes in a ruined future. I mean Star Trek had a loopy plot but I don't know where to start. Still, it was fun, competently directed, and quite exciting.

The Lost World: Jurassic Park - 7/10. I can't watch this film properly because I was so in love with it as a child. As a consequence I can remember every beat, the exact delivery of every line, every Ian Malcom 'um' and 'ah'. Pretty cool movie anyway. I forgot how grubby and physical a lot of it is; you don't often see people floundering in thick mud or dying because they got their gun barrel stuck in some netting. Physical activity is actually difficult and painstaking and messy rather than effortless - a rare thing.
Terminator Salvation - 9/10

I really enjoyed this. Decent effects with some nice set pieces. Easily better than the 3rd.

Good summer action movie.
The Lost World: Jurassic Park - 7/10. I can't watch this film properly because I was so in love with it as a child. As a consequence I can remember every beat, the exact delivery of every line, every Ian Malcom 'um' and 'ah'. Pretty cool movie anyway. I forgot how grubby and physical a lot of it is; you don't often see people floundering in thick mud or dying because they got their gun barrel stuck in some netting. Physical activity is actually difficult and painstaking and messy rather than effortless - a rare thing.

I find it difficult to rate The Lost World too. There is the childhood thing bouncing around in the background, but then there's also the inevitable comparisons with the superior novel. Ultimately of course it boils down to the watchability of Ian Malcolm, and let's face it - that is incredibly high. Um. Ah.

"Taking dinosaurs off this island is the worst idea in the long, sad history of worst ideas." There is nothing like a bit of self-fulfilling prophecy that transcends the narrative.
Yorick, viewed your blocked post on the off chance you'd posted something worth reading. Wasn't worth the effort.

It was fun, hence the rating. Opinions differ. Get over it.
Yorick, viewed your blocked post on the off chance you'd posted something worth reading. Wasn't worth the effort.

It was fun, hence the rating. Opinions differ. Get over it.

Yes you are obviously the type of person who I imagine never thinks reading is worth the effort. And it's pretty ironic for you to say that opinions differ while at the same time ignoring mine. ROLL. EYES.
Yes you are obviously the type of person who I imagine never thinks reading is worth the effort. And it's pretty ironic for you to say that opinions differ while at the same time ignoring mine. ROLL. EYES.

I just get tired of reading replies that only serve to put other people down or dismiss their opinions which is what I see from nearly all your posts. Sorry, that's just how I see it.

Also, I was not ignoring your opinion, I was explaining my 9/10. I found it fun hence a high mark. I am ignoring you for the reasons above.

Also because of your rather uncalled for posts wishing me dead, which I have every right to ignore.
Haha, I never would have thought Yorick would be on someone's ignore list.

Man, that makes me wonder how many people put me on ignore. Samon, can you check that kind of stuff?

Up: 9/10 Not as awesome as everyone made it out to be, but still a fantastic movie. Being in 3D was cool, but wearing regular glasses as well seemed to mess it up a bit.
I just get tired of reading replies that only serve to put other people down or dismiss their opinions which is what I see from nearly all your posts. Sorry, that's just how I see it.

Also, I was not ignoring your opinion, I was explaining my 9/10. I found it fun hence a high mark. I am ignoring you for the reasons above.

Also because of your rather uncalled for posts wishing me dead, which I have every right to ignore.


Haha, I never would have thought Yorick would be on someone's ignore list.

Actually I'm probably on quite a few ignore lists. But they're almost certainly all by morons who should be banned if not for the comedic value they provide.

You'll never ignore me, will you Krynn? <3
I have a feeling Yorick just responded to my post. Can anyone confirm this?
I find it difficult to rate The Lost World too. There is the childhood thing bouncing around in the background, but then there's also the inevitable comparisons with the superior novel. Ultimately of course it boils down to the watchability of Ian Malcolm, and let's face it - that is incredibly high. Um. Ah.

"Taking dinosaurs off this island is the worst idea in the long, sad history of worst ideas." There is nothing like a bit of self-fulfilling prophecy that transcends the narrative.

Ah, good, something we can 100% agree on (which makes two, the other one being Half-Life 2). The book is so, so much better, but the movie is almost entirely redeemed by Jeff Goldblum and Ian Malcolm who is, uh, without a doubt that man's, uh, born role and also, mm, one of the greatest, ah, film characters of, ah, of all time.

I explain my reason, you again come up with this kind of reply. Yet you claim claim to be the intellectual. It's quite clear why me or many others would block you and it's nothing to do with being morons. It's more to do with your ill informed superiority complex over other members of this board.

Samon is someone else who I argue with, but unlike you he has the intelligence to keep up a constructive argument without resorting to something like the above quoted message or simple requests of death, as much as he'd maybe like to sometimes.

Oh, and banned? What for exactly? Not meeting up to how you think everybody should post on the board? Thank god your not a mod, there'd be you and Samon left.

You are so wrong I can't even comprehend it.

You remember what I was saying about opinions?
What's the point of uhhhh ignoring someone...and then, um, arguing with them?
What's the point of uhhhh ignoring someone...and then, um, arguing with them?

I guess I'm too nosey to be able to resist peeking at the "view post" option :D. Thanks for combining my post by the way Samon :).
Can we just agree to disagree?? Everybody has different opinions. Personally I HATED T4 but I also HATE the jurassic park series, even as a kid I hated it.
Can we just agree to disagree?? Everybody has different opinions. Personally I HATED T4 but I also HATE the jurassic park series, even as a kid I hated it.

Hey, I'm fine with that as long as someone doesn't tell me I'm a moron for liking a film and wishing I'd never been born.

I can except people will hate the films I like, doesn't make me hate them. :)

Have to say though, I do like JP1 :p
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