[Release] Missing Information v1.4 --- Borealis and E3 Pres.

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JNightshade said:
Alright. I finished it a little bit ago, and here's what I have to say:

First off, this is a hardcore fan's mod. If you love everything about HL2, if you have read/own Raising the Bar, if you love the SP mythology, this is for you. Otherwise, you probably won't go nuts over it.

Now, glitchwise, there are a few nasty bugs I came across- but nothing else. One was at the end of the Borealis level (which I thought was very sweet) where my game crashed. I tried to load my save, but it would crash to desktop every time it loaded. Eventually, I loaded the beginning of that area (which was where I was anyway) and had no more trouble. The second one was worse. In the E3 Demo, when you storm the Combine gate alongside Barney, I couldn't get it to load the next area. I simply could not. Eventually I broke down, and just loaded the maps myself. Also, much more minorly, I had a good deal of difficulty getting antlions to spawn in the Bugbait level.

There were also a few little things that bothered me. For instance, in the E3 section, it was a little disconcerting to see only a black screen (rather than a progress bar) as the next area was loaded. That should be changed. Also, you don't get to see the Hydra! (although I wouldn't be surprised if that was at Valve's request).

Still, for the far majority of the mod, I was enthralled. Traptown! The tunnels! The Borealis! I thought it was actually quite polished, and I really think John3571000 was overly harsh. I definitely liked this, and I look forward to any more content from you guys (*cough*AIREXCHANGE,CHILDFACTORY,KRAKENBASE*cough*).

Overall, I'd give it an 8.5/10 for casual fans, and a 10/10 for hardcore fanboys like myself.
Hydra is, in fact, being worked on, but it's not making much progress, and in it's present state, it would have done little to impress. Also, to make the process slower, one of our coders just quit the mod. As for air exchange, Kraken, and the child factory...It's all being worked on, along with others you may not have even heard about, like the Flight of the C-130.
Does the C-130 End with a Crash into a Skyscraper?, And why have you got Working Code for NPCs that don't feature in the levels so far?
Because they've been in there for testing, but their models aren't working properly, so we took out unfinished NPCs for this public release.
And yes, the C-130 ends with a crash into a skyscraper, leading to the Vert levels.
BetaMaster said:
Because they've been in there for testing, but their models aren't working properly, so we took out unfinished NPCs for this public release.
And yes, the C-130 ends with a crash into a skyscraper, leading to the Vert levels.

I assume that level was cut after 9/11? Or am I wrong?
It was cut sometime before or after 9/11, but I believe that it was nonrelated.
And there's some 'easter eggs' in the release, but I won't tell you what!
Ah... So Thats why I've been able to have abit of Fun...Why didn't you add an 'Easter Egg' Level though? :P
so does this mod have all or most of the e3 maps in it and does it have all of the e3 weapons in it too?
All shown E3 maps but e3_lab because we didn't finish converting the scenes yet. All weapons are in except the useless things.

E3 maps which weren't shown at E3 (such as Plaza, Borealis, and a developer test map) will be released with the full mod.
.MSI is a windows installer file.
Like it says in the description at Filefront:
Oh, and for some of you wondering, .MSI is the extension for Microsoft Installer.
Wow, this was very cool! Though that voice of Odessa, is that really something Valve or you guys did? Because he sounds... eh, cheesy. :P
The Stalkers were cool and freakin' hard. Had to put god mode on the second time I meet them because I had little to no ammo left in the OICW and 50+ HP. :O
The E3 levels were nice too, nice to see it all again, especially playing it yourself. :E
Good luck with the other levels.
That's Odell, and his voice is temporarily the recordings that Valve had done. I believe they had just used it as a placeholder, but we'll be re-recording his lines.
i feel in a forgiving mood :)
the release should have been e3 only - the borealis is in no state to be currently released
i hope you spend plenty of time making the maps great not just playable
You guys do realize that the normal SMG takes stalkers down like THAT?
*snaps finger*
Uh, I can't play it, it just disappears after i install. Help?
Oh poo, I can't download this, stupid f*cked up connection at my mam's company.
I like the new immolator, but it is a bit overdone, and slightly too flamethrower-ish. Also, if you ask me, those zombies take far too long to die in the video.
john3571000 said:
i think i preferred it when it wasnt a flame thrower :|

The flamethrower idea was Valve's, they just hadn't completed it. It's the Cremator's weapon.

JNightshade said:
I like the new immolator, but it is a bit overdone, and slightly too flamethrower-ish. Also, if you ask me, those zombies take far too long to die in the video.

It would be the ultimate weapon and very unbalanced if they died any quicker since it has infinite ammunition.
i know the immolator was the cremators weapon of choice (RtB :E)
but i was under the impression that it was more of a star trekky disruptor type weapon in that it devours organic matter
i mean there's already a flamethrower type weapon in the game :|
BetaMaster said:
No, it was a flamethrower-type weapon.

I thought it was less flames and more acid-spraying. But as I don't suppose there is an acid spraying model or sprite or...wahtever (i'm no coder), fire will suffice :P
Well, they had several ideas. But most clues indicate that it was more or less a flamethrower.
I'm pretty sure it sprayed a liquid that caused organic matter to compust/disolve.
All the same, it does cause the organic matter to dissolve.
But really, we have fairly free-reign for creativity with this, as there was no real plan for it, the gun was just a fairly vague concept.

But for what it's worth, I agree with you.
This may sound annoying and I'll understand if noone does it but could someone please seporate the files into a few different zip files of about 50MB each and host them seporatly?
me and my brother had a problem in borealis. we got to the part where you're outside and can see the captian's cabin with green glass. we ran around everywhere, but we can't figure out what to do or where to go other than back the way we came from? help us haha.
nerdcorerocks said:
me and my brother had a problem in borealis. we got to the part where you're outside and can see the captian's cabin with green glass. we ran around everywhere, but we can't figure out what to do or where to go other than back the way we came from? help us haha.

Go up to the bridge and through the door inside.