SDK soon yay!

Im not sure what to think of this but i kinda regret hype machine is starting again cuse now i gotta keep up with the Hl2 world you know what i mean right?
I sure can, I didn't bother before because I saw another alot like it but here ya go :)

Hi Mark,

The docs aren't quite finished yet, but I'll send them to you as soon as they are ready. I'll also add you to the SDK list so you get more info on the SDK as soon as it's ready.

Rick Ellis

From: Mark Jones [mailto:***********]
Sent: Thursday, December 25, 2003 8:07 AM
To: Gabe Newell
Subject: Just wondering..

Any chance of getting the documentation for the HL2/Source SDK or map editor for sometime this Christmas is there!?

These holidays are a perfect time for me/other people to learn some of the things needed to make our mods come alive come release.

Hope you have a nice break

Atleast here is the screenshot of the email I got! :)


  • sdk.JPG
    96.1 KB · Views: 328
CrazyHarij said:

Nice avvie BTW, Ray_MAN ! Spider-Man r0xx0rs!
Cool! Another fan of Spidey. I took that pic of him at Toys R Us in Times Square.
Spiffae said:
I don't know Sharp, but i trust ray_man. Yes!
Yay! I am trusted.
this is so people can created mods, correct? :sniper: :angel: :dozey: :flame: :naughty: :smoking: :monkee: :) :sniper:
I think i can feel the hype machine rising from its grave. :smoking:
Lavrik said:
I think i can feel the hype machine rising from its grave. :smoking:

What do you mean the Hype machine? Where's the hype?
Its getting closer and closer to release date..New year newer to Sdk.woot! cant wait
Yes, and the game is also comming out "soon"....

Lets hope this "soon" is in the proximity of days, not months.. :cat:
Ragdoll physics = Hitman 1 was the creator.

No. Ragdoll physics are older than some of you might think. I've seen a Playstation (1) game with ragdoll physics.
Top Secret said:
No. Ragdoll physics are older than some of you might think. I've seen a Playstation (1) game with ragdoll physics.

what game? Now you make my curious! :)
Trepasser had ragdoll physics. I remember there was a big thread about ragdoll physics a while ago. But now im curious, what playstation game had ragdoll physics?
I wouldn't expect to see either the SDK or the full game for at least a couple of months... But we're definitely on the home stretch.
Also, I swear that one of the Marvel Vs. Capcom games had ragdoll, or maybe it was the fact I was drunk nearly everytime I played it.
That 2D stick man game had ragdoll physics and that was released years ago.
eaah yeah so back on topic...

about damn time for some good news!

...but I think the word soon means something diffrent than we all think..

Ah well... maybe in 3 months :\
Atog006 said:
Dave Mirra Frestyle BMX had em too.

yeah, Final Fight for the SNES had it too, enemies always bounce of the ground when falling
Top Secret said:
Thrasher: Skate and Destroy

LOL that game was awesome,just for the fact that everytime u fell ur body would get twisted around in so many impossible and just stupid looking ways...and youd like flail around for 30 secs before u stopped.
assuming this actually pans out... Hurray!

But my main question is, what exactly is going to BE in the SDK. Surely it won't be like the first one and include all the models, textures, etc... It'd be kind o' silly to release all o' that stuff before the game is officially released :p. (or am I completely mis-remembering the original sdk? I can't remember if that stuff was included or if you had to unpack the games files... )

And is there going to be any way to test your creations before the game is out? Or do you just code away for a few months, and do all your debugging at the end? :D
no probably no models or textures with the sdk, all those will be on the game cd, it would be stupid to keep so secretive about the game and the characters, and story then release an early sdk with all the models and characters there.
Ownzed said:
wtf is SDK?

Software Developers Kit

its a package of tools to make mods etc.

It mostly contains Hammer (to make maps etc.), 3D programm (to make models and animations etc.) and lots of docs and resources :)
Triscuit said:
assuming this actually pans out... Hurray!

But my main question is, what exactly is going to BE in the SDK. Surely it won't be like the first one and include all the models, textures, etc... It'd be kind o' silly to release all o' that stuff before the game is officially released :p. (or am I completely mis-remembering the original sdk? I can't remember if that stuff was included or if you had to unpack the games files... )

And is there going to be any way to test your creations before the game is out? Or do you just code away for a few months, and do all your debugging at the end? :D
I wrote rick an e-mail to this effect yesterday... I'm assuming he'll get back to me on monday.
I'm guessing Rick hasn't got back to you yet, Spiffae? ^_^

Either way, this is still offically a rumor until we get word otherwise, so it wouldn't be the best idea telling each and everyone you know.
jheaddon said:
Rick Ellis is good for replying to emails, usually does to mine in 20 minutes or so after sending (if we're both online at same time that is due to timezones)

I got two from him on newyears eve and one on boxing day so hes obviously checking a lot

Feath said:
Did he say anything interesting?

/me points to the Valve Info Thread.

(Sorry, I just want all the information I can get my hands on)

A few things, mostly about Steam, nothing HL2 or SDK(HL2) related.

Said i wouldn't forward on the Steam stuff though, sorry :)
Top Secret said:
Thrasher: Skate and Destroy

Erghhhhh.... I thought I'd forgotten that game and it's evil, evil music... and gameplay that was about as fun as bursting your nutsack and its contents with a swift blow from a fiery anvil.

I'll never play a skating game ever again. It became tedious about 2 levels into Tony Hawk 1 on the PS1 about 6 years ago. Or was it 7 years ago? I can't remember now.