Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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To Kill A Mocking Bird - 9.1/10...
Great classic, should've watched it sooner.

Primer - 3.1/10...
Really boring, tbh.
The Four Feathers (remake) 6/10 - not a patch on the original.

I.D. 9/10 - undercover cops break into the very private world of football hooligans. One of my fave movies, bloody great stuff :)
Pi and TKAM are both two movies that everyone seems to love that I just didn't enjoy. I should give Pi a rewatch though.
Pi doesn't need you!

Domino 8/10

Now that's what I like to see. Action movies with good plots.
Pi doesn't need you!


Jackie Brown- The problem with a lot of movies that have stories where a lot of character's are competitng for one thing is that I'm usually guessing who will have it over and over and there are no real surprises at the end. Not here. I wasn't really sure what to expect, and I was a little surprised that it didn't feel very Tarantino-y, but it blew me away anyway. I'm going to make a vow not to give out 10s a lot, but yeah, this gets a 10.
I read the book first so I already had a basic idea of what was gonna happen. Good movie and book.
I tried reading the book in middle school and didn't really get into it. I still have it on my bookshelf though, I may give it another spin when I'm done with the heap of stuff I'm reading now.
Gladiator (Extended Edition) - 9.9/10
I want to give it a 10, but it has some very minor flaws. Probably my 4th or 5ht time watching the movie, but my first watching the Extended Edition. I loved the scenes that were added back in. I can understand they were cut for time and pacing, but some of them, like the execution part and the part with the sword and statue really add to the movie.
Pi doesn't need you!

Domino 8/10

Now that's what I like to see. Action movies with good plots.

I thought Domino was garbage, Man on Fire was great though.

Without a Paddle - 6.9/10...
It was a fun stupid movie.

The Green Mile - 9.1/10...
Classic, great book adaptation.
Beerfest - 4/10

I'm...I'm not sure what to say.
Children of Men - 10000/10

Easily one of the best, and most emotional, films ive ever seen.

You, Me and Dupree - 8/10

Pretty funny in some places.
Monster House - 7/10; Eh, itwas okay.

Step Up - 7.5/10; Not bad..

Mozart & The Whale - 8/10; Strange and interesting.
Fearless - 9.4 / 10; Great story (+) great characters (+), fights are great and diverse (+) but could have had more of them (-), get to see Jet Li crack a smile for once (++)
Stealth: 4/10

The movie was:
Meh. Lol. oohhh! Meh. Meh. Meh lol. wtf? lol. haha. Meh.
Yeah. And the girl crashes in North Korea, the protagonist and the AI-controlled plane gets her back, blah blah blah.

The really funny thing was the NK officer's hair.
Yeah. And the girl crashes in North Korea, the protagonist and the AI-controlled plane gets her back, blah blah blah.

The really funny thing was the NK officer's hair.

Pics? If possible....
Well, can't find any.

Just imagine a guy without any side or back hair.
Last Samurai - 8/10 - Pretty good, but Tom Cruise didn't need to be in this film...he's too much of a superstar to become one with a character. He didn't seem like American boozing "once a hero" guy, he was Tom Cruise.
The Departed 10/10

Leo and Jack give awesome performances with some of the best lines in gangster film ever. But the best is Mark Wahlberg, who steals the show from his very first scene to his very last. People should definitely go check out this film. It's intense, and good, and 94% on rottentomatoes.com can't go wrong.
Little Miss Sunshine - 9/10
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon - 8/10
Dead Poets Society - 7/10
The Departed- The biggest problem with this movie is that it bites off wayyyyy more than it can chew. I'm going to give Scorsese the benefit of the doubt and say that we wern't really SUPPOSED to know what was going on all the time, but just about everyone in the theater (which was totally full sans the first three rows, by the way) seemed to be whispering to each other trying to find out just what's going on. That said, it's AMAZINGLY directed and edited (Scorsese does a great job of quick cuts and zoom-in shots without OD'ing on them), and the dialogue was so gripping I even tried interjecting in some of the conversations. It's a very hard to follow movie, but I still loved it, and I'll probably see it again before it goes out of theaters. 9/10

Orgazmo- Meh. I know this movie was made with no budget, Matt and Trey were inexperienced, blah blah blah, I still honestly wasn't all that impressed even by those standards. It had a few moments where I was really laughing, but for the most part I thought it was a waste of time, and c'mon, something crashing with a cat meowing is one of the most washed up jokes ever. 5/10

I have relatives over tonight, but I'm going to try to watch Lady Vengeance and/or Thank you for Smoking.

