Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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Besides Kitty, I disagee with all of the following statements. The pacing sucked, it was such a short movie, the story was quality but it felt rushed.
Better pacing, better story, better action, better acting, it was just a better movie overall.

Plus, Kitty Pryde was a BABE.

The pacing was horrible, the movie felt like it was half an hour long.
I was seriously hoping it'd be the same length as X2, that movie was nicely paced.
X-men 3 was shit.

Still better than the first one.

I watched X2 afterwards, and I didn`t enjoy it as much as 3.
In 3 they were not afraid to kill people, hell in 2, Pyro directly torches 2 coppers and they just get up with black faces, totally ridiculous.

Good final movie to a good trilogy.
The pacing was horrible, the movie felt like it was half an hour long.
I was seriously hoping it'd be the same length as X2, that movie was nicely paced.

Wait, a movie going by fast is a BAD thing? I'm confused.
16 Blocks - 7.8/10 didnt expect it to be this good.

Original movie.

Really didnt expect most of the things that happened.
Why We Fight 9/10

It's a documentary about the Iraq war and terrorism and all that. I really liked it, I think it brings up a lot of interesting points. Check it out. Oh, only the BBC version, as I think (I haven't seen, just read about) the US version is censored. But a great movie.
Wait, a movie going by fast is a BAD thing? I'm confused.
X3 went by so fast they didn't seem to notice (spoilage) Cyclops was dead until the end of the movie :p

Oh wait... noone likes Cyclops.
Better pacing, better story, better action, better acting, it was just a better movie overall.

Plus, Kitty Pryde was a BABE.

Pacing was crap. Story was very poorly done. Action was...well, SUMMERLOLCHEAP. It was honestly rubbish compared to X-men 2, which was absolutely awesome compared to 3.
Severance - 7.5 Whoa........129 pages, this is officially the longest thread on the whole of HL2.net forums, no questions man................
Sin City - 8/10
Nice. I liked the visual style and the comical OTTness, but the acting was dodgy in parts, and some of them really murdered the dialogue...
Sin City - 8/10
Nice. I liked the visual style and the comical OTTness, but the acting was dodgy in parts, and some of them really murdered the dialogue...

You realize the dialogue, camera angles, and settings were taken literally DIRECTLY from the comic books, right? And have you like, ever seen a noir film?
In X3's case, yes being over that ****ing fast... is a bad thing.

They pretty much had no chance to flesh out the story, and the new characters. Hell, I sure hope they come out with a special extended director's cut palooza thinga-a-majiggy edition DVD.
In X3's case, yes being over that ****ing fast... is a bad thing.

Exactly. X-men 3 was supposed to be the sort of 'finale' that the other two had built up. Yet it just didn't feel anything like it should have been.
The first X-Men movie rocked.

The Rock 8/10 - cheesy action done very well. It gets a personal 9/10 from me because I love stuff like this, but it probably only deserves an 8 for being so corney.

Did I mention The Dark was shit? Don't watch it, it's shit.
Exactly. X-men 3 was supposed to be the sort of 'finale' that the other two had built up. Yet it just didn't feel anything like it should have been.

It was suppose to be EPIC but didnt feel like it all. Felt lame.

crank 10/10 alllll the way

Hell ****ing YA! "IM ALIVE"

and what i just watched...

Slither! LOL all i can say is WTF.

I cant say its bad because well its a joke movie. It was "cool" thats all ill say.
Young Adam - 8.5/10..

awesome film, rather bleak and definately not to everyone's taste but it contains outstanding performances from Ewan McGregor and Tilda Swinton...
Silent Hill


If you haven't played the game it's mediocre, unscary and weak. I guess fans of the game will defend it to the death but for me it was disappointing.
Lame plotline: Radha Mitchell chasing a little girl into dark buildings and running away from shuffling dead people who only she can see. Repeat again. Oh, and again. And... again. For 80% of the film.
Sean Bean trying to do an american accent, failing miserably, and never quite achieving anything at all.

Unoriginal storyline: The usual puritan religious cult in a deserted town, burning anyone who might slightly be a witch, and a crispy psychic girl bent on revenge. It's almost the exact same scenario as Children of the Corn, with elements of The Ring thrown in, only with the added twist of intermittently being in another dimension for some unexplained reason.

Gaping holes: Why has nobody in america gone into this famously deserted town (even with it's own websites) in 30 years and stolen the numerous vintage cars scattered around the place or looted the buildings?
How did one burning curtain set fire to the entire town and the coal mine beneath it?
How could a 25c paper DIY mask do any good whatsoever in keeping fumes out of your lungs, and what is so frighteningly poisonous about coal smoke anyway?
What did the story of the kidnapper throwing a kid into the mine and the giant sword guy have to do with anything at all?
What was the cause of the falling ash and why hasn't 30 years of it collapsed and buried buildings as it would?
Why did nobody in the town notice that a child was pregnant?
How did said kid with 100% third degree burns survive 30 years in a hospital bed?
Why is the hospital miles underground?
Who was the nurse and why did the kid care about her so much?
Why was a missing cop not missed at all, and why wasn't her crashed bike found when the car was?

Scariness factor of zero: What makes people think little girls with faces hidden by long greasy hair are scary? my ass is scarier.

Nice CG effects but nothing groundbreaking enough to save the movie from roasting in hull.


With the said kid in the bed for 30 years, it may have to do with the end of the movie, where apparently everyone in the movie except for those outside the town are dead. So perhaps said girl died at a young age, but remained in the bed for some stupid reason.

Without a Paddle - 7/10 - Not bad and its got a few laughs in it.
Hero - 10/10 - if you give Without a Paddle 7/10, Hero gets a 10 instead of the 9 I was going to give it.
Hero - 10/10 - if you give Without a Paddle 7/10, Hero gets a 10 instead of the 9 I was going to give it.

