Religion:The stupidest thing invented by mankind?

How morphine help you? - make you feel better.
Isn't it detail enough?

Explain exactly how religion and morphine are comparable. Because last I checked, morphine served a very specific and understood medical purpose. It is also a form of temporary relief that does not fit into a large social scheme.

Please illuminate me as to how that is at all similar to a lifelong commitment to a vague entity which you have pretty much admitted is not understood at all.

Also, inform me as to what exclusive benefits religion offers that are unattainable outside of it.
The only thing we have to worry about is our lord, Jesus Christ and how to serve him. Praised be the lord and his flock! Jesus loves us all.

"God is my co-pilot"-Will Ferrel... if you spell it that way.
You are right. Religion can make someone be really bad. As I can see on the news, people kill for defending their religions; priests sexually offended children, but that is only a small portion. As for the religious war, like Crusade. That is not really linking to us seems what we are is a ordinary citizens. And I said religion can relieve our pain. Fanatics are another case. They are bad or keep provoking wars. There are many fanatics, but still far from reaching the number of quiet-believers.
Can religion relieve your pain? Or is it like a Cig? Many people smoke to calm down from stress...however Smoking is not a is exactly the opposite.
The only thing we have to worry about is our lord, Jesus Christ and how to serve him. Praised be the lord and his flock! Jesus loves us all.

"God is my co-pilot"-Will Ferrel... if you spell it that way.
Oh boy.
I posit that sacrificing reason for the sake of comfort is one of the most misleading, delusional, and potentially dangerous things a person can do.

I totally agree. we must never ever surrender our integrity and clear sense, lest we become slaves under a totalitarian international government a lá 1984. People don't seem to take it seriously nowadays, but if anything we have more of a reason to take it serious than ever.

This happened recently in sweden:

A strike blockade, completely legal, was approached by swedish police and got totally ****ed over (one guy even got his head smashed in a wall, and the sprayed a lot of people with pepper spray, causing unconsciousness to one individual, and the police were very sexist and generally tardy)

I know what everyone's going to say, "oh big deal", yeah it's not that hardcore if you compare with all the shit that happens in the rest of the world, but the thing is, sweden is among the safest countries in the world and taking that into consideration those things are some serious offenses by the authorities.

And the thing is, it always starts like this in every country, small tiny steps, infringing the rights of the citizen. Cameras in every house? Back in the 60's the american government had plans to do it but was dead afraid, but now very little is standing in the way. Everyone, especially the youth today, is being mentally brainwashed into silently obeying, being "normal" etc.

It's not the government doing this, but by the media, social norms and religion etc.
It's almost obligatory to bring up the tactics by Bush & co, the "threat level" etc figurating today. It's really surprising how people buy that stuff, but of course, when people are afraid, they're just asking for someone to lead them, and he and his posse are obviously very cunning in that sense.

I may be talking from a very liberal point of view in the eyes of americans well versed in the liberal vs conservative debate, but ****, i think it's pretty ****ing obvious to sympatize with the liberal point of view when you view everything from small distance. If not because they're the least aggressive, to an extent.

People don't realise how much we can change things if we stand together against these things and refuse to accept the new standards governments slowly are trying to inflict upon us..

There may be an aura of conspiracy theory nutcase over my whole post, but this is something i feel strongly about, looking at how it's already started in the USA with the PATRIOT ACT and things like that, it's just a small step into a very dark future.
I shall send you a bible. It won't have anthrax in it like a muslim would pit between every page. The lord shall reward you. Lord God, lead us into heaven.
I already have my own bible.

The King James version btw.


It has sentimental value from something that happened last year.
I shall send you a bible. It won't have anthrax in it like a muslim would pit between every page. The lord shall reward you. Lord God, lead us into heaven.

1. learn to differ between muslims and religious extremists
2. i'd take real poison any day over mentally corrupting dogmatic doctrine
Explain exactly how religion and morphine are comparable. Because last I checked, morphine served a very specific and understood medical purpose. It is also a form of temporary relief that does not fit into a large social scheme.

Please illuminate me as to how that is at all similar to a lifelong commitment to a vague entity which you have pretty much admitted is not understood at all.

