Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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Star Wars Saga (1-6) Overall, a 9/10

Episode I 7.5/10
Episode II 8/10
Episode III 8.5
Episode IV 8.5
Episode V 9
Episode VI 8.5

No math was involved in making these ratings.
It's better and more watchable than Episode I. Anakin may have had shitty acting, at least he wasn't an annoying little kid anymore.

And no Jar Jar Binks. That's a gigantic plus.
I enjoyed Episode 2 too :)

Forget the cheesiness and the poor acting, it's Star Wars. If the original trilogy had been released this year, everyone who's been slagging off 1-3 would be calling it shite too.
You know what sucked the most about Episode 2? The fact that Yoda got in an awesome fight with Sidious and yet he escapes, only to be killed in the first ten minutes of Episode 3 by ****ing Anakin. **** that.
the first three all share the same problem - george lucas cannot realize his fantastic universe when he's in charge of writing. the dialogue and characters are fashioned out of cardboard. the sets, ideas, story, all that is great, but he can't write to save his LIFE.
the first three all share the same problem - george lucas cannot realize his fantastic universe when he's in charge of writing. the dialogue and characters are fashioned out of cardboard. the sets, ideas, story, all that is great, but he can't write to save his LIFE.

To be fair, he wrote and directed A New Hope and co-wrote Return of the Jedi.
There's a reason why people view Episode V as the best. He wasn't the one who actually wrote the script.
You know what sucked the most about Episode 2? The fact that Yoda got in an awesome fight with Sidious and yet he escapes, only to be killed in the first ten minutes of Episode 3 by ****ing Anakin. **** that.

To be fair, if you watched the Clone Wars cartoons... Dooku's mission was not yet over... so he got quite a bit more air time.

The Island - 8.4/10...
Edge-of-seat, and batf*ck insane.
<3 Scarlett Johansson.
Click. 5/10 - Good for a laugh, but completely predictable.
Silent Hill 6/10 (best lol line: "Rose, didn't you read the websites?!")

World Trade Center 6/10 (best lol line: "It's like God made a curtain with the smoke, to shield us from what we're not ready to see.")

Both have their moments, but are far from perfect
Employee of the Month - 9/10. The movie was great! Laughed alot and was bizarre without being too bizarre. Jessica Simpson can't act, but that's not what they pay her for.
Girls Gone Wild - 2/10

Horrid...cheap sluts doing stupid shit. I wan't hardcore shit, not this.

Bored me with the alien language... not my kind of flick


you horrible person, i ****ing loved that movie!

Battle Royale - 7/10
Extremely entertaining, and the cheesiness was harder to notice because it was in Japanese with subs.

Bored me with the alien language... not my kind of flick


Even though you disliked it for the wrong reasons...*high five*

Oh and Ennui, where did you find Battle Royale? I read the book last year and loved it, and I can't find the movie anywhere.
Walk the Line - 9.2/10

I keep catching it in the middle on HBO, but from what I've seen of it it's really a great movie. It's a chronicle of Johnny Cash's life. Witherspoon and Phoenix do a great performance.
I quite enjoyed Brick.

You should be able to find Battle Royal in most stores, Slacker. It's in virtually every dvd shop around here, even the mainstream ones. Don't bother with the sequel, though, it's not a patch on the original.

Walk the Line - 9.2/10

I keep catching it in the middle on HBO, but from what I've seen of it it's really a great movie. It's a chronicle of Johnny Cash's life. Witherspoon and Phoenix do a great performance.

Agreed, good movie. I watched Walk the Line and Ray on the same day (was ill and fancied a musical theme) and thoroughly enjoyed them both. There are some interesting parallels between Johnny Cash and Ray Charles.
I quite enjoyed Brick.

You should be able to find Battle Royal in most stores, Slacker. It's in virtually every dvd shop around here, even the mainstream ones. Don't bother with the sequel, though, it's not a patch on the original.

Meh, Brick just seemed pretentious and dull to me. I couldn't really follow what was going on, and the dialogue DID get on my nerves, it was just too pervasive.

How much is Battle Royale, on average?
Brick has to be one of the best movies I saw this year.

Be sure to pick up Battle Royale the novel as well.
Demon Seed (1977)

"A super computer succeeds in raping its creator's wife in order to recreate itself in a hybrid baby."

If you're a robot/cyborg movie buff, like myself, you'll probably like this flick.

I give it 7.5/10
Meh, Brick just seemed pretentious and dull to me. I couldn't really follow what was going on, and the dialogue DID get on my nerves, it was just too pervasive.


I didnt expand on my thoughts. Yes the whole different aspect on the story was cool at first. But then the language they used. I was 90% of the time like what the hell... Him and the brain character was cool. Come on, we all knew it all lead up to the girl he couldnt trust. Then the crazy scenes that were so bizarre. It was funny at times. I felt personally it lacked alot feeling and just wasnt my type of movie. Im not very fond of intelligent mysteries.
Demon Seed (1977)

"A super computer succeeds in raping its creator's wife in order to recreate itself in a hybrid baby."

If you're a robot/cyborg movie buff, like myself, you'll probably like this flick.

I give it 7.5/10

:|... That sounds rather f*cked up.

Dante's Peak - 8.4/10...
Great volcano movie, love the effects.
Bad Boys 2 - 9/10

Really funny in some places. Martin Lawrence and Will Smith (yes, he can actually act...kind of) are just a genious comical duo.

Some of the action scenes are brilliant. The bridge chase scene and the mansion scenes are fairly spectacular.

Some classic one liners as expected, so much better than the first, some real jaw dropping and a few 'im laughing because that was really cool' scenes too.
Schindler's List - 11/10 - Quite simply one of the best movies I've ever seen. I can't believe it took me this long to get around to seeing it.

I didnt expand on my thoughts. Yes the whole different aspect on the story was cool at first. But then the language they used. I was 90% of the time like what the hell... Him and the brain character was cool. Come on, we all knew it all lead up to the girl he couldnt trust. Then the crazy scenes that were so bizarre. It was funny at times. I felt personally it lacked alot feeling and just wasnt my type of movie. Im not very fond of intelligent mysteries.
I loved the dialogue. It was so classy and well-written. It's not meant to be realistic, just awesome.
Brick has to be one of the best movies I saw this year.

Be sure to pick up Battle Royale the novel as well.
Brick was probably top five best movies this year, at least. I'd like to read the novel for BR, I've heard it's better than that movie (which was mostly just amusing + a cool idea for a movie, but unfortunately quite campy).

And Slacker, I torrented it. Not worth a buy IMO, but quite worth the bandwidth. Maybe a rental.
The novel to BR wasn't anything special. Better then the movie, but I can't even see what I liked about Battle Royale in the first place. I guess my tastes have changed. I'll change my avatar once I get around to it.
I thought it was an entertaining movie. Yet to see the second, though.

Cross of Iron is on IT4 tonight at 10. :D :D :D
Yeah, he owns faces. I really liked his part in The Great Escape, too. One of my fave characters.
The Marine - 2/10


I cant believe i thought this would be one of those old school action flicks made in 2006....
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