Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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The Departed - 9/10. I personally prefer Infernal Affairs, but it was enjoyable nonetheless. Great cast, although I thought Matt Damon was slightly weak.

I'm just curious as to why you prefer Infernal Affairs over The Departed. I saw the original about a year before i saw TD, and i thought TD was leaps and bounds ahead of the original. I'm just curious as to why you think IA is better?
Brotherhood - 8/10

Numbers would cream his pants over this one.
Cursed... 4 out of 10.

It was alright at the beginning... but devolved into a pretty stupid plot. A werewolf flipping the finger? How RETARDED is that.

Anyways... I love werewolves. Eventually i'm going to write my book, and maybe even make a movie about them. It'll be great... but unfortunately it would be considered too related to the world of darkness werewolves, and i'd never be able to do it.
Inside Man.
Weird, tbh. The only thing that saves it is the theme song which I'm listening to atm.
Of this weekend...

Life of Brian- What can I say? One of the best comedies ever. It's less blatant and in-your-face funny than say, Holy Grail, but I really dug the subtle humour and satire.

Grizzly Man- I'd been meaning to see this for a looong time, and I'm glad I finally got around to it. I found it really fascinating, and I really sympathized with Treadwell. One of the better documentaries I've ever seen.

Marie Antionette- BIG meh. It's not the flashy, pop-music strewn joy ride like it's made out to be, in fact, I found it even slower than Lost in Translation (much slower, acutally). Stuff happens in the movie, but it never really seems to go anywhere and it ends up just...ending. Very mediocore.

Lady Vengeance- Watching the movie, I couldn't really decide if I loved or hated it. On one hand, both the writing and directing are mind-blowing (Park kind of reminds me of a weird cross between Lynch, Tarantino, and Wes Anderson here), and it's got a really rich story to it. On the other hand, the chronology in the film is bonkers, they cut between flashbacks and present to the point where it gets pretty darn monotonous. I still found it amazing though, and I THINK I may even like it more than OldBoy and Mr. Vengeance, and I'll probably give it a rewatch soon to see how I really feel.
Inside Man.
Weird, tbh. The only thing that saves it is the theme song which I'm listening to atm.
Felt the same way. I went cause it looked like a good, smart heist movie, which it was to a certain extent, but Spike really focussed too much on the corruption surrounding it rather than the robbery itself, and it didn't really fall together too well in the end...

But yeah, the soundtrack was awesome :)
brokeback mountain: 7,5/10 Okay movie. Takes its sweet time to build up a story, with few dialogue and a lot of nice visuals. But way too much hype, bit overrated imo.
Accepted - 7/10

Really REALLY good laughs in some places. If youre a fan of American Pie, watch this film. You wont really recognise anyone in it, but its seriously funny in some places. We were supposed to watch Click but we went earlier for some reason, and decided to watch Accepted as we could be arsed to wait.

Like American Pie, it has a pretty crap storyline, but you dont care because youre too busy laughing. It tries to do the whole 'romance in a film' and 'serious acting', but it doesnt really work.
Quite simply they turn an old mental hospital into a college because they didnt get accepted by their choices, so they made this one up to make it look like they got into one. But then loads of people show up, and they learn what they want.

Good laugh. Crap story. But you dont care. Recommend taking 10 or so mates for this one.
this week:

Teaching Mrs. Tingle - 6/10

Wild At Heart - 9/10

Harold & Kumar: Go To White Castle - 8/10

Full Metal Jacket - 8/10

Strange Days - 8/10

Nosferatu - 10/10

Frankenstein - 8/10

Bonnie and Clyde - 8/10

V For Vendetta - 9/10

Last Temptation of Christ - 8/10

The Crow - 9/10
Angelina Jolie is beautiful. Anyone who disagrees can DIE DIE DIE.
Well put.

This week:
Waynes World - 7/10. just a classic.
Green Street Hooligans - 8/10. Elijah Wood is actually not unbelievably annoying in this movie.
Blade Runner - 9/10. Epic.
Good Will Hunting - 8/10. Matt Damon and Ben Affleck wrote this?
Goodfellas - 9/10. Pure Scorcese.
Angelina Jolie would be a thousand times more attractive if her mouth wasn't the size of the Grand Canyon.
Departed - 8.9/10 = VERY well made movie
The Prestige - 8.3/10 = Another great movie
Flight Plan : 8/10 Good acting by Jodie Foster. The Movie sways between drama/action and a adds a little "sixth sense" flavour to it. Unfortunately the plot is unbelievable. I enjoyed watching it nevertheless.
The Prestige - 9/10

Excellent acting all around. Story was fun and interesting, played out like a stage performance itself in some ways. All the twists and turns seem to hold up well under scrutiny too, which is nice. Also, having David Bowie play Nikola Tesla was a stroke of pure genius.
The Prestige - 8/10

Pretty darn good, but not great. I just didn't like the way the story was told (though I realize part of that was misdirection like the tricks themselves). Great perfomances though and a really interesting story. I wish Tesla would have been more involved though, not only because Bowie rules but because so did Tesla.
The Science of Sleep - 9/10

Completely awesome. Really vivid, well-written, funny, and generally fantastic.
The Science of Sleep - 9/10

Completely awesome. Really vivid, well-written, funny, and generally fantastic.

Is it ever overely cutesy though? I love Gondry's work, but meh, it looks like it could be another Amelie.
The Grinch - I enjoyed it :) Quite funny in places.

Shrek - Enjoyed it too! Seen it before though.

Toy Story 2 - Only got round to seeing it today, wish I saw it earlier. D:
that movie was DAMN good. I don't really like christian slater (something about him bugs me) but that was Tarantino's writing at its FINEST.
Cabin Fever : 5/10 : some points for effort and the low budget, other than that a crock of shit.

that movie was DAMN good. I don't really like christian slater (something about him bugs me) but that was Tarantino's writing at its FINEST.

I agree completely, and the theme song was great as well
that movie was DAMN good. I don't really like christian slater (something about him bugs me) but that was Tarantino's writing at its FINEST.

For whatever reason, I picture you saying that like Sam Jackson.

And yeah, True Romance is an amazingly underrated movie. It's been a good two years or so since I watched it, too, I need to give it another spin.
Cars - 9.5/10 - Amazing movie, just blew me away. Then again, I thought it was a "see-and-forget" movie so I kept my expectations low, came out surprised.
LOADS better than Reservoir Dogs imho. That is an amazingly overrated movie.

From everything Tarantino has even been slightly involved with I'd say:

Pulp Fiction
Natural Born Killers
Sin City (if it counts..)
Reservoir Dogs
Jackie Brown (I loved it)
True Romance (I'd probably give it the exact rating Joule did, actually)
Kill Bill

That said, I think absouletly everything that Tarantino has been involved in is an absolute masterpiece, so yeah...
5/10 - The History Boys
Witty, with some good dialogue, but an ultimately very unnatural sounding moan about how there isn't room for obscenely large gay teachers who routinely touch-up young boys in the modern education system. Whilst seemingly championing the working class backgrounds of the boys, it has a good long sneer at any university outside the old boy network. At least I think it does, because it's trying to say forty things at once, and only half suceeding on every count, resulting in appropriate half marks.
that movie was DAMN good. I don't really like christian slater (something about him bugs me) but that was Tarantino's writing at its FINEST.

Agreed. I remember walking out of the cinema after seeing True Romance and feeling completely drained it was that intense! My mate was actually shaking. Awesome :)

Christian Slater didn't used to be so bad back then either (Pump up the Volume was one of my fave movies during the teenage angst years). He's certainly involved in a lot of shite these days.
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