Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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Hey, I'm fine with that as long as someone doesn't tell me I'm a moron for liking a film and wishing I'd never been born.

It has nothing to do with what movie you like / don't like. I haven't even seen T4.
It has nothing to do with what movie you like / don't like. I haven't even seen T4.

I am aware of that though my point still stands. I can get along with people, I can respect peoples opinions, but I will not take grief from someone who knows nothing about me and cannot seem to have any tolerance for other peoples opinions etc. You do act like a jerk when someone doesn't hold the same opinion as you or display a certain level of intelligence that you deem a requirement of being worthy of your attention.

Can I ask Yorick, is your personality the same in your everyday life or is it just something you do on here?
Movie elitism requires some sort of classiness, of which Roger Ebert and (sometimes) Samon exhibit. The same cannot be said of Yorick (yet).
I don't think its a fair comparison, ebert likes way more films than samon
cannot seem to have any tolerance for other peoples opinions etc. You do act like a jerk when someone doesn't hold the same opinion as you or display a certain level of intelligence that you deem a requirement of being worthy of your attention.

Can I ask Yorick, is your personality the same in your everyday life or is it just something you do on here?

The sheer majority of my posts which insult people are because they don't take the time to bother reading what they're actually posting, or their opinions are unfounded and therefore stupid.

For instance, you rated Terminator 4 as 9/10 for the simple basis that it is a good summer action movie. Summer action movies are not good films, and are certainly not deserving of a 90% rating. From what I've read of T4, the story is all over the place, ****s up continuity, has mediocre effects, and some pretty ridiculous notions to begin with. That is not a movie that sounds like it deserves a 9/10.

And instead of defending your opinion and explaining what you liked about it, you retaliated in an assault against me, like I'm so goddamn hard to figure out. Of course I'm always like this. The way people respond when confronted and called names says a whole lot about them.

If you had defended your opinion, and actually given some solid reasons why it was a good movie (instead of saying it was "fun"), you might have earned a bit of my respect. But instead you come across as a child who is crying in a corner, and making me out to be a bully. Accurate analogy, I think.

It's no secret that Samon and I are really good friends outside of here. How often do you think we disagree on opinions of things? The difference is that you'll find we take the time to use our brains and actually explain why we feel a certain way about something.

You're the one who should be on ignore lists, not me.

Movie elitism requires some sort of classiness, of which Roger Ebert and (sometimes) Samon exhibit. The same cannot be said of Yorick (yet).

That is very true.
The sheer majority of my posts which insult people are because they don't take the time to bother reading what they're actually posting, or their opinions are unfounded and therefore stupid.

Unfounded opinions?

For instance, you rated Terminator 4 as 9/10 for the simple basis that it is a good summer action movie. Summer action movies are not good films, and are certainly not deserving of a 90% rating. From what I've read of T4, the story is all over the place, ****s up continuity, has mediocre effects, and some pretty ridiculous notions to begin with. That is not a movie that sounds like it deserves a 9/10.

So you completely cut out an entire genre because in your opinion they're not good films? Plus you decide how good or bad it is without watching it?

And instead of defending your opinion and explaining what you liked about it, you retaliated in an assault against me, like I'm so goddamn hard to figure out. Of course I'm always like this. The way people respond when confronted and called names says a whole lot about them.

If you had defended your opinion, and actually given some solid reasons why it was a good movie (instead of saying it was "fun"), you might have earned a bit of my respect. But instead you come across as a child who is crying in a corner, and making me out to be a bully. Accurate analogy, I think.

I'm not sure that earning your respect regarding movies is something to aspire to.

It's no secret that Samon and I are really good friends outside of here. How often do you think we disagree on opinions of things? The difference is that you'll find we take the time to use our brains and actually explain why we feel a certain way about something.

You're the one who should be on ignore lists, not me.

That is very true.

