Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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The Legend of the Drunken Master - 8/10

Eh, this is an old Jacky Chan film i found in my cupboard. It was funny as hell, even though the plot made near negative sense. The stunts and Jacky Chan getting drunk and doing Drunken Boxing (drunkenly) definantly made it one of the more hilareous pointless martial arts films i've seen. I'm still not sure whether it was originally filmed in English or not though, the audio is really strange... it's not quite badly-lip synced but it gives off the impression of that.
Donnie Darko: Director's Cut - 5/5
I like this movie. I really like this movie. Yeah it's not perfect, but it got a 5 anyway cause that's how much I like it. Director's Cut isn't really as different as I'd heard, but it does help explain things a bit. The new effects didn't really do much for me, but they don't really take away from it at all besides feeling a teensy bit out of place, so meh.

Also, Drunken Master is win. Gotta get that again, the choreography is insane.
Miami Vice - 8.7/10...

Great crime flick... definitely for mature audiences.
The acting was great, I loved the camera work.
The action scenes towards were really well done.
Agreed, although it had some good camera work in beginning-middle. The ending was crap, people were laughing in the cinema. Was really disappointed.

The movie did a VERY good job of showing you the full creature (with the night vision camera), they messed up when the made scar be such a well seen creature. And the ending did make sense, but can't explain it here.
Pitch Black - 9/10. I love the acting, and the story..though a little bland at times. All in all, it's great.
Corpse Bride - 9.5/10 - I don't know why, but it just enthralled me like so few animations have done. The animation, the art design, the voice acting, references, humour, emotion... I loved it all. It helped that it made me think of Grim Fandango on more than one occasion, which makes me yearn for Tim Burton to make a movie adaption of it. I still have to see The Nightmare before Christmas, and apparently that's even better :O
I wonder... maybe we should ask him about it...
I wonder... maybe we should ask him about it...

**** asking, we'll barge into his studios and demand he do it or threaten him with evil things...

...legally evil things.
The movie did a VERY good job of showing you the full creature (with the night vision camera)

There was one shot in the open cave, where the girls have got flares out and the camera pans to one of the girls and you can see a silhouette of the creature in the back. Its hard to spot, but I thought it was quite freaky.
The Thin Red Line - ??/10 - I'm just not sure about this movie. At times it's a typical lesson on the brutality of war, whilst at others it's a surreal poetic film which compares nature with violence. Sometimes it's just a gallery of scenic beauty, where the imagery nearly struck me into a dream-like state. Whatever it is, when the credits rolled I felt like someone had punched me in the gut hard, same feeling I got when Saving Private Ryan came to an end.
A Scanner Darkly: no rating.
I just... don't know.


I was thinking 'wtf' through the whole movie. Thank god i didnt pay to watch it in the cinema lol.

[Edit] Battle Royale lol/10

Just...lol. Its so cheesy. Japanese massacre of 15-18 year old school kids. I mean, WTF. Some of it IS funny (stabbed twice in the groin, OUCH!), but ultimately its so pointless. Good for a laugh though with mates.
A Scanner Darkly: 8.5/10

A more faithful and well executed adaption of the novel couldn't be hoped for. It brings to life all the paranoia, surreality, and bizarre imagery of the novel.

But, just like the novel its completely different from anything you're going to see. Its a science fiction drug culture movie. Its going to be too weird for many audiences, but too grounded in depressing topics like mental illness and drug use to appeal to science fiction fans.
28 Days Later - 7.25/10

Decent enough movie. I thought the ending was a bit lame though with all the hack n slash. It was a bit dumb how you could be infected through blood, yet they had no trouble with infection when they had to beat 3 people to a bloody pulp inside Cillian Murphy's parents house, and still didn't get any infected blood in their eyes/cuts. And the army leader standing face to face with an infected soldier even though it could spew blood in his face at any moment.
Wasn't the scene in his parents house the one where the one guy got infected and she killed him?
The Pianist - 9/10 - Very good movie, but the end felt somewhat unsatisfying... I guess there was no other way to end it though.
Smokin' Aces - 9/10

Amazing buildup, very good story and interesting characters. Funny as well.
Epic Movie - 0/10...

Why the **** did I even bother?
I knew it was going to be shit, but some friends brought me along with them to see it.
I kept telling them how stupid it was going to be, funny enough, they all hated it too.

Titan A.E. - 8.2/10...
Definitely a very underrated 3D/2D animation.
Ooh, I love Titan AE!

Blood Diamond - 7/10.
A solid, well-constructed thriller/actioner which nevertheless leaves one feeling slightly unfulfilled and uncomfortable.

Leo does what I can only assume is a passable white Rhodesian accent, Jennifer Connelly is well-rounded and also very hot, the opening village massacre packs an enormous emotional punch and the plot is pacy and pleasing without being convoluted. There is some very competent shooting and blowing-up and running through streets as men in jeeps machinegun everybody to death. There are some very annoying things about the film which I won't go into (every time there is an emotional moment it is broken up by gunfire, I swear it - OVERUSED).