Hehe ^_^
Most of the films i watch get 6/10 and above becuase i just watch them and take them for what they were. :p Not many films been watched for a few days guys! :O
Pacino's best movie will always and forever be Scarface though, as good as Carlito's Way is.
Silent Hill


If you haven't played the game it's mediocre, unscary and weak. I guess fans of the game will defend it to the death but for me it was disappointing.
Lame plotline: Radha Mitchell chasing a little girl into dark buildings and running away from shuffling dead people who only she can see. Repeat again. Oh, and again. And... again. For 80% of the film.
Sean Bean trying to do an american accent, failing miserably, and never quite achieving anything at all.

Unoriginal storyline: The usual puritan religious cult in a deserted town, burning anyone who might slightly be a witch, and a crispy psychic girl bent on revenge. It's almost the exact same scenario as Children of the Corn, with elements of The Ring thrown in, only with the added twist of intermittently being in another dimension for some unexplained reason.

Gaping holes: Why has nobody in america gone into this famously deserted town (even with it's own websites) in 30 years and stolen the numerous vintage cars scattered around the place or looted the buildings?
How did one burning curtain set fire to the entire town and the coal mine beneath it?
How could a 25c paper DIY mask do any good whatsoever in keeping fumes out of your lungs, and what is so frighteningly poisonous about coal smoke anyway?
What did the story of the kidnapper throwing a kid into the mine and the giant sword guy have to do with anything at all?
What was the cause of the falling ash and why hasn't 30 years of it collapsed and buried buildings as it would?
Why did nobody in the town notice that a child was pregnant?
How did said kid with 100% third degree burns survive 30 years in a hospital bed?
Why is the hospital miles underground?
Who was the nurse and why did the kid care about her so much?
Why was a missing cop not missed at all, and why wasn't her crashed bike found when the car was?

Scariness factor of zero: What makes people think little girls with faces hidden by long greasy hair are scary? my ass is scarier.

Nice CG effects but nothing groundbreaking enough to save the movie from roasting in hull.

Most of your points can be explained, but I`m too tired to go into them, so I`ll just say that the kid wasn`t pregnant, the girl was a manifestation of the good half of Alessa, not a real new born baby other wise Sharn would be 30, not the age she is. Which leads me to understand why your asking alot of the other questions, which can be easily explained by paying attention to the movie.

United 93 - 9/10 A truly moving movie, which holds the subject matter with the highest respect.
the kid wasn`t pregnant, the girl was a manifestation of the good half of Alessa, not a real new born baby other wise Sharn would be 30, not the age she is.

So you're saying... alessas/janitors rape sprog that was smuggled out of silent hill wasn't actually left outside the orphanage to be adopted later by rose? maybe I was watching a different film.
Bulletproof Monk - 6/10 - Was ok, bit of a dodgey story but had some cool scenes in it.
The Illusionist 8/10

I just saw this movie yesterday, at first when I was watching it, it took a long time to get into, but then so many things in the movie were very predicilble...until...well, I don't want to give anything away, but it's not as much a boring movie as I first thought during the first 30-45 minutes. It was surprisingly well written and makes total sense when you see the movie all the way to the end.

One thing to keep in mind...Nothing is what it seems.
Silent Hill 2/10

Complete ****ing trousers. I mean seriously, total bag of wank.
Young Indiana Jones and the Phantom Train of Doom


Brilliant. :D 9/10. Gonna get some more today in town.
Silent Hill


If you haven't played the game it's mediocre, unscary and weak. I guess fans of the game will defend it to the death but for me it was disappointing.
Lame plotline: Radha Mitchell chasing a little girl into dark buildings and running away from shuffling dead people who only she can see. Repeat again. Oh, and again. And... again. For 80% of the film.
Sean Bean trying to do an american accent, failing miserably, and never quite achieving anything at all.

Unoriginal storyline: The usual puritan religious cult in a deserted town, burning anyone who might slightly be a witch, and a crispy psychic girl bent on revenge. It's almost the exact same scenario as Children of the Corn, with elements of The Ring thrown in, only with the added twist of intermittently being in another dimension for some unexplained reason.

Gaping holes: Why has nobody in america gone into this famously deserted town (even with it's own websites) in 30 years and stolen the numerous vintage cars scattered around the place or looted the buildings?
How did one burning curtain set fire to the entire town and the coal mine beneath it?
How could a 25c paper DIY mask do any good whatsoever in keeping fumes out of your lungs, and what is so frighteningly poisonous about coal smoke anyway?
What did the story of the kidnapper throwing a kid into the mine and the giant sword guy have to do with anything at all?
What was the cause of the falling ash and why hasn't 30 years of it collapsed and buried buildings as it would?
Why did nobody in the town notice that a child was pregnant?
How did said kid with 100% third degree burns survive 30 years in a hospital bed?
Why is the hospital miles underground?
Who was the nurse and why did the kid care about her so much?
Why was a missing cop not missed at all, and why wasn't her crashed bike found when the car was?

Scariness factor of zero: What makes people think little girls with faces hidden by long greasy hair are scary? my ass is scarier.

Nice CG effects but nothing groundbreaking enough to save the movie from roasting in hull.
Those things aren't supposed to makes sense. They are not in the real world, it is a world of horror and belief.
Full Metal Jacket - 10/10

Now after watching this again, I realise how half arsed Jarhead's rip off of the beginning is. In fact, down with Jarhead...this shits all over it.
Final Fantasy 7 : Advent Children English version - 5/10...

Pretty graphics, nice fight scenes, nice expansion of the story... horrible dialogue, and average voice work.
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