Also, inform me as to what exclusive benefits religion offers that are unattainable outside of it.

Morphine and religion work differently, but they have almost the same effect. Just one is for physical pain, one is for mental pain.

Let's find out why people is depressed when death is imminent. As you all know, feeling is associated with memory. People may feel easy when they are staying in a known place, such as their home. Since all the things are known and people can easily comprehend the situation which they may possibly face. This is a feeling of familiarity. However, if we go to an unknown place, you may face unprecedented and undefendable threats. Your brain always assume unknown is a threat. This kind of pre-experience, or an assumed experience, in your brain induces you subconsciously fear of exploring new places. You probably won't feel it when you travel to different countries since you have watched TV programmes or read books about the place you are going to in your daily life, so the feeling of unfamiliarity is reduced. Back to here, the fear of unfamiliarity leads to a unwanted anxiety appeared before you go to that place. Death can be explained in this point. Human has no cognition of "after-death". It is totally an unknown "place", since no one returned and told us what it is. Associated with the silly, yet inter-contradictory tales we have learnt when we are young, the unpredictability is increased and exaggerated. We fear of unknown, rather than death itself. Just like when we are promoted from primary school to college, the essence of fear has never changed, but the degree of fear and anxiety have greatly increased.

Religion acts as a "delusion", like what you had said. It created the scene of after-life. Even though it is unlikely to be true, desperate patients have forcefully imposed this religious knowledge as their subjective memory, or a fake cognition of after-death. Like before you travel, you aren't feeling fear since you have the positive pre-experience, provided by your cognition of the place. The unreal cognition of death tells people that afterlife will be happy and agreeable. The preconception of "secure after-death" can diminish the unfamiliarity. Less unfamiliarity, less fear.

Just like most of the pain-killers, it doesn't help much in reality, but help you relieve yourself. Smoke and drink are hamful. Join religion in a moderate way does no harm to your health or the society.
I already have my own bible.

The King James version btw.


It has sentimental from something that happened last year.

I personally carry a bullet-proof bible to protect my heart from terrorists. That's why I only wear shirts with breast pockets. DEATH TO AL-QUESO!!!
Just like most of the pain-killers, it doesn't help much in reality, but help you relieve yourself.

Yeah, if there's anything history has taught us, it's that censorship makes everything better :rolleyes:

Just because you ignore all the problems in the world, doesn't make them go away. Sooner or later they're going to bite you in the arse, no matter how much authorities work to make sure they dont show up on the front lawn of your home in your big shiny american dream.
1. learn to differ between muslims and religious extremists
2. i'd take real poison any day over mentally corrupting dogmatic doctrine

I'm sure the devil has a special place for you in hell, demon spawn. Get baptised. you still have a chance. Jesus is inside you.
I'm sure the devil has a special place for you in hell, demon spawn. Get baptised. you still have a chance. Jesus is inside you.

My fanatic fundamentalist mother tells me the exact same thing everyday, i'm growing a wee bit tired of it.

Plus, I was baptised when I was 13.
Wouldn't surprise me if he wasn't, really. If he is, just more meat for the troll-grinder.
He's joking. I think.
Yeah I'm joking. I mess with people for fun on forums, but fess up when I'm called on it. I'm surprised at people's reactions sometimes because of how mild they are. They aren't angry enough.
Glad we got that sorted then. :) just ignore the PM I sent ya.. try and keep it down abit in the future though, k?
The only thing we have to worry about is our lord, Jesus Christ and how to serve him. Praised be the lord and his flock! Jesus loves us all.

"God is my co-pilot"-Will Ferrel... if you spell it that way.

...yeah...welcome to the forums :x

sorry I vomited a bit there.
Yeah I'm joking. I mess with people for fun on forums, but fess up when I'm called on it. I'm surprised at people's reactions sometimes because of how mild they are. They aren't angry enough.

stfu god-boy and shove jesus up yer ass

just kidding
I for one do not have a problem with religion, I have a problem with extremism tho.
For the most part I agree with you. I have a problem with certain aspects of religion - gay people are bad; people from other religions are bad; abortion is bad; stem cell research to save lives is bad; creationism is good - ok, quite a lot of aspects of religion.
But for the most part, if it gets you through the day then whatever.