Any form of movie elitism is just...sad.
"My opinion on movies is far superior to yours because I like <subset> and deride anyone who doesn't."
The sheer majority of my posts which insult people are because they don't take the time to bother reading what they're actually posting, or their opinions are unfounded and therefore stupid.

Hmmm, not like making a judgment on somebody simply by how they post on a forum then? There is more to life than coming across well to Yorick on a forum. Y'know, like real life, work, kids etc. You can't judge somebody on a forum because they didn't read over their post to please you. That's ridiculous.

For instance, you rated Terminator 4 as 9/10 for the simple basis that it is a good summer action movie. Summer action movies are not good films, and are certainly not deserving of a 90% rating. From what I've read of T4, the story is all over the place, ****s up continuity, has mediocre effects, and some pretty ridiculous notions to begin with. That is not a movie that sounds like it deserves a 9/10.

Again, your using you opinion as a be all and end all fact. Of course a summer action movie can be deserving of a 9/10. From what you've read? Really? I thought the intellectuals make up their own mind and didn't listen to everyone else.
In no way does this story mess with the continuity of the previous films, they did that to themselves with all their plot holes. It creates a whole new future based on the effects of Skynets failed attempts to change it for their benefit, this is not messing with any of the continuity that came before. Effects are great too, then again, you're arguing about a film you haven't seen.
I explained why I found it fun in my original post. I thought the action was intense backed up by some excellent visuals. I thought Sam Worthington and Anton Yelchin were fantastic in it. Especially Anton who does an amazing job of Reese.
I also thought McG has done a fantastic job of the direction.
My opinion, and why I found it fun.

And instead of defending your opinion and explaining what you liked about it, you retaliated in an assault against me, like I'm so goddamn hard to figure out. Of course I'm always like this. The way people respond when confronted and called names says a whole lot about them.

I simply stated I didn't think what you written was worth me taking the block off for. How is this an assault? You were the one who took it further from there .

If you had defended your opinion, and actually given some solid reasons why it was a good movie (instead of saying it was "fun"), you might have earned a bit of my respect. But instead you come across as a child who is crying in a corner, and making me out to be a bully. Accurate analogy, I think.

I have done this in the past only to have you resort to your typical "you're a moron because your opinion is different" stance, so why the **** should I even bother anymore?
As for the Bully thing, I couldn't really care less what the **** you think of me. Your respect is the last thing I want. It's when you seem to have to post a derogatory reply to everything I do it gets a little sad. That said, it's your time your wasting with your, quite frankly, pathetic attempts at superiority and elitism.

It's no secret that Samon and I are really good friends outside of here. How often do you think we disagree on opinions of things? The difference is that you'll find we take the time to use our brains and actually explain why we feel a certain way about something.

You're the one who should be on ignore lists, not me.

Like I said, I have tried in the past. Your ignorant to the opinions of other people if they do not coincide with your own, then when people try to challenge you on why they don't submit to your opinion you turn offensive.
Hmmm, ignore some who can accept people have different opinions and who does not try to argue supremacy over other users or someone the exact opposite?
Anyway, if people want to ignore me that's fine. You were the one getting eaten up that I had you on ignore.
Mad Max 7/10

Shitty acting, worse sound editing, but the for some reason i like it. Throughout the film is a odd atmosphere as if everyone is insane. Also found it funny in parts i probably shouldnt of. Overall considering its budget it does have a certain hard edge and oddity to the movie. Enjoyable.
So you completely cut out an entire genre because in your opinion they're not good films?

I don't think Yorick is quite right in stating that "summer movies" are not deserving of '9/10' - all movies have the potential to be good, but the connotation inherent with this (scoff) 'genre' is often "dumb action movie". That is where the summer movie has gone, and it is not a direction to be lauded. A summer movie can be good, but unfortunately the fact of the matter is, they are, more often than not, bad. I haven't seen T4 yet, but I know that it won't be deserving of 9/10 by any stretch of the imagination. The potential was there, but due to a variety of malignant elements such as the competency of the director, the script, the marketing, and again this whole label of 'the summer movie', it was squandered.

