Ravenholm's Sobbing Zombies

I think it adds a more emotive feel to the game, which is good, but at the same time I think having the screams like those might push the ESRB rating up a notch.
Video Gaming technology evolution come a long way since the days of Ping pong ;)
Cabb said:
I think it adds a more emotive feel to the game, which is good, but at the same time I think having the screams like those might push the ESRB rating up a notch.

It's already at M...how much higher could it go? They won't make it an A rated game. Their sales would go down the crapper. :p
Twilight said:
It's not that I can't handle it or listen to it, but I don't wish to. It's like those web site that show gory accidents on video, decapitations, photos of car crash victims, etc. I can watch those, and I have seen a few, but they sicken me and I do not wish to watch them. Just because I choose not to watch something doesn't mean I can't. I mean, on a different note, I don't look at pornography. It doesn't mean I *can't*, but I don't wish to do so.

No, the screams don't bother me nearly as much as those gore videos, but they do have a similar (though substantially lesser) affect on me, and so I hope they have changed them. For me, they would sincerely detract from the gameplay, and be something to endured, and enjoyed, from an atmospheric point of view.

And as for being in for a few shocks in the real world, I don't think so. Yes, there are hideous things that happen in the "real world" every day, but that doesn't mean I need to go looking for them, or choose to listen to them. I'm aware rapes happen, for instance, but have no desire to see videos of it happening. I am already horrified by such things, so why watch it happen? There are enough evil things in the world that we should spend our time seeking out the good, and uplifting.

Just my thoughts on the matter. Everyone has to choose how they approach life for themselves.

Well i see what youre saying and i respect your point of view but there is a very big difference here. In real videos people are actually getting hurt, and i think that is a very important difference as the thing that is most unpleasant about them is whats actually going on and not necessarily the symptoms of whats going on (the sound of it for example). Say if someone screams, and theyre only joking. I would assume your reaction to that wouldnt be the same as it would be if they were screaming because they were being stabbed, although the sound may be exactly the same. Personally i am disgusted by gore/snuff/rape/etc videos and the like and i think people who enjoy them must be pretty ****ed up in the head.
Anyway..... i dont think valve intended the zombie screams to be looked upon entirely the same way that some of you are. Its actually kinda funny in a way. But it definitely improves the games atmosphere and i wouldnt want valve to change the sounds.
Haha, yeah. Unless you can go into a strip joint in the city. Then it'd be AA, probably. Imagine all the strippers, bloody with headcrabs latched onto their faces.....
personally, I thought the sobbing zombie thing was borderline cheesy...I kind of chuckled when they started screaming....it's almost like a B-rated horror flick to me...maybe it was the actor's voice, maybe it was the fact that it didn't sound "manipulated" enough....
Eh, maybe I'm just a real softie at heart. I don't like seeing animals hurt, either, even in games. I guess we'll see if it's the same when it comes out, and if I need to change it, then it's easy enough for me to do, and won't affect anyone else. Fair enough...

I don't like animals being hurt, or people. I always feel bad for the innocent in movies. But in games, I try and block it out, and enjoy myself doing things I normally would never do.
Hurting animals in games is especially entertaining. EVERY SINGLE time i see the chicken in Italy get knifed i laugh.

In hl2 i'm going to shoot crows out of the air and watch them ragdoll on the ground in glee!!
Disturbed? Or aroused?

You decide!

...joking. I actually found it disturbing. ...I think I'll just ah... be nice to them next go 'round.
No it's not funny. (stop listing twilight) I saw a little tiny group baby rabits that someone in my family ran over with a lawnmower. I swear I could hear them sceam when they were dying. We took one and tryed to help it, but a fly had already laid maggots in its ear and little white worm things were eating its insides out while crawling out of the side of its head as it bled to death. 1/4 of its head seemed to be missing. It was alive while this was happening. I tried using a tooth pick to clean out the maggots because I wanted to help, but things got worse for the little thing. It would sqirm around in all its bloody fur and its buddy was dead next to him with flys both all around them. It was a pain to watch, I never felt that bad in my life for such a small little bunny rabit. I wanted to put it out of its misery. I usually laughed at stupid animals when they get hurt, but this changed my view completely. Animals can feel pain too people, and it's not pretty.
Petabyte said:
No it's not. (stop listing twilight) I saw a little tiny group baby rabits that someone in my family ran over with a lawnmower. I swear I could hear them sceam when they were dying. We took one and tryed to help it, but a fly had already laid maggots in its ear and little white worm things were eating its insides out while crawling out of the side of its head as it bled to death. 1/4 of its head seemed to be missing. It was alive while this was happening. I tried using a tooth pick to clean out the maggots because I wanted to help, but things got worse for the little thing. It would sqirm around in all its bloody fur and its buddy was dead next to him with flys both all around them. It was a pain to watch, I never felt that bad in my life for such a small little bunny rabit. I wanted to put it out of its misery. I usually laughed at stupid animals when they get hurt, but this changed my view completely. Animals can feel pain too people, and it's not pretty.

