Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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Smokin' Aces - 7/10

Maybe my expectations were too high, but this movie certainly didn't meet them. Now, I certainly like films that put in cool characters just because they can, but this one was a bit off. Hollis' storyline was totally worthless. Sure, the ADD kid was funny, but he could've easily been cut so they could actually focus on other, more important characters.

Like The Tremor Brothers. They had far too little time in the movie for being such cool characters. I was left wanting to see so much more of them. Hell, they could have their own movie.

I thought the acting was fairly decent overall. Alicia Keys was surprisingly good. But what the hell was up with Andy Garcia's accent? It's like it materializes in the last half hour of the movie...

Which leads me to the ending. I love the ending shot mostly because of Ryan Reynolds and the music playing, but I loathed the explanation for the whole thing; it felt contrived.

Oh, and why was the action so short? The trailers were definitely misleading.
Sparta said:
Wow, way to completely miss out on the key point of the film.
Enlighten me.

Credit where credit's due - its exposure of the controversy surrounding conflict diamonds and corporate ethics and all of that is commendable. This was stuff I didn't know - I'm glad I saw the film. But my point there - and it was a point I wanted to make; it's not as if that was the focus of the movie for me - was that the film's treatement of Solomon mirrored the characters' treatment of him: I felt he was a convenient plot device and often very little else.
Epic Movie 2/10 - If you think this is funny you have no taste and I pity you.
Grandma's Boy - 7.6/10...

Was actually pretty funny.
Voices of a Distant Star - 6.5/10
Wooooowoo! I'm a teenaged school-girl mech pilot in space, and I gotta go blow up aliens who're invading our solar system or something, but I can't forget to text message my boyfriend back on earth! Nevermind the fact it takes upwards of a year to send and recieve said messages, I'm in LOOooOOOoOOooove =^_^=

Yeah... I think I kind of missed the point of this one (if indeed it was meant to have one). The translation seemed a little off though and certain parts didn't make much sense, so that can't have helped... and the DVD player was randomly chewing up subtitles for no reason... and also I watched it with a friend so it didn't have my full undivided attention. Still, there's some decent art in there, atleast in the backgrounds and some of the more atmospheric shots, but the animation of the characters themselves and the CG on the mechs and spacecraft is fairly poor. It was still kind of interesting though, had it's own charm to it somehow. And it's mega-hyper-short at half an hour so no big loss.

Blood - the Last Vampire - 8/10
Also short, but more the sweet. Great animation and nice CG which blends pretty well with the art. The character design is also to be applauded as it dodges the landmine of popular anime design and goes for a more realistic look. The plot is fairly cut and dry - Saya, she come to town, she come to kill the mutant vampires - bloodbath ensues. The action is mostly satisfying but the suspense is nil for a horror movie. Still, an entertaining movie for it's length (at around 45 minutes), if a little thin.
Pursuit of Happiness - 10/10 Great story, flawless acting...great movie. It's definitely a great movie for sitting on the couch with the woman you love... :D
Inside Man 9/10
That might seem like a high score, but I believe that the movie succeeds completely at what it intended to do. It is just a heist movie, but with an engaging twist and one I can go back and watch again and again. Its not a reinvention of the genre but its rare that a movie ever pulls everything off as well as it does.
The Hitcher (2007) - 8/10

Really good thriller. Sean Bean is just a superb bad guy. Its got alot of those 'run you ***king idiot!' moments where you shout at the screen. Story is ok but predictable, though there are quite a few surprise twists.

Sophia Bush is just...mmmmm
Good one-off watch.
Why is Sean Bean always a villain?

Just ruin it why dont you...lol

Saints & Soldiers 9/10

Really, REALLY good film. You wont recognise ANY of the actors, but its very, very good. Very Band of Brothers. Focuses more on the emotion side of the war, i think there were about 7 'action scenes', and only one full on action scene making up the end of the film.

5 men. 1 gun. Behind enemy lines trying to break through the German lines. Recommended.
Equilibrium 8.9/10 - Bloody awesome, don't know how I missed this for so long and I also don't know why it isn't so popular, I'm going to recommend this to so many people.
Bobby 6/10
In Pursuit Of Happyness (7/10)
Last King Of Scotland (6/10)
The Holiday (3/10)
A Night At The Museum (5/10)
World Trade Center - 6.6/10...
Meh, it wasn't really as powerful as it should've been, it felt like watching a Lifetime movie.
But, the beginning was nice... I wish it would've been longer though.
Equilibrium 8.9/10 - Bloody awesome, don't know how I missed this for so long and I also don't know why it isn't so popular, I'm going to recommend this to so many people.