Any form of movie elitism is just...sad.
"My opinion on movies is far superior to yours because I like <subset> and deride anyone who doesn't."

I disagree. Certainly people are welcome to their opinions, but simply that you have one is not clause for the notions of good and bad to be discarded in relation to it. Your subjectivity is of course personal to you, and what is good and bad to you oscillates on that scale, but there is an objectivity to taste that transcends the limitations of subjectivity. Let's say someone likes Independence Day or Wanted or even the Tomb Raider films - that's fine, subjectively. Objectively, these films are worthless in that they appeal to the most basic of people and the most basic of enjoyment levels. There are films of far superior direction, writing, taste, and competency, and these are to be lauded and paraded as being far more the movie than anything less could hope to be.
So you completely cut out an entire genre because in your opinion they're not good films? Plus you decide how good or bad it is without watching it?

I don't think that's what I said, and that's certainly not what I meant. Summer action movies can be good. I like Iron Man, and that was a summer action movie, but it also transcends that label. Stemot calling it 9/10 and a summer action movie is quite contradictory. Transformers fits within that label. What a garbage movie. I'd call someone an idiot if they said Transformers was a 9/10 movie. It wasn't. Not by any stretch.

Effects are great too, then again, you're arguing about a film you haven't seen.

I don't know how you haven't gotten it yet that I'm not arguing about a film I haven't seen. I'm arguing about the poor effort you put into the content of your posts.
Your subjectivity is of course personal to you, and what is good and bad to you oscillates on that scale.

So when somebody reviews a film based solely on this does this warrant the reaction that they get? I gave T4 a 9/10 based on the amount of fun I had watching it. It's a summer action film and the mark I gave was based on it being that. Basically I was comparing it to others of it's kind like Wolverine Origins or Transformers. Maybe I should have stated this.
I know the writing, character development and story are not award winning, but in the context of a big budget action movie, they were pretty good.
At the end of the day though, why get so eaten up over what someone gives a movie on a computer games message board?

I don't think that's what I said, and that's certainly not what I meant. Summer action movies can be good. I like Iron Man, and that was a summer action movie, but it also transcends that label. Stemot calling it 9/10 and a summer action movie is quite contradictory. Transformers fits within that label. What a garbage movie. I'd call someone an idiot if they said Transformers was a 9/10 movie. It wasn't. Not by any stretch.

See above.

I don't know how you haven't gotten it yet that I'm not arguing about a film I haven't seen.

From what I've read of T4, the story is all over the place, ****s up continuity, has mediocre effects, and some pretty ridiculous notions to begin with.


Okay, so let me state this properly so there is no confusion.

Terminator Salvation - 9/10 Compared to other summer action movies and based on my own personal enjoyment of the movie and not influenced by what other people think I should be rating it.

I'd say that you both missed the point, which is that people are posting what they personally felt a particular movie rated to them, not some mythical Samon/Yorick bullshit scale. You can waffle for days on end about what you consider to be worthy movies, but ultimately it means jack shit outside of your little circle-jerk.
I'd say that you both missed the point, which is that people are posting what they personally felt a particular movie rated to them, not some mythical Samon/Yorick bullshit scale.

The point I'm trying to make.
benjamin button 7/10

much better the first time round, it's not a movie that holds up to repeat viewings. It's still a nice touching story but cso you already know what happens it hits you even more than before how SLOW it is.

In no way does this story mess with the continuity of the previous films, they did that to themselves with all their plot holes. It creates a whole new future based on the effects of Skynets failed attempts to change it for their benefit, this is not messing with any of the continuity that came before. Effects are great too, then again, you're arguing about a film you haven't seen.

Actually i've already *****ed alot about how it does and I fail to see how every change in the terminator mythos can be attributed to this bull**** judgement day delay.

