Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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Oh yeah, I'd hit it.
The movie itself was just a confusing mess, didn't have the great flow that Ju-on had.
How can you say this movie is trying to be serious. It's based on a comic book series, please get a clue.

It's a disposable action flick with some amazing stunts. The end.

Also, how about using a spoiler tag when you post huge spoilers.
Oh ok, because being an action movie based on a comic book somehow precludes it from
being serious. No I think your confusing unrealistic with serious here.

Unless off course you were referring to it on much higher intellectual level, being that the
movie can be considered one big joke on cinema. But no, any ****ing scene where a bullet
passes just right in between two trains, trough a doughnut, a coffee cup, trough a window,
go's for 20 more miles, before it hits someone between the eyes, should be reserved for a
Mcbain sketch on the Simpson, or an internet comic making fun of the uninspired special
effects ridden shit that graces cinema, it should not be multimillion dollar project.

Most movie makers get that, pretty much all machinima and flash movie makers get that,
but apparently it's lost on some people. A good measure of a scene's worth is weather or
not you can come up with it while wasted in a pub, now go get drunk and post your
results, and if indeed you can't I'll concede.

And you are right about the spoiler tag, that was my bad.
Oh I don't?


Too bad she only looks good with her hair down and from that angle.
Yeah, I'm shallow.
Biggish pic:

Feast - 7.5/10...
Hilariously over the top.
Wanted blatantly tries to be serious. cf. Shoot 'Em Up, which does not.
Son of Rambow - 8/10

well written, good characters, pretty funy at times but kinda falls apart in the end into a feel good story. recommended
Artificial Intelligence - 10/10

Such a wonderful movie about life, what it means to be human, and love. The music at the end is beautiful, it makes me cry.
Burn After Reading - 9/10

Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Pure joy.

-1 cause it could have easily gone on for another 90 minutes without me getting bored.
Explain because I've wanted to see for awhile.
Lots of nudity, lots of annoying Tom Cruise, vague/confusing plot, cool Kubrick elements remain nonetheless. There were aspects of the film I enjoyed but on the whole I didn't like it very much at all. Not sure I would recommend it.
Dexter Season 2: Disc 2 9/10 Gah, hurry up Netflix. I want MORE.
Boston Legal Season 1 Disc 1, 2, and 3 - 9/10...

Hilarious, also, Netflix ftw.
Lots of nudity, lots of annoying Tom Cruise, vague/confusing plot, cool Kubrick elements remain nonetheless. There were aspects of the film I enjoyed but on the whole I didn't like it very much at all. Not sure I would recommend it.
Also the soundtrack consists entirely of 2 or 3 piano notes repeated endlessly. It's like I appreciate artsy minimalism but damn, this movie is about ****ing.
Rogue Assassin (or War or whatever it's meant to be called, the one with Jet Li and Jason Statham) - 6/10

Pretty solid actioner, if nothing special. The action was decent but never all that flashy. Plot was interesting enough. Music was annoying. Jet Li didn't kick enough faces.
Starship Troopers 9/10
would've been a lower score but for the classic line:
"They've sucked his brains out...."
Dog Day Afternoon - 9/10

Brilliant. Al Pacino deseved an Oscar for this.
Harry Potter movies 1-5 (never read the books).

8/10 Entertaining to watch, pretty good characters, charming "lore" I guess you could call it. It's presented in such a way that it doesn't get repetitive very often even tho it's often the same sort of things happening over and over. However it's not really ground-breaking in any way and sometimes pretty predictable. Quidditch (sp) is retarded.
Suicide circle 7.5/10
intriguing enough to want to watch the sequel...at some point.
The Graduate - 9/10

Way better than I thought it would be, I loved Dustin Hoffman's acting.
The Exorcist - 8.5/10...
Still creeps me the **** out.

The Shining - redrum/10...

Evolution - 7/10...
Goofy fun.
The Happening - 4/10.

I thought it'd be better despite what people generally said, but it was not. It was... weird and I mean technically. Weird scenes, weird dialogue, bad acting. I consider Wahlberg to be a fine actor, but here everything he said seemed so unnatural.
Cloverfield 9/10

I had never even heard of it. I just read a post on here recommending the movie. I "acquired" it, and without looking up anything about it, I watched it.