I know what you mean. Last year I was browsing the local Hastings when I saw it sitting in the sci-fi section. I had never heard of it so thought I'd give it a try. Great movie, couldn't believe that I had missed hearing about it.
I know what you mean. Last year I was browsing the local Hastings when I saw it sitting in the sci-fi section. I had never heard of it so thought I'd give it a try. Great movie, couldn't believe that I had missed hearing about it.

It wasnt a huge hit because its basically a Matrix ripoff, but its still good.

Dirty Sanchez The Movie - 6/10

Good laugh, but so pointless. Its basically a 90 minute episode of Dirty Sanchez. There was one scene in Pee Pee where, just like Joyce, i couldnt stop laughing as it was one of the funniest things ever.
You expected a movie about "Dirty Sanchez" to be pointfull?!


Serenity - 9/10 - Not quite as good as Firefly, which is why it's not a 10/10.

The Big Lebowski - 10/10 - ROFL
Just ruin it why dont you...lol

Saints & Soldiers 9/10

Really, REALLY good film. You wont recognise ANY of the actors, but its very, very good. Very Band of Brothers. Focuses more on the emotion side of the war, i think there were about 7 'action scenes', and only one full on action scene making up the end of the film.

5 men. 1 gun. Behind enemy lines trying to break through the German lines. Recommended.

Curses! I saw this in HMV today for 5 stinkin' quid. I was so tempted to buy it but I just... didn't. Then again, the line was huge. You'd think Christmas was around the corner again.

Last film: Rocky Balboa. I was pleasntly surprised. I had no intention of going to see it, my mate just rang me up last night out of the blue and asked If I wanted to. It's a night out, so why not? And like I said, I was pleasantly surprised. It made me feel all warm and epic inside. It's the music that does it.

Freeway - 7.8/10...

Hilarious take on the Little Red Riding Hood tale, loved Reese Witherspoon in it.
I was at a friends house,I watched true romance....great movie.

The Breakfast Club - 10/10

That movie is great. It's got the hilarious side and then the serious side. And the crazy chick is Ally Sheed! The same girl that played Stephanie Speck on Short Circuit! :D
Children of Men 9/10


"Do not aid terrorists. Britain has supplied you with shelter."
Akira - 4/10...

I was bored, figured I'd try and watch an anime.
God, I can't stand the animation... I stopped watching after 20 minutes.
The general story of the movie seemed interesting, but the animation killed it for me.

Running Scared - 8.1/10...

Wow, this movie was a kick in the face.
It grabs you by the neck and never lets go.
I loved the direction and editing, very gritty.
Akira - 4/10...

The general story of the movie seemed interesting, but the animation killed it for me.
****ing BLASPHEMY.

I could understand if it was the other way around, the story's pretty ****ed up tbh, but Akira is a goddamn animation epic!
****ing BLASPHEMY.

I could understand if it was the other way around, the story's pretty ****ed up tbh, but Akira is a goddamn animation epic!

For it's time..if you're spoiled by awesome looking stuff from nowadays, then you're going to watch Akira for the first time and vomit your heart out.


Good, enjoyable action flick that doesn't take itself too seriously.
watched Open Season at least 6 tmes this past weekend ..it was -25C with the wind chill so we stayed home all weekened ..my 3 year old loves open Season mostly for all the sight gags

good funny movie, the white trash hunter character (played by gary sinise) is hilarious ..not a disney film but plays like one ..the computer graphics were some of the best animated graphics in a movie I've seen in awhile
Because I own a small fleet of trucks my family thought they'd get me some truck movies for Christmas. So my last 2 movies I watched (this weekend) were Maximum Overdrive and Trucks

Maximum Overdrive- acting -10000/10 cool trucks 8/10 AC/DC doing all the music 9/10 overall 7/10. If you don't know a Kenworth from a Peterbilt you'd probably give it a 5/10

Trucks -I guess someone said "hey I kinda liked the idea behind Maximum Overdrive but I'd like to see crappier acting, lamer trucks that do nothing but go in circles, and zero plot. And while we're at it lets film it in Manitoba and try to convince people it's area 51."
1/10 And it only gets the 1 because the boss truck was a borderline cool Heritage cab Star.
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