What really got me was the huge imbalance between the two central characters: Leo's amoral white smuggler is loveable and gets to do cool things despite funding terrorism and armed conflict and being a treacherous bastard, while Solomon, the black African, gets to do absolutely nothing. He is so meek as to be a non-event, and merely lingers in the background as Leo and Jen enjoy a fairly well-handled romance and some nice chemistry. Hell, most of the shots are framed with the two whites in front being dynamic and the black guy standing at the back looking confused. For a film that pupports to portray conflict-strewn Africa, it's very jarring. One of the few moments he does something interesting (beats someone up with a shovel) his mouth opens wide and he screams like an animal. Hell, at one point a character remarks that maybe Africa is so violent because the blacks have something wrong with them and maybe it would have all been much better if the whites stayed in control. There is no counter-point.

I mean, christ, maybe it's unintentional, or maybe it's supposed to be a rebuke to the frequent prejudice that white Africans cannot talk about their home, and can't lay claim to it, because of what their ancestors did - but it made me squirm. perhaps I shouldn't be surprised; the director is Edward Zwick, formerly of The Last Samurai, a film which all but ends with a gatling gun killing every single samurai except American Tom Cruise.

Anyway, s'alright.
Titan AE was awesome, but they could've done with making it a little less Disney. The characters actually showed a little bit of depth, but they were so... cartooninised you couldn't really take it seriously.
Ooh, I love Titan AE!

Blood Diamond - 7/10.
A solid, well-constructed thriller/actioner which nevertheless leaves one feeling slightly unfulfilled and uncomfortable.

Leo does what I can only assume is a passable white Rhodesian accent, Jennifer Connelly is well-rounded and also very hot, the opening village massacre packs an enormous emotional punch and the plot is pacy and pleasing without being convoluted. There is some very competent shooting and blowing-up and running through streets as men in jeeps machinegun everybody to death. There are some very annoying things about the film which I won't go into (every time there is an emotional moment it is broken up by gunfire, I swear it - OVERUSED).

What really got me was the huge imbalance between the two central characters: Leo's amoral white smuggler is loveable and gets to do cool things despite funding terrorism and armed conflict and being a treacherous bastard, while Solomon, the black African, gets to do absolutely nothing. He is so meek as to be a non-event, and merely lingers in the background as Leo and Jen enjoy a fairly well-handled romance and some nice chemistry. Hell, most of the shots are framed with the two whites in front being dynamic and the black guy standing at the back looking confused. For a film that pupports to portray conflict-strewn Africa, it's very jarring. One of the few moments he does something interesting (beats someone up with a shovel) his mouth opens wide and he screams like an animal. Hell, at one point a character remarks that maybe Africa is so violent because the blacks have something wrong with them and maybe it would have all been much better if the whites stayed in control. There is no counter-point.

I mean, christ, maybe it's unintentional, or maybe it's supposed to be a rebuke to the frequent prejudice that white Africans cannot talk about their home, and can't lay claim to it, because of what their ancestors did - but it made me squirm. perhaps I shouldn't be surprised; the director is Edward Zwick, formerly of The Last Samurai, a film which all but ends with a gatling gun killing every single samurai except American Tom Cruise.

Anyway, s'alright.

lol now thats a review
Blood Diamond just needed the last 10 minutes cut off from the ending and it would've been perfect. Otherwise, I'd give it a 9/10.
Silent Hill - 8/10 cool and creepy without having a lame story. Not played the games though.
Children of Men

Already saw it at the cinema last year, but I took it around a mates' house to watch with some mates. Amazing how many things I picked up on this time around, like I was completly oblivious to the Pink Floyd floating pig over Battersea Power Station, and stuff that I also now know thanks to the book, such as the Quietus suicide kits/pacts that occur. It ot mixed feelings out of my mates, some that loved it as much as I did for the story, characters, visuals, setting, some that really enjoyed the action parts and a few that were pretty mutual about it and thought it was pretty boring. For me, though, I still give it a solid 9/10.

Chronicles of Riddick

Picked it up today, out of the blue, for ?4. Why not, eh? And a great purchase at that, too. Really cool film, enjoyed it alot, espesh the prison-planet place section of the film. Forgot it's name now, the planet near the sun. Yeah.



Didn't enjoy the other two films, but I dunno, when I finished this I kinda thought ''Yeah, that was good fun, that'' Bearing in mind I watched it mates, and films are alot more enjoyable when you can joke at the silly things in SAW films and loudly exclaim across the room ''Holy SHIT that was a AWESOME death!''

Smokin' Aces 8/10

Pretty solid all around, a bit ambiguous at times.
Chronicles of Riddick

Picked it up today, out of the blue, for ?4. Why not, eh? And a great purchase at that, too. Really cool film, enjoyed it alot, espesh the prison-planet place section of the film. Forgot it's name now, the planet near the sun. Yeah.


I give Chronicals of Riddik..... 7/10.
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