Serenity (Firefly) Trailer

Oh, ok. I thought he meant it was like switching randomly to the secondary subtitled languages. :D
Wait, didn't I see this movie on SciFi recently? Or is that what they are remaking?
Thats the show that the movie comes from. Sci-Fi just started showing it.
I just purchased the DVD set of all the episodes. I meant to watch it when it first aired but missed the first few episodes and eventually the whole season.
chu said:
I just purchased the DVD set of all the episodes. I meant to watch it when it first aired but missed the first few episodes and eventually the whole season.
I didn't have the Sci-Fi channel when it first aired so I've only been watching odd repeats here and there. I've seen the trailer for the Movie remake of the first episode, and me being a fan of Joss Whedons Buffy/Angel (though not a dedicated fan) will consider seeing it. I might also buy the first series on DVD
Actually, didn't it first air on Fox? I think Sci-Fi just picked it up.
Scifi airs the show every friday around 6 or 7 pm est. or you can use bit torent
Direwolf said:
Actually, didn't it first air on Fox? I think Sci-Fi just picked it up.
Yes, and yes. Fox is famous for chopping off the heads of their shows before they can grow legs.
I intend to buy the Firefly series on DVD before watching this. I honestly don't know much about it, but I've heard great things and Whedon truly is a talented man. I was a fan of Buffy, so I might as well give this a shot.
Absinthe said:
I intend to buy the Firefly series on DVD before watching this. I honestly don't know much about it, but I've heard great things and Whedon truly is a talented man. I was a fan of Buffy, so I might as well give this a shot.

Get it. I just got all the episodes even though I've never seen it, but I'm a Whedon fan. It's a really good and fun show. (I'm also getting the new collector's edition of Buffy when that comes out in November.)
I have seen all of them. Easily one of the best sci-fi shows ever. I thought it wasn't going to be all that great until I saw it. It is a whole lot different than anything I have seen on TV. If you haven't seen all of the episodes, GO SEE THEM NOW. You won't be able to leave your TV until you are done watching all of them, they are simply amazing.
I'm watching them all for a 2nd time now. After that I will watch all of them with commentary and watch all of the deleted scenes.
Direwolf said:
Oh wow, started watching myself. I'm obsessed.

Whedon series do that to you. Buffy? Obsessed. Angel? Ditto. Firefly? Once more, with feeling.
I've just started watching and... Oh God, I think I'm gonna go through them all in one night. Err... I mean, until morning. Then I'll watch 'em again.

Whedon's shows always have a particular vibe to them. For instance, take Buffy. That's a show I thought I would never find myself watching. It looked like something I'd actively avoid. Then I accidentally saw a few episodes and got hooked. Admittedly, I felt kind of gay at first, but then I really grew to appreciate how strong the show actually was.
Same sorta dig with Firefly. Minus the feeling gay part.
Absinthe said:
I've just started watching and... Oh God, I think I'm gonna go through them all in one night. Err... I mean, until morning. Then I'll watch 'em again.

Whedon's shows always have a particular vibe to them. For instance, take Buffy. That's a show I thought I would never find myself watching. It looked like something I'd actively avoid. Then I accidentally saw a few episodes and got hooked. Admittedly, I felt kind of gay at first, but then I really grew to appreciate how strong the show actually was.
Same sorta dig with Firefly. Minus the feeling gay part.

You have no idea how hard I've tried to get people into, say, Buffy. Everyone is always like "Pft, Buffy? That show is lame." and that's always because they've never seen it. Then I show them eps like "The Body", "Doppelgangland", and, yes, "Once More, with Feeling" and that's it. They want more.
I just can't wait till the 30th when serenity comes out. I am dying to find out more about all of the character, there are so many loose ends. River, inara and mal, book especially. I want to know more about why a shepherd knows so much about crime, what is his history? Simon and Kaylee as well, what happens with them? Ahh! I hope serenity ties it all together well because there are so many loose ends the series left off with!
It is my theory that Booke is ex-special forces or some sort of military. Imo, its the only logical explaination. The only way we'll know for sure is if they start making new episodes, so here's to hoping the movie brings this about.
I was thinking he was spec ops as well. However, the alliance let him get medical help and that really mixes things up. If he is so valuable to the alliance then if mal finds out wouldn't he give him the boot? In any case, I want to find out how it all unravels.
They would keep him for the same reason they would keep Inara. If Booke can allow them to board an alliance cruiser, get free medical attention, and leave without incident, then there is very good reason to keep Booke, even if he has had alliance connections.
Gah! I just finished watching the series and I'm so unbelievably pissed off that this show got canned. This is a prime example of corporate ****tards not knowing quality when it slaps them in the face, other examples being The Tick and Family Guy (when it first got the boot until FOX realized it was a cash cow).