WOULD have been 10 if, and im sure everyone else experienced this, if everyone knew what was going on. In the last 5 minutes or so (the lift scene), everyone started laughing. Blatantly because they were thinking 'what the f... is going on!?'

Apart from that, really, REALLY top notch film. Hell i didnt realise Leo could act. Jack pulled his role off perfectly, and some of the lines this film produces are just instant classics. Mark Whalberg DOES steal the show every scene he is in. He does play a tough-guy really well, and makes it look effortless.

Vera Farmiga isnt that well known, but shes quite fit and plays a good role. Matt Damon is typical Bourne Identity style. Alec Baldwin looks like he's getting old.

Some real nice touches of reality in this film that you only realise when you finish watching it. Things like wet shirts on the cops in intense situations. Usually you dont see that kind of thing in other films.

Really ace film. Just a bit too hard to follow, even though it shouldnt be. All makes sense in the (literally) last 10 minutes or so.

WOULD have been 10 if, and im sure everyone else experienced this, if everyone knew what was going on. In the last 5 minutes or so (the lift scene), everyone started laughing. Blatantly because they were thinking 'what the f... is going on!?'

Same in my theater, the violence was so sudden you just couldn't help but laugh though..
Hostel - 6/10 - Meh, was just sex and blood really. Not scary or anything. Was fun watching with a group of mates though :)
Hostel - 6/10 - Meh, was just sex and blood really. Not scary or anything. Was fun watching with a group of mates though :)

Creepy, I too was watching it with mates recently.

Still, Hostel - 4/10 - Credits to the first third, nice and campy ^^
Starwars Episode III - 3/10
Because of it's crappy voice acting for the droids, Anakin being a wuss, and everyone dieing like wimps. Only good Actor war Ewan McGreggor.
2001: A Space Oddyssey

Great movie. But Jesus Christ, the final 30 minutes of this film are orgasmic. It's like a drug trip without the drugs. Just a kaleidoscope of fantastic imagery.
United 93 - 9.1/10...
Fantastic tribute to 9/11... it had quite a few very disturbing scenes.

The Grudge - 6.7/10...
Isn't as bad as bad as I originally thought, Ju-on's still way better... but it's watchable.
Brazil - 10/10.

Seriously... wow. What a fuppin' film. I can't even begin to type what I liked best. Was it the renegade engineers? The listener of the torture? Floor 30 and the halved offices? Ian Holt as the paranoid head-boss? Robert De Niro as the crazed renegade SAS engineer? Or was it the similarities to Half-Life 2 that I saw? The sacks on the overhead rails that carried the prisoners to their destination? The radio-chatter of the armed police? The dank, grimey, downtrodden city and industrial areas?

Man, this is easily one of my new favourite movies. I loved Twelve Monkeys, but this takes the cake now.
United 93 - 9.1/10...
Fantastic tribute to 9/11... it had quite a few very disturbing scenes.

Aye it was disturbing at the end, and when the 2nd plane hits. THAT made me and my hall mates go '***k...*

Its amazing how, if you havent seen that scene in a few years, that image still makes you put your hand to your mouth and just think '***king hell'.

Like how they did it more like a documentary than a film. And its also nice to see what actually happened behind the scenes (well kind of. The control tower and radar etc).
Ended up watching The Proposition

The Proposition- A little pretentious at times (hey, let's look at some guy ride through the outback while someone whispers poetry with little to no relevance) but overall a great western. I'm glad I own it, because I'll probably give it a re-watch or too. Can't really decide if I want to give it an 8 or a 9, so I'll give it an 8.5/10
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