[Release] Missing Information v1.4 --- Borealis and E3 Pres.

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It wasn't that bad... I thought it was sorta cool since I had never played the beta. It'd just be nice if you could figure out a way to unify all the different portions of the game, but I guess you're doing that now?
LaCabra said:
Except that it doesn't.
It doesn't matter what it looks like; it's still illegally distributed content from the leaked beta.
Cargo Cult said:
It doesn't matter what it looks like; it's still illegally distributed content from the leaked beta.

Oh boy here comes a 20 page debate :O
Exactly. So please, don't try to take them on- they have a trump card.


Anyway, as a huge HL2 fanboy, I find those screenies sexy as hell :D
When it's done or we've got a huge slab or final-quality gameplay.

Also, ATTN: It is a common misconception that we have permission from Valve. We have no such thing, officially - but we know for sure that they are completely aware of the mod, and they have made no effort to shut us down or even discourage us. It's a fan mod, by huge fans, for huge fans, of the Half-Life series or we wouldn't put the huge amount of thought into seemingly obscure details that we do. I do, anyway.
I'm stupid, 'cause I don't even know how to get past Borealis. What do you do after you get the flare gun?

And oh yeah, I can't get to the loading area for the Coastline level.
Loading area, you have to kill the gunship. Just play those levels as they were played in the E3 vids.

For the Borealis, there's probably a door you haven't tried judging from where you are.
Its not showing up on my games list after i installed it,nor is it in the source mods folder.Iv tryed reinstalling and restarting steam.anyone know what to do?
No, it should fade to black and change level after you destroy the gunship over the road.
That didn't actually work on mine, and I remember someone telling me to throw myself into the sea? I can't even remember if it worked.
Samon said:
That didn't actually work on mine, and I remember someone telling me to throw myself into the sea? I can't even remember if it worked.
Nah, that's the trigger for the Zombie-Docks level. I'm pretty sure the trigger for the Gunship level is to shoot the gunship so that it nose-dives onto the road and explodes. That was what happened in the E3 2003 video to end the movie after all.
can some1 give me a list of NPC that you can spawn in MI??
I asked the same thing a while ago. Um, there's the usual npc's...then theres the combine assasin, which is like npc_combineassasin (spelling?). Theres the bullsquid, npc_bullsquid, theres the hound eye, npc_houndeye...theres probably others...
thx can you guys also give me the entity for them??

also is there hydra?









Noice! That houndeye looks excellent. How is the Borealis coming along?
where dose this go when i install it,it says its installing into my source mods....but its not in there,and its not in my games list..?
I like what this mod is doing, but I can't say it's making me miss the content we lost in Half-Life 2. A lot of the old level design, particuarly the skyboxes look horrid. I hope that once the initial conversion stage is other, you'll set off on creating a full-blown mod using the converted stuff as a base, and better realising what Valve had in mind. I'd imagine a "Missing Information v2" that stays in circulation with all the base material, and subsequent version being a full blown remake of that stuff :)

edit: actually, to an extent I get the sense that "what this mod is doing" is partly to highlight to people that the Beta content wasn't worth all that much and to stop the whiners :)
It was an excellent effort (albeit unfinished), very nostalgic, but that was about it.

If this was how Valve released HL2 I would have cried for a month.

Anyway, great job. :thumbs:
What's the hydra like ingame??

is there like any videos of it?
None of this makes me go "Oh, why did Valve cut it." Because I love HL2 the way it is and wouldn't change it for a second. This is mainly a really interesting thing to watch develop, and I bet it'll sure as hell be fun to play.
Samon said:
None of this makes me go "Oh, why did Valve cut it." Because I love HL2 the way it is and wouldn't change it for a second. This is mainly a really interesting thing to watch develop, and I bet it'll sure as hell be fun to play.


I agree with you that it will be fun to play as well. Though some of it makes me wonder why did Valve cut it but I mostly agree with you.
Yeah, most of this was better left cut. Though I still miss the bullsquid, houndeye and the OICW (yeah, i know...the project was cancelled. But they don't make the SPAS-12 shotgun anymore either. Did that stop Valve from using it in HL2? No.)
Canadian Gunner said:
and the OICW (yeah, i know...the project was cancelled. But they don't make the SPAS-12 shotgun anymore either. Did that stop Valve from using it in HL2? No.)
That's besides the point. The OICW was a prototype weapon that was cancelled, the SPAS-12 was a popular weapon that enjoyed 20 YEARS of mass production, and producetion only stopped 6 years ago. There were probably never more than a hundred OICWs made, if that. There are probably tens or hundreds of thousands of SPAS-12s around the globe right now, some in private collections, police stations and other civilian ownerships. If Earth suddenly became occupied, that Shotgun could easily become the weapon of choice for human resistence. Only the invaders themselves could bring the OICW back into circulation, and why the hell would they bother when it's about 40% too big to be a standard issue PDW and they have a freaking plasma-gun that shoots bouncing energy orbs that vapourise people in the main heavy-rifle loadout?
kupoartist said:
That's besides the point. The OICW was a prototype weapon that was cancelled, the SPAS-12 was a popular weapon that enjoyed 20 YEARS of mass production, and producetion only stopped 6 years ago. There were probably never more than a hundred OICWs made, if that. There are probably tens or hundreds of thousands of SPAS-12s around the globe right now, some in private collections, police stations and other civilian ownerships. If Earth suddenly became occupied, that Shotgun could easily become the weapon of choice for human resistence. Only the invaders themselves could bring the OICW back into circulation, and why the hell would they bother when it's about 40% too big to be a standard issue PDW and they have a freaking plasma-gun that shoots bouncing energy orbs that vapourise people in the main heavy-rifle loadout?

He came. He spoke. He kicked ass.
Looking good man. How far along are you guys with the progress of your mod? Can you give us a percentage?
Question? What is the current quality of this? Is it worth a play? I've always been interested in the unused content of HL2.
Captain M4d said:
Question? What is the current quality of this? Is it worth a play? I've always been interested in the unused content of HL2.

Well, the mod is not released yet so you will have to wait and see. As for the quality, it is top notch.
Sorry to bump this thread, but I have problems with this mod.

It worked fine up until the part when you meet Odell again, on the deck. Y'know, where he follows you. Anyway. I go into that room with the Stalkers, and it just crashes. Its the same after about 10 minutes into play on the E3 presentation. Every time I play it does this.
Can someone please help? I don't won't to reinstall, because the downloading took ages.

BTW, great mod except the fact that the Stalkers don't seem to move, and the flare can't effect 'em.:O
Atomic_Piggy said:
It worked fine up until the part when you meet Odell again, on the deck. Y'know, where he follows you. Anyway. I go into that room with the Stalkers, and it just crashes. Its the same after about 10 minutes into play on the E3 presentation. Every time I play it does this.
Can someone please help? I don't won't to reinstall, because the downloading took ages.
Same here, and it seemed to be a widespread problem that never got fixed. Just wait for the next release. I believe you'll find that was the last room in the level anyway.

Except for the 10 mins into the E3 pres. Never had that myself.
kupoartist said:
Same here, and it seemed to be a widespread problem that never got fixed. Just wait for the next release. I believe you'll find that was the last room in the level anyway.

Except for the 10 mins into the E3 pres. Never had that myself.

Alright thanks.
That E3 pres was just a crash because my mate spoke on Steam chat at the wrong time, it didn't happen again.