
I had trouble finding the family rifle too. Hint: The empty chest you found is probably the one directly above it. Look underground. Also keep an eye out for the SEVA suit in that same area, it will help a lot in your adventures.

Thanks bro, found a desert eagle down there too :D Although it's not the most accurate weapon, it packs a hell of a punch lol!
Just installed it. Tried to hit the High settings but that didn't work out too well for me so I just messed around with it to get a kind of medium/high thing going. Been running great so far, but god damn some of the fights are hard. Find myself running away alot.
Soem of the servers are different version, and it won't let me join the US east which is where I am so it usually has the best ping. Anyone know how to fix it?
btw shaker the suit is in the last house on the left side of the village or north side if you will, go up the ladder beside wolf but crouch-hug the wall and move along the side, then jump onto the roof, make a running jump onto the next house and look inside the cracks in this house's roof, you will see a box at the far end, there is a hole there too, shoot the box and crouch as much as possible to obtain the suit

Got the bastage. Nice one jimbo :D
The game has bugged and I could never complete the chef quest.

I was going into the area with the chef and died, but I had saved the game a few seconds before. So I reloaded it, however I had already triggered the events that happen in there so all the guys that would normally be standing there willing to talk ended up running towards this scripted sequence.

So then I had to do the sequence with them and keep an eye on the chef, then after the scripted part ended the chef's 'talk to me' options are all gone; my only choices are, "tell me something interesting" and "thanks bye"....so now I can't ever complete that quest.
anyone get lag problems during multiplayer? i sure do, and i heard many others do, what gives?
wow i just quicksaved and had to post this, still in cordon :P

anyway i decided to scout the military outpost to the south of cordon, 3 military soldiers spotted me and opened fire, i engaged them and managed to take out two, i just finished looting the corpses for ak ammo when i looked to see up to 10 or more army soldiers heading out from the outpost to me, i did what i could to take them on but with limited ammo fled to the stalker camp....

well shiT!!! they followed me, to the south of the camp they came taking up position on the small hill looking into the camp, my fellow stalkers, 3 experienced stalkers including wolf and the rest of the rookie stalkers began to engage them, we were getting torn apart, i had taken up position in the central house in the series of houses to the south. All around i could hear the screams of the young inexperienced stalkers going down...

they had tried to engage at close range with their pistols and sawn-offs but were ripped into by the military's aks. I saw a growing number of orange dots indicating living stalkers turning grey, i looked to the north of the village and noticed the 3 more experienced stalkers including wolf firing controlled bursts from their aks...but it was doing no good, i had no ammo for my ak as i cowered in the destroyed house, then i suddenly got my nades, all 7 of them and began hurling them at the small hill where the military where firing on us from...

all i could see was the muzzle flash of their aks from behind the bushes. With each grenade that went off i could see on my minimap red dots turning to grey, the first nade took out atleast 3 army guys, each one after that killed or wounded atleast 1 more, i peeked out from behind cover to see my final one explode and illuminate the surrounding area sending 1 soldier flying.

The battle waged into the night, i could see the shadows created by wolf's flashlight to the south of me, he and his two fellow more experienced stalkers were still enagaging the reinforcing soldiers, i dared to move outside only to be confronted by a military soldier, he fired a burst from his ak wounding me only for a rookie stalker to blow him away at close range with his sawn-off, i took cover and checked the mini-map, i could see more orange dots appearing, REINFORCEMENTS from north were coming, in ones and twos. We had defeated the military in this battle, i then quicksaved and came here to tell the story :p

now i will go back to see who survived and those that werent so lucky

Seems there is a patch out but only for the russain version:

You can translate that page via google(it's german) if you'd like to read it.

the changelong is in PDF format(you can get it at the site above), copy the info and drop it into a translater.

Seems theres around 60 different things.
-Many are online stuff
-Yes there are performance improvements
-Many text fixes
-Fixed Quick Save/Load Bug
-Saved games wont work with new version.
jimbo, awesome story man!!

Gunner, if you're out there, thanks again. Your suggestion cured my ills. I can now use my iron sites. I'm grateful.

I just fought my way into the zone with the Agropop facility or whatever it's called. Big battle looming. I did it well the first time only to be killed by the last guy. Figures. Can't wait to do it again. Later all.
Saved games won't work with new version :O

ahh I hate that. The last game I played where old saved games didn't work was Quake 2.
LOL, wtf, incompatible save games, that's just plain dumb.

And the last time I saw it was in Kingpin.
I guess so.....
From the (translated to english via google) change log file:

Saved games Saved games from previous versions will not work after installing updates.
That sucks... Well I could always correct the mistakes I made first time through..

This game is awesome though...the world is always changing and evolving.

Once I was assigned by wolf to go kill some bandits, went to go find him up by the military warehouses to get my reward, and found his dead body in one of the fire pits. First quest I failed :-\

And I hate the invisible ****ers.... I killed some freedom folks in an abandoned town, and walked in further. That's when I noticed that there were no more troops, no creeps, nothing. Seconds later I'm surrounded by 6 blood suckers. Ran like hell.

This game is amazing...so many stories I could tell. There's so much to do and I haven't even entered the zone itself yet.
I just went underground for the first time. Oh man, scarryyy.
Im surprisingly not pissed about the save files not working actually. I wouldnt even mind starting over completely. The game is so damn fun.