ummmm. yea.

I've read this entire thread and the posts regarding whether it is the headcrab or the human underneath making the noise are bothering me.

I tend to think that it is the human underneath simply because of the docks bink. Listen to that one instead, not the Ravenholm bink. On the docks bink, when you crowbar the first zombie into the water you can clearly hear it say "I'm drowning"

Why the hell would a headcrab say that...?
i love the thought of some life left in the human, so when something so painful or extreme happens to it (such as catching on fire or drowning) the human somewhat over powers the headcrab and screams out in pain (i guess thats what you would say)
that is what I believe was the intended effect...kind of trapped in their own minds/bodies..driven insane by the agony...yeah...
I love animals,and get pissed when people hurt them in real life...but at this particular time in history,I don't think that little pixels and textures and such really feel TOO much in the way of pain...
But it is a personal preference..I think it will add to the game and not detract from my enjoyment of the game,you may feel differently

And thats OK!!!
It's psychological.
If you can stand watching it in a game, you are essentially training yourself to be emotionless towards this kinda stuff. IMHO.

in reality, when a REAL person screams in agony, you only see pixels .. (I think the vision cells or w/e they're called in your eyes act like screen pixels? only there is like a billion of them?)

so as far as your subcounciousness is concerned, HL2 is probably no different than real life. (I think so .. heh, not that I know much bout the brain but it's kinda obvious)
Ummm...yeah..pixels and textures...on screen...DON'T FEEL...yet...and as long as you KNOW the difference between fantasy and reality its OK!! Little kids playing this? personally I say hell NO!!

Don't mean to sound pissed or anything..just grumpy from the root canal I got today
omg .. root canal .. I understand.

I'm just saying, maybe even if you DO know the difference, your brain doesn't really know, it will just get used to this stuff it will become eventually normal.

plus, this is not just dots and textures, it's hl2, it feels real ;)
T.H.C.138 said:
Don't mean to sound pissed or anything..just grumpy from the root canal I got today

oooh i hear ya... They should attach microphones to dentist patients. Now THAT would produce some truly, truly horrific and genuine wails and hollers..
Spugmaster said:
On the docks bink, when you crowbar the first zombie into the water you can clearly hear it say "I'm drowning"...?

Wow I never even noticed that before, but now i watch it, it's so obvious, but it's taken me ages just working out exactly what the combine say because it's all so muffled and distorted.
They are great sounds, to me it sounds like they are saying "Oh my god"
The bit where gordon blew up two zombies in the room full of boxes, then set the other one on fire is the best. When gordon walks through that little hall you can really here the zombie scream. :)
just filter out the drills and all that...hmmm..I like it!!
I understand what you are saying about becoming numb to tragedy..
I see alot of the people aged 13 -20something around here(my actual neighborhood) that could care less if someone is hurt or sad..I don't blame the media...I blame the parents for not teaching their kids manners,respect and decency(sp?)...I blame the economy for making the parents work so much that they don't have time for that...etc,etc

valve did an awesome job of capturing the anguish of the common headcrab zombie
sobbing zomibes!... they scream in pain when hurt.. Still going to play
Petabyte said:
No it's not funny. (stop listing twilight) I saw a little tiny group baby rabits that someone in my family ran over with a lawnmower. I swear I could hear them sceam when they were dying. We took one and tryed to help it, but a fly had already laid maggots in its ear and little white worm things were eating its insides out while crawling out of the side of its head as it bled to death. 1/4 of its head seemed to be missing. It was alive while this was happening. I tried using a tooth pick to clean out the maggots because I wanted to help, but things got worse for the little thing. It would sqirm around in all its bloody fur and its buddy was dead next to him with flys both all around them. It was a pain to watch, I never felt that bad in my life for such a small little bunny rabit. I wanted to put it out of its misery. I usually laughed at stupid animals when they get hurt, but this changed my view completely. Animals can feel pain too people, and it's not pretty.

