Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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The Blair Witch Project - 8.5/10

I finally got round to seeing it (yes I know, i'm about 8 years late) and it scared the shit out of me.

Walking through the woods in the middle of the night when it's pitch black>Blair Witch Project.
Walking through the woods in the middle of the night when it's pitch black>Blair Witch Project.

Me and my friend did that accidentally. We were on our way home and we didn't realise how dark it was. By the time we came out we were both running as fast as we could and screaming like girls.
My friend and I walked through some woods by my house this previous friday. It was really creepy until she started playing David Bowie on her cell phone, then it was funny.

But yeah, we couldn't see shit. We'd usually just end up running into trees.
I cycled on a road once, pitch black, with no lampposts whatsoever and I can tell you that wasn't very fun, seriously I couldn't see Jack Shit.
I wasn't actually afraid though but more worried if would go off track and ditch into a hole. Such a relief when I finally saw some freakin' lampposts.
Walking through the woods in the middle of the night when it's pitch black>Blair Witch Project.

Hell yes. The woods by my house at night shit me up. Its funny how something so beautiful by day can change into something so scary by night.
eternal sunshine of the spotless mind


i love this movie
Rambo: First Blood


finally saw the end to it, the ending is nicely done you can feel for the guy.
The Dark


absolutely ****ing pointless, stupid movie that starts out okay (+1) and has nice scenery (+1) but eventually falls into ****ing neverneverland in terms of story. i have never seen such a crappy confusing ending, and i dont mean confusing in a good way, confusing in a plot-holes filled way.
Troy - 6/10

Awesome fight scene between Achilles and Hector (and some other decent battles) boosts the rating, but besides that the whole movie seems like a total rehash of past similar movies. From the reused cast (GTFO ORLANDO FFS) to the god awful soundtrack (I wanna be the guy who does the music to these movies - make it rich by totally plagiarising other people's work for 2 and a half hours... I swear I picked out atleast 2 tunes that were far too similar to other major movie themes).

Like way too many movies I've seen recently, it's not bad, it's just horribly average =/
Be Cool 1/10
What a pile of crap. The only thing about it mildly entertaining where the few half-decent jokes that where scattered around.
Talladega Nights 8/10

Hilarious movie. I found it funnier than Anchorman.

"It won the academy award for greatest movie ever made."
Stormbreaker - 5/10. Incredibly meh. Was it a serious film or a comedy? I'm not sure. I hope it wasn't supposed to be funny as I didn't laugh once. The upside-down Russian dude saved the movie for them. He was cool
Badlands - 10/10

Amazing film, Malick is a master, beautiful to watch with great performances by Sheen and Spacek, the film has an incredible dreamlike quality to it...
Saw Pulp Fiction again.

10/10. I forgot just how awesome this movie was.
Eight Below

Five stars, top film ... I love doggies, and it brought a tear to my eye.
Vanilla Sky - 8.25/10. Good film, but a bit all over the place. Made me realise that Penelope Cruz is actually hawtness.

Old School - 7/10. One of the better movies of this type. Ellen Pompeo is hawtness.
2001 A Space Odyssey-11/10, Truly, the best film ever made, words cannot describe this film and Clarke/Kubrick's brilliance

Superman returns-5.5/10, half and hour too long,.... and the enemy was a giant ****ing land mass....nuff said

Nacho Libre-7/10, i was pleasently suprised by this film, very funny:)

Rushmore-9.5, I am now ashamed of my former self for ever thinking this movie was anything less then hilarious/brilliant.
Collateral - 9/10
A damn fine, self-contained movie. Sparse, terse, and ultimately satisfying. I loved every second of it. Mann is nothing short of an artist. Seeing this a few weeks after Miami Vice and Heat confirms this. The ending on Collateral is perfect, just like the ending to Miami Vice. No more or loess than the audience needs. The camera work, actors, and atmosphere create such an amazing whole.
I enjoyed it untill the end.


And it was all a dream! What a crock of cheese :/
The Abyss - 7.5/10

Pretty cool (possible spoilerinos ahead, nothing major). I haven't seen this since I was much younger, and it's pretty different than what I remembered/expected. For one thing it's alot less suspenseful than I thought, I was expecting it to be more like Alien/s atmosphere wise, only without the aliens being predatory.

That said, it's a pretty solid movie. The underwater setting is cool and really well-done, and I love that the external force (alien/NTOs) were benevolent, with all the tension (and deaths) coming from the sea, and from within the crew. They really could have expanded more on the aliens though... also, there's some so-so acting in parts, and a few really cliche moments (although it is 17 years old, so I'll give it some credit).
Payback 8/10

Entertaining crime thriller and a decent remake of Point Blank. And of course, it has Mel Gibson. A man who used to be awesome.
Running Scared 7.8/10

Pretty awesome. Great atmosphere. Over the top in every way. Definitely rent this one.
Vanilla Sky - 8.25/10. Good film, but a bit all over the place. Made me realise that Penelope Cruz is actually hawtness.

Old School - 7/10. One of the better movies of this type. Ellen Pompeo is hawtness.


I thought Vanilla Sky was average. IMO though.

I enjoyed it untill the end.


And it was all a dream! What a crock of cheese :/

any of you lads seen the original 'open your eyes' on which VS is a remake of?
Garden State- 9/10.

Picked it up at Target today, watched it again for the first time in over a year. I really like this movie.
Ferris Buelers (SP? Hell, is it even that, or is Buerer? I can't remember) Day Off - 9/10. What a great film. Reminded me of Breakfast Club a bit too, what with the most of the film being them having a really fun time then towards the end theres the really emotional part with all the angst and stuff.

Clerks - 8/10. Also great.
Play It Again, Sam 8.8/10

The spirit of Humphrey Bogart offering love advice to a Woody Allen character exactly like myself? Hell yeah.
Nacho Libre - 1/10

Ooooh dear. This was just terrible. I've enjoyed Jack Black films in the past, but jesus this one was dire. The odd "heh" every now and then, but by no means comedy.
Garden State- 9/10.

Picked it up at Target today, watched it again for the first time in over a year. I really like this movie.

D:... I can't find the movie anywhere over here.

Jurassic Park - 7.2/10...
The book is 50x better, but it's still a great flick.

The Rock - 7/10...
Awesome action movie, Sean Connery ftw.
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