I disagree. Certainly people are welcome to their opinions, but simply that you have one is not clause for the notions of good and bad to be discarded in relation to it. Your subjectivity is of course personal to you, and what is good and bad to you oscillates on that scale, but there is an objectivity to taste that transcends the limitations of subjectivity. Let's say someone likes Independence Day or Wanted or even the Tomb Raider films - that's fine, subjectively. Objectively, these films are worthless in that they appeal to the most basic of people and the most basic of enjoyment levels. There are films of far superior direction, writing, taste, and competency, and these are to be lauded and paraded as being far more the movie than anything less could hope to be.

This. I have to agree with samon on this point. I am not as harsh on movies as samon or yorick but what samon said here is true. I like wanted and taken for example just for their OTTness but objectively they're not good films especially in wanted's case.
I'd say that you both missed the point, which is that people are posting what they personally felt a particular movie rated to them, not some mythical Samon/Yorick bullshit scale. You can waffle for days on end about what you consider to be worthy movies, but ultimately it means jack shit outside of your little circle-jerk.

I don't think you read what I said, which only serves to debunk the last segment. Certainly that is what people are posting, and they entirely welcome to it - as welcome as I to criticise. The fact of the matter is - and make no mistake, it is a fact, so don't bother arguing otherwise - what I said in my previous post is the indisputable truth, and that is a matter that transcends even the supposed 'mythical Samon/Yorick bullshit scale' (which isn't all that accurate in the first place - we don't agree on everything). Taste is not bound to the limitations of subjectivity, and so you might find your product of mediocrity - your hollow shell - T4 to be a '9/10', but unfortunately, in the grand and glorious scheme of things, it is a lump of turd.
Spiderman: 9/10

Great summer movie

I don't think you read what I said, which only serves to debunk the last segment. Certainly that is what people are posting, and they entirely welcome to it - as welcome as I to criticise. The fact of the matter is - and make no mistake, it is a fact, so don't bother arguing otherwise - what I said in my previous post is the indisputable truth, and that is a matter that transcends even the supposed 'mythical Samon/Yorick bullshit scale' (which isn't all that accurate in the first place - we don't agree on everything). Taste is not bound to the limitations of subjectivity, and so you might find your product of mediocrity - your hollow shell - T4 to be a '9/10', but unfortunately, in the grand and glorious scene of things, it is a lump of turd.


you can enjoy transformers/T4 etc. but you can not say it is a good film ;)
I don't think you read what I said, which only serves to debunk the last segment. Certainly that is what people are posting, and they entirely welcome to it - as welcome as I to criticise. The fact of the matter is - and make no mistake, it is a fact, so don't bother arguing otherwise - what I said in my previous post is the indisputable truth, and that is a matter that transcends even the supposed 'mythical Samon/Yorick bullshit scale' (which isn't all that accurate in the first place - we don't agree on everything). Taste is not bound to the limitations of subjectivity, and so you might find your product of mediocrity - your hollow shell - T4 to be a '9/10', but unfortunately, in the grand and glorious scene of things, it is a lump of turd.

and in the grand and glorious scheme of things, it ultimately makes no difference. If I enjoyed a film, then I enjoyed it. If it doesn't rank in the Grand and Glorious Hall of Fame, then I personally don't care.
To use your example - I haven't personally seen T4. I suspect that I will probably enjoy it. How much difference does it make to me that it will, ultimately, be forgotten? None whatsoever. It's all about my own personal experience, not whether or not the movies on my list match up the Golden Measure.
The difference, I suspect, is that Samon and I do not simply "enjoy" movies just because they might be "fun". It has to have substance and style and depth for us to like it. A 9/10 rating for a movie that lacks those things, like Qonfused's joke about Spider-Man, is a completely ridiculous concept to us.

It's like saying Wolverine Origins is 9/10 because you liked it, when all we see is one of the worst movies ever made. Yes, it comes down to personal taste, but no one should have such low standards that such garbage is actually goddamn appealing.
I have found it annoying that people rate movies with nines and tens etc... But I don't care what movie they give that rating, I care how many.
Like 10, should be your all time favorits and so on.
I mean, a five or six isn't a low score, right?