It might also have something to do with the fact that I just entered the secret lab, and am too ****ing spineless to go forward. I was walking around down there, and some freaking creepy mutant jumped out of some fire, creepy crawled towards me, lept up to the ceiling and attacked me. I literally said "WHAT THE ****?!?!" and couldnt even shoot because I was so scared. I just hit escape and quit.
I had trouble finding the family rifle too. Hint: The empty chest you found is probably the one directly above it. Look underground. Also keep an eye out for the SEVA suit in that same area, it will help a lot in your adventures.

SEVA suit kicks ass :D

And yeah, is there an underground tunnel or something where the rifle is? Because i'm stuck on that one too.
SEVA suit kicks ass :D

And yeah, is there an underground tunnel or something where the rifle is? Because i'm stuck on that one too.

Yeah, there is a tunnel that goes underneath. You should find it in a big red crate. Its just laying around, and its actually a shotgun, not a rifle.
Which suit is the SEVA suit ? I had the Stalker suit, but since came across a duty suit in the lab that you visit prior to going to X18, which has slightly better attributes than the stalker suit, and seems to do a pretty good job of protecting from gunfire. Also got hold of the scope, which i currently have equipped to Strelok's AK74, and also picked up the AK74 with grenade launcher attachment. Might have a look for that desert eagle that was mentioned on the prior page. Loving this game so far, so much better than anything i've played of late. A little concerned about meeting more mutant creatures in the near future though, i'm not one for scary things, they make me jump xD
I assume you guys have patched with the new patch? If not, it ruins your previous savegames if you update, but it's worth it, it fixes a TON of flaws and rebalances the game heavily.:D
Just gave multi a shot.

It's pretty good I spose. It's neat how as you progressively gain levels (mercenary, experienced mercenary, etc etc) they start giving you better guns.

Only got to the .45 before I left though :\

And can somebody tell me if X18 is really that scary? Because right now, i'm putting off the mission because i'm too scared to go out and do it :(

BTW, does anybody know if changing difficulty in the middle of a save does anything? I changed my current one from Novice to Stalker, as I was finding Novice a bit too easy, and Stalker doesn't seem any harder : /
oh i dont know if i wanna patch it :/

anyway continuing on from the battle lastnight...

i counted just under 20 corpses in the stalker village, mostly rookie stalkers, outside the village on the hill was up to 10 more military dead, the place was littered with the dead,

left alive was 6 more stalkers, 1 was nimble, throughout the entire battle nimble cowered in the house he sleeps in. i could hear his whimpers as i passed by it. After the battle he went back to sleep and seemed to be having nightmares..

i was able to save 1 stalker, a rookie, i found him in one of the houses lying wounded, i gave him a medpack and he was saved he shows up as a green icon on my map now...

after this i headed down to the military outpost, 3 soldiers were there, it was still night, thunder and lighting, the flashes lighted up the environment, i killed 2 soldiers and then headed into the main building, i soldier was still engaging me and another reinforced from the barracks.

i killed one and then the second got the jump on me, he had flanked me and came up behind me, he nearly killed me but i managed to unload into him with my ak, he flew back into the fire in the building and went up in flames, his corpse still lies in the fire now...

i looted the outpost and found a secure briefcase, i cant open it and have no idea what is inside. I checked my statistics and noted i had killed the military captain of the outpost. I headed back to the stalker village, it was morning, there were atleast 13 stalkers now in the camp. i traded and then began walking to the garbage...
I might patch it since im not too far into it yet, even though the game ran fine after I changed one thing.

The AI kicks my ass D:. I remember first entering that Frist Agropoperoswhatever research thing to get the documents, Tried a bunch of stratigies only to have the guys flank me every god damn time. Eventually I ran into a house, and even that was hard because they would send 4 or 5 guys in at once so if I had to reload and there were atleast 2 left I was pretty much screwed >_>
I've played a good 8-9 hours so far, so i'm not sure i want to go with the patch tbh. I think i may complete it as it is and then patch it and go through it again at a later date.
Anyone who has patched, what are the balance issues? Are they singleplayer issues?
Yup, money is 1. Harder to get now and 2. Everything costs more 3. The respawning loot(medkits and the like on corpses) is gone.:)
There's probably more I haven't noticed.
Okay after I found out that the saved games are fixed and that the pistols actually kill people now I decided to say forget the saved games I'm downloading the patch. Now to try and see if it was worth it >.>
So, does the patch decrease load times at all? Heh, probably a silly question, but oh well.
As far as I can tell, the performance and load times are still the same.

The lighting options have been fixed though, they now all work as they should.

But the memory leak bug is still there - Before and after comparisons showing fps difference when typing vid_restart in the console every time the game slows down:

Traders actually sell useful stuff now. I bought a viper from the first one...now I'm saving up for a good suit.
Err, can someone tell me where I can download the "Digital Download" patch for Stalker? That link several posts up said that I would need to download a separate patch if I d/l from Direct2Drive.

shit shit, you can't open previous game save ?

that means only one thing.... is to restart the game from the beginning
Could someone kindly direct me to where the Lab in the NPP is located. I'm in the Sarcophagus but I might of taken a wrong turn.
Well I already beat the game, so I'm just gonna install the patch anyway and see what happens...
damn the garbage is bandit central, i was in the junk yard with bes and defeated the raid and killed the bandit leader but when looting corses the yard was attacked from the east, he got killed so i was able to get his silenced ak, but geez the bandits constantly attack, there must be over 30 corpses around the perimeter...