I hope the Serenity movie succeeds wildly. I hope that that establishes itself as commercially viable and the series is picked up again. Whedon's baby is full of so much potential.
Its a little old for my time, but did the Tick really get canned that fast?

And Fox is famous for pulling this sort of thing. Its there dollars and willingness to take initial chances that get these things actually made (thanks for that at least), but they have a horrible talent for cutting stuff of the schedule before it has a chance.

But, with so many recent bloody noses because of this (Family Guy, Futurama, Firefly, etc) I might guess that they may change their process.
Yeah the Tick got cancelled after all of about 4 episodes I believe. Maybe not that few, but it was a pitiful amount.
I think they had more than four episodes, but I can't blame people for not knowing any better considering the way Fox handled it. They completely switched around the episode order and constantly changed its airing time (but always at times of decreased viewership, like Friday/Saturday nights). Unless you dedicated energy into watching it, you had no idea what Hell was going on. This is all on top of the fact that they had filmed it all a year before it aired, but Fox held it back for an obscenely long time. By the time episodes started running, many involved were already moving on to different projects. They basically had their legs cut off before they could even stand.

They completely watered down the animated series as well, trying to turn it into a kid's show.

God I hate Fox.
Going to see the movie on the 27th (next Tuesday). Can't wait. :D

Joss = teh pwn
Snakebyte said:
Going to see the movie on the 27th (next Tuesday). Can't wait. :D

Joss = teh pwn

QFTUE. Joss makes the best shows on TV. And hopefully movies.
OCybrManO said:
Am I the only one that is not even remotely interested?

Yes. Yes, you are. Everyone posting here (except for you) is freaking fascinated.
That trailer and the TV spots look like crap, IMO... particularly the acting, lines, and what I can gather of the plot. Is there something within or beyond the trailer that is supposed to inspire me? If so, I'm just not seeing it. What, exactly, makes it special?
A sense of humor? :D
Nah, really its just entertaining as all heck.
OCybrManO said:
That trailer and the TV spots look like crap, IMO... particularly the acting, lines, and what I can gather of the plot. Is there something within or beyond the trailer that is supposed to inspire me? If so, I'm just not seeing it. What, exactly, makes it special?

Really, I would attribute Firefly's (and hence Serenity's) specialness to the chemistry of the cast. If you have never seen Firefly, then you probably wouldn't pick up on how the trailers and clips show this.
Yeah, the series is what got me excited. I didn't think much of the movie until I watched the show.

You really should try to see the series if you can. Hopefully it will let you in on the excitement. The universe, the characters, and the chemistry between the crew is damn good.
The movie looks like crap unless you have seen firefly...then you will be obsessed.
Absinthe said:
Yeah, the series is what got me excited. I didn't think much of the movie until I watched the show.

You really should try to see the series if you can. Hopefully it will let you in on the excitement. The universe, the characters, and the chemistry between the crew is damn good.

I finally got around to watching it last night. I watched the first seven episodes and now I am pissed. :angry:

I am pissed because I want more and I know that I have only a few episodes left and then it's overwith. ;(
Glirk Dient said:
The movie looks like crap unless you have seen firefly...then you will be obsessed.

am I the only one that never heard anything about the Series?

how much is the box and whAT exsactly is it about?
Since when can River do kung-fu....?

It looks cool, but I enjoyed the tight shots and blurry lens look from the show.
Dalamari said:
Since when can River do kung-fu....?

It looks cool, but I enjoyed the tight shots and blurry lens look from the show.

I was watching the series and wondering when she was going to break it out. :rolling: