Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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Milk - 10/10

I want to see this. Oh wait, I live in northern Michigan and it's a movie about gay rights... no chance pf my seeing it within a three hour drive.

Evil Dead 3: Army of Darkness: 6/10

Evil Dead: 9/10
I ****ing love gay rights tbh.


Casino Royal ?!+3/10.

3 points better than Quantum of Solace, and I'd give it an 8, so QoS is now a 5.
Sunshine- 8.5/10

28 Days Later- 9/10

Danny Boyle is quite a nice director.
Aye, feel he's one of the more reliable of our current age.

Wolf - 8/10
Jack Nicholson eats everyone for breakfast. James Spader becomes rapist nemesis. This is ****ing awesome.

Only Yesterday - 8/10
Studio Ghibli film that I had never ever heard of. Nostalgic, a bit Prousty. Much of the film is the protagonist's childhood, and it is SOOO CUUUUTE.

The Man Who Would Be King - 7/10
Badass. The best bit of the whole movie is where the king tribesman guy goes "they piss in our river upstream!" and Sean Connery goes "Shocking!" in a popped-monocle tone of voice.

Man, it looks like I just love every film and give them all high marks, but I promise you I only watch good films.
Max Payne - 3/5
The director is a genius.
Cameraman is a genius.
Dude who wrote this lame story must burn in the depths of hell for ever.
Actors are very good, but their lines and characters are terrible.

Iron Man - 4/5
Not the best what can be done with the comic series, but there're loads of "money shots".
Princess Mononoke - 10/10. Definitely the best Miyazaki film. I can't find fault with it all and the music is brilliant. I was quite surprised to find that it's a PG because it has a lot of very graphic violence (like people having their heads and arms very clearly cut off) and it has mild swearing. I would've thought that it should've been at least a 12.
Shaun of the Dead - 7.5/10

Might have to re-watch it to make sure that's what i think of it. I really like Simon Pegg and Nick Frost. It was definitely a good film though. Mainly watched it due to the Left 4 Dead stuff though.
Bill Bailey: Bewilderness + Part Troll + Tinselworm - F*CKINGLOL/10

Bought the collection as an early christmas gift (to myself). Loooooove this man so much. Now just have to check out Cosmic Jam...

Only Yesterday - 8/10
Studio Ghibli film that I had never ever heard of. Nostalgic, a bit Prousty. Much of the film is the protagonist's childhood, and it is SOOO CUUUUTE.
Still need to watch this. Got as far as "banana is king" and gave up last time.

Princess Mononoke - 10/10. Definitely the best Miyazaki film.
YESSSSSSSSS, so agreed. <3

Although in terms of animation I always liked Spirited Away best, the plot was just a bit Disney.
While banned:
Semi-Pro 6/10
Not nearly as bad as I heard. A few funny parts.

Monty Python: Life of Brian 9.5/10
****ing brilliant. Should've seen this long ago.

Just now:
Step Brothers 7/10
It could've been really funny. Could've. The only thing I think I'll remember is "PAHW!"
The Boy In The Striped Pajamas - 5/10
Interesting story. It was cool to see the perspective of the holocaust from the perspective of a German soldier family. It was too dry though. I didn't react emotionally as much as I thought I should have. Sad, but a little melodramatic at the end. The gas chambers sent chills down my spine.
The Boy In The Striped Pajamas - 5/10
Interesting story. It was cool to see the perspective of the holocaust from the perspective of a German soldier family. It was too dry though. I didn't react emotionally as much as I thought I should have. Sad, but a little melodramatic at the end. The gas chambers sent chills down my spine.

I quite liked the book, but found it a little cliched with the reveal at the end.
The Day the Earth Stood Still - 5/10
I don't think they could have possibly made that little kid any more annoying. Why my friends made me watch this instead of Quantum of Solace I will never know.
Babylon A.D 4/10
Terrible story, but there's some decent shots, settings and Vin Diesel doing his thing.

JCVD - 9/10
As an old Van Damme fan, I found this movie ****ing excellent. There are some pacing issues but nonetheless the movie has so much fun references and jokes blended in with a strong emotional impact, and a big chunk of uniqueness. Jean-Claude's monologue is the film's absolute high point, simply one of the strongest cinematic scenes I've seen.
Monty Python: Life of Brian 9.5/10
****ing brilliant. Should've seen this long ago.

My brother's got this and I've still not seen it!!! I've seen Holy Grail, though.
On that note:

'He's NOT the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy...now piss off!'

Yeah, Life Of Brian is just comical genious.

'Where's the fetus gonna gestate!? You gonna keep it in a box!?'
The day the earth stood still 7/10

I liked it in fact i was surprised I liked it as much as I did. yes it is a little generic with the figures of authority who never listen to the main character and things like that and good god how the **** does jaden smith keep getting into films he was so ****ING ANNOYING!!

Ending had nowhere near the impact the original had and the klaatu barada nikto had a little cameo more than anything else and even then it seemed a little muffled.

However I did enjoy it, the alien with no emotion role suits keanu down to a T and IMO made the movie (never thought i would say that). Lets just say in terms of remakes theres a heck of a lot worse.
The Day the Earth Stood Still - 7/10 Pretty good movie alittle disappointed with the ending.

Gran Torino - 9/10 Eastwood is ****ing amazing
Both of them are pure works of comedy genius.

'He's NOT the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy...now piss off!'

Yeah, Life Of Brian is just comical genious.

'Where's the fetus gonna gestate!? You gonna keep it in a box!?'

My brother's got this and I've still not seen it!!! I've seen Holy Grail, though.
On that note:


Watch it. It's great.

I'm getting Meaningful Day from Netflix today, I think.
Haha, double post!

Shaun of the Dead 8/10
Solid zombie/funny movie. About damn time I saw it.

Next up: Monty Python: Meaning of Life for my comedy movie watching spree!
Twilight - 4.5/10

Ok I was pretty much forced to go see it by a groups of girl friends and by the ratio of girls-to-sausage I'm pretty sure that was the case everywhere. I expected to hate the film but it turns out that it's just a standard teenage (girl tbh) film and as such it's not awful, it's generally pretty average (A lot of cringe worthy stuff but nothing awful. Also hawt chicks) Of course there are films you should see instead of this but the people that are going to slam it as totally shit are probably the pretentious pricks that you wouldn't want to go to the cinema with anyway.

Verdict - Generic teengirl semi-romance fantasty thing. Definately not great or worth seeing much than once, but then again it could have been Epic Movie, so consider yourself lucky.
Lions for Lambs 9/10

opinion of the ending:
i cant believe those soldiers on the mountain died. i should have seen it coming
i guess, but i was rooting for them the whole time. it actually made me really sad, more so than ive been in a long time.
Monty Python: Meaning of Life 8.5/10

Rough beginning, but it gets so insidiously hilarious later on.

What was that about hats?
Burn After Reading : 10/10

Funniest movie I've seen in a while. Hilarious spy comedy.
The Aviator - 6/10
Started off great but it dragged alot halfway through.
The Thing - 9/10

A little slow at the beginning but it soon picked up and I goddamn loved the special effects. Especially the part where the Doctor gets his arms bit off. :laugh:
Hancock - 8/10

Cool film, interesting plot, excellent special effects.
Well I enjoyed it, wasn't a moment in film history for me but it was worth watching lol.

I thought it was brilliant, but then, I wasn't going into it expecting to be blown away. Got a pleasant surprise.
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