True, but what a GLORIOUS day for flies! :E :frog:

And if that horrified zombie screaming gets to be too much (like the tripped out Max Payne level with the screaming child sound... egad) then I can easily replace the sound. I think I'll make the zombie die with "Mah donut!" (try to get THAT old game ref. newbs.)
I didnt find them to be very scary, or nearly as scary as anything doom 3 threw at ya
Jackathan said:
I didnt find them to be very scary, or nearly as scary as anything doom 3 threw at ya

You found Doom 3 scary? :|

The only thing that was REMOTELY creepy, for me, were the Cherubs..
Jackathan said:
I didnt find them to be very scary, or nearly as scary as anything doom 3 threw at ya
Yeah... that game was really scary... no wait, it wasn't scary at all. I guess different things scare different people... go figure :O:O:O
Shuzer said:
You found Doom 3 scary? :|

The only thing that was REMOTELY creepy, for me, were the Cherubs..

Doom 3 was extremely mentally scary, when you were in hell. I've never been that frightened of a movie or a game when I listened to that scientist's audio logs in hell. Very very disturbing...

And the rest of Doom 3 was more of a "suprise" scary, not a, "oooooooo look at me, I'm scary looking, boo!" scary. However, those hell knights wouldve been scary if they hadnt been as slow as a turtle :(. They really disappointed me :\
Yeah, DOOM3 got its hooks into me pretty good. :D
Amazing what some good sound equipment can do for atmosphere, and DOOM definitly takes the cake for sheer horror.
I have to wonder however if HL2 might beat that though. Its environments are more easily recognized as being like our own, and the fact that its not a horror game may make the scary sequences all the more disturbing.
There wasn't a single moment in Doom 3 where I wasn't tense and cautious about walking around a corner or into a room. Granted, it relies a lot on cheap and gimmicky tricks, but it accomplishes what it set out to do. And there were two or three moments where I literally leapt out of my chair.
SHUTUP!!! ... play doom 3 ? but then again thats probably not up to your standards either ... you're way too picky "she"

yes.. i palyed doom3.. so what??
I still wouldn't be scared of those LOL scream sounds.. (help me).. (it burns) hollywood shit...
but then again it's Valve.. ;) :p

For some reason I fail to see what's so "LOL" or Hollywood about a guy screaming about the burning pain that is encompassing his body.

You fail at hollywood.
He screams through the headcrab? I thought he was "braindead"..
For some reason I fail to see what's so "LOL" or Hollywood about a guy screaming about the burning pain that is encompassing his body.
Absinthe said:
There wasn't a single moment in Doom 3 where I wasn't tense and cautious about walking around a corner or into a room. Granted, it relies a lot on cheap and gimmicky tricks, but it accomplishes what it set out to do. And there were two or three moments where I literally leapt out of my chair.

Of course you'll never feel safe about entering a room or going around a corner, because there's a good chance id has put another imp behind it. It was tense the first ten minutes when you loaded up your save game but then you got used to it and played the game like serious sam again.
PvtRyan said:
Of course you'll never feel safe about entering a room or going around a corner, because there's a good chance id has put another imp behind it. It was tense the first ten minutes when you loaded up your save game but then you got used to it and played the game like serious sam again.

I don't feel safe when playing a combat game. But I had a paranoid nervous feeling throughout every second of Doom 3. I never got that with Half-Life. And no matter how much I got used to it, the feeling was still always there on some level.
haha .. I only played doom 3 for so little. I'm a chicken.
I had a paranoid nervous feeling throughout every second of Doom 3. I never got that with Half-Life.
lol, I get it with Half-Life all the time. always suspecting something ugly is behind that door, oh they must've put something behind that wall so it explodes when you walk by it.. omg I'm in a dark place!! how many headcrabs will jump at me? and when will they do it?
I'm on this level in doom 3 a little after you get off the evelator. You know, that level with the bathroom. I'm not even half way through the game I don't think, and I'm scared as hell to go on. I've gotten really freaked out on a few places, people who beat it: does it get much worse? No spoliers please.