I thought it was a love story or something. I mean, "Cloverfield"? Come on, that sounds like a crime drama or a love story if anything.

Oh boy, was I wrong. What an AWESOME movie.

Later looking it up, I was surprised to find it PG-13.


Great movie with great actors. I'm surprized I never heard of this movie, because it was smart, and realistic, and I liked the fact that it didn't give a date. I would highly recommend renting this one, maybe even buying it.
Oh, forgot.

Haunting of Molly Heartly - ****ingwantmywastedtimeandmoneyandsuspenceback/10

This movie was pure shit. If you haven't seen it, I strongly urge you not to. as a supposed horror film, being PG13, it will come as no surprise to you that it was purely a jumper with nothing scary except a beat up ghost girl that only shows up once in the movie.

Seriously, though I didn't pay to see the movie myself, I want $8 back. They should have paid me to sit through that piece of shit.

When she was locked in the bathroom and screaming for her dad, that was kinda scary, but the rest of the time me and my friends were cracking jokes about how hilariously horrible it was. The only memorable parts are one where the girl is sitting down in a library isle, and her boy crush bends all the way down from the isle opposite of her and startles her through an opening where she just took a book out of. Out of nowhere the ****er just pokes his head in there and yells "BOOKS?!" at her. Me and my friends were laughing about that all night. The other part, where the doctor tells her she has a tumor, and that there's nothing really wrong, I couldn't help but say aloud "Yeah, it's alright, you just have cancer. NO BIG DEAL! HAHAHA!" to which several people around me laughed.

Seriously, if you are even thinking about seeing this movie, go into it expecting it to be a comedy. It'll make the experience a lot more enjoyable. It is a bit suspenseful, but the ending will leave you with the unmistakable taste of a lump of shit in your mouth. There is nothing truly creepy about this movie, other than the fact that everybody in it seems to be a complete daffodil, and that the girl somehow manages to do her homework in very low lighting. (As in, nightlight sort of lighting) The kind of lighting where you know, in a horror movie, something is going to creep out of the darkness. Just dumb cliches like that that make this movie all the more worthless. The constant barrage of people jumping out at the girl, just for the sake of startling the audience, being that there is nothing scary about the movie, will make you want to throw your middle fingers up at the screen. These scares are easily 400 times cheaper than DooM 3 scares, which happen to get very silly, and predictable.

Really, I started to think that everybody is out to scare the shit out of this girl, or give her a stroke, because they are constantly jumping out at her, scaring the **** out of her. They will build up the suspense, play a weird F.E.A.R. style whispering, and then one of her stupid friends will jump around the corner for no apparent reason and go "HEY!!!!" sith there or a moment and say "Wanna go to my party so we can hang out and then you can walk home though you have no clue where you are, and then get stabbed in the back by some crazy lady with a pair of children's scissors?" and she'll go "Oh... Yeah... Cool." have a nose bleed, and the train cars keep piling up from there. (There was a cow on the track way before the train started going.)

Really, you will have more fun reading this review than watching this movie.

Final disgustingly hilarious analogy, this movie will make you want to spew shit, tub girl style into your own mouth and swallow it before you go back to see it again.

(Okay, exaggerated, but you would rather have a nasty case of diarrhea than see it twice.)
Also the soundtrack consists entirely of 2 or 3 piano notes repeated endlessly. It's like I appreciate artsy minimalism but damn, this movie is about ****ing.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that. The repeating piano bit really got to me after a while.
House on Haunted Hill - 5/10...
It was okay, opening was good... but when you actually see the 'darkness' that dwells in the asylum, it all goes down the crappper.

Return to House on Haunted Hill - 6/10...
More shock value than the first one, I'd recommend renting it for sure.

Feast - 8/10...
Willie's recommendation, pretty damn good and hilarious gore flick... definitely going to nab the sequel.

Dog Soldiers - 7/10...
Made me jump a few times and the action was pretty off the wall, one of the better werewolf flicks I've seen.
Thirty seconds of Ghost Ship - lol we r eat maggots/10
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