Crank: 9/10
Fast and furious 7/10
Transformers 7/10

Anything by Kubrick 0/10 and whoever thinks different is a ****ing retard becouse Kubrick is a ****ing asshole and his movies suck.

Samon and Yorick are douches that goes beyond even Kubrick though.
heck I enjoyed wolverine at least for the action scenes but I gave it a 6/10 o_O

A movie to get a 9 from me needs to something special and as for 10 I've never gave a 10 for a movie.

EDIT: I've not seen enough kubrick but I loved clockwork orange but I hated 2001.
I have found it annoying that people rate movies with nines and tens etc... But I don't care what movie they give that rating, I care how many.
Like 10, should be your all time favorits and so on.
I mean, a five or six isn't a low score, right?

I think a lot of people equate scoring to being not based off 1-10, but rather 5-10 because of grading policies in school. A 70 becomes average because we're taught that that's what average is. Whereas a 50 is actually average, but that would be "failing".
The difference, I suspect, is that Samon and I do not simply "enjoy" movies just because they might be "fun". It has to have substance and style and depth for us to like it. A 9/10 rating for a movie that lacks those things, like Qonfused's joke about Spider-Man, is a completely ridiculous concept to us.

It's like saying Wolverine Origins is 9/10 because you liked it, when all we see is one of the worst movies ever made. Yes, it comes down to personal taste, but no one should have such low standards that such garbage is actually goddamn appealing.

In that case, you're in the wrong thread. This is "rate the last movie you watched" and not "rate the last movie you watched to Samon and Yorick's criteria."

It's one thing to ask someone why they liked/disliked a particular movie, but to ridicule or even outright dismiss their opinion is just...shit.

Also, for content:

The Dark Knight: 6/10
In that case, you're in the wrong thread. This is "rate the last movie you watched" and not "rate the last movie you watched to Samon and Yorick's criteria."

More like you should be in the "Rate the last movie you watched based purely off of how many explosions there were" thread.
More like you should be in the "Rate the last movie you watched based purely off of how many explosions there were" thread.

Lol, no. Your mother!

and Samon, you're right. It should have been a 5.
Of course. How could you be expected to enjoy something that aspires to be intellectually compelling and thematic, rather than hollow and simplistic? Herein lies the subjective argument - you are perfectly welcome to your mundane entertainment, and disapproval of higher forms. But objectively... well, you don't give a damn about that, do you? Morbidly aware, but intentionally ignorant, of its existence. What bliss.
My Best Friend's Wedding - 7/10

Yeah. It was cute. And Rubert Everett could charm the pants off me.
And that's exactly where you have both missed the point entirely.
I don't dismiss "higher forms" (and my, don't you like to deify these things) in any way at all. I do enjoy intellectually compelling and thematic movies. The difference is that I can also enjoy movies where things blow up a lot.
Objectively - there is no objectively. Unless you're looking to have your taste in movies validated by other people, to show it off as if it might impress people. This is what amuses me. I like the movies that I like, unashamedly, as you know. I don't have to defend my choices, as there is nothing to defend. There is no judgement day, no reckoning, no moviegoing St Peter to compare your list against the Master Movie List and admit you entry (or find you wanting and sending you to Michael Bay's Hell.)
Frankly, any person that judges me on the movies that I like (or even the ones I don't dislike, which is even worse) isn't worth the time of day.

Also, The Dark Knight was horribly, horribly overrated. Mostly by you.
The difference, I suspect, is that Samon and I do not simply "enjoy" movies just because they might be "fun".

Well, that's down to you. What difference does it make to you if somebody else does like a film because it is fun?
Some movies are solely made for the reason to kick back and let the action entertain you. If you're above all that then that's up to you, but if I enjoy it and it kept me entertained for its duration, then I'll rate it accordingly. Why this has to be a problem to you guys?
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