Although I am usually surprised when pople say they're religious.
For the most part I agree with you. I have a problem with certain aspects of religion - gay people are bad; people from other religions are bad; abortion is bad; stem cell research to save lives is bad; creationism is good - ok, quite a lot of aspects of religion.
But for the most part, if it gets you through the day then whatever.

Are you talking about "a problem with certain aspects of religions" or actually "a problem with certain aspects of Christianity"?
It's all about people ... closed minds and guns and bombs ... remove any one part of that equation and i am sure you take a huge freaken step towards world peace. Maybe.
Religion, or more specifically belief is a byproduct of being human, and necessary for human existence. It serves to answer difficult questions like "why are we here?" and "what will happen when I die?". Different people deal with this differently, but the most common method is through religion.

It's not an invention per se, it's been here as long as we have. Although I agree, some of the ideas spread by current religions are out of date compared to our modern and "open minded" society.
To be fair religion is supposed to be a beautiful thing. This may not be so apparent in this day and age but that's not religion's fault. The selfless moral lessons of the New Testament are not without value for one. Organisation of religion is where problems tend to start.

I am not personally overtly religious, but then I am a young man with no inclination towards too much spiritual contemplation. I seem to have been raised well enough to have indepence of thought and an internal moral structure which has led me to co-exist with the rest of society in a fairly positive way so I just have a bit of trouble with it all. I'm going to bed...
The organisation of a religion only gives that particular faith a powerful and extending arm. You'd be incredibly naive to think that that the twisted and cruel acts that have been practiced throughout history are products of organized religion with no root in classical religion.

Gays are sinners. The wife must submit completely and totally to the husband. You're going to Hell if you don't obey or believe in God. These are not statements born from modern religious practice. They are God's words according to scripture. That's not beautiful in any way.

PvtRyan, that's a very interesting video. I'm not done watching it yet, but I agree with a lot of what's been said so far.

It is actually possible to be so well-educated that you can build a nuclear bomb and still believe you're going to get the 72 virgins... There's no place in the curriculum of becoming a scientist where they tell you "this is bullshit".
The selfless moral lessons of the New Testament are not without value for one.

What selfless moral lessons?
The new testament advocates the same genocide as the old one, straight out of jesus's mouth.

'Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law of Moses or the Prophets. I have not come to abolish them, but to fulfill them.'
(Matthew 5:17)

The Law of Moses lists around twenty or thirty different crimes worthy of the death penalty.

These include making art, homosexuality, being a rape victim and belonging to another religion (AKA false prophecy).

The only way to tell for certain if someone is a false prophet, by the way, is if their teachings contradict the old testament in any way.
In other words, it is essentially impossible for a person to ignore the old testament and still go to heaven.
Lucky for jesus, he does not contradict the genocide in any way.

Jesus teaches us to love our enemy, but he says nothing about not killing them.

"Judge not lest ye be judged" is not a call for peace. It is a call for exclusion: it says only christians who follow the old testament are allowed to judge and execute criminals.
absinthe said:
The organisation of a religion only gives that particular faith a powerful and extending arm. You'd be incredibly naive to think that that the twisted and cruel acts that have been practiced throughout history are products of organized religion with no root in classical religion.

Gays are sinners. The wife must submit completely and totally to the husband. You're going to Hell if you don't obey or believe in God. These are not statements born from modern religious practice. They are God's words according to scripture. That's not beautiful in any way.

PvtRyan, that's a very interesting video. I'm not done watching it yet, but I agree with a lot of what's been said so far.

Doctrine isn't organisation?

I re-read my post and it's pretty stilted so I'm sorry for that. When I admired the benefits of potential lessons from scripture I wasn't somehow condoning the conservative principals which are also housed therein. I guess I was trying to say that a personal relationship with God is what I believe religion should be about. Please don't make me go into some discussion of ethics, i meant to go sleepy sleep.
hmm...making me double post are you...well enough of this.

What selfless moral lessons?
The new testament advocates the same genocide as the old one, straight out of jesus's mouth.

'Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law of Moses or the Prophets. I have not come to abolish them, but to fulfill them.'
(Matthew 5:17)

I hate it when people whip out a single verse as if it's some kind of binding and irrefutable perspective on things. You know that all four of the main gospels are each descriptions of Jesus's life with hugely variations on what happened. John's was written around a century after Jesus's death and people still value it, i'm not a fundamentalist, so I don't have to take each phrase at face value. On top of that how many translations do you think the good book has been through? You think those exact words were even ever contemplated by anyone in living memory of the period which the book refers to?

The Law of Moses lists around twenty or thirty different crimes worthy of the death penalty.

These include making art, homosexuality, being a rape victim and belonging to another religion (AKA false prophecy).

The only way to tell for certain if someone is a false prophet, by the way, is if their teachings contradict the old testament in any way.
In other words, it is essentially impossible for a person to ignore the old testament and still go to heaven.
Lucky for jesus, he does not contradict the genocide in any way.

The genocide? If you had done some religious study then you would know that there is quite a strong movement that suggests most of what Jesus is purported to have said in John's gospel is about superceding Moses. If you want, like I do, to read messages of tolerance and respect then they are there, why the hell do people focus on the negative so much.

Jesus teaches us to love our enemy, but he says nothing about not killing them.

He does say something about tending to them in distress though.

"Judge not lest ye be judged" is not a call for peace. It is a call for exclusion: it says only christians who follow the old testament are allowed to judge and execute criminals.

Who says so?

I really am going to get some sleep now. If this was a decent hour I would set the old intellect on you.
The organisation of a religion only gives that particular faith a powerful and extending arm. You'd be incredibly naive to think that that the twisted and cruel acts that have been practiced throughout history are products of organized religion with no root in classical religion.

Gays are sinners. The wife must submit completely and totally to the husband. You're going to Hell if you don't obey or believe in God. These are not statements born from modern religious practice. They are God's words according to scripture. That's not beautiful in any way.

What the shit you are talking about, the old-type of fundamentalist Christianity? Different communions have already started, for so long, to accept homosexuality. Religions change by the time. New Christianity, no matter it roots in the classic religion and bible, has accepted homosexuality and abortion. Even the upper bishops still think homosexuality is not acceptable, the priests in different churchs have already adopted this sexual tendency. Of course you would not know it if you've never gone to a church, or talked to a priest. Perhaps you still think they are conservative. This thought has been steadily established popularly because of the intense negative influence by the media. In reality, the priests have already abandoned these old conservative ideas.

What is more is that you disproved the importance of religions by just stating how bad Christianity has been. What about buddhism, huh? Are buddhists regard homosexuals as "sinners"? In this world, there is NOT ONLY Christianity. I can't imagine how narrow your vision is, since you have substituted Christianity as ALL the religions in the world!
What the shit you are talking about

The shit I'm talking about is the flawed notion that religion in its natural, default, or whatever "pure" state you wish to think of it in is good and beneficial, whereas any negative aspect ascribed to it is the result of human deformation.

That's nothing more than ignorant apologetics. There are many things in supposedly divine literature and classical religious practice that we would find utterly abhorrent and unacceptable by today's standards. Any thinking otherwise is a failure to admit the incongruent severity of such things.

"New Christianity" or whatever the **** you want to call it is no longer Christianity when it deviates from God's word. Each revision and change to become more acceptable to the modern world is an admittance that the true, hardcore practice of faith was insane and that God isn't really an entity worth listening to. But even then, that's all the more reason to accept that Christian practice today is a joke. Now it's nothing more than a human-engineered social construct. Don't think so? Then again I point you back to the homosexuals. God has made it explicity clear that homosexuality is an abomination. What point is there in the religion when Pastor Whatshisface contradicts that?

"Liberal Christianity" is cock and bull. Bless them for trying, but it's time to admit the jig is up.

I can't imagine how narrow your vision is, since you have substituted Christianity as ALL the religions in the world!

I argued against Christianity because that has been, by and large, the basis of discussion for the most part in this thread. Maybe you should make yourself familiar with something called "context". It would save you from talking so much shit in the future.